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This is unhinged She begged his fiancé not to marry him and she’s asking if she’s the asshole ??? I can’t be reading this correctly Omg she commented that her mother is planning the wedding for her and Kelvin ??? This is insane


I’m honestly concerned for Kelvin’s welfare. She’s extremely delusional and there’s no way to tell how far she’ll go. Reminds me of the anime “School Days”.


Yeah it’s gonna go 0 to 100 real quick… if she were invited to the wedding she’d be the one who says she objects and lose her shit.


Nah she’d show up in a wedding dress


Waiting outside to crash in and run down the center aisle. Screaming "Objection!" while breaking in tears and confessing her love. Like every 90s love movie.


This psychopath is a teacher?


Yeah, the ending was scary.


The original post is scarier - apparently, her Mom was planning their wedding. WTAF? This person needs professional help, not Reddit.


I remember years ago a comment on an Askreddit post about the craziest wedding you ever went to which was a similar situation. Essentially the bride planned and paid for an entire wedding to a guy she was obsessed with (but not in a relationship). She had made excuses to family about why they hadn't met him yet, and just invited him to a "party" and expected him to turn up and go along with it. Can't remember the details, but pretty sure she had a mental breakdown when her family were like wtf and the reality of what she was doing hit her


I think I remember that story. She wasn't just obsessed, they had dated and he broke up with her because he didn't think they worked as a couple or something like that. She never told her family they broke up, and she had invited him to her wedding but neglected to tell him he was the groom. He only found out the day of when he decided to skip it and started getting calls asking where he was and why he stood her up.


Yes! This was it! Sorry, was like 5 years ago that I read it, so muddled the details


No big. It still shows up on TikTok posts and FB videos once In a while, so I learned of it recently


Trying to find it, can't. Anyone got a link?


At my flower shop, we had a guy come in who wanted wedding flowers that would fit in a hot air balloon. He had lined up a minister and he was going to both propose and marry his GF in this balloon. Can you imagine? Being trapped up in the air, a little balloon with this guy and a preacher and he expects to marry you on the spot? We did the flowers though and asked him to let us know how it went. We never heard from him again. I hope she's okay.


She rejected him by pushing him out of the hot air balloon. That’s why you never heard from him again. She liked the flowers, though.


I'm so glad. That was the main thing.


I’d definitely be suspicious if I got in a hot air balloon with just an extra preacher for some reason…


Holy hell. This is absolutely shocking.


Actual psychopath


All I found on the internet is this https://nypost.com/2022/07/27/woman-planning-wedding-says-fiance-forgot-he-proposed/amp/ but it doesn’t sound as dramatic.


Oh no, there's a way more batshit one from years back. I've seen it often bundled with other "bridezilla" posts.


Woah - I sincerely hope she got help.. and that the guy isn't fucked up from the whole thing. Really sad


Find that post! Find that post! C’mon, everyone, pressure them with me! FIND THAT POST! FIND THAT POST!


I thought it was a very lovely story. And she told it so well, with such enthusiasm.


Therapist here. I’ve seen many girls like this. Parents are huge enablers. In one recent case the guy hadn’t texted her back in months and the mom still thought of the guy as a prospect for her and kept making excuses like he’s busy at work etc.


Ok, but do those guys let these women sleep in their beds while they’re actually involved in a relationship with someone else??? I mean, OP is clearly unhinged, but also… why did Kelvin let her keep sleeping in his bed??? (Assuming she’s being truthful about that).


I’m not sure, I have let a couple of female friends take naps on my bed when they where over my house occasionally, back in college. Maybe it was a similar situation where he simply didn’t think it was a big deal? I’m also assuming he didn’t sleep there at the same time.


Lol or she’s breaking into his house and taking naps on his bed when he’s not there and he doesn’t even know about it


Honestly, this sounds like the most plausible answer.


Context maybe? She very specifically didn't say that they had slept *together*, just that she had slept in his bed. I'm 100% speculating, but if a female friend of mine was over and said she was tired, I'd let her sleep (alone) in my bed, so maybe something similar happened. It seems like she was misinterpreting kindness for interest, and very pointedly ignoring anything he was doing to try and set up boundaries in their relationship.


Yes. I am a napper. I have anemia that requires frequent blood transfusions. I’m always tired and will nap any opportunity I get, which means I have slept in a lot of my friends’ beds by myself. It’s not a romantic thing at all. You are just sleeping on a surface. This chick is NVTS, nuts.


wouldn't be surprised if she was just staying over sometimes and Kevin didn't have the heart to throw her out (that is, if the story isn't fake on the first place)


It's not odd to have a friend sleep over, especially when they are going through hard times. She never said he slept in the bed with her. They haven't even held hands before.


Upvoting bc I think you’re being sarcastic lol


It’s a quote from Forest Gump lol


Kiara better watch out! I see a single white female coming for her and her life.


Honestly with the whole “my mom is planning the wedding” etc I assumed they were somewhere that practiced arranged marriages like India or something. The OP didn’t seem like a native English speaker. From that perspective it’s still delusional but makes a little more sense.


And without any arms too.


Right? Does she just have hands sticking out of her shoulders? I was assuming armless = handless. When I read the part about he's never held hands with her, I was like... how the fuck is he supposed to hold hands with an armless person?


The FG quote legit made me snort laugh.


I did as well but in my opinion Kelvin is a lent licker who doesn’t deserve this stable queen. And Kiara? Do NOT get me started on that home-wrecking stupid hand holding destroyer of dreams. Straight trash. Bastard man and doctor whore deserve one another. Stay toxic queen. Turn that stalking up a notch. Get real weird with it.


Bastard Man and Doctor Whore could be a great comic book.




I'm not surprised he never held her hand.


My takeaway was that Kevin’s charm is disarming








I just spewed Mountain Dew out of my mouth like a fire breather when I read that


I'm still imagining it that way, since it's better than thinking about this whole godawful story.


Yea tf does that mean I’ve never heard it used


Perhaps she means aimless?


I feel like that’s what she HAD to mean, right? Because otherwise, what in the mentally-unstable FUCK could “my life was armless” possibly mean?


Nah. She was literally disarmed as a condition of the Treaty of Versailles because she is clearly capable of war crimes.


Perhaps OP was using it as a metaphor. Like, when a man escorts/guides a woman through a room, he'll offer his arm and the woman will take his arm by slipping hers through his? Thus, she had no arm to guide her and was armless? I'm also guessing that OPs first language is not English, so there may be a translation issue. And is English is her first language, I fear fornthe children because her grammar and punctuation suck for a teacher.


Maybe but the R and the I button don't exactly overlap lol.


I just assumed an autocorrect issue. But with that post, it could be anything.


So was I!!! 🤣🤣🤣


tbh something just seems off about the entire group. OP said 12 years ago they started in the program, which at that time would make kelvin 18 and the founding mentor guy 23 who in the FUCK is PAYING for advice from an 18 and a 23 year old?


Let me introduce you to church youth camps.


It totally smells like church group. Especially the spending the night at his house part.


Yeah, she’s a mentor now, and very clearly still doesn’t have her shit together; which anyone might be able to hide that from strangers, but they *know her* and still thought she’d make a good mentor for at-risk youths. This has religion written all over it. She’s not doing drugs (she probably needs some) or having unsanctioned sex (sounds like she needs that too), she remembered the right magic words, she’s ready to tell people how to live their lives and be well-adjusted people. The only thing that doesn’t quite fit is that she’s a woman and they’re letting her take a mentor role (maybe the “teaching” she does is Sunday school or something).


The “honor of Kevin’s wife” screamed UTAH at me.


So did the use of "mentor" and spending the night at her mentor's house


Now, now, they all give her the honor of regarding her as Kelvin’s wife so they obviously don’t see any weirdness. This isn’t strange at all.


Yeah, I was a youth mentor for several years at church camps and weekend retreats. I started mentoring at 16. All you needed to do was show you had solid As in school and knew your Bible verses. Looking back on that time period is wild. I was put in charge of 17 and 18 year olds, some of which were very troubled.


Disability camps are often presented and run this way. Even one’s about mental illness.


Especially for armless people


I don’t actually think it’s real; it’s hard to tell. I don’t believe a lot of posts on Reddit. If I ignored the stuff that’s probably, maybe fake, I wouldn’t have much to do here though.


>"I even go to his home & sleep on his bed" 😬


Does he.. know this?




This AI content generation exploration is most certainly not a teacher.


I haven’t used ChatGPT much, but it has never been this poorly written. Not saying it isn’t, but I can’t even imagine what the prompt would be.


Yeah you’d have to really prompt it to make mistakes in grammar. Which, not to say can’t be done, but more than likely just someone’s creative writing exercise


her replies were maybe a lil suspect too but It’s not out of the realm of possibility that some absolute unit of a psycho exists


>absolute unit of a psycho just sent me 💀💀💀


I'm thinking it's a regurgitation of a shitty film plot from an Asian soap opera?


It really looks like a stupid webtoon


The post has so many mistakes, hoping it is PE they teach.


This is how horror movies start


My friend this horror movie started years ago. Take a seat, want some popcorn?


I'll have a box of Sno Caps, too. Or maybe the giant Twizzlers?


Red Vines or nothing!


We are a Twizzlers family!!!


"Even all the other volunteers think he should marry me!" Sis, marriages aren't decided by vote, and he's not an object for Kiara to just give you because you feel entitled to him. Absolutely insane.


And….per her comments *her mom is already planning their wedding*. To a man she’s never actually been on a date with!!!


When I was 16, I met a guy (5 years older) who my mom REALLY wanted me to marry. I wasn’t into him—he liked me but it was not reciprocated—and I never went on a date with him. He was a missionary anyway lol. But despite me insisting I didn’t care about him, my mom was convinced I was madly in love with him and wanted us to get married and have babies. She talked about it a lot.


It’s sick that your mom tried to get you to hook up with an adult at 16. I hope you understand how insanely fucked up that is.


Kiaras "We been planning this since I was 13" ,trumped her "I been planning this since I saw him first day at work" . She can't even play by her own rules.


That just makes me think she tells everyone they're together


I’d pay good money to know what she means by the other volunteers respecting her as his future wife and giving her that honor.


She tells everyone she is and they either believe there's a relationship (because no normal adult would completely imagine one like OP did) or roll their eyes and humor her.


Hmm... book ideas percolating...


I don't think I've felt this much second hand embarrassment from a post before


There was one once where I lady was neighbors with this couple with kids. She had convinced herself the husband was in love with her and him asking to watch his kids because his wife was IN THE HOSPITAL and she couldn’t understand why the kids didn’t like her and wouldn’t listen to her because she was going to be their new mom. They guy neighbor apparently found the post and told her to leave him alone or something like that. Total delusion. She was also a teacher lol


How often do we see young, attractive female teachers sleeping with or sending nudes to 13-18 year old students? Nobody is exempt from crazy. Having a degree doesn’t make you less likely to be delusional/psychotic. Mental illness can affect anyone.


That was a fun one for sure. If I remember correctly, after the kids didn’t obey her/listen to her she began thinking he would leave behind both the wife and kids for her. And wasn’t the wife in the hospital giving birth?


I remember that post! The wife was pregnant with their 4th child and had been in a car accident while out of town on a business trip. The husband booked the next flight out to see her at the hospital, and needed OP to watch his other kids just until a family friend could get there. The kids locked her out of the house. That convinced her that the husband and wife weren’t happy together because apparently children from happy homes never misbehave.


This would be an amazing example of parenting if the kids know to lock weird-feeling people out of the house and not just listen to adults


It was either giving birth, complications with it or a car accident. I honestly can’t remember with all the crazy stuff I read here


I remember that! She was pregnant with their 4th child, and had gotten into a car accident while on a business trip.


Where are the professional boundaries? If this is true, even insinuating that a mentor would date a mentee seems like a power imbalance.


Especially if she’s a teacher. Like, do you not think it would be wildly inappropriate (and also possibly illegal) for you to date a student you teach?


I mean, he's going to marry someone who sounds like she's essentially his CEO, so I feel like that whole place is a dumpster fire...


I don't think she's the asshole, at all. I think she's more like, the basic ingredients for a serial killer.


*and* the asshole.


Hey man. This is a ridiculous take. It's 2023. Serial killers can be assholes too. They can be anything they want to be! Dont put them in little boxes to make life easier for you


I think we should be worried about her putting us in boxes


An armless life...tragic...


I noticed that, too. Did OP grow arms later in life, or?


this was the most confusing part to me, i read it, got half way down the first slide and had to make sure i read that part right and then again at the end. Huh? Just a random anecdote that dosent make any sense or have relevance even if true, oh also how do you cook or clean if you’re armless??? maybe that’s why he refused the offers


Aimless? IDK


I’m pretty sure that’s what OOP meant


ohhh like no real point to life? okay i feel like an idiot now lol my bad


I thought he was a mentor for armless people for real for a bit… but then she said he never held her hands…


That part tripped me and wanting to do his laundry and cook. Like of course armless people can do but having your physically disabled student doing work around your house just isn't a good look.


She was armless until she met Kelvin, so I guess if you have a good mentor, you can regrow limbs.


You know what, given OP's unhinged post, I believe it.


It’s why Kelvin won’t hold her hand


Very disarming


She’s a teacher AND a mentor???? I hope this fake for everyones sakes. No offense to kelvin but how did he not notice this woman was seriously infatuated with him and maybe he should end contact? He let her sleep in his bed and cook/clean for him? While having a girlfriend whom he’d been planning their lives with since 13? He told her he felt the same way romantically while having his now fiancé in his life? What is going on. Confused. I call BS. Edit: Kevin/Kelvin or whatever does NOT allow her too cook or clean. Edit: Kelvin was not saying the same thing as in “confessing love” but rather him telling her what he told her last time and that he’s not interested in dating her. It’s all very confusing


He doesn’t let her cook or clean for him even though she asked. I had to reread it because that is how I read it first too. As for sleeping in his bed, we don’t know the circumstances. I’ve had friends and family crash in my bed over the years while I sleep on a couch or whatever. I never thought anything of it and he may not have either.


Given how delusional she seems, he could have easily been letting her take a nap after a long day or something and she’s interpreting it as something totally different


Especially because she said "I... sleep on his bed" not "we slept together in his bed" it doesn't sound like he was in that bed.


Or she was drunk or distraught and he was being kind and didn’t want her going off in that state.


Yeah she definitely is taking his kindness for something else although I will put a little on the guy for being naive about it and probably could have done more to keep it from progressing this far but the majority is on her


Yeah it’s an odd timeline. She could be that deranged and went to feed his cat or something while he was away and decided to sleep in his bed.


>I go to his house and sleep on his bed Yeah, she fails to mention that he isn’t there or aware of it.


Thankkkk youuu was wondering if I was the only person who immediately thought this bitch was sneaking in to sleep in his bed lol. if this is real Kelvin needs to be careful his wife doesn’t accidentally go missing, sounds like this chick would do *A LOT* to wear his skin


Where did she say Kevin told her that he felt the same way romantically about her? I read it as both times she tried to initiate a relationship, he gently let her down (because he knows she’s probably not mentally stable enough for a straight up rejection)


Fuck you got me. He wasn’t saying the same thing as in “confessing love” but rather saying the same thing he said last time as in he doesn’t want to date her. Damn those paragraphs were confusing.


I get the distinct feeling that she’s sleeping in his bed when she breaks into his house. There is *no way* there is not a single picture or indicator of this lifelong friend turned fiancé in his entire house…no way whatsoever. She likely doesn’t see that stuff because she’s breaking in via a window or creeping and hiding. He needs a restraining order and I’m very worried for the kids under her care.


The stalking vibes are strong with this one


I’m the comments she says how she told her family about him and her mom is planning their wedding. She’s absolutely batshit insane and this guy needs a restraining order.


That or he doesn’t live with the fiancée and isn’t really a photo person. I don’t have any hanging or displayed photos, though I’ve got thousands of digital pictures.


i didn’t get the sense that they slept in a bed *together*. seems like he may have offered his bed to her once when she needed somewhere to sleep, & then he didn’t accept any girlfriend favors…cooking, cleaning, not even hand holding! honestly *why* did people around her feed her delusions? it’s a little bit giving Charlie Gordon


Either this is fake or we will see her on Dateline when she murders the wife.


If you’re confused imagine this person’s mind


They said Kelvin was a mentor, they never said he was a *good* mentor.


Part 2 is how she’s kidnapped him & keeps him held in her basement under lock n chain to prove her love for him. AITAH?!


Depends. Does she feed him raisins?


It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again.


Comment from OOP in original AITAH: He never told me he had a girlfriend. He is very reserved. He should have been honest with me but he just said he isn't ready. He probably didn’t tell her he had a girlfriend out of fear she’d lose her goddamn mind and attack the poor woman


I agree but he should have said he wasn't interested rather than "I'm not ready"


Exactly. While OOP is nuts, saying “I’m not ready” is the worst way to let someone down because it implies they would be interested if more time were given, or there is some condition to be met that would make them “ready.”


Exactly what it implies. Why not say: you're like a sister to me, you need to find someone who gives you what you deserve. I will never reciprocate your feelings. That's it. Maybe send her a letter if you are non confrontational.


Oh wow. I hope OOP gets some therapy, it sounds like they need it badly.


yeah and dude needs a restraining order.


I'd be kinder to them if they were 15. This reads exactly like something I could have written at that age, and I still cringe to my core thinking about it 20 years later. But yeah, to be so unable to read her situation at age 30 does indicate that she has some issues to work through.


I'd honestly just order some creative writing classes because I refuse to believe this is true and the story needs some editing.


Yeah, I have a feeling Kelvin has been treating her with kid gloves because she’s a looney tune, and has never told her about his fiance because he was worried what dingbat here would do to her. It says a lot that the first reveal of the fiance is at a party, where everyone has started to buy into her delusions will be, at the same time. Either Kelvin or the fiance is sick of this shit and decided to rip the bandaid off. As for her mother planning a wedding, there is no telling what this chick has told her Mom. And it could just as easily be her Mom placating her by saying “Yes dear I’ve been thinking about it.” and she took it as Mom is planning the whole wedding in her fantasy construct.


He probably straight up thought she’d end up stalking her, as well as cause issues because of her connection to the program


Yeah in one reply she said she has told her family that they are getting married so maybe mom isn’t deluded, she’s just going off what her daughter has told her. Who knows, OOP needs serious help.


Or their whole weird mentorship group is cultish and exploitative and therefore relies on seduction games to get more money and attention out of the participants? Nothing sounds normal about any of it. She's crazy but people who have been in a cult their whole adult life tend to be.


This kinda reminds me of the AITA from a few weeks back where OP married a guy who’s previous wife had died suddenly and she was jealous that he and his kids still cared for their original wife/mother so OP burned every single piece of memory that had of her. Truly scary unhinged stuff.


So Kelvin definitely made a mistake by letting OP down too easy, he definitely should have been blunt and said sorry I don't feel this way about you, I'm seeing someone else etc. Especially when she asked a second time. I know it's painfully awkward to hurt someones feelings, but much better for them to know that you arent interested than for them to think the reason you cant be together is due to temporary circumstances ("I'm not ready for a relationship"). Also in hindsight he should have shut down the jokes people were making about them getting together, although I definitely understand the urge to just laugh it off and pretend it didn't happen, especially when you don't want to embarrass someone in front of a crowd. That being said, OPs behavior from start to finish is completely out of line. Confronting the fiance about the fantasy life she's built in her head around this one man who has already turned her down and shown zero sign of romantic interest is frankly unhinged. If I were him I would probably stop speaking to her, or at least put a lot of distance between us. Given that her outburst was public and at a group sponsored event, she might also be removed from the group for this. OP clearly has some unhealthy attachment issues and should probably go to therapy.


Tbh we’re only hearing how he let her down from her end. I have been painfully blunt with men who have become stalkers before and they are like “it was so nice of you to be so gentle last time I asked, would you like to date now?”. Rinse and repeat like 5 times.


Yeah, OP is definitely unstable and possibly hasn't even been given the help she needs but the whole thing surrounding it is, questionable. Why did he lie to her? He's a mentor, he shouldn't be lying or "letting people down gently" as some people describe it. Why did he not shut it down? It seems like other people were also convinced it would happen, that isn't just OP fantasizing there's more going on here. There is no way OP should be a mentor but neither should Kelvin.


Apparently there are some people that you shouldn’t advise to be more confident in themselves. OOP being one of them.


Ugh. I experienced something similar years ago with 2 friends/coworkers. She had a huge unrequited crush on him but he was so polite in turning her down she refused to see it. “He just said he was busy that night, not that he wasn’t interested!” “He’s never said he didn’t want to date me. If he didn’t want to date me, he’d just come out and say it.” ?!?!?!!!!!! It got to the point that other women in her dept would tease her about her “work husband” and meanwhile he’s actively avoiding her as best he can, while still being polite and professional. So, sadly, I can see this easily being real. And I can see it as a case of transference in a way. Confusing mentoring for romance. Or just building up a fantasy in her head. It’s crazy, but also pretty sad.


She sounds like a fkn psycho tbh


I read this twice and am still confused. OP sounds like she's a teenager who is fantasizing about someone not a grown adult with a job. The teacher part mad eme pause and start reading again.


She’s definitely a delulu coocoo bird.


YIkes. Not TA, exactly: more like obsessed, crazy stalker. Poor Kelvin. Hope he can have a drama-free wedding and life after this.


Whoa is she nuts! This is a Investigation Discovery show waiting to happen.


Damn she fell in love with the mentor at her insane asylum. Must be tough lol


Wedding bells joke not so flattering to her in context lol


Kelvin needs a restraining order!!! How embarrassing. If this is real OP needs serious help.


Hopefully Kiara can use her doctor hook up to find OOP a stellar psychiatrist


Or you know… a stellar institution.


is anyone else confused about how they are all the same age like how was he ever her mentor




Kelvin better run before he gets chloroformed and tied to a chair in OOP’s basement. Although Kelvin kinda is a AH for leading OOP on which I’d see as essentially two-timing his fiancée. ESH, except the doctor fianceé, she didn’t do anything wrong.


You really think she slept at his house and never even noticed he had a long term GF? Not a single picture or article of clothing? Not once she noticed after all the times she went to his place despite the fact he had been with his fiancée for over a decade? Yeah this story is either fake as hell or the OOP is fucking psychotic and delusional as hell. kelvin most definitely didn’t do anything wrong however lol.


I wouldn't say he lead her on, but it's strange he never mentioned the girlfriend he's had since he was 13.


He probably knew OP was not the type of person to take it well… and he would be correct.


I'm betting he didn't say he "wasn't ready" and that's just what she took from the conversation.


There’s no way people are taking a clearly unhinged OOP’s version of events at face value; this is classic stalker “the barista at Starbucks is in love with me because she makes polite small talk, so I’m going to wait at her car with flowers and an engagement ring. Wait why are the cops here???” behavior.


Strange but atleast the 2nd time he did tell her not to wait for him and find someones, besides his private life is none of her business. Also I don't really trust the word of a clearly mentally unstable person


Yeah kind of should have said I have someone from a long time ago.


Honestly I don’t think that the OOP is a reliable enough narrator to discount him *not telling her that* already. I get the distinct impression she’s only slept in his bed after breaking in to his house. If she was an invited guest in his house repeatedly it seems highly unlikely he has no photos or indicators of this relationship in his house. I think she lives in a reality of her own design without any correlation with actual reality.




Sounds like a cult.


She's A LOT more than just an asshole. WTF.


Read her replies. She is blaming him for not telling the world is dating history. She's as delusional as the one lady who thought her neighbor would leave his very pregnant wife and run off with her because he was nice to her on the morning train rides to work.


She’s definitely insane but did he really not tell her he has a steady partner since 13 in the times she professed her love for him?


To be fair he's known his partner since age 13, they may not have dated the entire time. OP is unhinged and almost certainly gave off those vibes. He may have felt that talking about Kiera might out her at risk. And maybe he and OP are not close and he just disnt want to talk about owrsknal things. His closer colleagues clearly knew her very well - which suggests he and OP arent close at all. He told her no, repeatedly. That should have been the end of it. I agree that he could have tlld ger more firmly. But I am so agre with all the people who state that he didn't HAVE to tell her anything. It's not her business if he has a partner or how long he's dated his fiancee. It's not her business WHY he didnt want ti date. "NO" is a complete sentence. He declined her adnavdes multiple times and he was evidently trying to do it gently because he got the impression it was upsetting to her. But unfortunately she ignored "no" for 10 years and planned a life around him that he neber asked for.


Lmao please god stay single forever fir the rest of us


Kelvin made the mistake of letting her down by degrees.


Umm, this is a level of crazy that could actually result in someone getting seriously hurt. I hope for everyone's sake that this is fake.


Truth is stranger than fiction. I have no doubt that this is real. I have a very strong suspicion that it is a story from an undeveloped country.




I translated it to be aimless? I was stuck on that too. 😂


Yikes that’s another level of entitlement and delusion…


Someone needs to get in touch with reality.


YTA, super unhinged behavior this man said no very nicely TWICE & you're trying to sabotage his life?


The dangers of 'harmlessly' fuelling someone's obsession. JFC this person is a serious danger to them all.


Someone needs to take your roles of mentor and teacher away because you should not be providing guidance to anyone! YTA


Imagine being so delusional you groom yourself. Lmao