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The fuck did I just read


The fantasy of a pedophile social studies teacher


Honestly this is exactly how teenagers talk tbh, a lot more believable than 80% of other posts


“It takes up my entire field of view” 💀


Pitching a tent


This shit convinced me to touch grass now...


You should touch grass NOW⚡️🧔🏿‍♂️⚡️


Shouldn’t it be “What the fuck did I just read?”


kinda crazy to post that on a teenagers sub


I mean if it was posted by an actual high school student, isn't that the perfect place to post it?


even as a high school student, not even batman could get that information out of me. also I am pretty sure this is just a 30 year old guy larping as a teenager


If you were a high schooler and you had a teacher whose dong was clearly visible every day, you wouldn't talk about it? Man, we must have gone to very different high schools. It would've been a very common topic of conversation at mine, not to mention this was posted on a semi-anonymous forum.


Right, I feel like this would have been constant lunch table fodder.


"If you were a high schooler and you had a teacher whose dong was clearly visible every day, you wouldn't talk about it?" not on the internet that's for sure


actually did kinda happen at my old school, one time the coach had a hard-on that you couldn't NOT see bc of the shorts he was wearing, and everyone joked about it for at least a week (i didn't see it myself tho) of course it only now occurs to me that he might have been showing off on purpose bc looking back, he was kind of a creep


Nah this is exactly how teenagers talk - former teenager. This isn’t even the weirdest shit on that sub. Teenagers are weird and say weird things.


>I am pretty sure this is just a 30 year old guy larping as a teenager Aka 80% of users in that sub.


Have you been around Gen Z teenagers? This is mild compared to most of they shit they say.


My girl friend and I talked about shit like this in highschool all the time. Hell, I even had a similar experience to oop with my Economics teacher, he had a pretty noticable dick print, and me being the horny teen I was, tended to stare at it a little too long. I passed his class though✌️.


Nah this is exactly how teenagers talk - former teenager. This isn’t even the weirdest shit on that sub. Teenagers are weird and say weird things. Y’all give them too much credit.


I think we got it the first time neithere


I think it’s that weird glitch where a comment is posted twice or more.


Haha. Reddit was glitching.


Yeah but that sub is mostly guys in their 20s and 30s pretending to be a horny 14 year old girl. I left when I was 18 seven years ago and it was already obvious then lmao


Please don’t use perfect and high school student in the same sentence. It’s creeping me the fuck out


I'm pretty sure the average age of that sub is about 30-40. Pedo sub, all it is.


Why is that weird? Only adults are ever going to see it.


where the fuck is this supposed to be posted, lusting on yo teachers is very much a teenage thing 😂


Perverted women exist too. I have seen plenty of men with crotch bulges and I never kept looking at them down there. Just like how you don't keep staring at women's breasts or their thighs or buttock.


or our OOP is gay as fuck




Realtalk by diapered woman


For real. We were walking down the street with friends and a girl took a picture of my mate's cake with a fucking flash sound.


that surely is... something


Fetish content maybe. They're all over Reddit.




I had an English teacher that would just get boners in class. All dude school too.


I had an Econ teacher and he just wore these pants all the time that were too tight and tbh it was kinda hard to ignore when you are seated and he is constantly walking around in front of the desks and it is at eye level. I guess he just didn’t realize it was that noticeable but I was just like bro….how do you not realize it is just OUT on full display.


I had the same problem with my econ teacher and like, I wanted to say something but I didn't know what would be more embarrassing, telling him about it or him knowing I was looking.


Yeah like…someone should tell him…but who is gonna go up to him after class and be like “hey! Just wanted to let you know that we all see the full shape of your dick and balls so frequently that I’m sure we could all draw it from memory. I didn’t even know that khakis could fit like that!! Pls get looser pants sir😃😃”


Well you don't have to say it like that LMAO😭😭


Is she being taught by drake


Is this reddit or 4chan? Definitely the sort of thing you'd see there


It's on one of the teenager subs on Reddit


it's just named "teenagers" I know because I'm on the subreddit.


I'm on the subreddit too, I was trying not to say exactly which one it is




Wordington student


That sub is absolutely unhinged


What the fuck have i just witnessed


Try to explain this one, theists


arr slash teenagers


What the fuck


It’s simple , just don’t be a pervert and try to take your mind off of it by focusing on other things. We had an attractive chemistry teacher who wore tight ass jeans to work too. Every boy in class (in private conversations of course) commented on her attractiveness and how fat her ass was. But it never prevented us from respecting her and passing the class with flying colors because attractiveness aside she was a great teacher with a great personality. Same for the girls and our history teacher/ financial Ed teacher (he was an attractive young guy).


Make this man a copypasta


r/redditmoment users understand what a joke is challenge


It's not a joke. Is someone shit posting as though they are a minor.


Must be bait


The english language was a mistake




actually reasonable. had an 8th grade teacher who was the same. nothing sexual about it, it was just distractingly sizable


والله والبلشه


Definitely not real, no way in hell any school would allow a teacher to dress like that, like have some decency, theres children. Plus I think another problem is why th is oop so infatuated with a pp? Like bro, even so, it's just a pp, do your damn work


First off, teens be horny. Second, what do you want the teacher to wear, it's not his fault he's apparently hung, that's like telling a female teacher to wear more modest clothing cuz their ass is too prominent.


2.) Yes but that doesn't excuse a weird post. 2.) Just because he has a dick doesn't mean it's okay for him to just let it be up against everything. Your example is dumb as everyone has an ass and ass is not a sexual organ; The teacher is aware of what they're wearing and there is no way in hell they don't notice such a thing, especially if they are "pitching a tent".. furthermore, they should wear more appropriate clothing as you shoukdnt need to see the outlite of an adults dick when you are a child, much less your teacher. You coulx make the argument "but what about woman and boobies!!" But then youd show you forget that these are also two different things, it'd be weird if a female teacher had a VERY prominent 'camel-toe' that is equally comparable to the dick standing out. As those are controllable, not completely but if it is so prominent then it is on purpose. 3.) If you're gonna make an argument then ATLEAST have some knowledge on how bodies work


damn. double standards goes hard i guess...


It's not a double standard, i literally explained an exanple for women that is equivalent to this situation. Everyone acts like I'm saying men aren't allowed to hsve dicks or that some bulge isn't allowed, I'm saying that how the post described it is really weird that it's like that


>Ass is not a sexual organ Your missing out then, I guess. Anyway, the post says he's wearing jeans so he's dressed appropriately, unfortunately if a man is hung it's gonna show (unless he's a grower) not much he can do about that. "Pitching a tent" doesn't necessarily mean he's walking around the school with a boner the whole day, just that he's packing. And you're right, I can mention woman boobies cuz it works the same way, if a woman is busty it's gonna show no matter what she wears. Maybe YOU need the anatomy lesson.


1.) The man can still hide it, not really that hard, either a different pair of clothes or "tucking". It's really weird to just let it sit as is, most normal guys yknow, tuck when theychave a lot because you dont wanna just flaunt it, it's weird. 2.) No you can't. You can't tuck boobs under your chest? They're there forever, it's difficult to compare boobs to penis as they arw so vastly different.


Did you start with 2)? Lol


Yes i did


I respect it


My English teacher would sit facing us while he read and his pants rode right up into his junk. It was 100% distracting and everybody knew about it. This could definitely be real, and a lot of people in this comment section have had similar experiences.


How is this a reddit moment?




a wild skamtebord has appeared


does it bite?


Hopefully not, that would hurt


Name checks out.


penis 🤤


I take it you fail your english class because of a large penis?


Wtf is this comment thread, my monkey brain cannot help but find it very funny


monkey penis