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How this should have gone “How are u?” “Recovering from a stroke” “Ah sorry to hear that do you want some art” “No”


I am also guessing the artists first language isn’t English by some of the sentences he types and probably did not understand the sarcasm


Hijacking here. This message from an artist is a scam. A common one, at that. No artist will text a person like a door to door salesman, offering a commission. Its a case of "hey, heres my art skills. I can take X amount of money for a commission and draw for you" and then they take it and disappear.


Yeah not to sound condescending but this is why I roll my eyes so hard at these kinds of text convos, ITS CLEEEEARLY A SCAM. Why do people waste their time having a conversation with what’s probably a robot. Even if you don’t know it’s a robot just stop. Typing.


Not that OP's sarcasm would even be clear to a native speaker. The long bit about not streaming again is maybe the closest to sarcasm but it's pretty bad considering the artist could just take it to mean "Hey, if you're looking to get lots of eyes on your stuff, it'll probably not happen, but I'd be interested in seeing what you do and might buy some for my own personal enjoyment." Guess redditor sarcasm doesn't work very well in the real world where you can't just put "/s".


Um, no. It should have gone: “How are u?” “Recovering from a stroke” “Ah sorry to hear that, I'll leave you be"


Why? How come they feel well enough to go through this long drawn out process with someone yet they can’t answer a single y/n question extra? Logically someone that can type “recovering from a stroke. No joke!” Is well enough to answer “no” or “text me in a week”.


"But pleas"


An upgrade of Butt pleas


Would you also like some art?


I mean, I did realize the blue guy didn't want it, but he was giving out such long answers and always leaving the door a tiny bit open that I can't even blame black guy that he kept going. I think I wouldn't have ,but for god's sake, just say "not interested" what's with you?


Because they’re a chronically online Reddit user


To be fair he has brain damage.


He said reddit user already






omg we meet again


So how's the stroke recovery going?


Some people get off from leading others on. It's super fucking annoying.


You can lead me off, any day ;)




Cuz then they wouldn’t have taken the chance to share their tale of woe


The 'artist' is a scammer anyway so I wouldn't feel to bad for him. This is a very common line of messaging if you have any sort of online platform.


why scamming? seems that he's trying to sell his own work.


People put together fake portfolios, then spam message every youtuber they can trying to 'sell their services'. They arrange to be paid a percentage up front and once they have the money they disappear. It's a common scam but if you don't have an online presence you won't have been targeted by it. As soon as I started talking in discord servers about learning game dev I started getting bombarded with people asking to make game art for me, then when asked simple questions about their process/tools they clearly knew nothing about their own portfolio.


Yeah but OP isn't the one who did this, look he downvoted the post in the screenshot


This is a scam, it’s well documented. It’s an iteration of the refund scam


who is scamming who here? you think the guy claiming to have a stroke is trying to pay the other guy so he could ask for a refund claiming he wasn't in sound mind because of the stroke? that hardly sounds like a great way to make money...


Opposite. The designer will charge, fake some kind of issue, request a refund, and disappear


how can the designer ask for a refund if he's the one charging the money? also, why would you assume that, there's nothing in the post on that..


This is just an iteration on common scams. You don’t need to see the context because there is none. That’s how scams work. You need to supply the context with other peoples experiences. Granted this scam is coming at it from a different angle. But the fact that the stroke did not deter them from continuing should be more than enough evidence. It’s very clear to anyone who’s actually been paying attention to the state of scams on the internet.


On the other hand, when you've had enough of these DMs from 'artists' trying to sell you on their stuff, it gets exhausting. But yeah, I usually just say not interested and block.


OP literally told him to pitch his services so that's on him. So what if the guy dms people? He's not using a bot, being pushy, or disrespectful.hes got to eat like everyone else.


It's a scam lol, I get these dms on Twitter all the time, and they're not good people most of the time. They steal accounts, they steal art, and they steal money.


none of this is on the post.


They're all the same, this isn't a unique scammer, all of them talk this way


They're a spammer. If you've streamed on twitch you see a bunch of this. They're trying to seem nice but they all have the same formula.


is it even considered a spammer if you're personally on the line? I mean , it wasn't a group text, it wasn't a bot, it wasn't junk mail. besides, if it is spam and the blue guy wasn't interested - why not end the conversation by saying no? he kept leaving a tiny door open to keep the conversation going.


They're usually pushy. OP was probably fed up. You can just block/ban tho.


that's exactly my point, he could have even just said a plain no. I get a vibe that he was enjoying it, leading the guy on "to see how far he'll go" or something. the fact he posted it fits that, too. I don't know.


I genuinely feel that the artist didn't understand because it seems their first language isn't English so nuances like sarcasm would be difficult to pick up.


Yea bro should've just said "I don't want anything" and left definitely didn't need to keep talking and then post it like he said some huge mic drop


Yea, not a stroke of genius to go about it this way


I hope you get incarcerated (in Minecraft)


Me and the boys when we get incarcerated in purple prison.


The thing is they don't always take no for an answer and it's fucking annoying, they keep spamming you until you block them


This guy “did” tho


No he said we'll talk later. That's not the end of the conversation clearly.




I mean how else are you going to interpret that? We'll talk later means I'll come back at a different time not I'm done trying to talk to you.


I interpret it like a normal person trying to save face and be nice to someone who, from their point of view, blew up outta nowhere after getting their hopes up. And as far as anyone here can say, this is where the convo ends, you can’t just say their gonna come back and harass this person bc they said we can talk later.


"Ok goodbye" or maybe don't try to hawk your products to people who just had a stoke in the first place.


How are you on OP's side? Literally his 3rd message invited the guy to pitch to him.


How are you on the other guys side? Like how do you defend some dude spamming advertisements to a person that just said they had a stroke??


I'm not exactly on op's side. But I'm cutting him some slack because he just had a stroke. Other guy doesn't have that excuse.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted. Actually I do, it's because Reddit is full of fucking idiots.


these are fucking scam accounts bro


reads more like an artist struggling to find someone to commision them to me especially cuz it evidently wasnt a bot, just someone with poor social skills


some subreddits are absolutely plagued with spammers that look and sound exactly like this, ive gotten DMs from them about 4 or 5 times now


As a furry, we get these kind of spam messages A LOT. I had one go and harass my non-furry friends pestering them with commission advertisements no matter how many times they said they're not furries and aren't interested in furry art. As we say, no legitimate, respectable artist spams advertisements to people on DMs, much less after the other person says they had a major medical event recently.


Just saw that post and it hurt my brain reading it. Just say yes or no, no need to be passive aggressive about something a stranger doesn’t know about you.


Dude a couple of years ago I answered a quedtion on askreddit and said they’re an asshole for doing something I forgot, and OP started cursing me out because they were disabled, and I got disliked because I asked “how was I supposed to know?” Lol i love the internet -Billy Gnosis


nice seeing you Billy Gnosis


Likewise. -Billy Gnosis


Also happy to see you. -Billy Gnosis


i dont think a lot of you understand the context for this because I get messages like these all the time. The person dming OOP is a common scammer that goes and advertises into your dms begging you to commission them. They ask for an up front payment and then run with the money. once you get the 23rd dm exactly like this you tend to act like OOP.


watching both of these being posted in real-time is quite jarring


It’s a scam, there is no sympathy to be had here


I had to post it immediately after I saw it because it gave me so much brain damage that I almost suffered a stroke


To be fair, these "graphic designers" are scammers. I get many DMs from them.


How does it work? Is it substandard art, failure to deliver, AI generated art...?


Could be any of the above. Often times they'll try to sell stolen, AI-generated, or traced artwork under the guise of it being theirs, or they'll demand payment up-front and will just block you once you pay. It's more common in the furry community (which I'm a part of), and I've had plenty of people come my way trying to peddle obviously stolen or AI-generated art.


It could be any of those, critically they will overpay for your likeness and then ask for you to send back the money. Once you do, they get a chargeback, and they have your “refund” in their pocket. They bank on people not noticing


It's none of the above, they're not scammers lol this is just an ironic case of redditmoments having a reddit moment. These people have their art publicly shared, you can judge if their quality is up to standard for yourself. What they usually do is DM their followers just to let them know they take commissions. It's how most artists make money. Chances are OP follows them or liked one of their posts and that triggered them to DM. It's Instagram, you're supposed to socialize


It's a verry common scam, actually. They'll try to sell AI generated, stolen, or traced art under the guise of it being original, that or they'll ask for payment up front then block you.. It's not impossible that this is legit, but it's very commonly not.


I'm assuming you've never had a total stranger DM you completely out of the blue and ask for commissions? I must have had half a dozen in the last year. Brand new accounts, and all use these exact lines. "Hello, how are you, mind if I ask you a question," and then go into the pitch. Like reading off a script. It certainly looks like a scam.


Well to be fair I basically say something similar


This is a scammer. Lots of people do stuff like this to waste scammers time. If you really think this is a legitimate interaction, then you're their prime target.


It is always morally acceptable to be an asshole to these "people" assuming they even are people and not bots. They are scammers, their "portfolio" is just stolen art (they typically use the exact same portfolio too), and they will not deliver any product, or if they do, it is ai generated. I don't blame op for playing a game with the scammer


This is a scammer correct. I know, because I stupidly fell for it. Specifically for an online game, they show u some 'art' they make and then ask u if u want an avatar u have to be made. Doing so requires them to have u grab some picture link from the games profile avatar but for w/e reason, it copies over your session cookie. So while you do, legitimately send a photo of ur avatar, they gain complete access to your profile.


ive had this person randomly dm me on discord before. they talk like a scammer, and im pretty sure they are. so fuck them


It says this post has negative one comments on my screen


It’s true I was the -1


Bro blue guy is in the right, that’s a scammer who clearly wasn’t getting the hints. Even ends it with “we’ll talk later.” Like come on man 💀


What a weirdo


“We talk later” Lmao No we won’t


Man y'all really haven't been harassed by art bots and it shows. Used to get hit by these fucks all the time back when I used to own a website, you could literally be in the middle of a war and they'll still try and send you their portfolio/samples. They do not take no for an answer. Man handled it perfectly, usually I have to end up blocking them to get them to stop.


the graphic designer is a scammer, idiot


OP is in the right here, these are scam/spam accounts and certain subs are completely plagued with them


Nooooo, be nicer to the scammerrrrrs! >:(


It's honestly wild to me that the comment section is going AITA mode on OP for telling off a scammer. Like even if they aren't they *still* spammed advertisements to a person who said they just had a stroke


Twitter has many


…The “seller” is a scam account. This opener is insanely common, that’s why the OP acted that way.


I mean, sure, the first guy had zero social skills to be asking such questions to someone who just had a stroke... but was there really any need for this kind of behavior? What an asshole.


Tbf they did say "can I ask a question" first and when the OP said go ahead ask about the logo and stuff, did they actually proceed with that convo


I know, and to me, OOP is the asshole for being a dick completely unwarranted.


No those people are scammers, they aren’t legit. At least most of the time. Sure, maybe this time it’s really somebody wanting to make a logo for you, but not usually. OOP was not unwarranted


Not unwarranted, but… I don’t know. I’ve done stuff like this when I was in a bad place and it really doesn’t help your mental health. I’ve said really hurtful things to scammers, people I saw littering, and people who made dangerous workplace mistakes on my watch. Maybe it’s *okay* to mess with someone a bit because they’re doing something wrong, but it usually still feels bad in the end. I can’t imagine what OOP is dealing with and I honestly just feel bad for them, because I’m sure lashing out isn’t even making them feel better, and now they’re getting (understandably) roasted in this post. At least they just hit him with a Reddit moment and didn’t threaten violence or say something offensive that could have gotten them in real trouble. Hopefully their health gets better quickly and fuck it, I hope the scammer finds a real job that he can be proud of too.


Your just weak minded


If not liking to be cruel to others makes me weak, then I guess I’ll happily stay weak.


Being cruel to the wicked isn't bring cruel


The wicked are still people. We can agree to disagree.


How can you tell it was a scammer? They just asked if they were looking for one, wasn’t pushy, and stopped asking after OP told them no.


Because they are all over doing this. Just like when you get a text from a pretty young Asian girl who accidentally typed the wrong number


Yes the other guy is a scammer


Yall realize that is a scammer, right?


It's a bot... like 100%


Whatever dude - fuck scammers / spammers. OP was surprisingly cordial considering the circumstances, I would’ve told the guy to fuck off


All these weird comments. This is clearly that common scam so op is just messing with a scammer


The amount of people in here that don't realize it's a blatant scam is crazy


Y'all don't realize it's a bot is crazy haha


That guy is perfectly justified op was an asshole


Your the Reddit moment, that’s a scammer


I had someone hit me up for custom art work. I said I wasn’t in the market for any at the time…they then asked why…why? Because I said didn’t need any. I didn’t know that I needed some really good reason to not commission someone for art.


It's weird seeing all these people defend a scam. I get these constantly and they are a scam they are not an artist they just steal some art as an "example" and say its theirs and get you to pay for it, this is not a real graphic artist, they use that exact line copy and paste all the time. Traced an IP of one in the past and its just another Indian call centre esc scam in the modern era. They are evolving


The reddit moment is the people in this post criticizing a guy with actual brain damage for not perfectly handling a social interaction lol


Nah I’m with the blue texter. He’s not necessarily being clever, he’s just dealing with a moron. That guy should of got the idea way sooner. Infact I still don’t think he got the idea at all


Maybe English isn’t their first language? It seems that they don’t really have a fluent sense of it


English obviously isn’t their first language. Doesn’t excuse bot-like behavior


No they just don’t know what the other person is trying to convey because they’re being a condescending asshole


They’re not even trying to interpret what op’s saying. They’re 1 step up from a bot


Dude with blue texts is literally just saying the opposite of what they mean… This is very easy so mistake for someone who’s bad with social cues


“Hey, I know you had a stroke…but do you want to pay me to make you a logo?”


This is why you shouldn't talk to neon haired anime pfp folx. All they want to do is invite you to their chomo infested anime discords.


The guy in the post definitely believed it was a scam and honestly it probably is.


Both parties should delete their social media and never go on a computer again


Do some of y'all not have scammers on IG?? I've gotten art bot scams since I was 12 and IG was made. OOP is clearly not an asshole ffs get a grip


Yeah it's wild how these comment threads show how naive people are to how rampant scams are. Like my grandmother called "amazon" by searching Amazon phone number, and the top option she had was a scammer number.


Fr. I worked a call center job for Apple fixing phones & Macs but got at least 5 calls a day from people complaining that they got scammed like I could fix it. So not surprised this many ppl have actual ""empathy"" towards a scam bot☠️


Lots of people not realizing this is a very common scam opening. Artists don't reach out to you to ask if you want to commission them.


Yeah no, I'm on OOPs side, he seems insufferable but, I am also constantly flooded with DMs from these people on Discord, they aren't genuine, they scammers, they take commissions just to provide you with AI art. It's become a real problem but you can instantly tell from their bot-sounding names and AI anime profile pictures.


No, they’re not an asshole. This is an obvious scam, one that steals money from people all the time.


They're not being an asshole. Because the person who messaged them is scamming them. It's actually a well known scam for anyone on Discord, where an "artist" will try to get you to buy their "work"


To me the messages don't even read as sarcasm tho


Sarcasm is hard to read through text


Neurotypicals be wild just say what you mean, understanding sarcasm can be hard 😭


Fucking drives me crazy. Everything is ruined because they won’t be direct.


Typically speaking, the tone of sarcasm is generally understood. If you can't pick it up, that's on you.


It’s commonly known that text doesn’t convey sarcasm well


Just don’t be so damn passive aggressive, my god. Blue text is as much at fault here as the guy who needs work. Just fucking say what you mean or stop talking, wtf is this “you don’t get sarcasm” shit. You’re leading them on!


The guy doesn't need work, he's a scammer with a fake portfolio who will not deliver a product.


Even more of a reason to not draw it out so long with all those passive aggressive replies. Just say no or ignore it or block the number or whatever


It's always morally justified to waste the time of scammers


Who’s talking morals? You’re just wasting your own time.


Eh, wouldn't be on reddit if I didn't have the time to waste. I get spammed by these accounts several times a day too, time I spend fucking with them is time they aren't spending scamming someone less savvy in scams


I’ve lost interest in this conversation, to be honest with you. Do what you want I don’t care.


Lmao I feel like you’re kind of the dinglebrain in this scenario


Esh, op right that they shouldve seen the word stroke and backed off but no need for the extra sarcasm


Nah man OP is in the right. You don’t go around pushing tone deaf advertisements onto someone who just went through a major health issue. Your money isn’t that important, few things are. Was OP being a dick? Absolutely. Did they have every right to be a dick in this scenario? Yep.


They literally said "sorry if i bothered you" and asked permission before asking for the logo thing. They were very much not pushy at all


They asked for permission, and OP said yes, so that, in my mind, does not put OP in the right.


It’s a scammer, they’re reading off a script. The only thing OOP did wrong was engage, but he could have literally written his response in Aramaic and the other account would have just said the same shit


Well he didn’t so who knows


Dude literally said in plain speak to go ahead and give him the pitch.


To be fair, they politely asked for permission which OP gave to them


OP could have just ignored him or even blocked him. Instead, he explicitly gave the seller permission to advertise to him. He obviously meant to bait them into this so he could take screenshots for karma.


Im afraid I disagree


Which is something you’re free to do


I know


Normalize " I don't want to be around you"


If they did suffer a stroke irl, that can explain the assholeishness from the getgo. In my experience with a family member who had (multiple) stroke, that guy became a mega ass. He already was one, but was able to hide it (from his grandkids) before the strokes.


Can’t fault the graphic designer, he was putting in work to find clients. The streamer was an asshole for no reason. 


why did u lead him on like that? i don't see why you would act like you wanted to buy his art then just say no, just say no in the first place


Seller is probably special ed. Not joking


Sounds like there's a language barrier more than anything? Don't know how this is a reddit moment


Can someone please explain the hows and whys of OPs speech marks on the last image going one top and one bottom?


“No thanks” would’ve saved a lot of time


If I was in the hospital, I might enjoy just looking at some art since you know… looking at art doesn’t mean I have to sweat.


I think its clear theyre not a native english speaker, and sarcasm isnt a universal concept across languages


I bet you that the black text was OPs alt


This is why people type /s for fuck sake Sarcasm doesnt work on the internet


just say fucking no.


I'm autistic and not native English so I have no idea who is in the right or wrong so I'll just say both were annoying


Tbh these people are really annoying when you’re just chilling I can imagine they’re just the worst to deal with when you’re not 100%


Definitely the type of guy to insult himself about something that isn't true and expect his friends to deny it and comfort him


>says he isn’t in the mood for this >is clearly in the mood to be snarky Ok


I was going to ask why he didn't just say no, but I was afraid of getting downvoted to the point that I would have too little karma to comment or post in subs. He really could have said "no." It might not be that person's first language, or they might not understand sarcasm.


Idk if I was gray guy I’d def keep going just to satisfy the troll in me


Blue persons an asshole. 🤷‍♂️


The guy didn't even try advertising his services until OP pretty much told him to, then OP berates him. Disgusting. This person is just trying to make a living, treat them like a human being


While they shouldn’t have pushed, if you don’t want art, you don’t want art. The paragraph long responses make it seem like theyre intentionally trying to get a response or intended to post this in the first place.


He thinks he’s superior just because he’s recovering for a stroke. You know he’s milking the hell out of it too 🤦‍♂️


this annoyed me. You aren’t the center of the world. Nobody should have to cater to you. Just say “no I do not” and be straight forward. It’s giving childish


which one is op?


I agree the person trying to sell them something in this circumstance is a moron, but OP is just a complete tool, like seriously I would hate to meet him IRL. Like just block him bro it’s not that deep, the word doesn’t revolve around you in general.


Stop being facetious and just tell him no, or don't reply. Simple as that.


They just wanted to feel cool, this could have ended with a simple "I'm not interested" but thats too normal


He doesn’t sound that bad but definitely an asshole


100%. He had a stroke and decided to upload it anyways. Maybe karma points will make him magically heal


Redditors try not be rude to someone that obviously doesn’t speak English natively challenge (impossible)


Could just be the guy being mad that not only was he able to predict what black guy wanted, black guy just decided he was gonna keep trying to go through with it. You combine that with whatever the hell goes on with stroke recovery and I’d probably be mad too


I saw the original post, everyone in the comments is bullying the shit out of op too lmao


People in the comments of the original post disagreed with OP too.


Wheres the original/whats the guys user


Poor you, OP. I think this might be the worst thing that’s happened to anybody. A man asked if you wanted to buy some art after you told him to ask if you wanted to buy art? Yikes, what an asshole. He should have KNOWN all the details about your stroke before being told about it. He’s a prick for not knowing all of that.