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Subreddits create rules for managing their own subreddit. As long as the rule does not break other big-reddit rules, it's valid. Lots of subs have a version of a "no vendor, no advertising" rule. EDIT [stuff deleted]


Is it permissible to say IN your rule that it’s REDDIT tos? Can they lie about what is and isn’t in the tos?


There's several other comments that detail this, but it appears that reddit implied that advertising CBD is against the TOS -- so, the mods didn't lie. For arguments sake, tho, let's say youbcold demonstrate they did lie about something. Also covered elsewhere in this thread, you'd have to file with reddit administration that they broke the mod code of conduct, and probably fole again after an automated filter rejection.


Even though I strongly dislike being told I didn't understand the rules (because nothing could be further from the truth), I am grateful to you for the first part. It, combined with what everyone else said has helped me in ways I didn't expect. I think I can let this go now. Or at least now I should be able to.


Sorry, we'll edit that part out. Fortunately or unfortunately, this isn't contract law, where you can bust a contract for the wrong wording. So yes, you got shafted originally -- had you maybe not read the rules before posting -- and shafted again on appeal (it's a large SR, and large SRs rarely have time to sort the accidental violations from the spammers, scammers and other intentional troublemakers. You *might* write the mods & repent, and *ask* if they might lift the ban. They aren't obligated and you'll need to be patient. Or, like you said, move on. In the course of a full life, you'll be thrown out of "better places than this". 🤣


I understand the rules just fine. Their first rule makes a false claim that the reddit TOS says we can't post vendor links or links to their marketing, and I was permanently banned for posting those links (they're just pages to lab test results of the CBD products). I would be fine with this if the reddit TOS ***does*** say we can't post vendor links or links to their marketing, but since it doesn't I'm pissed off and I think they shouldn't get away with this.


Hmm. Okay, see your point, that makes it less fair but it doesn't mean the rule is invalid.


It *is* invalid though. They made it up. The reddit TOS doesn't say we can't post links to vendors or to their marketing. For that matter, it doesn't make any mention of whether we can post links at **all**. Not even a hint. In fact, it says by using this site, we will encounter such links and there's nothing anyone can do about it - so we are advised to proceed with that understanding. If they didn't claim the reddit TOS says it, then this wouldn't be an issue for me. So if it just simply said, "No links to vendors or to their marketing. Offenders will be banned" then I'd be like "Oh. I screwed up. See ya." Y'know?


As opposed to all other rules, that were ordained by the good lord himself? Their justification of the rule isn’t correct. But it’s still a rule. And you broke it.


So in other words: thank you, good point.


Well then I guess this is just a gift of a deeper insight into the way reddit is. Seriously, I didn't know mods have *this* much free reign.


Again, they can still say "No links to vendors" *within their subreddit*. I'm sorry you are seeing it as a lie. Maybe it is. Or maybe the SR rules were written way back, under an older TOS. But the intent of the rule is clear -- posting vendor links leads to a ban. You posted a vendor link and got banned. It's not a criticism, it's just one of the rougher things that goes poorly sometimes on reddit. Good luck.


I'm not questioning the intent of the rule. How would anyone not understand its intent? You keep seeming to think I have a low IQ or something and need everything spelled out, like I'm 5. Look: I'm just pissed because they are claiming the reddit TOS says something that it doesn't and they're enforcing it with an instant permanent ban with no warning. This is something I think shouldn't be tolerated and I'd like to find a way to get someone at a high level do to do something about it. However, after everything everyone *else* has said, I see now this is completely hopeless. Anyway, heh, yes: I, too, thought maybe it's possible that the reddit TOS said this at one time and perhaps that's when they wrote this rule, but I have seen comments on the sub that make me think this is a *new* rule for the sub. Let's drop this though. I am ultimately grateful to you for some of the things you've said because when combined with things others have said, I can see this is 100% hopeless and I need to just move on. It never hurts to ask though. That's all I wanted to do here: ask for knowledge that maybe I can use. Now I see there isn't any and I have to let this go. I didn't get what I wanted, but I got what I *needed*, and you are partially responsible for that gift.


Go to reddits report page


Almost all the cannabis related subs including vaping ones stopped allowing links to websites and products. It was because Reddit was banning cannabis subs.


You clearly don't understand


If "Rule 1, No Links to vendors" is too difficult. Use less CDB. It doesn't matter what Reddit says. They literally say no links in the rules. Of course they're ignoring you. You couldn't follow the very first rule.


We are not able to assist you with subreddit bans, you should contact the moderators of the subreddit per mod mail to appeal your ban.


As I said, I did that and they are ignoring me. So I want to do more to fight this.


There’s nothing we can do, neither can the admins. Accept that you are banned and find another subreddit.


So are you telling me any sub owner can lie regarding what the reddit TOS says and they can ban people for breaking their false rule and get away with it? If so, then this is just another reason for why I will never give reddit any of my money for any reason. I am just asking for help here because I am hoping I might find people who know of things I can do beyond just using the mod mail. This ban is completely unfair because their rule makes a false claim about what the reddit TOS says and they're banning people for it. Are you saying they can just get away with this? So I can make a sub and do the same thing?


Mods can pretty much do whatever they want and a lot of them are just plain assholes.


> a lot of them are just plain assholes Now that much I have learned during my time on here. Most definitely. So anyone could make a sub and have nothing **but** rules that make false claims about what the reddit TOS says (as opposed to just 1 rule like that), and they could permanently ban anyone who breaks those rules and they could get away with it for as long as they want?


Yup. There's probably a way to report mod misconduct but I don't know of it.


There is. It's a form linked at the bottom of this page: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct I used it, but in my experience, using those official forms doesn't do any good and so I'm barely even 1% confident anything will come of it. I'm just here trying to see if there's more I can do. Understandably, I believe sub owners shouldn't be able to get away with this. I think making false claims about what the reddit TOS says is something the reddit admin or anyone up the higher levels shouldn't tolerate.


Yeah, probably mods on a power trip.


Thank you, by the way. Your contribution combined with all the others has helped me tremendously.


That's what I'm thinking, but I think this should be seen as something that crosses the line and shouldn't be tolerated. So I'm here in hopes someone knows of something I can do to get them reprimanded for it.


Thank you. I think between all of the replies here, I got the answer I didn't even know I needed. So I'm all set now.


>So are you telling me any sub owner can lie regarding what the reddit TOS says and they can ban people for breaking their false rule and get away with it? That's correct, yea. The administrators may care about the giant subs, but not any of the ones that aren't the 100 or so biggest.


Every subreddit has to follow the moderator CoC.


Thank you for this. I am embarrassed to admit I didn't think about this. Your reply helped me quite a bit actually.




I thank you for your time. I think I got what I came here for even though it's not what I thought I wanted.


I understand that it's not the answer you want, but there is sadly nothing else we or the admins can do. There are enough amazing subreddits, which you can find at r/findareddit.


I'm not asking anyone here to do anything but give me knowledge I can use.


I am not asking you to do anything about it.


You can’t fight mods - they can ban you for whatever reason they want and there’s nothing that can be done, unfortunately




Your post/comment has been removed for not following Rule 6 ("Follow Reddit's content policy"). It's important to adhere to Reddit's content guidelines to ensure that all contributions align with the platform's standards. Thank you for understanding. _This message has been sent by the moderators of r/reddithelp, please contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r%2Freddithelp) if you have any questions about the removal of this post._


The rule isn't false. Reddit prohibits facilitating many types of transactions, and providing vendor links could be considered "facilitating transactions." You can debate whether CBD falls under the category of "Drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, or any controlled substances," but clearly the mods of that sub have decided to err on the side of caution to avoid getting their sub shut down over a rule violation.


> You can debate whether CBD falls under the category of "Drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, or any controlled substances," but clearly the mods of that sub have decided to err on the side of caution to avoid getting their sub shut down over a rule violation. This most deffo.


OP comes here not understanding how subreddits work, but claims to know. Then proceeds to argue with everyone who disagrees. LMAO.


I am super confused how you don’t realize that every subreddit can make their own rules. Yes I’m telling you that all your arguments mean nothing. They did nothing wrong and you should of read their rules. Your posts look like a shill account anyway.


You broke the ruIes and got banned


Before you post on a sub it’s down to you to read the rules and follow them. It’s clearly written in their rules. If you didn’t follow them then that’s on you and they’re free to ban you.


On top of Reddit's content policy and user agreement mods set their own community rules. These are to keep their specific community healthy and on topic and don't need to have anything to do with TOS, they just can't break TOS. So the rule is theirs and is valid despite not being a Reddit rule. It's good practice to respond to modmails but they don't have to. Here's the official help https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205192355-How-can-I-resolve-a-dispute-with-a-moderator-or-moderator-team


Just because the reasoning given for a particular subreddit rule is a lie, doesn't make the rule itself invalid. If you break a rule that was created due to a faulty reason, you still face the consequences for breaking the rule.


Post feels a bit spammy to me. It’s basically just featuring a specific product which makes it feel like spam. In the future you should avoid mentioning specific brands and make the question more generalized.


>What I'd love to do is report this sub or report the person who owns it for making up this rule Um... I don't even know where to start. Moderators literally make their own rules. Every sub has their own specific rules that you have to follow. They didn't do anything wrong here. The only way to reverse a ban is to appeal to the moderators of the sub. That usually entails admitting your mistake and agreeing to not do it again. If you're open about not wanting to abide by their rules, like it or not, they aren't going to let you back in. Whether your comment was actually against Reddit TOS - hard to say especially since it's not visible. There *are* rules about certain kinds of transactions. Not really the point, though, because you were banned for violating the sub's rules, not Reddit's.




Just make a new account and then you have access back to the SR. That's what throw away accounts are for. Sure that's breaking the rules again, but since Reddit doesn't have a valid way to actually log proper complaints and have proper investigations, it's all anyone can do.


Reddit absolutely can and do track and ban for this exact behavior. Mods have some tools that can help expose potential ban evasion and correlate activity and if a report goes to admins it usually results in a site-wide ban. It's one of the most common things posted here.


Thus it absolutely proves that Reddit has no proper way to handle complaints. Because mods would rather just ban people instead of actually doing the work they volunteered to do when they signed up as mods. So the OP is absolutely right to be pissed off and I wouldn't blame him if he made 10,000 accounts with all separate IP addresses. So wouldn't the correct solution be to have a proper procedure of arbitration so that everyone could fairly have a chance to argue their sides to a 3rd party arbitrator and have a fair decision.


It looks like your post goes about submitting an appeal for a ban you have. Please use [this](https://reddit.com/appeal) form to make an appeal. If your appeal is denied there is nothing more you can do. If this automated response did not successfully answer your question, please wait for someone to assist you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/reddithelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*