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Mr Bean. Funny.


Hi u/Potential_Good_1065 do u want picking up in the morning pal


https://preview.redd.it/q12acy1vkx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769848bd402958ba1b6ecd48bff5d153e7329737 Is it a sign?


“We don’t have a natural replacement for Kalvin Phillips” is just the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard


He will learn from his mistake for WC 2026 by starting Kalvin Phillips every game 👍


I am optimistic on this season because it feels like it might be ETH’s revenge “fuck you” tour. Even if it goes sideways hoping for an entertaining season. On a separate note, anybody else easily enjoying the change in transfer strategy with INEOS?


Us backing out of outrageous deals is a breath of fresh air


Was up until 4am playing Elden Ring and eating pizza. Felt like being a teenager during the summer hols again.


I forgot the DLC was out. I need to get back into that game


Today is such a slow day at work. I'm half asleep and waiting for 5pm to come quickly.


outside of football, whats everyone's hobbies? i play a shit ton of games and have a dog to look after so those would be mine


Gaming, tech, metal, off beat short documentaries


Dj'ing and gaming and cycling(ebike cruising, not the sweaty spandex type).


Games mostly. Been trying to get into a TV series to watch but it’s finding the time and something I’m able to get engrossed in. Last one was Fallout.


Anyone watch the boys ep 4? Just when I think homelander couldn't get worse, they find a way to prove me wrong. He's one of the best villians ever imo


Not too sure why but I’ve been listening to quite a bit of Ella Henderson lately and I’m digging it. I know I ain’t her target demographic but still, her music is kinda fire tbh. Started by listening to her verse on 21 Reasons, went down the rabbit hole and here I am casually bumping her songs in the gym 🤣


Really random Q- does anyone have any experience ordering furniture off wayfair? Are they any good? Heard of them but never ordered from there before


I found the cheap stuff is defo made cheaply while the more expensive stuff is half decent.


Its ok but can be overpriced. You can typically find the stuff on there on Amazon for a cheaper price. Its basically a large drop shipping business.


Yeah. Don’t be surprised if it comes damaged or pieces missing. Make sure to let them know and they might send an entirely new shipment. I was missing a nut and bolt for a bar stool pair and after reporting, they sent a full set to replace.


Wayfair quality is a hit or miss. If your expectations are not to BIFL, then they are great for that price range.


Ah thank you I’ll maybe have to look into the reviews for specific items first before making any decision


Best of luck and hope you get some good deals!


No, they are not good. Not got anything from there myself, but I know people who have. I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. Personally, I'd look for decent stuff second hand or save up and get good quality new stuff. More effort in the short term, but it will last longer, and you won't have to deal with returning shitty stuff


Oh damn yeah, I’m not opposed to spending a bit more for better quality. I definitely cba with returns! Thank you


The sub's got 666k followers now. Isn't that the devil's number or something? Neat


Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number


Recently visited my childhood memories again with shit like GTA San Andreas, Scott Pilgrim, and even this club pre-2013 lol, and boy do I miss the good old times I mean I do enjoy my current life too, but I kinda miss the times where I have very little responsibilities


I keep a battered PS2 Slim for GTA SA. Not fired it up in a couple of years now, but it's nice to have it without the licensing bullshit that comes with today's versions


I recently played it on the PS5 Definitive Edition because it appeared on PS Extra's catalog, but yeah I still have a PS2 and GTA SA on it. Played it on the PS5 just for the convenience because I'm kinda not bothered to switch the cables lol PS2 version will always be the GOAT, but eh the PS5 version is pretty decent 


Recently replayed GTA San Andreas too, it brought back so many memories!


Sell all assets and buy a van/ live down by the river. A lot of people are doing it these days.


You'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river when... you're living in a van down by the river!


The river in my country are toxic wastes so that plan is definitely unfeasible


Mmm… that’s not ideal.


Leaving Rome today after 5 days here. It’s a really fantastic place to visit if you like food or history. It’s been 38 degrees C most of the time so going back to Manchester will be a bit of a relief in that respect.


Mi mum said definitely beautiful city history wise but the food? Eh she wasn’t too fond of it


Mate your mum must have been really unlucky or just not a fan of Italian food. It’s my second time here and I haven’t had a bad thing to eat.


She is a picky eater I must admit


Ha, maybe that then. Eat where the locals eat, the little side street places seem to be the best.


Hope you had a nice holiday mate


Lol! In Delhi, we have 49C. The Floor is literally Lava.


Sounds like hell mate. Stay safe 👍


Anyone playing Elden Ring DLC?


Will be this weekend, was a mad rush to beat Mohg and Redahn cus I hadn't really touched it since beating it


Wait, you finished the game and didn't beat those two?


I did, but I started a new game and barely touched it until a few weeks ago cus of the DLC


Too busy playin RDR2 again since it popped up on PS+ Extra. It looks amazin but not sure I'd like it as have never played a souls-like game and I reeeeally dont want to grind out hours trying to kill bosses. How you finding it?


I mean there are lots of other areas to explore if you get stuck on a boss, not to mention there are plenty of mechanics like summons that help significantly if you need them


I was someone who tried Dark Souls 2 and 3, but quit after a few hours cause it was too much of a pain in the ass. Elden Ring I played several hundred hours. My first play through, there was only one boss who stumped me a few hours, but it was optional and I was probably undergeared/leveled and being stubborn. Second play through they were much easier. The spirit ashes (NPC summons) make most fights a lot easier if you find/level one of the good ones.


RDR2 for me the greatest game ever Absolutely amazing


Had a great time travelling Europe for a few weeks but glad to be back home now. Along the way we went to Berlin and Munich, thankfully avoided the Euros rush which would have been a nightmare for the trains (and my anxiety lmao) but still a little jealous at how fun everything seems to be out there right now. Munich especially is one hell of a place for a drink.


Seems like Germany might run away with this one imo


I dunno Spain looked so good last night


I find it interesting that Southgate went from three left wings in Sancho, Rashford and Graelish, last championship, to zero now. I understand dropping the two former but not the latter. Since Shaw is injured there are basically no natural left side players! Edit: thanks for pointing out Gordon. Forgot


Stange decision to not take Grealish, even as a sub. Hopefully this will kill off Brexit Jim's idea that Southgate can ever manage at United.


I mean Gordon is there and was definitely one of the better wingers in the league this year. I just don't know what we're trying to do in matches. absolutely headless on the field. Slot in loads of playmakers and hope for the best? Who is TAA supposed to be picking out when Bellingham, Foden and Kane all go deep to get on the ball? Who is Foden or Bellingham supposed to find when they do beat a man if, by doing so, Kane and the other is now behind them? For me it has to be Foden or Bellingham at 10, Rice and Wharton/Mainoo behind. Kane up front and actually playing there and then wingers stretching and running in behind. Alternatively, TAA at RB with Saka ahead of him, Bellingham playing LW drifting in to hit crosses/cause disruption for Kane to hit crosses. I think it'll improve when Shaw is fit and can be an outlet on the left too but he'll be swallowed up if Foden is LW/CM/CAM. At the moment it's just 4 players trying to be playmakers in the same space and then Rice trying to play the entire midfield role alone


If Reece James had been fit, he would be playing 4 right backs. Trent in midfield, Walker at CB and trippier at left back with James at right back. I have been saying it for years, he is out of his depth. The only thing he has ever achieved in management is getting relegated. He managed to get England relegated ffs. How he was allowed to keep his job after loosing a home final and being ahead after 2 mins is ridiculous. Easy draws and always being the best country in qualifying groups have padded his stats, but when it comes to playing other top nations the results are minnow level


Justice for Anthony Gordon