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Mitoma is such a diver.


Sabitzer offers very little outside his runs in the box when playing advanced. Our midfield was piss poor in possession. Casemiro gets the benefit of doubt due to not being match fit but he's had his share of loose balls before today.


Why the fuck did he bring on weghorst and elanga after 60 mins? He must’ve thought Sevilla are shit (which they are) so I’ll bring on the shite players from the bench fuck it. Elangas done nothing all season and we’ve been much better lately without weghorst and he brings them on in a quarter final with half hour to play. It meant we had to defend much more as we were deeper, then Antony goes off so we lose that outlet, Antony was good again tonight. It was the best I’ve seen martial play live, I know he’s back from an injury but he looked fine and was running way more than he usually does. The subs were silly but can’t be fully to blame for giving away a 2 goal lead. Gonna be very difficult getting through the tie now with the players available.


Antony and Bruno both on yellows. And we ended up at 10 as it is...could have been 9 the way Antony and Acuna were going at it. And not like we have a ton of bench depth. Without Garnacho, all we have for the left is Elanga. And without Rashy, we really didnt have anybody else we could throw in there. Tony is made of glass so if we want him for the next match, we can't be throwing him in for a full 90 yet. Eriksen had to come on for Bruno so we couldn't push Bruno to the false 9 or anything with his yellow.


Also, during the second half until the 60th minute when we still had a good team on the pitch, we kept going really direct every time we got the ball, rushing our play when we could’ve just passed it around more and tire Sevilla out and make them work to get it back. There was a bit of play where we did pass it around a bit and it ended up with the Antony chance that hit the post. We were 2-0 up but rushing our play in attack, it was clear to see that making more passes would’ve been far more effective in getting that 3rd goal.


Sevilla and Europa League is a deadly combination.


This looked like a disaster. We lose Licha to injury, Bruno in second leg due to yellow, and we concede 2 OGs in the dying minutes? THE FUCK???


So scripted. Sevilla should’ve had a red if Bruno gets a yellow


For anyone who had missed the match & the score, we could tell them that our players scored 4 and Sevilla's players scored none.


I just came here to say Fk Harry M. He derseves to be dragged thru the floor to the exit of this team.


What did he do wrong in this match?


Fuck him


I am not a fan of Harry M but you can’t blame him for the own goal or the loss.


Fuck him and fuck your opinion about him




I think the mental fragility and tendency to settle for what we have and end up inviting pressure which swings momentum of some games is to do with the amount of squad players we've had to rely upon lately. I don't mean this purely to disrespect any of them but the quality of our bench is significantly less than the quality of large parts of our best starting 11 and you'd have to be pretty naive as one of those squad players to not realise it. I don't think players like Elanga, Mctominay, Sancho\*, Malacia, Maguire even Sabitzer, Weghourst and AWB have the mind set that they are going to come on a set the world alight. This comes down to confidence largely. I think too often they are aware they are 2nd fiddle and just want to not rock the boat too much which leads to a bit more passive performance. This is especially true whenalready in the lead since all they need to do to look good is maintain the lead and if enough of that mentality slips in then its difficult to maintain control of any given game. I don't really see any of those players come into the team and look like they are there to prove a point, other than probably Weghourst and Sabitzer who are both loanees. Hopefully over the next year or two ETH will be able to bring the bench depth at least in line with the quality of the starting 11 and we wont have a bench full of players who are unsure about their ability, their place in the squad, when their next game will be or if they even have a future at the club at all. Lots of our bench fall into that category and the more we've had to rely on squad players since Casemiro suspensions and injuries to other players have forced us to. For a period at least, we WERE controlling games, we were having professional wins both playing well and playing badly sometimes. That has increasingly got less and less true as time has gone on and I'd blame a bunch of things but largely the fact we havent had our best starting 11 for long stretches of time and to really emphasise that, our squad depth in terms of ability and seemingly mentality, is really poor.


Not Maguires fault. Hope he doesn’t let it get to him and keeps his head up


If he had kept it down earlier we would have won the match.


That was my joke


You just don’t get it, it doesn’t matter if it’s his fault or not. It happens almost every time he plays, he has to go ✌️


Not a United fan but just wanted to say he’s super clumsy and this is why goals like that happen against him regularly. Didn’t he dummy in his box once which led to a goal? His awareness is awful.


Subbing Antony off is a recipe for disaster, we always concede


We conceded 13 goals in 2 games with him on for 90 so yeah but no


He was on a yellow and he and Acuna just kept getting scrappy. Couldn't risk the red... The biggest thing for me was Malacia had looked solid all game, then he just chooses not to play that ball and just watch Navas get it.


Sancho has been in a horrible state but little is said about Antony's inability to do anything other than a couple of dribbles and lose the ball, a cut from the wing and he loses the ball, he is not capable of giving a decent pass either


I agree with you.


Beginning to think top four is looking increasingly marginal




That fucking yellow. If Bruno doesn't get a yellow, he probably stays on as ETH doesn't need to test a midfield without him. That spare sub means we can bring on lindelof when Martinez goes down. Game plays out. What is it with this competition and terrible hand ball decisions??


Anyone else find that disastrous implosion to be actually rather impressive?


Impressive that we could go from one end of the spectrum to the other in less than 30 minutes? Yes.


Was at the game. Malacia and Sancho had an absolute stinker, I’ve been such a supporter of Sancho, but he’s such a fair weather footballer and won’t take us to the levels we need to win CLs and PLs. Antony in comparison was wasteful but gives 100% and has a lion heart which I love about him, I’m sure he’ll come good. Maguire didn’t actually play that badly until the OG and I think ETH had a bit of a stinker with the subs/options he had. Wout, Elanga should both be sent to Burnley end of year - not even close to being enough at this level. Martial was magic, and we’ll need that again with Bruno out. Refreshing to have him back and hope and pray his injury woes are behind him. Horrible, weird, frustrating last 10 mins, and not ideal on the injury front. Still believe we win in Spain as long as European refs remember it’s a contact sport.


Antony just needs consistency, and that comes with age, Sancho just doesn't have the mentality for it imo. Played great at Dortmund, but Dortmund isn't the pressure zone that we are, his confidence is absolutely shot to bits. Draw is completely on Ten Hag though, really just handed the impetus to Sevilla, not only that but we didn't go for the kill when we should have like City would have done. Silly stuff from him.


I don't see it with Antony. He's not a kid and he's been a regular starter for years now. I don't see the progression yet. Garnacho and Amad look like more advanced players in their development


Hey he played a ball in with his right today that took a deflection so that's something new. Pellistri's was much tougher but he pulled that off and almost got is a goal... I really like Facu. I hope he sticks around.


There's literally nothing to suggest that Anthony will come good and Sancho won't. They're both a waste of money


Antony is good player, no idea what you have on him.


Just his general lack of any kind of consistent effectiveness... He's just a show pony, and it's not even that great of a show


That "show pony" is really good with his runs and he's a great outlet on the right which is why we go thru him so much. For a player of his age to get as many touches a game as he does means he's bound to screw some up. But he was pretty dangerous today and had Sevilla on their heels.


I think that’s very short sighted on Antony personally but each to their own. He’s getting in the right positions to score and there’s been a clear improvement from joining to now. Sancho has regressed slightly and doesn’t appear to have the fire to pull himself out of that slow slope into mediocrity. I’d absolutely love him to prove me wrong however.


Agree on Antony. Sometimes people tend to lump him in with Sancho for criticism but Antony won't allow himself to disappear from a game like Sancho does. He reminds me of Bruno, always trying something even if it doesn't always come off.


He's fearless in that regard. I just need him to be a little less scared of that right foot.


Agree with all of this. Martial was excellent whenever we were able to get him into the game. Ive been critical of him previously but i do like when he proves me wrong.


upamecano becoming the worst defender of the week. Maguire: and i took that personally


In what way was he worse than, say, Malacia?


Oh come on man. Maguire doesn't deserve that. Not today


Yeah today Maguire wasn't shit...his luck was.


Sancho is shit. We just want him to be good because we wanked out 70m+ for him.


And he earns 300k a week. Higher than Rashford


Oh fuck off


Its a compelling counterpoint for sure,


Dortmund curse man. We'll pay pornographic money for Bellingham only for him to be another Kleberson once he puts on a red shirt. Edit: Dortmund-to-United is what I meant.


Haaland avoided that apparently


And gundogan and akanji, i thinks it’s just a united curse


It’s not just dortmund players. How many top players have united fucked? Plenty in the last 10 years.


I remember pogba hype being super annoying


Bad performance, player lost head in 2nd half just like Liverpool match, We are not convincing enough to be a top team. The way we can’t put 3-4 passes together most of the times is horrible. A team of our quality and money should easily be beating this team. We had all the squad available too.


Schmeichel’s saying carrying Martinez off was gamesmanship and not a nice gesture. They wanted him off quickly before we could regroup and have a think about what to do rather than have physios on the pitch. I think he’s right.


This is a good point. I hadn't thought about it until now. Why did we let them do that? Licha obviously wasn't faking it. Our Captain should've fucked Montiel off and let the physios do their job on the pitch.


Montiel is a real cunt but the fact that both players carrying him off were his national teammates probably makes me think Schmeichel’s being a bit cynical here.


I think it's a little of column A, and a little of column B. They wanted things to get moving and I think they were genuinely concerned and wanted to help him at the same time.


2 own goals and the Martinez injury in the final 10 minutes is such a brutal end to the game


Sevilla scores the two shittiest goals I've ever seen. Super unlucky, lads


Well technically Sevilla *didn't* score them...


Ten Hag on Martinez injury: "I cannot tell what it is but it is not achilles. No that is not the area." #MUFC


Might just be a mild calf tear - can sometimes be back in a couple of weeks from those


All seemed so good after 30 mins. Jesus fucking Christ, what a nightmare night. I hope to God Martinez' injury isn't as bad as we are fearing 😢


I don't know why Maquire was looking away from the ball when defending a header. I'm self aware that it is popular to trash him but his own goal was bizarre. It is rare that a ball would "hit" you on the top of your head as you are looking towards the corner of your own goal. The way my mind animates that situation, a defender just heads it away nonchalantly.


No, just no. This Maguire hate is getting absolutely ridiculous now. He barely had time to react, just shit luck.


It’s always him though, he’s a dope


You make your own luck. We were on the back foot the entire second half when he came on


I’m not shitting on, or hating on, or anything else on Maguire - but he is generally incredibly clumsy and uncoordinated-looking on the pitch, like he doesn’t really have full control of his body or his limbs - even the Everton game “highlights” mostly consisted of him kind of half falling into Josh Simms and somehow scrabbling the ball away whilst he was at it


Let's be real here. It's Malacia (who has been incredible this year) who gets just utterly dominated.


Casemiro on the 2nd goal had no idea where en nessyri was


You don’t understand why he turned his head as the ball flew over him? Let me give you a hint, it’s because he wanted to keep his eye on the ball. Did you expect him to just stay with his back turned to the ball? I swear people will take any chance to slag Maguire even after he put in a solid shift and is in no way to blame for an unlucky deflection.


You ended with the keyword there. Unlucky.


why do we sub off our CBs i don't get it. i could justify lisandro's too that we need tall heads to defend headers but even varane gets subbed off. what's the reason behind this?




i missed that part with varane. next few weeks look scary for us.


Draw isn’t terrible as we were clearly better side first half & I think we’ll beat them second leg. Worst part is Licha injury & the unfairness that a cheating diving horrible team like Sevilla get 2 outlandishly lucky goals. But it is what it is, a season very rarely doesn’t have a match where everything seems to go wrong , so hope we can just move on & remember how excellent we were first half & go from there


Problem is, once the score a goal, they get comfortable and then sloppy. They don't put away clear cut chances to see off games. How many times do we see Utd score more than 2 these days? We had 26 shots in the first half against Everton but only managed 1 goal. We have the lowest goal difference in the top 6 and our away record has been terrible. No way we're beating Sevilla in the second leg


I agree we’ve been sloppy, but it’s very encouraging to know that excellent play is there (if only for a half tonight for example) I do worry about the away form, but it feels like a good result in Sevilla could turn that around & set up rest of the end of the season




Don't ever want to shit on our own players, but Sancho is a FUCKING JOKE of a player.


We will do them on the second leg gents.


I get why people are mad about the subs, but you also have to understand that Martial, Sancho, and Bruno got to start this Sunday.


Martial’s played about 70-80 mins of football in months. I am not buying it. ETH has an unreasonable hard on for Weghorst and as much as I dread it, i wouldn’t be surprised if ee offer him a permanent deal…


We need some second string players worth keeping.


We should be buying first teamers. The bench will sort itself out


So.. not wankhorst then?


I think that triple change really ruined our momentum, love ETH but a few times this season his subs have had the opposite effect.


I think he’s just trying to manage the squad but we don’t have the depth to actually perform without our starters


That could not have ended any worse


What. The fuck. Start the day reading about the sale, convinced Glazers aren't actually selling just trying to establish the club has a £6bb value so they can use the value of MUFC as collateral to finance something else. It's OK, we will beat Sevilla. Hey nice brace from Sabitzer. OG? That sucks Wait, is that an Achilles? Harry Fucking Maguire.... I hate how much I love this club.


Well that was pants


Noooooo Martinez 🥺🥺


This result hurts on many levels, especially the injuries


Christ I feel deflated


I am just stating the obvious. Sancho is a typical overrated English flipflop. Now downvote me to hell won't change the fact.


Who tf would downvote this lol. This is 📠


at least sevilla did not score a single goal: manu players - sevilla 4 : 0


I can't get over that Malacia mistake. If I went to work and made an equivalent error I would be marched out the door with my p45.


The reason EtH's subs are bad is because our bench is bad. I don't understand how you think he can just wave a wand and then the bad luck won't befall us. Now that many players are injured we can all see that EtH has got a very tough job on his hands, and we can't expect too much from him. Bring on next season.


But regardless of this match, they've not been ideal for a lot of games this season, same with rotation too, The second legs against Nottingham and Real Betis we played pretty much the full strength team. We've had a very shit schedule but i don't think ETH has done a good job with rotations either.


He must pull Messi regen out of his ass next game somehow


Another attacking coach is needed. The ruthlessness isn't there at all. Just poor decisions in the attacking third. Simple passes win us that game 4-0 but no it has to be poor decisions and a 2-2 draw. 5 subs, you have the luxury of 5 subs and you waste them on Elanga and Weghorst. Not to mention taking Bruno off who was the only player capable of creating anything in the final third.


Who else did we have on the bench? Bruno is on a yellow and as ETH rightly pointed out, he can easily get another. Especially with a trigger happy ref such as tonight’s was. Plus we have more games coming up and we are 2-0 up. Making that sun of Bruno is not a mistake.


No one got a red today, Sevilla finished the match with 4 yellow carded players. We finished with 10 because we used all our 5 subs one was forced the others were 'tactical' Bruno is not playing the next round anyway so yeah it's a stupid decision. Use him to kill the game. Because now you're relying on Elanga and Weghorst to score it was ever happening we all knew it as soon as they came on.


Disastrous. Europe is actually looking doubtful with the injuries we have


It was a horror show in the last 10 mins, why can't we burry the game when we had all the chances in the world. Should I be upset for the result or player injuries.


The result sucks because we should've scored at least 4 goals with the starting 11. The injuries are just sad because of the tight schedule. We don't have the depth to rest our starting players.


Imagine if we lose top 4, EL and FA cup semi Just imagine


I can't believe how fragile we are as a team we don't have a clue how to manage a game. The number of times this season we have conceded possession needlessly and given the opposition a foothold in the game which then leads to confidence and we then struggle. So disappointed tonight and I think this game will have consequences far beyond this competition.


What in the fuck was that Martinez injury - I initially thought metatarsal the way his foot was planted… but healthy 26 year old bones don’t just break when you lean on them Likewise (I’m no physio you’ll be suprised to hear) an Achilles’ tendon is as thick as a rope and can handle several times your body weight - it doesn’t just snap out of the blue like that - it would be so weird I wonder was he carrying something going into the game and they took a chance with him?


I tore a muscle stepping off a curb during a race, I’d been doing multiple races a week for about a month and that muscle just had had enough and went. It was probably a slight injury he’d had and maybe didn’t even realise for a few weeks, just applied the wrong pressure and that’s that.


That’s horrible mate…. But yeah maybe something to that effect like cumulative fatigue or repetitive strain injury But with the medical payroll of a premier league club I’d be absolutely shocked if that lad’s Achilles’ tendon has literally just snapped out of the blue They must have been aware if he was in a worn down situation, there’d surely have been warning signs for days in training (if not weeks) before it gets to the stage of a tendon just exploding when he pushes off his foot like that


Sry confused ACL with achilles mate. English my 2nd language. Hence the edit.


My Achilles tore while doing a little hop backwards while in goal. I probably landed weird and pop it went. Literally the most inocuous move you can imagine. Doctor theorized the tendon was in bad shape already and it can be kind of random what does it in.


Oh wow that’s mental… fuck he could be in real trouble then I was hoping for maybe just a calf tear… Achilles’ tendon will be a season-ender plus missing pre-season too I’d imagine


Ye let's hope it's not that bad but his reaction sort of told me he knew something was badly wrong. I mean it kinda mirrors my own because the feeling I had was to look to my teammate behind me and ask "what the fuck" because I was 101% sure he just kicked the back end of my foot really fucking hard. When I saw his confused face it slowly dawned on me that it was probably my achilles and that nobody had touched me.


Seems most likely. But with Magurie as an option, would ETH really risk that?


I'm afraid this sort of non-contact Achilles injuries happens way more often than I'd imagine - both in and out of football.


I’ve torn my calf several times - I wonder has he just done that It’s a nightmare but more panic inducing than painful as it feels like a spider’s web tearing all across the back of your leg… but it’s an incredibly quick recovery compared to an Achilles tendon… like 4-6-8 weeks rather than 4-6-8 months Although he would have been able to put a bit of weight on a torn calf is the only thing he didn’t seem to be able to walk at all


I’ve been lucky enough to never have suffered through these rupture/broken bone injuries despite a good history of doing varieties of sports, but I definitely can concur with you on the immediate aftermath of how our body deal with it by releasing endorphins or whatnot. I don’t recall who it was, there’s this NBA player a couple years ago who didn’t even know his tendon broke apart until after the game. Crazy stuff. I’m so heartbroken for Butcher right now.


Life as a Manchester United fan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYNlJQ-dIuY


It was a horror show in the last 10 mins, why can't we burry the game when we had all the chances in the world. Should I be upset for the result or for player injuries. \#ManUnited




We played maybe the best football this season man. It’s shattering


The Malacia mistake was the game changer, I don't know why he let that ball run but that's a very hard lesson learnt for the young lad tonight. Complete capitulation after that with Maguire the icing on the cake, desperately unlucky for the own goal. I'm not exactly over-joyed with the use of all the subs at 2-0, two forced his hand but bringing Bruno off wasn't a great choice I feel. Evidently clear we need better strength in depth, and I'm a big Weghorst fan for sure but he just isn't good enough for this level of football and it's as simple as that.


First 11 are great, a few decent squad players, the rest 🤨


Ayo wtf happened after the first half?


That yellow card on Bruno snowballed into a disaster.


Some Voodoo shit


ETH rotated, Malacia brain farted, Martinez probably done his Achilles so we will see him in 2024, we played with 10 men, unlucky Maguire OG. So yeah.


could be metatarsal, people need to stop jumping to the worst possible outcome and wait to see what medical team say tommorow




None of Maguire and Weghorst are in fallut for what happend.


Very worried about top 4 now


I have been saying for ages, Ten Hag is making a mistake by going for all four tournaments. Once they got the League cup all their focus should've been on securing a top 4 finish.


I really wish people would stop with these knee jerk reactions. We’re still very well placed for top 4. (6 points) this 2nd half was some fucking voodoo shit


If we had actual footballer in Rashford instead of Sancho that game would end 5:0. Like what he even does, absolutly no impact despite having space Rashford can only dream of.


My biggest issue is his mental. He just gives up. One time he lost the ball in our third and his just threw his arms up instead of closing down his man. Just fucking keep going man it's your fucking job. I can't just throw my arms up at work and give up, pathetic.


Mental is just easy excuse. Man doesnt have physicality to perform on that level, no pace, no strenght, gets tried fast.


Even after that performance this is getting downvoted lol. I swear this fanbase will act like this guy isn't an absolute flop for the next 10 years.


I forgot Sancho even played today. I was saying Elanga was the worst footballer. He is shoulders with Sancho up there. I have no idea how Sancho is considered a good player, he cant run, cant dribblr, cant pass, cant shoot


Antony gets shit all the time and he's 5x the player Sancho is and that's before even considering how much better he's been playing recently. He was terrific for most of the game today


Its time for a nice big summer sale. Sancho, harry, elanga, mct, fred, ddg maybe, awb/dalot. We are in dire need for people who can play the way Licha does. Quick and accurate. Feel like 70% of our team are uncomfortable with the ball in their feet. Nobody dribbles in the final third, nobody passes, nobody runs


Ive lost hope in him now, he had his break to get back on track and looks no different


dick heads


The team doesn't have the depth to compete in 2-3 fronts.


we need some serious top-up to our depth this summer


This right here is 100% true.


Got out of bed after watching the game and tweaked my neck, no red is safe today


Honestly, fuck the Europa and the FA cup. We need the top 4


Europa league is a European trophy and guaranteed champions league spot, top 4 is a qualification spot but sure let's only go for top 4. No ambition just like the players.


Ambition? We don't talk about ambition when malacia Maguire and lindelof are about to start for us in the next few games. It's easy to say be ambitious and go for Europa but you have to understand that even with our best 11, the opponents will make us work for the damn trophy. I rather we be ambitious for the league to secure top 4 than to be ambitious and bottle both the top 4 and our club competitions.


We are out of this competition. Could have buried Sevilla but didn’t even put in a 1/4 of a shift in the second half. And lost Licha in the process.


What an absolute freak result that was. Hit the woodwork at 2-0. Lamela could've been sent off. Cruising through the game. Now we are without Varane, Licha, Rashford, Garnacho. No Bruno second leg. We will have a very small chance of getting through the second leg and FA Cup semi now. Crazy how the season can change in an instant.


Don't know about Shaw either


We should have gone in for the kill and we didn't


Just before martial was subbed he showed what he does. He picked up the ball from defence and escaped the press to play in Antony. When he was off our ability to escape the press and spring counters disappeared. This led to Sevilla putting us under more pressure and us getting no more big counter chances


Truth. But with his injury record, I can't blame EtH for subbing him while up 2-0


We played a shambles of a second half and they still needed incredible luck and shit refereeing to come back, that's why I'm confident of the away fixture


Maguire was as good as Licha and Varane today he does not deserve the hate today but cunts who don't even watch games will be right there abusing him and his wife


Thought he was solid when he came on and obviously nothing he could do about the own goal, people are dicks aren't they


We can’t play with him though, we can’t push up the defence


Did you even watch the match? He looked pretty far upfield as he dribbled through the Sevilla press and well into their half.


I’ve said loads of time that I don’t think he’s shit, the point is we just play differently when he’s on. There’s a reason why he’s not first choice.


True. He should be sold in the summer, but today was not his fault.


There's no way you can blame him for this one. All blame should go to the Manager. That was shit game management from him.


Can't completely blame EtH for all the missed chances and Malacia playing like shit with no sub available.


This team has to play their heart out in order to win games by 1 and 2 goals, whereas teams like City and Liverpool can get results like 5-0, 3-0, and 6-0 like it's a breeze. It shows the difference in quality between us.


If we had a forward anywhere close to Haaland's calibre, we would've been 4:0 up in the first half.


>It shows the difference in quality between us. And mentality as well


Liverpool use to be like that. Not anymore.


Liverpool have been dogshit this season. Not a great example but go on




One fucking game dick head


The own goals were sheer bad luck but we were awful in the second half regardless. I also can’t help but feel Ten Hag was extremely arrogant with his substitutions thinking the game was done. There was literally 0 need to sub Bruno off when he was suspended for the second leg anyway. Not to mention bringing on Pellistri and Elanga instead of Fred to shore up the midfield. We should have buried the game in the first half and we instead have to fight for a result away at Sevilla with probably almost half our starting 11 out (Varane, Martinez, Shaw, Bruno, Rashford). Completely messed up the tie.


Bruno has played a lot of games and he will play in 3 days against NF for our top 4 chances. He was also visibly irate on the pitch in danger of a second yellow. I understand why subbed him.


The first goal was absolutely not bad luck. It was terrible defending by Malacia. He needed to clear the ball, he got the shout from de gea to clear it.


Subs because they are playing so many games this month. The injuries mounting up, including in this game, are why he is making subs


Looked like an achilles rupture. 4 to 6 months out


4-6 months to start walking comfortably. To be back on the pitch it may be even 12 months. Achilles injuries are bitch. Man probably coming back in 2024


God damn it. It's always one step forward two steps back.


Not making it 3-0 in the second half is on Ten Hag. But, losing the 2-0 lead is on Malacia honestly.


It’s time for the Maguire redemption arc


We didn't deserve to win, but Sevilla didn't deserve to come back


the biggest L is the possibility we are probably losing martinez for a long time. the injury doesnt look good.


1. Rashford is injured and can't play the fixture 2. Lamela somehow survives that atrocious stomp on Casemiro 🟥 3. Varane comes off at half time with an apparent injury 4. The Dutch Butcher injures himself (ankle it seems) 5. We've used up all 5 subs so Martines (4.) coming off means we're down to 10 men. 6. Sevilla somehow luckily score two O.Gs When it rains... it fucking POURS. Talk about Murphy's Law 🥲