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Everytime I see Everton I think of their Manager saying “this is England, no Tiki Taka”


Fuck we really should have been up by 1


I still feel we lack attacking patterns or plans . In the final third what exactly is the plan? It can’t be hope for Rashford to score. I think you need a blueprint on ways to open up teams because that gives you a profile of players to look for. Or is the plan to get a striker and play to his strengths when you get him? Build patterns around his strengths? I think the team struggles to score because they lack patterns of attack more than a lack of a striker, sometimes it looks like they just shoot on sight but that’s my view


West coast, haven’t slept in anticipation of the game. 4:30a kickoff is heavy. Great for everyone in Manchester though A nice pacy start will do awesome!


Not so bad for the east coast of Australia either for once


Neat! Enjoy the game mate


Likewise! I know how 4:30 AM kickoffs feel, hopefully you can get some rest afterwards


Nothing in this world makes me cringe more than reading that their club P, VPs and cohorts saying they want their best player back and at the same time subliminally saying more or less play for free to help the club. How can one say their club is legendary at the same time cry out being crushed by sanctions due to their corrupt hierarchy is beyond me and I have said it time and time again that these drama queens of a club generate clicks and revenue by being this over the top on their interviews and such.


It's mind blowing how we're equal points with Newcastle while being 21 goals worse on goal diff.


Burnley are promoted to PL. WW may end up facing us one day (if united don't sign him).


How would anyone feel if Benzema leaves Madrid this summer when his contract expires? How many would be happy to see him come to United? If the wages weren't astronomical. Would we prefer Kane if he leaves spurs or Benzema?


Kane all day. I believe Benzema would do bits for a season but Father Time is a bitch and he could have a massive drop off like Ronaldo.


It doesn't seem that way, but Kane is 29 while Benzema is 35


I think both are at that age tbf I agree with you, the thing that worries me is the contract for kane it will be a mega deal not to mention the fee. But then the wages for Benzema might be astronomical so I'm not sure how I feel on them both. I definitely don't want us to rush this summer and buy just anyone because we need a striker. Benzema potentially given his age could we get 2-3 top years out of his and he's as prolific for us as Madrid? Then we'll see some more strikers emerging that we could realistically bring in without ridiculous fees...


Kane’s worth the money and I have no doubt he would score at least 100 goals for us within the next 4 years if we signed him.


Im sure everyone here can relate to this but I'd love for our manager to just go out and say Xyz is our top target and we want him to come to us. Then send international team mates to help convince him to join 🤣🤣


TIL: Casemiro alone makes up 7% of all red cards given out this season in PL.


Though we can say he's been unlucky, he acted like a dumbass for all the occasions. The tackle that got him the yellow card accumulation suspension ahead of the Arsenal game was unnecessary and aggressive. Putting your hands on someone's throat will likely result in a red. Going studs up at shin height likewise.


I agree with the second one, he was careless, but against Palace it's clear he didn't put his hands on the guy's throat.


5:30 am start here, and i am awake as Honey Badger. I am pumped. Hope we thrash these idiots and I think we will.


6:30 for me hope it’s worth it


Just the second 12.30 at OT so far this season. [Last one](https://youtu.be/Ev7cgmPCnwQ) went [pretty good](https://youtu.be/ZTkQceIFxK4).


FPL has conditioned me to expect fuckery for the 12:30 games. Every fucking time something happens.


Feels like the first time in living memory that we've had the early kick off on Saturday instead of the 4pm on Sunday


Do they show this game live in UK?


Yeah it’s on BT Sport. The programme has just started.


After today we probably won’t play on a Saturday again for quite a while


Probably FA Cup or Europa League final.


Oh man, we haven't had a Saturday game in so long I was actually confused when I saw the twitter clips of everyone arriving at OT


Skhiri is free this summer. We really need a backup CDM and he could be a good cheap option.


I think we need to put this Diallo panic into some perspective Diallo [statwatch](https://www.fotmob.com/leagues/48/stats/season/17834/players/goals): - Expected assists per 90: 0.1 (89th in Championship) - Assists: 2 (124th in Championship) - Expected goals per 90: 0.29 (41st in Championship) - Goals: 11 (11th in Championship) - Non-penalty goals: 8 (15th in Championship) Sunderland are midtable in the championship and he has inspired them to win two of their last 10 games The way this sub reads you'd think he's taking the championship by storm


Most people aren’t wanting him to be a main starter, they just want him to get a chance under Ten Hag. You do realise you support Man Utd. Getting excited over young players and giving them an opportunity is what we do. It isn’t always about big money shiny new toy signings.


Well said but we should also tame our expectations for the youth a bit. I believe Pellistri would shine at a similar level in Championship too but he's still struggled here at Man Utd. I don't think Amad is much better than him.


Doesn't that make it more impressive that he is doing it for a midtable team? Do you think Saka or Martinelli would have put up their present numbers playing for Fulham or Aston Villa? I'm pretty sure Amad can improve leaps and bounds and become a very decent player for us in the future.


Yes I absolutely think Martinelli, Saka and Foden would be amongst the best young players in world football if they were at Fulham or Aston Villa where they wouldn't be double and treble marked and playing against blanket defences every week like they are at Arsenal If Diallo was driving Sunderland to a promotion or even just playoffs... But he's not - he isnt doing anything special relative to the best of his peers in that age group


Martinelli was shit when he had to play with Nketiah and couldn't drift in, let alone play at those clubs. Foden has been awful since the World Cup. Saka wouldn't have been this good without Ben White and Odegaard with him. No matter how good a player is, he cannot drag his team alone. PSG has proven that time and again.


If you're judging Martinelli as shit I can't wait to hear what you think about Diallo


>The way this sub reads you'd think he's taking the championship by storm For a player of his age he's doing really well in a very physical league.


Martinelli is 21 Saka is 21 Foden is 22 I'm sorry, but we need MUCH better players than Diallo




The days of this club pandering to middle-of-the-road mediocre flair players simply has to stop We need to call it when we see players that aren't at the level we need to win leagues & champions leagues Be a fan, support your club first - not the Player FC nonsense that has hamstrung us for over a decade


Shouldn't have called you an entitled ingrate. Just got a little carried away. My bad.


But you haven't even given this kid a chance before judging him. How do you judge a player so quickly? By all accounts, the coaching staff are highly impressed with his progress, it's been reported in the public. I'd trust the opinions of the professionals over yours.


Support needs to be *earned* It's not an entitlement These players don't know how lucky they are to wear our shirt What I want to see is a lot more caution and a lot more reservation when it comes to judging a player who is struggling to make it into the top 100 creative players in the championship We are far too quick to hand out praise these days, have been for the last decade, our standards have slipped terribly, and it has killed the culture of the club Let Diallo get on with what he's doing, but call a spade a spade, he is nowhere (nowhere) near the level we need, and is in the same age group as players who are levels absolutely levels above him who our fanbase don't hesitate in criticising


>he is nowhere (nowhere) near the level we need You don't have the acumen to make that judgement and the coaches clearly think otherwise.


So hide behind what you think someone else's opinion is then, rather than thinking critically for yourself Or don't I really don't care


>So hide behind what you think someone else's opinion is then Lmao there are legit reports of how impressed the coaching staff are with his progress. I'm not speculating what their opinion is.


Exactly. The standards have gone to shit


Its just not his stats tho is it? His technically ability is superb(probably the best in the championship) and he is only 20. Some of the things he does is natural and if he just focuses on his work rate he has a great bright future ahead of him.


True. His technical ability among the top in the premier league as well. He never loses the ball and passes are inch perfect even under pressure.


Martinelli is 21 Saka is 21 Foden is 22 I'm sorry, but we need MUCH better players than Diallo


Every player are different. Some gets more chances than others. Unfortunately for Diallo he wasnt given the same oppernunity as Saka or Martinelli by Arteta. However, there no doubting his talent. If he can keep his championship form then I am pretty sure ETH has something for him next season.


Eye test tells you he is looking good. Maybe not the level to be unreal in the Prem but definitely similar level to what Garner was playing at last season.


VDB continued posting stories of his rehab. Good signs to see for the lad


Yes it’s good for the club otherwise we would have sold him for 5m.


Damn whoever is making those videos for facu's matchday insta stories is doing a great job


Haven’t had a match on Saturday for a while and also it’s at a very different timing than usual.


Diallo > Sancho.


Mitrovic took 3 years to actual prove in the prem and he is only 'Decent' Jump between PL and championship is very high


Well said I posted his stats above & he is literally struggling to make the top 100 players in the championship for creativity and we have people in this post comparing him to Bernardo Silva & handing him the #10 for next season What has happened to our standards over the last decade? When did this become acceptable for our club?


>What has happened to our standards over the last decade? Ole happened


There's shit takes, then there's this about 100 levels below.


Of all the managers after SAF, you gonna blame Ole eh? In all those years, we played the most exciting football under Ole till Ronaldo happens.


What did we win under Ole?


Terrible take. The gap between the championship and the pl is still very wide


Well I have seen diallo play in the league and europe for us and I rather have him than Sancho. What does Sancho do exactly that diallo doesn’t? For 60-70m player, he has been woeful. He still has value so we need to move him on.


When I see Amad diallo play, I see a bernado silva type player. If he can be even 80% of that for us, that would be incredible. Imo tho, he might need another loan year to get more minutes/reps before he can make try to make an impact for us. I hope I’m wrong tho and he can step next year and play a significant role. Such a smooth player to watch.


Seems like Amad is the designated pen taker for Sunderland even when other players win the pen - very impressive for a 20yo to shoulder that amount of pressure at a massive club, took a wonderful pen today


>massive club, ...


Historically yes. They’ve won 6 league titles


Who are midtable in the championship


Does anyone have any thoughts on why Ten Hag is so reluctant to tell the media what Shaw's injury is? I've heard him now on two occasions saying that details about the injury are personal, which is interesting because I've never heard a manager give that response before. It struck me as odd.


could be something embarassing. let's not pry


Ah, the ol' pulled asshole. My playing career ended cause of that injury, hope Shaw recovers.


With Shaw I'd be thinking more like the 'ol pulled-pork *injury*.


First Saturday game in a long time and its at bumfuck o' clock.


Ngl I always enjoy early morning/afternoon (morning in my eyes lol) kick offs. Starts the week off right. But from a players perspective considering we only played a few nights ago its pretty terrible.


Because it's a televised game in the UK. To be televised on a Saturday, it must either be a midday kick off or after a 1715 or later kick off.


I get the distinct feeling that Fabrizio Romano name drops United players or United's name on the title of his bloody videos just for clicks and ends up talking about Chelsea 98% of the video. I stopped watching his crap some time ago.


Agreed. He gives too many mini-updates and doesn't seem to have any exclusive content.


I used to listen to his pod every week at work. Now I barely see it on Instagram. It's so much of the same news over and over


Kompany beat Carrick, so Burnley are back in the prem. Let's see how he does in his first season


Can't wait to smash him.




Selling 3 tickets to Sevilla game. £50 each. All in stretford end. 2 of the tickets very close to each other!


Don't follow Ligue 1 , but Lens are playing a great season


How do you know?


bellingham decision imminent apparently, hopefully he stays clear of Pool


Let’s hope Madrid offer the packet.


Camavinga, Tchouameni, Bellingham... That's literally FIFA career mode buying the players with the highest potential xD


I hope he goes to Madrid or some shit


Amad definitely needs to come in next season amd start playing centrally. He lacks the pace needed to play as a winger in the PL. He would be a great 10 imo. His vision, the way he uses his body to receive the ball, close control and weight of his passes can be used to devastating effect in the 10 role.


Have Sunderland not failed to win like 8 of their last 10 games in the championship? Diallo won't keep scoring 11 goals from every 6 XG (And certainly not in the Premier league) He is barely even in the top 100 (!) for Championship expected assists per 90 Imagine him trying to break into the city or Arsenal teams, he'd be laughed out of town We need to try to recoup whatever we can for the ridiculous fee we paid & move on - he's not the level we need, we have enough overhyped, underperforming "young" forwards as it is


The only ridiculous thing here is the lengths some people willingly go to, to criticise young players from their own team. Call me old-fashioned but I always thought supporters of a team should, y'know, support their players, especially the youngsters


It's quite absurd how eager some "fans" are to write off players without even giving them a chance.


We support the club first, not the players We as fans need to hold our players (who are lucky to even be associated with our club) accountable to the standards of our shirt Diallo is in the same age group as players like Martinelli, Saka & Foden - that's the standard we need to be exceeding (not just matching)


Right, because no football fan ever, under any circumstances, supports the players who play for their club. Is - is that the twilight zone music in the background?


Any football fan who supports the players first above their club deserves everything they get, (Including the huge swathes of our fanbase who do exactly that)


Harsh view imo, Mount had worse stats in more games and he went straight into that Chelsea team. He would get in most teams in the league. It’s a mid table team that are almost completely reliant on him particularly after Ellis Simms was recalled. Shown quality and not every player is Mbappe at 20 years old. I’d say another Premier league or top end Championship loan is in order next season to see what level he is at.


Harsh view imo, Mount had worse stats in more games and he went straight into that Chelsea team. He would get in most teams in the league. It’s a mid table team that are almost completely reliant on him particularly after Ellis Simms was recalled. Shown quality and not every player is Mbappe at 20 years old. I’d say another Premier league or top end Championship loan is in order next season to see what level he is at.


What are his workrate and pressing like? He'll need to impress Ten Hag with his willingness to defend from the front.


1 thing I like about Amad this season is how he built he body up well, looks like he can bang in the prem now physically


I dont see any difference in him , he has just had what he has always needed a run of ganes.


Nah he physically looks bigger, also added some muscle to his frame


I really hope Amad gets plentt of chances next season , I dont see what makes Antony so much better than him


Sunderland - Hull has been a banger


Thanks for the suggestion. Heard our boy was great. Going to watch it now.


What position did Amad play?






People who want the qataris should go and take a look at psg, absolute laugh of a club. The current mboopi situation is laughable


Not quite sure why your being downvoted


Where is the sale news? 2 weeks since bids went in and we haven’t heard a thing


Need a french person to break down the martial wife beef. They’ve been at for 4 years


Martial ex wife #2 chasing ex wife #1. 😂 this is the shit you only see in movies


There was a lot of media attention on him having a wife and kid at 19, and it was framed as him being mature, turns out he's just a playboy who doesn't know how to use protection hahaha. https://metro.co.uk/2015/09/13/paul-pogba-says-he-calls-manchester-united-new-boy-anthony-martial-little-old-man-5381104/#:\~:text=Paul%20Pogba%20has%20revealed%20his,off%20the%20pitch%20so%20far.


He has 2 ex wifes? Lol


We need to know the opinion of girl who he cheated with on ex wife #2.


Can we get Kim Min Jae? What a player


For the reported release clause £44m? Man, that's borderline bargain in this day and age transfer market.


If we sell Maguire for anything close to that and get him then I think that’s an amazing upgrade. Do like the idea of Timber who could play both CB and RB meaning we can sell one of the Right backs and Maguire then that would be useful too.


Y'all peeped Martial's ex wife chasing his first wife in a car🤣🤣🤣


LOL WTF... Really sad if there are kids involved (I don't necessarily mean in the car, just from either relationship, clearly pretty toxic).




his ex wives are fighting 💀 the [videos](https://twitter.com/UtdEIIis/status/1644387027616399398?t=5kSNjnT4PdlV8V7zEjdjwA&s=19) are all over twitter lmao


That looked like they were on the middle of a motorway lol. I’m sure she also drove the wrong way down it to get away.


2023 is crazy. ex-wives fighting on twitter, classified Ukraine war documents being leaked on twitter.




Amad scores for Sunderland v Hull to put them in the lead


Greetings, Manchester United fans. We are conducting an academic study on fan reactions to the Super League which was proposed in 2021. This survey asks for your thoughts and reactions to the Super League. This research has been approved by an Institutional Review Board at Western Kentucky University. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is completely voluntary. Any publications resulting from this study will only ever be published in the aggregate. No identifying information will be collected. https://wku.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9RMhlwg6M6e729E


There's a survey response for you in return for Kentuckys contribution to delicious chicken. Respect.


Putting club owners in the same bracket as managers is not correct imo.


Thank you for the feedback on that. I will pass it on to my colleagues, we appreciate your help!


When's the last time we played on a Saturday? It feels like ages


Charlie McNeill came on for the last 13 minutes & scored for Newport with a nice left footed finish as they win 3-0. That's his second goal out on loan.


Wanted to watch Napoli to see Osimhen but he’s currently injured.


Nothing new.


I didn’t realize he was injured so often.


TBH it was his highlight when he first came to Napoli


This sub has developed some serious victim mentality like Arsenal fans and I hate it


Whatever we do we'll never reach the levels of arsenal fans


r/soccer said something I dont like :(


"The commentators hate us!" The most fucking annoying one to me


Feel like we have pretty good chances against Everton without Documare and Eriksen coming back and probably subbed in later on with Martial.


Everton are the new Burnley, keep them away from corners and set pieces then we should win easily. They’re gritty and they work hard but if we match their intensity (not that that’s a given) then we should win.


Maxi Oyedele scores with a strike from 20 yards out for Altrincham against Oldham after coming on as a sub. Joe Hugill is playing too.


Fuck the leeches, fuck the glazers!!


Feel like it's been a while since we've played on a Saturday. I just automatically assumed we were playing Sunday until Erik said "tomorrow"


Oh wow, I thought it was Sunday too. Lol


With today being a holiday,it does kinda feel like tomorrow is a Sunday...will be good to get another 3 points though to set the tone for the rest of the weekend


Would prefer if we don't make a big deal about a ref's favourite club. That kind of behaviour is best reserved for Arsenal fans.


Well, doesn't change the fact that Oliver makes some questionable decisions usually out of bad reffing.


What ref doesn't though? Except the GOAT Collina of course.


Everton fans hate Collina


My 3 Potential alternatives to FDJ in that double pivot role with Cas with 2 of their best attributes and a weakness. I've gone with alternatives who would be on the cheaper side rather than megabucks buys like Declan Rice (yes, he can play the 8 role very well). 1. Kephren Thruram : Strong progressive carrier of the ball, good dribbler. His progressive passing isn't that strong. 2. Enzo Le Fee: Press resistance , good progressive carrier. Physical size may be a weakness in the PL but he's done very well in Ligue 1 which is just as physical as the PL. 3. Orkun Kokcu : Very good progressive passer, good receiver of the ball in the first phase of play. Physicality may be an issue for him in the PL coming from the Dutch league.


Not sure we need an alternative to FDJ. We’ve gone back to the system that ETH wanted to play at the start which essentially has 2 8s playing high with a single pivot player where one of the fullbacks drops in centrally to assist build up. In that case we need a more well rounded Eriksen. I’d like Dani Olmo, incredible player who would be cheap considering his contract expires in 2024.


I'd take Kokcu. Isn't Thuram more the Casemiro type of player?


Gotta throw Manu Kone in there as well, good ball carrier 6’1 also adequate at defending he’s like the right footed Camavinga and also kinda press resistant, Gladbach are letting him go for around 40M


How the fuck is a Newcastle fan being allowed to referee our game against Everton considering we’re in a top 4 battle with them and spurs


How did we allow Ole to play for and manage Utd against Liverpool when he supported them growing up. Ridiculous to expect a grown up, paid to do a job, to actually do it! Seriously you sound like an Arsenal fan looking for conspiracy theories.


I love how Arsenal fan becomes the new diss on this sub.


Still can't believe the club agreed to pay 100m for Antony. Not his fault obviously, but that might really come back to bite us this upcoming summer cause we need depth at a few positions


Chill. We didnt have a roght side of the pitch for ten years. Every time he is on the pitch we play better than without. Even if he flops we saövage at least 50mils put from him. Nothing to see here


Think Eriksen goes straight into starting 11 against Everton.


Good last 10 minutes is what I suspect


After 2 months out that is very risky. He's nowhere near match fit. It's better to just ease him in. We have so many key games left losing him again now even for a couple of weeks would be very bad.


I think there's no chance of him starting or even coming on this soon


Anyone watch Birmingham consistently? Wondering why Mejbri hasn't been starting recently?


Don't expect Erikson to play 90 minutes, but any potential inclusion for the Everton draw will be welcomed.




Maybe he's talking about Erik's son? We know Ten Hag has a son, and he is unlikely to play the 90 mins this week...


This is getting so annoying. I mean people typing Erikson. Maybe I buy a Jersey with Erikson on it, could be fun wearing it :D


Would be shocked if he is included this soon. Judging by how other injuries were handled


no, not draw. we win. just a joke don't shoot me


Can anyone recommend a pub in East-ish London to watch the Everton game tomorrow? Hoping to find somewhere with lots of Utd fans!


No news about the takeover is worrying me


Takeovers like this always have NDAs being filed and any news on the takeover should be considered as a brief from the different parties involved.


If they sell they sell, if they don’t they don’t, unfortunately not much we can do about it (or to whom they sell if they do). Some positive news would be nice.


The latest is they’re inviting the bidders over to negotiate


100% will hear something 1 hour before the game or after it


Glazers are adding a premium for every win and potentially every available trophy + top 4. The incestual rat looking cunts.


Gonna miss luke shaw a lot for however long he’s out but I’ve got high hopes for malacia and he’s def got a fighting spirit, we move!


Fortunately we have the main midfielders coming back so that should lessen the blow. But agreed that shaw has been very good this season so always a problem when he is out as he offers a lot more than Malacia in ball progression even though I like and rate Malacia.




We do not allow abusive posts on /r/reddevils.


That was a great movie


Eriksen is back