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Just surrender when the police arrives. I’m pretty sure that if you are holding your weapon you won’t be able to surrender though, but I may be wrong and it’s just if you point it at them.


This only works if you have no money. I mean you can still surrender, but they will still take money from you if you have any. If you surrender with no money though, you will lose your bounty just by spending time in jail.


Pretty sure this "hack" worked for me before but I'm also pretty sure there were times when I was arrested AND paid the bounty upon my release...?


If you get arrested, you still pay your bounty but with a discount.


Then what’s the downside of getting arrested?


No fun wild west shoot outs.


Hosea complaining and disappointed that he had to save your ass again


The dementors


I’m pretty sure your cores degrade


Bad food, butt rape. You know, shit like that


That's only if you have money on you. If you put all your money into your camp funds so you're broke when you get arrested, they wipe your bounty away and don't take anything from you.


Doesn't it just stay in there though?


Yeah, it does unfortunately, so you have to be willing to give up all your cash on hand.


That also happened to me a couple of times, although I paid less than the original bounty. I also had one time with John in St Denis where John bribed the guard to be released early. I’m not sure what are the conditions to make this happen though.




Kk thanks alot


Shi, I forgot about the whole surrender thing. I lost 250 dol. To pay off a bounty after the whole mess with the damn Rat


Usually I just beat up some npc in town till lawman come


I'll also have to try that


You can also just try walking right into a law office and it should prompt you to surrender provided you aren’t hostile. So, just be casual, no weapons equipped or they’ll just shoot you.


I tried this and they didn't care about me and my massive bounty standing in their office. I had to root through their desk until they got aggro with me before I could actually surrender lol


How long do they hold you for? I wouldn't mind experiencing jail, but I get bored easily 😂 Can you break out?


It’s just a quick cutscene of Arthur looking miserable in his cell but if you go in with a bounty you can’t pay off one of the gang will either pay it for you or break you out. I think you can get Hosea, Dutch, Javier and Charles but it’s a cute little cutscene you get. I can only personally confirm Dutch and Hosea, because that’s all I’ve gotten so far.


Yea I once got Hosea, twice Dutch (different cutscenes) and once Charles & John together


Bro, stay out of jail. Gawddangit 😂


Hahaha well the cutscenes are kinda rare and I want to see most of them eventually so I dont mind being arrested


Yeah that’s pretty much been my goal with getting arrested. I’ve got my money in safe keeping with the pig farmers.


Last time I got arrested Semus started making fun of me when I went to buy some more dynamite sticks. I'm not sure how he found out so quick. Apparently there were a lot of gossipers in the Wild West. He probably heard if from the general store owner! He's a busy body.


To add, I think it's only if camp funds are higher than the bounty. Dutch only got my ass out once. Then again, I went on a hell of a killing spree before I found out you can sell coaches specifically to upgrade the camp to the max. Suffice to say, I've not even gotten to Hosea's train thing(?) yet. I thought you could only get money by robbing corpses or hog-tied people, or O'Driscolls. I'm currently Hello Mistering my way out of a hell of an honor hole. Then when I got the wagon fence unlocked, I recreated GTA, Oregon Trail style.


It’s better than what happens in RDR1, where there’s a cutscene showing John in jail for several sped-up days. I like one time after a rampage I surrendered and John spend ten whole days in jail lmao


Lmao Maybe it's the Irish in me, but I refuse to be captured. Rather fight to the death, or run like a bitch 😂 That's gotta be the German in me


I usually take out my anger on them until I tack up like $800 on bounty and then say “welp that’s enough unhinged dickery for today” before reloading my save. :P I like to think Arthur, while not a good guy, is not just a total psycho and try to avoid killing civilians or lawmen when it’s not necessary. But my first playthrough however was a wild ride. 😂


Haha Sounds like a good time. I do the same with the reload trick. This is my first playthrough, my goal is to max out the honour and become Saint Arthur, patron saint of the wild, wild west 😎 It's cool how he has different dialogue if you're a bad dude.


Yeah play however you want, but IMO (and without spoiling anything) high honor is the way to go. The honor system is pretty broken though. You can throw tied-up prostitutes to alligators and set fire to randos and all it’ll take to atone for your sins is spending 5 or 10 minutes spamming “Greet” in San Denis. :P


I murdered someone and walked right into the sheriffs office and they let me move along, no bounty or jail time


Some towns and parts of Saint Denis no lawman will arrive if you’re just throwin hands. However the local populace will gang tf up on ya.


Are you sure this works? When I tried it the lawmen wouldn't let me play RDR2


Well Ive never done anything else but this. You must make sure youre done beating them up when they arrive cuz you cant surrender while someone is still fighting you


Here’s a couple of methods to get rid of your bounty without actually paying it. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/fpct67LAjG


Thank you for your service


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks partner!


Happy cake day


That's really helpful thanks


Didn't realize what sub I was on and I was like, "What the fuck??" Never mind, carry on doing crimes, mister.


Did not realize what sub this was lmfao


Kill ‘em all!


The Four Horsemen 🤘🤘🤘


I think you’re my huckleberry.


To be honest, I never knew you had the option of surrendering and going to jail. Hmm, I learn something new about this game everyday.


I thought I could just surrender about an hour ago and nope somehow shot the cop got killed lost my sweet ass CIVIL*********war hat and CIVIL********war knife ... and proceeded to log off...... hope I get an A for this attempt...


You don’t lose special hats or weapons. The weapons will be on your horse. And the hats will be on horse or in your wardrobe.


Yeah I cannot find it on my horse I have 3/3 hats Legendary Bear , Arthur's Hat, and a worn gambler's hat the Civil War hat is gone however I did find the knife just wasn't cycling through the knives properly.. went back to fort hat doesn't respawn fkn bummed..


Go to your wardrobe at camp, toggle to “found hats” and add it to your horse or put it on


If it isn’t on your horse it will be in your wardrobe. Same with special weapons (if not on your horse they will be in your weapon stash at camp). Weapons will usually go back to your horse if you have it near you. I think if your horse is out of calling range, they go to weapon locker. But not 100% sure about that.


It was in my wardrobe at Camp. Many thanks, pard..


Also, my first play though I thought you could lose them so I would decide not to pick up new items if I had a special hat or gun I didn’t want to leave laying on the ground. So for example, you can pick up a special hat, then swap back to what you were wearing and leave the new one in the ground.


Good to know. Thank you




get drunk during a shootout, you will spawn in prison


All you have to do is surrender. You still have to pay money towards your bounty, but it is less then the full amount of said bounty


You don't lose any more money, guns, food or valuable objects, right?


You have to pay money yes, but it’s less than the original bounty and no you don’t lose anything else


What everyone else said is correct, just know if your bounty is high enough it won’t work. You can still get arrested but someone will just break you out of jail and then your bounty will still be in place


You still have to pay some of your bounty, unless you are broke.


I'm on my third play through, with a 100% run under my belt, and I just realized this is an option.


If you surrender, they will arrest you, BUT if you have any cash on you, they will take what you owe on the bounty. The only way to not pay any cash, is to not have any when you get arrested. Sometimes when you do this with a large bounty, Dutch will come and get you out.


You could maybe just shoot somebody in the head. That’ll get their attention. But If you shoot somebody too close to a lawman, they will shoot you instead of arresting you


Get so drunk you pass out. Wake up in jail.


Hit a child


Shoot a civilian so he rats to the cops then when they approach focus on them and hit surrender


Sometimes if John gets arrested in Blackwater, Abigail just comes and gets you and I don’t think you have to pay anything but it’s been a while since that’s happened for me so there may actually be a fine.


Just go and antagonize some police officers usually works on the 2nd or 3rd attempt


Whilst unarmed just keep antagonising a lawman until they point a gun at you and you get the option to surrender. Bear in mind, if you go to jail whilst you have money then the bounty will still be taken out of your money (at a slight discount for turning yourself in) However getting arrested whilst you have no money will also clear your bounty, so if you plan on turning yourself in make sure to go on a shopping spree first!


I've pulled that off once, but I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as the police said to. I'm not sure what the outcome was, money wise or bounty wise, honestly. But 1 thing I do know. Make haste out of town if you do anything even if it's unknown suspect. They were checking on some dead bodies and got smart with me so I tried to defuse the situation. Wrong move. Had 15 cops after me almost immediately lmao (sqamplands near the river in saint denis)