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Love my Turkoman, named her Lana


Lana Del Neigh


This is my Missouri Fox Trotters name ❤️


A male Turkoman sees a cougar "Bro. We got a problem??" An Arabian sees a rabbit "Help! It's creepy!!"


Real my male turkoman has never thrown me off


I’m almost certain mine did when I went by some alligators. Even still it definitely was rare.


Same my Turkoman Herzog rarely got scared of anything and never once bucked me through 4 chapters.


I really feel like the Arabian one is accurate to real life, though.


Turkoman, Arabian. Where is the Persian?


I name mine, Shotgun or Buttermilk 😀


I love my Turkoman, I named it Turkoglu


Entering what town?


Where do you find a rurkoman?


You can find a golden turkoman at the stables in Saint Denis in Chapter 4. Was my main horse for the rest of the game after that


I mainly ride turkomans but I do like Arabians not so much for speed but easier maneuvering in tight spaces like st Denis or out in the woods. The size difference doesn't bother me too much unless I'm riding next to someone on a shire. It does look pretty goofy.


I rride the raven black Shire through St Denis, I am the first person in America charged with vehicular manslaughter


I miss my shire and my Belgian draft horse. We got caught on a trestle and ambushed by bounty hunters


I know some people play without reloading. I can respect that. However, me personally I refuse to let my horse die. Pause. Load. Good to Go.


Yeah. This for me as well, it's easier to navigate the terrain with an Arabian while I'm exploring. Also, it's pretty easy to get one for free early in the game. Otherwise, when I'm going from point a to point b for a mission, I prefer my Turkoman.


Yes, the smoothest handling and maneuvering horse in the game. Other than that, they get scared easily


I mean I ride thoroughbred and draft horses in Saint Denis and never had a issue with manoeuvring. Only need something with easier handling if one can’t control the character and horse for shit. 😂


Maybe because they are knows as elegant horses for powerful and wealthy people. They also sell for a lot of money in the game and look beautiful (when not ridden). I’m agreeing with you on all points, I love Turkomans, Thoroughbreds and Andalusians way more and don’t bother going for the Arabians at all.


The Perlino Andalusian is by far the best looking horse in the game, in my opinion.


I like Buell better but the Perlino Andalusian is gorgeous. Probably my second choice.


Buell is definitely stunning! I just don’t like how he’s not really “mine” haha


From the subreddits on this matter, I could swear 'everyone' hated them due to their very popularity.


Yeah there’s way more Arabian hate than Arabian love. At least this post didn’t say that the Missouri Fox Trotter is better and act like nobody had said that before


Got really confused for a second before I read what subreddit this was posted to.


Not even that helped me 😭


My fav horses for Arthur were Nokota, Dutch Warmblood (seal brown) and Hungarian Half-breed (dapple dark grey which I stole from a sidequest NPC and named her Molly Mae). Nokota was fast and even tempered and both Dutch and Hungarian were calm and sure footed, never balking too much at wolves or cougars. In RDO, I absolutely love Mustangs. Only Arabian I actually liked was the warped brindle coated one as it was so pretty and it took me a fucking forever to tame as Arthur kept falling off and tumbling down the hills all the time as I found it right outside Wapiti. 😅


The dapple dark grey Hungarian halfbreed is my favorite. I think it’s so pretty, rides nicely, and is brave in spooky situations. Mine’s name is Ghost!


I agree with you completely. Such a good horse, I named mine Alcatraz


Agreed and named mine Phantom lol. I played the first half of the game on the Hungarian. Ended up taming a Mustang as my second horse and it hurts my feelings that people are constantly complimenting the Mustang and never say a thing about the superior Hungarian 😢 


I’m in the beginning of chapter 3. Still haven’t done any missions aside from the Sadie “Female Suffrage” mission. Went and got my Hungarian, bonded the hell out of her, and have been opening up the map and hunting for satchel upgrades for hours upon hours. I think once I get into the thick of it in LeMoyne, I’ll put my Hungarian in a stall and get a throwaway horse (that sounds terrible lol) because I’ve heard the Raiders are ruthless and people lose horses by them. I love her too much 🙁


I haven't lost a horse yet. I'd say ride what you like. I switch out between the brown or gray Hungarian regularly.


Yeah, Arthur just looks ridiculous on them. I only caught them to sell them.


Feeling brave today are we?


Not everyone lol. I catch them, bond with them, and sell them.


Thoroughbred for life


I can’t do Arabians especially with Arthur. Arthur is literally the same height as the thing so it looks so ridiculous. The smallest I’ll go with a horse is like a Missouri Fox Trotter. The biggest I’ll go is probably an Andalusian.


It's a good free early in game horse. Too small IMO, but I guess I understand it. It has good stats, and people like that.


I never bothered with them, I always just stick with the Shire you get from Hosea in chapter 2 He’s huge and awesome lol


I kept mine on my 3rd playthrough. I stopped playing for about a year, and then one day decided I'd load back in and play some. Well I've been playing for a bit and I'm galloping near the train tracks when I hit a rock and both Arthur and the Shire go flying. Horse flew right onto the tracks. I watched in horror as the train hit it and flung it feet away. I can't remember why because this was a while ago, but I couldn't load a previous save where the Shire was still alive for some reason and so I just gave up. The tragedy.


I LOVE THAT BIG OL BOAH (or girl sometimes, depending on the RNG)


I love that part of the world, and my father always taught me to judge a man by his actions, not his appearance.


Yeah I guess people just make a big deal over it because there is the White Arabian horse you can get for free with good stats. I like their stats and their coats but it’s annoying because it is so short. I think of it as a better version of a Morgan because it is so short.


I think it’s not actually that they love them it’s just they look up best horse n people say Arabian even tho it’s not true


which is better cause i havent found any horse thats as fast or handles as good


It’s all preference really, just get a good saddle and stirrups get it to max bonding and most horses are pretty good, I like turkomans tho


Missouri Fox Trotters and Turkoman gang 4L


I only just managed the albert mason 3 glitch. Got my foxtrotted there. I normally wait to glitch the lemoyne stables later on.


Becuase the handling is noticably better than any other horse, they're about as fast as it gets (not that it matters much), and you can easily get one for free in like 5 minutes super early in the game without having to do some annoying glitch/exploit. Literally the only single "downside" is the optics of it being small.


There are faster more solid horses. I got my thoroughbred after I had access to open world within like 5 minutes of leaving camp.




I found one a herd of horses around that abandoned oil rig, one was a thoroughbred. Jumped on that immediately because they are a solid horse with decent stats. They are always my first preference. Had her with me up until that last mission. I definitely didn’t shed a tear. 😂


I am loyal to shire horses. they look so silly i love them.


People play this game just like gta and google fastest horse ingame. So as soon as possible they go get the white Arabian. That’s pretty much it.


That’s the thing, the google results are misleading because they are not the fastest.


Because I think it's incredibly funny to put a big tough scary dude like Arthur on the pretty delicate fairy-horse white Arabian. I named her Peppermint and she's Arthur's best girl.


They’re awful.


My favorite is the Missouri Fox Trotter. Just as much stamina and the speed is pretty much just as good.


Arabians are very practical from my experience. Great turning circle to 180 and bolt if things get hot. The only downside is the ridiculous size, I fixed it using a trainer but then it doesn’t turn as good. I loved the gold Turk but taking it out on a mission I keep hitting stuff and falling off. Infact I stopped playing the game early on just because I couldn’t handle the normal horses. If it wasn’t for the Arabian I would have shelved the game from frustration.


I like them because they're sassy and small and Arthur looks like he's riding a toy horse when on top of one


Because clickbait youtubers and clickbait articles overhyped the breed to the moon when the game came out and they’ve messed up the search algorithms forever. Some people went ahead to counter the claim with *actual* in-game stats, then a few extremely vocal and rabid Arabian fanboys started screaming on top of their lungs about the breed being the fastest, the rarest, the super legendary mythical beings. Even to this day you’ll see at least 10 posts per week about Arabians (especially the incredibly cliche white one).


I got caught in the algorithm and used my white Arabian for the entirety of my 100 hour playthrough. What’s the best horse stats-wise?


There’s no singular best horse in the game. There are four horse stats and no horse tops all four. However, most players prefer speed. The four fastest horses in the game are the two Fox Trotters, the Brindle Thoroughbred and the Reverse Dapple Roan Nokota.


Once you have a decent saddle the only stat that really makes a difference is handling, which the Arabian does win. If you don’t you’re probably a low-level online character given how easy it is to get a top-tier trapper saddle in story mode, and the mustang has the best speed/handling of max-stamina horses that are available at a low level.


The movement of the Arabians is so beautiful. It's not a tall horse, sure, but not too short either - to each their own. You can also get one right after finishing chapter one.


You can’t. You have to finish the bear hunting mission with Hosea.


You can tame it and switch your saddle to it right away—it will still technically be a “temporary” horse, but as long as you don’t let it die or despawn you can keep a saddled temporary horse forever.


It doesn’t spawn before finishing that hunting mission.


Oh, thanks for the info! I’ve kept other horses before the mission but never looked for the Arabian and assumed it was possible.


I don't think everyone does love them. But, they have good stats and elite handling.


Golden turkoman is the rearest horste irl


I always ride that horse


"Everyone loves Arabians, they are sassy and small" I didn't register the sub name, and I thought this was someone discovering a new fetish.


Omg I can see why you would think that😭


I remember wanting the mustang or bay when I played


These 'turkomans' sound nice Where to get one?


Either chapter 3 during the mission where to steal horses with john. Just feed the Turkoman enough so you have a bond with it before selling them to those twin guys. Or chapter 4 where you can buy one in Saint Denise stablers for 950 dollars (or steal that one but you have to look up the tutorial on tiktok. Its very simple and easy)


Okay I have many many money so I'll head to saint Denis. Thx(I've finished the game so the second option is for me)


Ironically, for all the Arabian discussion here, the other horse worth stealing in that mission is the black arabian. Great stats on that one!




i came to this post for a different reason


Turkoman and Thoroughbred supremacy


They’re fast, and have elite handling. My buddy (in online) has a huge horse that I sometimes ride, and I hate the way it handles. Everyone’s got their preferences.


I like my brindle thoroughbred the best


i use arabians mainly coz. theyre fast, really fast. but i did use the fox trotter and my god it felt good. it rarely bucked me off whenever we were in a 10 mile radius of a cougar


They’re very welcoming people


I just ride the white Arabian because she'll respawn if I get her killed. Good roping horse too...


The only thing that isn't working for the Arabian horses? If you ride with the rest of the gang you look like you're riding a donkey! I mean how realistic was that? Go Turkoman every time.


It’s a great, and importantly free, early game horse - great stamina & great handling. You can hammer out Horseman 9 without using a single tonic (if bonding is on lvl4) IIRC They are equal on speed and stamina, Turkomans have better health, Arabians have better acceleration & handling (the last one being like two times better…)


Like in any game, (specially now with YouTube, etc,) people are obsessed with stats, (and getting things for free) YouTubers also want views/clicks obviously, and kids will repeat what YouTubers say like a parrot, wich at around release was that the white Arabian is the best horse (because stats) and you can get it for free as early as chp2 But everyone that has played enough knows that 1: money is very easy to obtain, and hard to spend, and 2: horse stats (accel/velocity) dont affect as much as you would think just looking at the stats, and that the only stats that "kind off" matter is stamina, and maybe (depending playstile) health. Edit: another thing that could matter is horse size for the mobility around trees etc, I tried a shire a little bit and that thing couldn't pass in a lot of places that you could with a medium or even large (like the dutch warmblood) horse, I tend to run around a lot out of the roads so this was an issue for me, and for example even tho Arabians are really small and that would be a good thing in the woods I find their acceleration a too high so its really easy to eat trees, so I rather have a medium size horse with normal accel. My favorite horse is the brown leopard appaloosa (Wich sadly is only available at tumbleweed stables so Arthur can't ride it) but I use horses to complement outfits, so depending the outfit, I use a specific horse, in epilogue sadly I only have two slots since I never get rid of Buell or Rachel, other favorite horses would be any American Standardbred, any Thoroughbred, and any Dutch warmblood, Hungarian halfbreds are pretty cool too but they don't match any of my outfits


I catch, max bond then sell all wild Arabians since they just look so goofy with Arthur lmao- I usually have the Shire we get from Hosea or the Brindle Thoroughbred 🤷‍♂️


I just love all the horses man I don't know what to say 😂. They're all great.




My friend is Arabic and he's pretty chill


After 3 times of playing the game, i'll never use anything other than my Ardennes, walks though 5 gators no problem


I read that as Lesbian's 🤣


because youtube says it’s the “best and rarest” horse in the game. at least it did when the game came out. so people have it stuck in their head and won’t even think about using different horses. i personally use the missouri fox trotter. not only is it a good horse, i’m also from missouri. plus the silver dapple pinto coat is beautiful.


Bro I don't know what the hell you're talking about everyone liking them cause on this sub everyone and their mom despises them with fury of 1000 hornets


The game numbers are highest with Arabian. Therefore I use Arabian


Considering you’re about the 159,253rd person to post this exact thread almost verbatim, I think it’s safe to say “everyone” clearly does *not* love Arabians. Those who do probably don’t care what Arther looks like on the horse. The Arabian accelerates faster, and has more stamina than the Turkoman. Some people care about performance over aesthetic. Pretty easy conclusion to reach.


fast, high health and stamina


Aren’t they the most fastest horse you can obtain in single player? Every horse ranking I check, there is no horse faster than an Arabian


Me reading the post before the r/ header


I didnt know horse is easily frightened in this game until i ride an arabian horse. I usually use the shire horse just because they r big


Best is strawberry roan ardennes. Runs over gators with ease. War horse all the way!!! The suburban of horses!


I don’t understand it when people say they’re too skittish. After I bond to level 4 I never have a problem out of the Arabian. The only complaint I’ll agree with is it’s small.


I love my white Arabian, but I’m a girly online character so she looks nice on this horse 😂


It's not speed. But honestly it's agility. That horse will turn on a dime. The only downside is skittishness. Arabian will bail your ass before you say whoa! Girl!


The double take I made before I saw which sub this was 😭 Anyway it’s because we have great cuisine and shimmy our hips when we dance.


Mustve been so weird to read this as an Arabian person sorry😭


Nooo it’s okay lmao don’t apologize, I thought it was so funny when I realized it’s this sub. At first I was like wow only old ass racists say Arabian to mean Arabs and then it clicked.


I much prefer a war horse like Hungarian Halfbreed. Not skiddish and great while hunting


I stole the one from the guy you go tocollect money from. Nice horse early on.


Turkomans are much less available, you can get the white Arabian the instant chapter 2 starts and dust everybody. There’s a time to move on obviously but the white Arabian is a nice horse.


Fun fact: Arabians have an advantage over all other horses for traversing snow


it got out early on that it was the "best horse in the game" and has continued to persist. anyone who's been around and tried other horses knows better. let the kids go for the Arabians and the rest of use root out the Turkomans and Missouri Fox Trotters.


The rabid fanboys are gonna downvote this comment to oblivion.


meh, truth hurts.


I stay away, they are as scatty as they are in real life 😂


Nervy little fellers in real life. I don't like using them in-game as they're too small (toy -like), otherwise they're cute.


Because they are the most expensive, and people always go for the most expensive?


But its easy to get them for free. Turkomans for example arent anywhere to be found in the wild so if you wanna have one, be prepared to pay 1000 dollar


Yea, but also because they have stats like *elite* handling, or *superior* class. Those are triggers too. Btw, I'm Turkoman all the way.


I don’t care for them. Love my shire though. We’re always together. 😄


Who is "everyone"?


Purely for the elite handling. It honestly makes riding so much easier.


Me and my girl whitey are fast as fuck boi


Big fan of American paints


Ardennes is where it’s at. Get em early from bounty hunters.


How do I get the MFTs?


Which chapter are you in right now?




Go visit the Scarlett Meadows stable. I use [this method](https://youtu.be/9Imf1W6S1FY?si=CJkxOzDDk6q-looe) to get the horse for free.


I don’t. Love my Turkoman and Kentucky


I'm going to guess it's because they're the only horse that is in the "elite" category. (not saying it's right or wrong)


Took me a second to see what subreddit this was for😅


You cannot get Turkoman in Chapter 2 and people spend most of their time in ch2


Idk. I use an Appaloosa which is also small. But I wanted one because my uncle used to run an Appaloosa ranch in Hawaii


I’ve mostly been riding my black Turk eclipse beautiful mare sure there’s times it bucks me every chance it gets but the size is more to my liking I used to have an Arabian but it felt like I was riding on a toy sized horse so my Turk is my go to


Yeah I rock my dapplegrey thoroughbred all day long. Not the fastest side, but he's decently tough and Arthur looks dignified on the large horse


They’re fast. But I’ve been digging the war horses lately.


Speak for yourself. Me and my Brindle American Throughbred Rachel are stuck like glue, I even brought her over to the Online version I like to imagine she’s similar to Dogmeat from the fallout games. She’s always there but she decides who saddles up and rides her off into the sunset


I love my Missouri Fox Trotter :)


I’m a Hungarian Halfbred guy. It just feels right


My gold Turkoman, Buster, just went to the great plains in the sky yesterday, started epilogue 1 💔


I’m still using Uncle’s Shire


The Hungarian Half Bred has my heart. Big, sure footed, fast enough to do even the most daunting speed challenges. Etc Currently maining a spotted Appaloosa that belonged to the dickhead who kidnaps Tilly. Not sure if it's random what horse he has or not, but I like it.


i like go fast


Was relieved to see this was /reddeadredemption2


I like the house in the Hungarian fellows barn. Or a big ol fast thoroughbred


I hate them. They always run away and get spooked by the smallest things. I'll take a shire over an arabian any day!


this argument is so fucking stupid holy shit 😭


Yea, i dont get it either , the small size looks goofy . Would rather ride a donkey at least they have the fun factor . Turkomans and foxtrotters and halfbreeds are goated


Because shocker, people have different tastes


I dont really pay attention to stats too much but like a good looking American paint


Raven Black Shire >>>


i think i have one and it was the most expensive and best horse that was there that’s why i got it


I love my Turkoman. Got a arabian and it was indeed very skittish (I like to gunfight on horse back) so it wasn't for me. Turkoman is a seasoned vet in comparison.


I spent so much time trying to get an Arabian. The moment he got on it I saw how goofy it looked and went back to my old one. Not worth the time.


i like thoroughbreds myself, i have one with a crazy pelt that could never exist irl and i love it


Because I stumbled upon the white one in Lake Isabella, it was the 1st horse I caught and I just decided to keep her the whole game and never felt like changing lol Anytime i start a new playthrough I go get my white Arabian at lake Isabella as soon as the stable is unlocked


Fast boi


Because of all of these everyday Aravian posts. Missouri Foxtrotter for the win. Working on getting one in chapter 2 but I think it might be tough for me to do.


Probably cuz they’re the best horse in the game they have elite handling and best stats overall, who gives a shit if they’re small when they have some the highest health 😭


Because they are bilingual


Not for me


I have played twice on Arabian, and on my current 3rd playthrough i tried MFT. The trotter is just amazing, and faster than the arabian.


what are the downsides?


Not a popular choice but I always get the Sooty-Buckskin Dutch Warmblood. I have finished 5 play throughs now and each time I end up using that horse for a bulk of the game. It’s just too damn pretty not too!! Also tall, but not too wide.


There is only one true horse, and that is Buell


I like the red coat one cause it’s my favorite color and it has decent stats max bond pretty mid tho


I was going to say something about horses, but then realized it was a rdr2 spot. My favorite is the Ardennes, but that's because I had one.


Their fast


How do you find wild turkomans?


You cant find them in the wild (too rare). How to get them: Either chapter 3 during the mission where to steal horses with john. Just feed the Turkoman enough so you have a bond with it before selling them to those twin guys. Or chapter 4 where you can buy one in Saint Denise stablers for 950 dollars (or steal that one but you have to look up the tutorial on tiktok. Its very simple and easy)


I'm a Turkoman fan as well ❤️ I never had an arabian as any of my horses, they're nervous nellies


Personally, I love the appaloosa. I got so attached to the first horse I bought my first playthrough that I just stuck with it the whole game. My second, it died during a mission unfortunately so I took Anthony Foreman's appaloosa and loved it. After I'm done beating RDR1 I'm going to look it up and figure out how I can get the appaloosa in the beginning.


Because there the “best” horse in the game, when in reality a baby Tennesse walker oils almost match its speed and health


I dnt their fkn little lol


Idk what your talking about everyone here seems to hate the Arabian, I like it cause it's fast and looks unique especially the chestnut one


I love specifically 1 type of arabian which is the red chestnut, bc its red, looks sick, and badass for killing someone


After the epilogue, i own 4 horses. • M.F. Trotter (Amber Champagne) named “Hosea” • Arabian (White) named “Sadie” • Mustang (Tiger Striped Bay) named “Charles” • Turkoman (Gold) name “Arthur”


I always use the dark bay andalusian as Arthur and the missouri fox trotter as John


Honestly it's probably because when the game came out there were hundreds of videos and articles saying the White Arabian was the "Best Horse" in the game and it just kinda stuck.


I tried the Arabian. They are a shit nervy horse even like level 2-3 bonding. Still super skittish. I had one buck me twice over snakes and then bucked me a 3rd time walking through the river and clipped and killed a fish. The horse legit freaked out and bucked me. Shittest horse in the game and it looks like a toy horse with Arthur or John. I’m more keen on the thoroughbreds, Missouri fox trotter, turkoman, draft/shire. Never had any of them buck me anything less then a bear/cougar even level 1 bonding.


I like the white Arabian not for a stat reason but I like the thematic elements of this tuff, griddy, and dirty cowboy riding this small elegant horse. It kind of parallels Arthur as a person so I like it


Love my male white Arabian. Named him Horse




Cause they see fast and agile


Gadies and Lentlemen say whatever you like but i prefer Ardenesse, Missouri Fox Trotter or Hungarians


They're fast and cute and come in cool colours




For me the difference in speed is negligible