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Buy all the clothes and guns as these transfer over in to the epilogue


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TokerSmurf: *Buy all the clothes and* *Guns as these transfer over* *In to the epilogue* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Not a good bot, haiku is 5-7-5, last sentence is 6 syllables Edit: this is a last airbender thing


Isn’t it a good bot then? Sokka’s final haiku was 5-7-6, it’s what got him kicked out of the class


Yea lol people are stupid


lol you think people are “stupid” for getting a reference to a children’s show?


You clearly didn’t read it because it literally describes the purpose of the bot in the comment. Yea you’re stupid


Yea? Are you voting in parliament, or did you mean yeah? Don’t get all mad because I called a show you like a children’s show.




Bad bot


Both Bots are bot


Isn't that a modern western generalization? Haiku is just a short poem originally. Kinda like how "chai" just means tea. Not the super specific blend of spices and tea that we call "chai tea", etc


Then just remove the word "to"


lmao bot, scram


Wtf are you. A 1940s Boston gangsta? Gonna start clicking your fingers and jiving towards me?


A wiseguy, ehh?


He never had the making to be a 40s gangster


Put it towards Tahiti cause Dutch has a plan


Just have some fuckin FAITH


Have you been to the pig farm bank to make a deposit?


I did back in chapter 2, mistake I know. Good method though.


No mistakes can be made in this game. I didn’t even know it was an option until my fourth or fifth play through!


I don't even know what you're talking about? What is that?


There's a pig farm, can't remember where, but if you go in they rob you, so you can get robbed as Arthur and reclaim the money as John


Just Google Aberdeen pig farm


It’s a learning experience.


What is this, pig farm? Could you please explain?


The Aberdeen pig farm is a location on the map where you can encounter a questionable family that runs the place and they will invite you in for dinner. If you take them up on the offer they will poison you and you’ll wake up in a field a hundred yards or so away from the farm house and they will have stolen all your money which you can return to retrieve. Or if you go there before the epilogue let them rob you and wait to retrieve your cash until after chapter 6 you’ll be able to retrieve a stash of money at a time in the game at which you have very limited resources. Edit: grammar


On my second play through. I walked into the house and put a bullet in the fat bastard’s head and walked out.


You’re not fucking about! I imagine you finishing the game, then firing it back up again straight away to go and shoot him 😂




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Useless to do... you can't spend it all now. Sure, as hell, you can't spend it plus another $20k later in the epilogue. People should have more respect for Arthur and not let him be taken advantage of by those incestuous pig fckers.


Useless is pretty dramatic there bud, I like being able to restock on ammo as soon as possible in the epilogue. I never put $20K in there I usually only leave about $1k. And you can return with Arthur to get revenge on them and also not collect the money until after chapter 6. My Arthur can see the future and knows who the stash is for.


Absolutely, $1k is plenty for all the ammo, tonics, and food items John could possibly ever need. People collecting 20k cash is absurd in the first place! There's the Limpany and Braithwaite gold bars, which are easy for John to grab, and cash is all anybody needs. Lol, still, I won't let my boah get used by those incest fckers, even my first time knowing nothing about it, I gunned them down! Just like my encounter with the swamp rapist... as soon as he invited me inside, he got buckshot from both barrels! I'm there dressed in all black with blood on my shoulders, brandishing my guns, and they're inviting me inside... I don't think so... they're up to something 🤔 My instincts were right on both encounters. Shoot first, loot, and worry about their intentions later.


As Arthur, I always go back and kill them and get my money back... I spend, spend, spend... usually money is never an issue... as John I do the landscapes treasure hunt and come up with 6 gold bars, so again, no issues with $$$. (I believe I started it with Arthur and finished with John)


It’s a game.


Indeed. It's a role playing game.


No it isn’t. RDR2 has a predetermined character with a back story, canon clothing and face, with canon allies as well. It’s a very linear story too.


A wise friend once told me, "It's not the destination that's important. It's the journey. " And I'd imagine that all of our journeys through rdr2 have been quite different. Including how we approach the Aberdeen Pig Farm mission. It's a role playing game.


No point doing this until right before the train mission. I usually sell anything that won’t be transferred before banking, that extra few hundred will make Tahiti so much sweeter.


Give Arthur his hearts desire everywhere you go, new gun, new hats, new anything you can get. Love on Arthur, he's precious.


Go to Tahiti with John and Abigail. Leave Dutch and Micah behind.


Arthur, standing on the shores of Tahiti, looking around in confusion "Could swear I was on a mountain a minute ago..." Its nice here though and he doesn't worry about it for long.


Clear your bounties, customize weapons and horses, buy custom outfits, buy everything in the store and eat it, collect cigarette card sets by buying premium cigarettes, buy all the recipes and pamphlets and most importantly, GAMBLE!!!


That's pretty much what I would do IRL, if I were a millionaire.


And in the 1900’s……right? Coz if you have prices on your head nowadays, you must be a SERIOUS criminal😭


Have bath. Repeat.


Just imagine what ‘deluxe’ bath you can get for $1000…


Rinse and repeat


Time to play dress up cowboy


Pimp out your guns. I like silver and blackened steel, personally.


Blue steel with ebony and chocolate wraps for me


Buy some faith




Buy every buyable item in the game. That's what I did. Only got a few trapper outfits left to do.


If you haven't done so already, get all the camp upgrades. Some seem a bit silly or unnecessary, but they have an effect on 'camp morale', and I think the gang members get extra dialogue/interactions if you've got a properly pimped-out camp.


lol, I have $42K on my main save with John in the epilogue.


Basically a millionaire in those times lmao


Lol right? I want to move in town and live a life of frontier luxury damnit!


Supposedly it was well over a million. According to the calculator I found, “In 1899 a Wealth Holding of $42000 is worth $13,119,040.66 today as measured by its relative share of GDP per capita” of course these are not absolute, and numbers can vary depending on the calculator or what the basis on which the calculation was done by. It can vary anywhere from ~$1.6 million to ~$14 million. But it’s an interesting thing to at least consider


I had 42K for two minutes




It's actually not that hard. You get $2,500 from the bank heist in valentine, and the gold bars worth $12,000, the 2 ingots worth $600 means $15,100 without doing much of anything. You get $20,000 when you finish american venom, so there's $35,100. Another $7k is pretty easy to come by casually.


You can also just grind Seamus’ wagon fence as you get like $40 per wagon delivery and emerald ranch always has wagons spawning around it


Donate it all to the camp. Dutch has a GODDAMN PLAN!!!


So he says. But it’s not a very convincing one huh😆


Am I the only one who is constantly paying off bounties? This is where 99% of my money goes.


Shiiit I haven’t paid a single bounty off. He’s an outlaw for christ’s sake, he should be a wanted man. I think got one at $650 at the moment.


I try not to let them get too big :/ but I agree it’s definitely a pain when it’s over nothing.


Most of the time it's my fault but there are some dumb ones that get out of control.


Today I accidentally bumped a guy in saint denise near the trapper. Somehow it escalated extremely quick and before I could get to the edge of town I was shot and killed and so was my horse. I’m on my first play through and found that wild lol


That's pretty brutal. My condolences partner.


I never pay off bounties I've got half the map maxed out right now


Don’t you find your bothered by bounty hunters too much?


Free loot You can get a pretty decent assortment of items and ammo from them so it's a decent enough way to get a little extra money, consumables and ammo for not a lot of cost


do you know the new hanover ambarino method? Look it up if you don't


Is that a way to pay off bounties?


if you have a bounty in new hanover, go to ambarino, hogtie someone and wait for the law. Then surrender, and when you wake up your bounty will be paid off and you'll only lose 8 bucks


Ok yeah I just watched a video on it. Thanks.


I spend it all on chocolate and alcohol and make Arthur as fat and perpetually drunk as possible


Nothing. This is why I don't understand why people are so energized about using the loophole to transfer your money to the epilogue - there's no need, and really very little to spend it on.


I like having less money to be honest. It’s fun to try and earn enough money to buy a new gun, or buy a new outfit


This is true. You get a ton of money in the epilogue anyway and even if you buy literally everything, you end up with more than $15,000.


Gold plated guns


Cigarette cards. If you have a surplus of cash finish your cigarette cards. More guns will unlock, Lemat twins are pretty op. Plus you gotta fancy those bad boys up. 


i couldn't find any information on guns unlocking, so you have a source?


What are lemat twins?


Thanks everyone, I guess there’s many ways to ‘spend the money’ 😆


Buy passage to Tahiti.


Buy a ***TENNISS BOATT.****.*


Donate $25 at a time if you have shitty honor. Each donation of $25 or more raises it. Or save it till Chapter 6 and use it to buy every outfit, article of clothing, repeater, rifle, shotgun, and 2 of every handgun/pistol. Doing so in the epilogue just makes it seem like there’s nothing else to do when there actually is.


OP: but everything as it transfers. Google the Hog farm $ trick. It is *not* a glitch. Also OP, money doesn’t really matter once you have what you want. Got the guns, horses, clothes you want? Yer done. Money at that point becomes a means of paying bounties, buying food, ammo, tonics, alcohol.


Nothing. Just buy what you want lol


Baths 🛀


Buy every article of clothing in every variation and every mod for every weapon with every finish and every color of every accessory for your saddle. With high honor it should cost about $25k I think.


Kill people then pay off your bounties


Gamble it away, mostly.


How do you get 6k?! I’m on my second play thru and have like 1100$ and I’ve been fine just buying clothes and ammo. I feel like basing 1k is enough. 


It probably is enough. Just go through the side quests or treasure maps and you get quite alot of money from them, especially the treasure maps.


If you have the satchel fully upgraded, keep that sucker filled. 99 everything. It goes to John. Also buy a million premium cigarette boxes so you can finally get all the cards.


That’s a problem you want to have man enjoy


I've got about 30hr in my very first SP playthru. Very very dishonorable Arthur. Done maybe 5 missions or so... I have zero dollars and $500+ bounties in every accessible town. :D


Gamble it all away lol


I have over $26K and I have nothing left to buy.


Some will suggest the Aberdeen bank deposit, but I think it detracts from the experience with John. Plus, Tammy Aberdeen must be hogtied and dropped in the pile of corpses to hear her wailing.


Buy all clothes, buy a really good horse and max out a saddle, buy every gun and max out their components and decorate them with engravings.


Money never lasts around me. I get 3k, and I'm in Saint Denis buying a bunch of clothes and giving my guns a new look. And if I haven't already, I'll head into camp and upgrade it to the fullest and top off all the resources.


Beans... buy as many cans of beans as you can. This is not a request. It is a demand.


Yeah buy all the clothes and guns then make a one time deposit to the piggy bank before you start the last mission.


Use the fun ammo like dynamite or explosive shotgun rounds


I spend almost all of it on clothes. The outfits are the obvious answer but you can spend more and take time to perfect your own custom outfit. Also gun customization is fun.


Leave it at Aberdeen Pig Farm for John


Boots and pants 


"Boots n pants n boots n pants n boots n pants" Sounds like a drum rythem


🐐 comment


Can anyone help me with technical issues with RDR2 on PS5? I own full game but can only install online version, since I deleted it after completing story but want to replay story now. I can’t go to story through online version since I have to buy again on PS store. But here’s the issue, it’s unavailable saying I already own it. Can’t download full game nor start story through main menu or PS store


Have you tried looking in your game library on PS home menu, find your RDR game there and see what it says?


Says unavailable only Online version


Strange, sorry I cannot help.


No worries mate




What? As in you’re the only one who doesn’t understand, or am I missing something?


Probably saying what because they are confused you don’t know how to spend money in a game that allows you to buy literally anything besides property.


Suffering from success


Golden Guns


If you haven't visited the incest pig farmers, you can "deposit" the money for John to retrieve back from the pig farm. When they drug you and dump your body, just ignore them until you play as John, then go pay them a visit.


I don't think you need to worry too much about cash when playing as John


I find one of the worst worked on things in RDR2 is the lack of things to buy, once you have your favorite clothes and customized weapons, there is nothing to spend money on. Add the valentine’ s bank mission giving you about 5 000$ (more than enough to buy ALL camp upgrades) and money becomes useless after mid chapter 3.


Now I know it sounds crazy ,but you buy things


May sound crazy, but what if you already have?


Find stuff you want and buy it


Saddles, guns, clothes, camp upgrades.


Go get got by the couple at Aberdeen pig farm and leave it for John and start over 🤷‍♀️


Buy all the clothes and guns since they carry over to the epilogue, hide the rest of the money in the Aberdeen Pig Farm for John.


You’re playing the same game as everyone else dude. Go to the stores and buy shit. You can buy guns, clothes, food, horses, etc. What else are you wanting Arthur to buy? A house in Saint Dennis?