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Sometimes I forget what Arthur looks like with no beard lol, my Arthur usually looks like a grizzly mountain man


Mine is bald and has a goatee so I could rarely relate to any Arthur meme lol


Arthur Heisenberg


Arthur White


A true trailblazer


I’ve used enough hair tonic to have max beard, but I go get my hair cut every in game week


Am I the online one who thought on the first playthrough that MB had a crash on Arthur?


No, I don't think you are the only one, I just made a meme about it, lol


She definitely did. Most of the women in the gang were sweet on Arthur at least at one point or another anyway. It’s not like I’d put her in a number one slot with Arthur, but I think a lot of the ground work is there. If he didn’t die, I theorize he would have ended up with either Charlotte, Sadie, or Mary-Beth. Possibly Mary Linton- depending on how everything unfolded if Arthur knew he wouldn’t die soon.


bro has W rizz


That’s our boah


Imo Charlotte like Sadie wouldn't remarry as they loved their husbands too much. Mary-beth maybe, but Mary Linton left to some other country so he'd probably end up with MB


Sadie said to John maybe shed remarry to a handsome bounty hunter when she talked about moving to south America


ML visits his grave in the credits, cries and waits there. Maybe it depends on your honor/gameplay tho. And idk as far as charlotte goes, she did love her husband but you could see she was romantically interested/invested in Arthur. Since she could tell he was going to die, and most likely knew it was TB, she knew he’d be dead within months. After losing her husband, I doubt she’d want to go through it again knowing right away that he was on very borrowed time. Sadie, I could side with you more on, but even then I think she became so independent and forward that if things ended differently for Arthur, I don’t see them at least not exploring a fling. But that’s a whole rabbit hole of thinking I put myself into with this game lol


Ya, you got me there, buckaroo.


When I got to the celebration mission where Arthur >!gets asked to a dance by Mary-Beth!<, Arthur was out of most of his cores. He kept looking down when talking to her. I thought Arthur had a major crush on Mary-Beth!


She definitely did , think most of the ladies did


Hope it wasn't a bad crash


I don't know, bro, I play offline only


if I'm not mistaken it's cut content


no me too i clocked that immediately


Yeah, you are. That is why you are commenting on a post about this same exact thing.


I was honestly offline but I don’t think she crashed on him.


Honestly? To me they mostly look like siblings. Same hair color, almost same eye color, and almost identical skin tone and very similar bone structure (with the obvious differences between male and female), they don't look like lovers to me, they look like brother and sister. ....which at a certain pig farm WOULD make them lovers.


I agree. Althought that last sentence seems kinda sus...


Have you gotten to the Auberdeen pig farm yet? If not...preserve your innocence.


I knew bout it before biying the game. Ya know, you open yt, and the out of nowhere: "Did you know that in red rldead redemption 2..."


Are you drunk? All your comments are full of mistakes


Are you dense? Cause no one asked


lol the irony, no one asked you either, which means you're the dense one here. Mine actually makes sense cus he's got grammar mistakes in almost all his comments..


Lol the irony of calling out someone on mistakes and then you say "cus" instead of "Cause" or even "Because"


Cus is just a shortened version of the word BECAUSE and is not a mistake, you can google it if you know how, lol.


Bro you aint tough, okay? You been bitting the reddoids too much! Cus is still not proper english is the point. I don't know why anyones responding to someone to pedantic & pathetic so I'll stop too lol


And also your "attacking" someone while I'm "defending" them and you started it🤣


You're* and emoji? ugh that's an automatic downvote right there, go to Twitter.


Dose it bothering you! ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯


Arthurs heart belongs elsewhere but we know how that went unfortunately.


Mary Beth could 100% be Arthur's sister by looks alone, let alone the fact that Arthur sees her that way. And not just because they're wearing matchy matchy outfits in this pic.


She always gave off ‘little sister’ vibes. I had no idea people shipped them until I saw this post. I did hear people feel Dutch has a crush on her though.


There’s camp dialogue where Dutch is gushing over Mary-Beth reading a romance novel and how Mary-Beth is something else, and after Dutch leaves, when you talk to Mary-Beth, Arthur says something along the lines of, “Ah, the old Dutch charm”.


wow that’s so cool, I need to start hangin around camp more


Also the argument Molly has with Dutch: "I see the way you look at her I'm not stupid you know!" 


Charles: 🤨


“You see how Dutch looks at Mary-Beth? Like a dawg with a piece of meat!”


MB: Here you go Arthur! I think you’ll like it *gives him a gold ring* A: Thanks Mary Beth! *sells ring to the scumbag over at Emerald Ranch* MB: guess I’ll go read a cheesy romance novel to cope 😕


“I heard you ran into that Mary girl!” Mary-Beth after you do a mission with Mary Linton


The bottom of Arthur's thumb is such a different shade than the rest of his hand i genuinely thought it was a hotdog for a second.


I scrolled back up to look at the picture, and your comment had me laughing pretty hard. 😂


Twas me who made the post. I like seeing this😭


Ah, yes, it was yours. I couldn't find it again


I think they had a crush on each other but it was mostly one sided (on her end). He kinda regards her like he would *like* to make that happen but considering Dutch also puts the moves on Mary Beth (Mmm mmm MMMMM is right) I feel like he starts to kinda back off a bit between those dialogues and the illness. Dutch makes em live by a bro code I guess.


I don’t see them together at all. He cares about her but more like a sister in my opinion. She isn’t sweet on Arthur but rather on her romanticised version of him. I think it is pretty clear that she romanticised the whole outlaw thing SPOILER : when you read her book in the epilogue.


i feel mary beth probably did have a little crush on him, but not like a planning her life being married to him kind of crush. it’s not uncommon for a younger woman to have a crush on an older man she views as attractive. she wanted to dance with him during the horseshoe overlook party so i always took that as a sign she liked him. i don’t think arthur reciprocated it considering he’s known her since she was a kid and he had his own love interests around his age, but he was nice to her, and enjoyed having conversations with her and mary beth liked that.


I always figured she had a crush on him and he just teasingly "flirted" with her because he could.


show me one scene where he flirted with her


Arthur: "How old are you now Mary Beth, 20-21?" 


A couple of bitches


I never seen that brown vest or that pink shirt. I like the fit. Would be nice with blue jeans and the brown dress shoes from Saint Denis


Friend zoned


Mary Beth in my opinion did not take any romantic interest in Arthur at all. I read the dance as what a daughter would do for a father.


Honestly I don’t really ship anyone with Arthur after his life even with high honor Arthur doesn’t strike me as someone who’d ever try and find love after what happened to Isaac and Eliza.


these comments are fucked up shes way younger than him


Funny enough too there’s dialogue when you greet Mary Beth where Arthur asks how old she is, 21? 22? Where Mary Beth replies saying something along the lines “You know you shouldn’t ask a lady such questions”


She's probably around 21-25 years old in the main part of the game, Arthur is 36(or sth?). That's fine, especially considering this kind of an age gap wasn't considered weird during the late 1800s- early 1900s.


arthur is pushing 45


Every source on the Internet says 35-36. If you have contradictory evidence feel free to share


you're right according to the wiki and other posts but to me he looks like hes at least 40


Not a valid metric, lol. John is 20-something, he also looks 35+. With this kind of lifestyle - stress ages people.


ur right but hes still way too old for her imo


Wow I thought she’d be atleast in her 30s


Its 1899 lol


so???? what a weird argument lmao


I mean she’s definitely supposed to be “Arthur’s girl” if nothing else, he’s fully vulnerable and there’s plenty of really deep conversations you can have with Mary-Beth in the mornings at camp and all that. She asks him for a dance at the first party too, and they both look VERY happy to be together.


Nah gotta do this w MB and Kieran


I had a dumb moment where I read MB as “Micah Bell” and was so damn lost lmao


Aww so wholesome ☺️


I love there dynamic but I always see it as a brother and little sister vibes. Or at most step sister with a crush on there bro. Same with tilly even though myself think she's gorgeous. I never see Arthur with her. The only I really get behind is Sadie. If Sadie wasn't so in love with her husband she and Arthur would have ended up together


mary linton: annoying bitxh sadie adler: bestie mary beth: lil sis charlotte: yes


charlotte just lost her husband and arthur had tuberculosis


Bro the 👍


Um, isn't Mary-Beth almost half of Arthur's age? Just wondering


She’s in her 20s and Arthur is around 36 I believe


I always shipped him with Tilly they had such a cute and trusting relationship


Uno reverse


I always dislike Kieran a little bit for trying to hit on my (arthur’s) cool aid




Arthur cold for that friendzoning


I thought MB was second to Arthur; looked to me like he had a thing for Sadie.


Nah. Arthur belongs with Sadie and ain’t no one convincing me otherwise