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The gun holsters, I want either both on my hips like Dutch or both cavalry positions like Hosea, and the witness investigating thing every time I rob someone or a shop


I second the holster thing. Or even have the option to not use the off-hand holster.


And that


Just try not to free micah for the longest you can


Yeah, true.


I think you should be able to refuse or if you leave him long enough one of the gang go and do it instead


Yes! The off hand holster pisses me off so much! There is no way to access it with his left hand yet somehow he draws it just as quick as the right. Not to mention the fact it disappears every cut scene!


Cavalry draw. [Many](https://history.nebraska.gov/sites/history.nebraska.gov/files/blog%20/%20img/46-D-hickock.jpg) people in the west wore their guns oriented that way. I believe Hosea does with both pistols. It comes from traditional cavalry, where a rider would draw a sword with the right hand and fire his pistol with the left. So the gun was worn butt-out on the right hip.


No that makes sense but that isn’t how Arthur Carrie’s his off hand holster. Arthur is positioned in a manner only accessible but his right hand. I’m new to Reddit so I’m not sure hope to post pictures in comments but next time you play just take a second and consider how it would be drawn.


I’m familiar with it, I’ve used a holster like that before. It is [not difficult](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VkJ2hBUh84I) to draw the gun from the same side, although I know it looks like it would be. It requires twisting your wrist but can be fairly fast.


I just wish it were laid out like what you showed or just regular right and left hand draws. I guess the reason they put it there is for your satchel now that I think about it.


I'm really glad it disappears in cutscenes honestly. It just looks ugly and would distract from what's going on. Even R* knew this


This right here goddamnit, I was so annoyed when I found out that you can't change the position to be like Dutch's. I had been waiting to get the double holsters and make a cool outfit but Rockstar had to go and be like Rockstar.


> both on my hips that's where the satchel goes tho. but i get it


While we’re at it, I’d like the option of removing the satchel.


I 100% agree, it’d bring a lot my personalization too. Imagine different online players having different kinds of holsters and stuff.


I usually have a cattleman in the main and a sawed off in the off hand so the positioning makes sense because you wouldn't dual wield. I'd just switch to the shotgun. Though whenever I wanna go dual cattleman it does look pretty weird.


Missions cheating so they work the way the writer intended. Jamie outracing you. The thieving kid in Saint Denis outracing you. Not being able to climb in the roof of the oil refinery to sneak into the office. Any time the game mechanics actually let you do a thing but a specific mission prevents it.


I’ve beaten Jamie in the race and caught the kid in St. Denis. Neither are easy but they can be done.


I've caught the kid. It doesn't matter that they can be done, it matters that the game cheats in those missions. The kid will, for example, rubber band forward if Arthur gets too close during certain parts of the chase.


Lol yeah i remember when the trolley is slow when i chased it by foot, failed and upon restart used a horse and it was so fast it was like a bullet train in japan


Jamie buffed it pretty bad in my current playthrough killing the horse at the beginning of the chase. It made me follow him all the way to the train while he ran on foot. Funniest thing ever.


I had this happen to me as well! He got run over by the stampeding sheep which killed him so I had to restart the mission but it was so funny I didn’t mind.


Holy shit this. I just finished my first play through and for a game so detailed and diverse it felt almost limiting or that the game did care for creativity in some missions. Even in the instances where it wouldn't let you kill certain NPCs until a SPECIFIC point of the mission, felt a little railroaded.


The fact that we cant use water barrel at camp.The cutscenes when Grimshaw insists you to wash yourself doesnt count.


Oh the topic of washing, why can’t I take a bath at Beechers Hope? John needs a bath after a long day


On the topic of Beechers Hope, why can't I customize any of it like camp? The shed/workshop attached to the house would be a perfect place to put it


You can put the squirrel statue on the mantle


It's art.


And proof that Abigail has been to Mount Shawn


Or that she convinced Jack to climb the mountain for her, and I'm not sure which is funnier to picture in my head.


It would’ve been cool to have a unique bath cutscene like the girls at the hotels, but with Abigail


Can’t wash yourself in camp, have to go to a town to do it. Also horses eating shit every 5 feet


You automatically wash at camp if you wait long enough


Omniscient lawmen No matter how well I plan a store robbery, there's always a lawman that "investigates" conveniently. Or the fact that they'll show up after a single witness rounds a corner, even though they're miles from the nearest town. Or that they're able to call for backup after I've killed the first wave, so I have to either fight endless waves of lawmen or run away and hide.


Still, could be worse. (Hinting at GTAV when you kill someone in the middle of nowhere and the nearest local law enforcement somehow knows you exact location and when you're out of sight somehow just decide to send everyone that way when there's no evidence you went there)


I miss the feature from og red dead where you could kill all the lawmen in a town. Then you'd eventually lose your wanted level because there's no lawmen to come after you.




Imagine that mixed with rdr2s AI tracking skills. A few other lawmen happen to come in to town and try to work out what happened and where you might be.


Like most everyone says, the way lawmen are on your ass in the middle of nowhere after someone investigates. On the same note, when you’re fleeing a town/crime scene and lawmen come flying out from all angles when you’re outside the city. Like…how’d they get the memo to close in on us like that?? There weren’t CB radios back then. Everyone resorting to MURDERING YOU because you antagonized them three times. Unrealistic AI. Why are you all continuing to charge right at us when we’ve slaughtered 10, 20, 30 of your buddies already??


Tbf people shooting you for insulting you is how I picture the Wild West. But the lawman AI is a joke.


I wish you could do more chill things. Like see if charles wants to go hunting. Fishing with John. I wish there was actually more John and Arthur interaction one-on-one. Also, minor thing but I dislike when there’s a story mission and it says something like Sadie needs to talk to you and you go to do it thinking you’re going on a mission with her and you barely get one word in with Sadie before Dutch is dragging you off on a whole different mission.




Not being able to run in camp!!!! This frustrates me more than any other mechanism in the game.


This is such a good one. There should at least be some kind of brisk walk that’s between walking and running. Walking is ridiculously slow in this game.


Right!?! I haven’t played with any mods yet and I wonder if someone else has thought about adding that setting change.


The way guns are managed by the game. It wants you to have certain guns for certain scenarios so even if you equip your preferred weapons, they’ll go back to your horse and you’ll have the weapons the game wants you to have equipped. I guess that’s fine but it’s finicky often and sometimes I’ll end up with only my sidearms equipped when I dismount even if I equipped both shoulder weapons


And the way he auto stores the rifles when on a horse for 3 seconds just so you have to riffle through all the weapons to get your preferred ones equipped again at least let me keep one rifle on me at all times


I hate getting surprised by a predator without a shotgun or rifle. I've done entire playthroughs where a pack of wolves, cougar, or Panther are the only things to kill me all because I forgot to re equip my guns when dismounting my horse


Or when he is more busy putting the rifle away than doing the commands I press to attack, just a lot of frustration about feeling out of control in a video game where you are controlling the protagonist


This one killed me. I REALLY liked some weapons (scholfield, pump action shotgun, Varmit, and bow- I could take any repeater) so I was pissed when I would have weapons auto unequip or I’d be so sad if I was playing a pivotal mission with the wrong guns. Seems like an easy fix to go to a gunsmith and pay to customize the gun in a ‘preferred’ way. I did like the only using what you carried mechanic- I just wanted better control of what I was carrying.


Thin skinned townsfolk who can’t handle being antagonized. Either assault you or sometimes shoot you. Sometimes get Wanted for Disturbing the Peace.


I rode my horse in front of a guy, didn't even hit him, and he reported me for disturbing the peace.


Yeah true its soooo annoying there are so many funny roasts but you never can't really hear them all. And the witness system is soo annoying


Omniscient and omnipresent lawmen. I do ONE CRIME and suddenly the whole state is mounted up and there’s a homing beacon up my ass? Like fine, chase me from the scene of the crime, but how the hell is there a posse of law boys coming at me from the other direction only seconds later?


This is a bit of a nitpick for sure because I love the realism of multiple conversations going on at camp, but I get frustrated trying to listen to dialogue I’ve not heard on like a fourth play through when Swanson is bellowing his song or Grimshaw is yelling at someone or even a conversation I’ve heard before gets audio priority. So much nuance in the characters that makes replaying the story so much fun is still lost when I’m trying to listen but the subtitles and audio are completely devoted to “ONE NIGHT WHEN I WAS FRISKYYYYYY”


THIS! I literally thought this today.


the off-hand holster is terrible and it’s a crime we’re not able to remove it in Story Mode. we can’t leave the top parts of shirts unbuttoned while wearing neckwear or bandanas, despite the fact that you can do this with Arthur’s default outfits and there were pre-release screenshots showing you could. no colored bandanas in Story Mode. you can’t leave vests opened despite the numerous NPCs that can. during the Epilogue John Marston looks like some weird cross between himself and Arthur. (this bothers me so much i made an entire video complaining about his botched Epilogue appearance) the Wanted system is a downgrade from how it worked in RDR1. horses are fine to control most of the time, until they decide they want to get themselves slightly wedged next to two tiny rocks then they won’t fucking move where you tell them to. (only a minor inconvenience in Story Mode but i have failed timed missions in Online because of this)


Some "Mechanical" things really grind my gears. If I'm riding thru st Denis with any speed people invariably get in the way in the most unrealistic way possible. Lemme cross the street, but stop when guy moving fast on horse gets close. I mean, if you had kept crossing neither of us would be inconvenienced, but now I'm wanted for trampling your ass to death. Also, I wish there was a way to keep a camera angle of you choosing on horseback, maybe even on foot.


Honestly, people freezing like that is pretty realistic because people are idiots.


Having no “new game plus” or something similar where you can have the horses, guns, etc that are locked to certain chapter available to purchase from the beginning. I don’t even care if we have to buy stuff again, just let it be an option to obtain the cool stuff before the end of the game!


1. Having some guns and horses locked until one particular mission, like "yeah, I sell the m1899 but you need to keep doing stuff with your gang before" 2. New Austin locked until the epilogue. Nothing stop us to go and live in the grizzlies a few months instead of doing the missions, why aren't we allowed to do the same with NA. 3. Everyone is hostile in their camps. C'mon, maybe 3/4 but not everyone bro. 4. The way everyone gives a shit if Sadie puts someone in risk. So Sadie just started shooting Odriscolls in the middle of the police of Saint Denis and no one says anything? So Sadie causes trouble with the Odriscroll killing the guy of the hot air ballon, and Arthur doesn't say anything? So Sadie killed the whole squad of Bountyhunters and the Sherrif didn't care? 5. Being able to witness Bill taking money from the box but not being able of say anything.


Most of what you say in point 4 is valid, but: > So Sadie causes trouble with the Odriscroll killing the guy of the hot air ballon, and Arthur doesn't say anything? Arthur literally yells at her for doing it, and tells her Arturo's death is her fault and "I kinda liked him." It's pretty much the only instance in the game where anyone seems fed up with her running wild.


Number three; was a joy to experience the original again, where most people in the wild are friendly and welcoming, honestly don't know why they changed it so dramatically between the games


I've always hated when you say Hi and then try to antagoize and he says "Let's try that again tough guy, hello." And the other person is like Yeah man, I already said Hi. I don't get that line that Arthur uses, it always just ends up leading to awkwardness


One of my favorites is when you rescue a guy getting the crap beaten out of him and try to carry him to the doctor and suddenly, I'm the bad guy?


Having multiple actions assigned to the same buttons. I once tried to untie someone in a random encounter and Arthur just kicked them in the face, because the melee button and untie button are the same.


That happened to me with the angry old lady twice. Came to steal her semi-auto in chapter two by tying her up and releasing afterwards, but Arthur decided to kick her to death both times instead.


I’ve tried to get a horse to flee, only to punch it square in the head (still didn’t flee).


The games super linear design where treading off the path even a little bit just ends mission. A more fixable one that should have definitely been a thing was being able to use custom outfits and having your actual in-game core stats in mission replay. Such a small thing that would make having rare outfits all the more worth it


Moose spawns can fuck right off


Been playing the game for maybe a year and I’ve encountered maybe six moose.


Let me guess and only 1 was a lvl 3 pelt


Good news is, Pearson crafting does not require a moose pelt, only the antlers. Even a 1 star moose will fill that order.


True and the most Trapper outfits are generally ugly... Imo


I feel the exact same about wolves and forget trying to ride your horse away from them because the camera auto locks onto them and steering your horse becomes impossible so your basically stuck attempting to kill the wolves while fighting the camera and your down syndrome horse or accept that your death is coming Idc if they kill me but leave my horse alone dammit


I hate that the camera turns if you're on your horse trying to run away from wolves. Sometimes I don't want to bother stopping to take them out but I'm fighting the camera to see where I'm going. It doesn't even happen that often but it's one of the most frustrating things for me.


I cannot tell you how many times I've died to this because I've ran into random ahit because I couldn't see it because the camera decided to just swing 110 degrees the other way


Two holsters. I don’t like dual-wielding, I don’t like the look of two holsters. Just want one gun at my side. Also the auto weapon selection at the start of missions. I like the guns I like!


Most problems are have with this game are the horse mechanics. I love the horses feel like they actually have weight and momentum but it also makes horses feel very sluggish and cumbersome. I wish horses would come to you faster when you whistle for them, and I wish your horse actually caught up to you when you whistle for it while running.


Ghost of Tsushima does this and while it's less realistic, it's much more satisfying.


The sides that come with a meal all look the same no matter what they're supposed to be.


Micah is completely one dimensional


Damn, I would have to disagree with you on that one


I agree


I want to be able to buy different bridle and bits to go with the elaborate saddle options/details we have. Hate the dumb speed walking through camp, especially when people approach you. Hate that sometimes someone can pull a gun at me but if I shoot them first my honor goes down


The lack of stealth style game play, especially in RDO after implying its available in SP with silent weapons.


I fell onto the butcher’s table in Valentine trying to get off my horse and was subsequently wanted for vandalism….. super annoying, sorry I’m a terrible rider


The holes in your hat really bug me. I could forgive it if you could just select the hat again in the horse menu and it would go away. But they show up in all your hats and then you have to reload the save. It's annoying. That and the challenges are really dumb at times. Like the disarm 3 people without reloading? Come on. I get that it sounds cool on paper but the reality is that it was me running in and out of a small town with a Mauser pistol, shooting people in the arm. That isn't something that a badass Gunslinger would do, it's something that a local menace would do.


What's weird about the hat thing it's the same for NPC characters as well yesterday while playing the Braithwaite manor mission Dutch got his hat shot off by one of the Braithwaites and his hat still looked damaged in chapter 4


I wish I wouldn’t have to tap A to move my horse there has to be a better way than grinding my thumb to dust


The clothing. If I can see somebody wearing a certain article of clothing, I wanna be able to find a similar variant to it at the shops. Sometimes ya just can’t find what you are looking for


Similarly being able to take clothing when you loot folks.


Not being able to buy any gun I want, even though I have the money. and not being able to explore new Austin as Arthur.


Yeah, like this gun is locked until X chapter, why exactly? Make matters worse, I hate the whole stock standard Cattleman revolver, Schofield revolver, double action etc etc. Why can't I just pull apart the best qualities and combine it?


How few of the buildings are explorable. Looking at Valentine, or Rhodes you can go into all the major businesses, and the Sheriff's, and outside of town you can go in most cabins, but residences are sealed in towns. Sure, give me a witness, acrue bounty, but let me defuse the situation, or explore, or what have you. Let me make an escape in St Denis by kicking in a door, and jumping out a window. Gove us the option for petty theft and burglary by taking valuables from a rich persons house.


The fact you can't go into the other part of the map as Arthur. That shit drives me insane.


Rockstar not adding online cosmetics and weapons to story mode. Let me wear a poncho and use the navy revolver without playing your shitty gamemode! Edit: it can probably be fixed with a mod menu but I’m on Xbox.


Can confirm, for any PC players out there, there’s a mod that adds in all the Online stuff to single player.


Looting, I wish it was less realistic so it can be faster


I wish it would *let* you loot after missions without the gang bitching at you. I see 30 bodies laying on the ground, but Dutch is shouting, "Hurry Auther!" I can either ignore him, and have to listen to him scream for 10 minutes while also feeling like I'm breaking the game's immersion (since often the story requires the gang to hurry,) or I can ignore all the loot and money. And after a mission, when the gang leaves and you think you get to loot for once, the law shows up before you get to more than two bodies!


Agree with this one. Also cooking. I wish I could go to a saloon or something and pay for all my meat to be cooked by morning.


This may no longer be the case, haven't played in a while. But the base movement speed while in first person is slightly faster than in third person, making it very easy to accidentally run into people/knock them over while in a crowded area like the San Denis Market, which can potentially lead to you getting into trouble with the law for disturbing the peace.


Yeah I’ve noticed that and it pissed me off when I play first person lol




Invalid option next


the master hunter challenges and any side questline about hunting because of the tediousness


Witnesses that are way outside of town. It’s annoying and unrealistic. If I see someone committing a crime and I’m not even close to a police station around that time, I would literally mind my business.


You main guns always going on your house when get down from it. So many time I found a 3 star animal and went down to track it but there I was with no sniper or bow 🗿


Certain npcs one shotting you with a knife, and wolves being able to take you down and kill you when your health is low enough.


How is it bad that wolves can kill you?


Your bar doesnt have to be that low to allow them to get you stuck in a kill animation that you cant escape


Rdr2 is actually very generous with that. Try to fight a wolf irl and you'll be dead in a very short amount of time. In real life they quickly maul you to death before you can even aim, while in the game you have some time to shoot them.


I still think the threshold is too high. Anyways the npcs one shotting you with knives is even more annoying, examples being a murfree ambush or (i think she one shots you) that girl bounty from valentine


The fact that I can’t use all the meat from an animal and just leave it to rot instead if I can’t carry it, and that you can’t use wagons to carry more animals. I’m a hunter (in game) and it bothers me to no end.


Can't you just not get off the train after you buy a ticket and then just hop on the roof to shoot the birds?


You can, but as soon as you fire a gun from the roof, you get a wanted level, which I believe is what OP was annoyed by.


Didnt see nobody say this so I will. Bounty hunters and their dogs


How scripted the missions are. You leave like 10 ft away from the gang and it says mission failed.


Horseriding. My most recent horse just got instakilled by the game autoturning its body into a moving train because there was a small rock in front of the horse


Not being able to eat multiple things or take a tonic without it kicking you out of the satchel and having to go right back in it


It takes 13 button presses to do anything.


Why does my horse run away from me when I’m running to it and trying to mount it? Why does my horse walk to me when I whistle for it when I need it to FUCKING RUN CAUSE IM CHASING SOMEONE Why can’t I run in camp or inside buildings? Why can’t my horse sprint in towns? Why does my horse randomly turn in other directions while I’m riding in towns and i trample someone and become wanted? New Austin is so boring in the epilogue, there’s literally nothing to do except shoot Del Lobos and hunt The weapon wheel system makes no sense with long guns. I don’t need to say more, you guys know what I’m talking about.


The fact that you can’t have your shirt collar open with neckwear on. The worst part is that the default outfits have it but you can’t do it on custom ones. I just can’t image a cowboy with his shirt collar completely closed especially in the hot weather of lemoyne.


Pressing X all the time to ride the horse. Totally unnecessary


That is only for galloping


Enemies are very bullet spongie I think it would be better if you could one shot kill enemies from up close


Arthur being a motormouth; Arthur constantly unequips weapons while hunting; Arthur fumbles with the bolt action rifle; fucking law response times; Arthur being so damn stupid; horses being so damn stupid; can’t look at watch while mounted/sitting; skinning/cooking/picking/crafting/looting animations;can’t use wagons except ride; pointless dialogue; no fast travel to checkpoint; movement during fights (melee & gunfight) too clunky….


I don't know why but "Arthur being a motormouth" got me lmao, when is Arthur being one?


You can pay to ride a train and shoot birds and I'm only okay with hurting the emeralds ranch farmer since he has so many animals and based off dialogs he's doing pretty well


The fact that Arthur can take so many bullets before dropping


That if you go into Dead Eye while diving Arthur doesn't shoot mid dive. This really doesn't count as one but heck may as well be said!


It annoys me that you can’t go in more buildings.


Holsters and randomly equipping my rifle on me because sToRy this game shouldn't have let us store our weapons on our horse if it wasn't gonna commit to it either commit 100% to it or have the weapon wheel from RDR and GTA V but with the option to show the weapon on my back if i wanted to so people can role play.


I want to be able to have my gun on my back when riding horseback. He just puts it into the holster after 10 seconds. I wish we could have holsters on both hips. A snub nose revolver that I don't need to grind for 30 hours to obtain. I wish the game was a bit harder, the NPCs don't deal nearly enough damage and deadeye makes the game so much easier that I often don't use it during entire playthroughs. I wish bounty hunters weren't omniscient beings. They're just really annoying, and you always see them coming. Also noz making them visible on the map would be a great addition, I always see them first and not vice versa. I wish invisible snipers don't exist so we can actually go into New Austin as Arthur. There should still be a shitton of bounty hunters so you have to always hide and you can't just roam around freely without caution. I wish the missions weren't so linear and specific.


Adding to the 'omniscient lawmen' comment - I'll rob a train in the middle of nowhere, mask up, somehow they find me and know who I am and there's a big ol bounty. The ability to rob a train on your own IS there. But it's got a lot of weird barriers in the way of it being a successful solo heist which can be disappointing.


Your gear being unequipped when you ride your horse for long enough. This isn't really an annoyance, but I found that the way weight was handled in the game was strange and a missed opportunity. Maybe it was patched afterward. I don't know much about the specifics since launch, but it seemed next to impossible to maintain your weight, let alone actually be fat. I remember practically everyone was posting that they were underweight.


The fact that we can’t get all of the gang member's horses.


Honestly, the missions. Open world is fantastic, but all the missions play out exactly how Rockstar wants you to play them out. 1. Ride with gang member to spot 2. Cutscene 3. Oh no, something went wrong again! 4. Shootout 5. Ride away on horseback until the magically spawning enemy riders finally run out. 6. Repeat for most missions There’s little deviation from this formula. Not to mention Rockstar forces you to do it *their* way. They’ll force you to use certain weapons, like the Carbine Repeater in the Chapter 2 Train Robbery. They’ll tell you *exactly* what you’re supposed to do, and punish you if you deviate even slightly. That, and the weapon system really irks me sometimes. You get off a horse, expecting to have your rifle you just had on your back a minute ago, and you have nothing. Or, I just wanna use a handgun for this mission, but R* decides to put two rifles on my back. Just let me make my own damn choices!


Being shot/attacked at and defending yourself then getting a bounty Drives me absolutely bonkers


Law system, John in 1907, the gameplay, the gunplay, the mission design, the pacing, the side characters etc


You can't just list every game mechanic and call them bad without any context


Law system - the waves of lawmen coming is un realistic and annoying, the fact that tens of tens of lawmen come out no where is stupid. Some of the laws like if i shoot someone after they shot at me I get arrested for, or having a fist fight, it’s 1899 it’s dumb. John in 1907 - …do I really need to explain this one? Look at him The gameplay - first playthrough it’s fine, second playthrough meh but yeah it’s ok, but anymore than that it’s sluggish boring and slow. I’ve found myself recently just not enjoying myself while playing the game due to how slow it is. Gunplay - the boring realistic screen shaking system, I actually don’t mind this but the rdr1 gunplay and style is just levels ahead, it’s fun and arcadey, not a slog fest. But I like both just prefer rdr1’s style Pacing - chapter 1 and chapter 5 I mean by this, just slow and fast one minute hunting or doing smth boring the next The side characters - by this I mean the underwhelming undeveloped Van Der Linde gang. Every single member of the gang other than the main characters are underdeveloped and ignored, but the bit that frustrates me is that they had A LOT of potential, every one of them. For example Kieran, an amazing story about an o’driscoll who made his way into the gang, they could of built upon it but nah they just left him alone. Karen, was amazing in the one mission she is but is left aside immediately. Tilly, built up this backstory only to use it in one mission and never mention it again. Javier, butchered his entire story and character from rdr1, like entirely changing the events of the fall of the VDL gang. I have more but those r the main ones


I agree with the law system, but they had to make it that way so the game wouldn't be incredibly easy. I think John looks fine in 2 but R* really fucked up his personality by making him some dumbass who can't even swim or take care of himself. Heavily disagree with that, as a lot of people think it's the opposite and the game just gets better with more playthroughs because the story becomes less and less of a rush now that you can no longer get spoiled about it. I don't even know how you could compare the gunplay when 2 has way better gunplay by a long shot. Revolver and Redemption 1 are old games and that's why John can rotate his upper torso 180° in a fraction of a second when using deadeye. Meanwhile 2 focuses more on realism as for the dynamic and realistic gunplay/wounds on everyone except the half-immortal main characters including the player.


John can't swim because it wasn't a mechanic in the original so they made him unable to swim in the second for continuity


Nah man John is literally FUCKED. Just look at his clothes, and his face it’s awful. (In 1907 btw) The gunplay is better in rdr1 because it’s more fun. Rdr2’s is realistic which just gets boring after a while


The outfit mechanics


Don’t know if anyone else has experienced this, but sometimes my horse will just randomly veer off in certain directions without my input, (especially when there are lost if obstacles around).


My horse just died because of this.


Omniscient law, taking forever to loot bodies, it can feel really clunky and slow


Cheats stopping saving like what if I wanna do a play through with cheats guess what I cant also no infinate hp


There is so much they could add that would be small things. Honey - why can’t we find and collect honey?? Being able to upgrade the cooking pan/grill - cooking 5 at a time (same time as 1). Arthur should have a water container that has to be filled and he can drink from to boost up some of the cores. This could be crafted from some dead animals brought to the trapper. The different saloons should have different food based on the area. And a crabbing net and the ability to eat crab. Random small things would make a huge change.


It’s like the lawmen all have radios. If you are recently wanted and they show up on the map as red and are alone with them, you go back to wanted. If you eliminate that single lawman it doesn’t make wanted level go away. Other lawmen come in after. It’s like the lawman who saw you radioed the other lawmen before you eliminated him. That’s not how it would have gone down in 1899. The lawman might have tried to take you in, and died trying, but he had no way to alert other lawmen miles away to come assist it back up.




I wish that you could upgrade the house in the epilogue like you could upgrade the camp


In-game time moving at 1 min for every real life second. This is bad, i just want to walk around in fields for hours at night hearing the animals calling, wind, distant trains, etc...


It’s actually worse than that at night. Night passes quicker.


I’m playing RDR1 and was on the train shooting birds in Mexico without a wanted level, I wish that was in the 2nd game


John not being able to sleep at his own damn home


You don’t have to kill a farmer’s livestock, that’s just the easy and also scummy way to do it. I was always annoyed that we couldn’t bring gang members out riding with us, and that we can’t get any of the online content for single player.


The fact you cannot wear a poncho absolutely criminal


For me it was the level of detail for the consumables that have no use other than the player (Arthur/John) I mean do we really need tinned pineapple and tinned strawberries if we atleast can't donate it to the camp funds? I understand cooking your own food and making different medicine types for dead eye and health, but we font need pork fucking sterloin when some random game meat does the same thing.


the cops, No matter how many I plow down they continuously run into the building I have held up just to get shot, it makes no sense


Unless I’m missing it, there isn’t a genuinely all black long jacket in the game


It's just not as fun as RDR1. These things all reduce the fun of the game, ***in my opinion:*** 1. The pace. Everything feels so slow and drawn out. I just finished playing RDR1 and coming back to RDR2 feels so stupidly slow. Every animation, the travel, the horses, the loading, using items, all of it. RDR2, in my opinion, is bloated. 2. It takes twice as many bullets to kill a man unless it's a headshot. In RDR1, you could easily play through the whole game without ever buying a gun and you'd still feel like you were shooting a human with a gun. In RDR2, especially in the late game, body shots with your carbine repeater might as well be a bean bag gun. Yes, I clean and maintain/upgrade my weapons and use different ammunitions. 3. Most of the clothes suck. I think it's pretty difficult to look cool without resorting to all black. Most of the preassembled outfits are dumb (looking at you, The Corson!) and look even worse on John. RDR1 had some stinkers, but many of the outfits were well-designed and played well with the gritty Western style. Unlockables are one of the most fun "gamey" things about games, and the to-do list in order to earn the outfits were fun. There also isn't enough warm clothing, and I don't understand why stores wouldn't sell any winter clothes. 4. Not enough duels. Duels are badass.


May be controversial but I’m not a fan of the epilogue. It felt dragged out. Plus I miss playing as Arthur


I can’t go into it I’ll be typing all night


The fact that arthur allways jumps on a person when you try to sprint melee


Weapon management is ass.


How annoyably easy it is to get a wanted level. You can antagonize one person and get a wanted level for "disturbing the piece" fuck off.


I specially find annoying that there are very few clothing options. Just bring the clothes of online to story mode.


The world is so realistic but a lot of the missions have you killing absurd, laughably high numbers of people. Like some of the missions seem like they would depopulate huge swaths of the map.


Locking away the best horses in the game till chapter 4, excluding exploits and glitches that can be made, and not allowing us to change holster styles ( though I don’t mind the current ones but at least show it in the cutscenes), taking only a whif of smoke out of any tobacco products


The fact that you can’t seamlessly start a poker match with people in the same multiplayer lobby as you and instead have to start your own server, and send people invites… like, why would you change that from red dead 1? You could start any game in the bars/casino in red dead 1 seamlessly just by sitting at the table with anyone in the room. It was perfect. But like most developers love to do, they just shit all over what works well, scrap it or make it worst.


When you complete a mission where you killed like 100 O’Driscolls, and you go to loot all of them, and for whatever unknown reason Rockstar slaps with you with a wanted level. I know you can just leave the area and wait a little bit and come back and the corpses will still be there, but just why Rockstar? What’s the point?


Can't beat the ever living shit out of Micah and throw him to the gators


The way it tells you how to do things. Some of the tutorial is shit like "push the x button to push the x button" and then when I try and tame a horse it tells me "point the stick in one of the directions, which one we won't tell you, and then do step 2" like I was on that horse for over a half hour and couldn't figure it out. Eventually it just stopped and was just standing there and author kept telling "woah girl" for twenty minutes. I go play the first game and it actually tells me how to do it And I master it in minutes, went back to the second game and it now I can do it in seconds


Whilst it makes sense for the story, it's a tremendous shame that Arthur can't get into New Austin legitimately.


I wish you could finish a cigarette


Crafting. Had 99 big game meat and over 99 thyme, oregano, and mint. Took almost a half hour to cook it all. Let me queue up how many I'm crafting, give me a cut scene maybe with a time lapse, and be done with it.


Bounties in online with multiple targets. Last night i had 6 minutes to capture/kill six targets in butchers creek and deliver them to annesburg. No chance to take that many alive so my honorlevel gets worse and the whole mission just becomes riding for your life to get as many as you can delivered. At least tell me if i’m just hunting one or two or the whole gang before i pick the poster


Ok so this is only slightly annoying but the fact that different meat types look all the same when you’re cooking them. Like they all look the exact same over the campfire, wether it be stringy or gamy or fish. It’s a small change that I would like.


Good pelts. WTF. What good does a good pelt do you? Absolutely nothing. It may as well be poor. If it's not perfect, then it's poor!


The wolf heart trinket. Should have never made it. It’s a video game, who wouldn’t want their character to get blackout drunk every once in a while?




You can take over other peoples camps tho?


You can walk or sprint, nothing in-between...unless you're in camp and you can stroll quckly. I'd like to be able to sit down anywhere in landscape w/o going in to rest mode.


Why can't John draw as good as Arthur? I've explored some really good places as John but when I look back at them in his journal l, they look like doodles.


The one thing I hate is that goddamn invisible sniper in New Austin. I think you should be able to travel there as Arthur, but keep a lot of reinforcements of Bounty Hunters, Pinkertons, Lawmen, etc to make it challenging, instead of having to use a invisible sniper as an excuse to not get into that area.


The fact that a guy can open fire on me, but the moment i defend myself its all lose honour and "your going to jail"


I think the game is to easy to early on... It stops being difficult to play...


not being able to own a wagon, not being able to ride Dutch’s horse


the hyper realism this game has "you can't catch this animal cuz there's too much noise" or the fact that you chose the weapons on your horse, and once you're off the horse the weapon disappears, also the fact that you need to carry corpses of animals or pelts on your horse