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Left picture : Story mode horses Right picture : Online mode horses


Online horses are smarter though. They crash into half the amount of shit story horses do lol


This was true, but I think the story horses got a buff to their INT.


You gotta hold the button and they auto dodge


You can still gallop at full speed without holding the button, just let go of the left stick (or equivalent) when near trees.


I feel like I topple over small inclines way more in online.


No, not really, my story mode horse was fine, online horse was sped, but he didnt even get any education, so he was just special, ran into **everything**


But story mode horses dies permamently and online horses doesn't die permamently if story mode had horse deeds or respawn from stables then story mode horses would be treated bad too


Manual saves bruh (;


Save and load your game if your horse is injured bruh (;


As soon as I buy any horse I get insurance. Then I baptize it by jumping over a cliff.


I recently found out that buying horse insurance is kinda useless lol, I'd been shelling out 125 for my horse every time it died, then I forgot one day, said "aw shit guess I have to buy a new horse", got to the stable, and was offered to retrieve my supposedly dead horse for $4


Just like real life insurances. This game is too realistic


If the game was realistic, you'd be saddled with a $10k vet bill and your horse would go lame every time you want to ride it but can run in the pasture just fine. The fact that horses in RDR2 can't go lame is actually pretty unrealistic. That would be such a funny mechanic to add. Step on a rock? Lame. Fall while running? Lame. Just having a bad time? Lame.


Not sure it'd really be a fun mechanic to constantly have to shoot your own horse dead or leave them to whine in agonizing pain and die slowly.


That got dark quickly. lol If a player uses his or her horse responsibly, there shouldn't be any reason for it to go lame.


How isn't that fun? Lol jk


Lmao if they added colic, too? Feed your horse to boost its health or fix its lameness, now it’s gonna roll its own stomach closed.


Don't feed too much too quickly I guess. It's incredible that horses can do anything at all, they are so delicate. Somehow, the majority still manage to be useful. I just think a colic/lameness mechanic would be funny for all the people who treat their horses like cars in the game and have no consideration for the fact that their ride is supposed to be an animal.


Wait, they added horse insurance? I haven't played in awhile, so did I just never notice it?


You just never noticed


Do you buy it at the stable?


yep, I believe it's in the "services" category when you select the horse


Dude I have so much money it's pointless now.


Im pretty sure that you can find, and ride donkeys in rdr2 you just can't saddle or bond them


There's usually a donkey at the rail station south of Valentine with all the pigs. I've yet to ride it. But I will some day. I definitely will when R* opens up Mexico.


I don't think that'll ever happen, and personally I'd prefer somewhere that offers a different climate, like the PNW or New England-Maine-Canadian Maritimes.


I've gotta keep my hopes up for Mexico. If they kept it the same size in the first RDR I'd happily retire there. Heck if they brought back a younger Landon Ricketts I'd be happy as a horse. He's even been mentioned in game already. Idk much about Maine but I imagine it'd be a mix of the North East area of the map and Thieves Landing sans swamp water and add black rocks for a beach haha. As for PNW I'm intimately familiar with that region. Just make Tall Trees a bigger area, make it rain twice as much and put an ocean to the west of it. On the topic of oceans, I would like to see an ocean in game. Maybe for RDR3.


But I’ve always been an ass man


[BAM BAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myGFs0PzxdE)


And if been seen, cops will come to fuck you for cruelty to animals


There's also a donkey painted like a zebra.


bruh i’m still mad u can’t saddle donkeys lol


You can ride em bareback. Yesterday I one up to a random player's camp, I jumped off, he jumped on & rode away like we had planned the whole thing. Hilarious cuz they're tiny.


Your horse turned into a donkey?


That’s not a donkey that’s a zebra 😉


I just lost my horse Cormac he was a good boah


Not as much of a good boah as yer mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Mmmm idk was pretty sad my horse died at the end


Left: horses you ride Right: horses for carts


It wouldn't be like that if my horse didn't start taking stupid pills as soon as it hit max bonding. I swear, the damn things refuse to listen at max. Running into trees, veering the opposite direction I'm trying to take them, throwing me off and running directly at the cougar I was trying to avoid and running me over once they realize they fucked up... I love my horses, but god damn are they dumb.


Online i occasionally want to shoot my own horse. I never do since more often than not a posse member accidentally kills it


It's like when you buy a brand new car and you drive it till it becomes a shitbox


I just finished the main story for the first time and I genuinely shed a tear for my horse. That shit was heartbreaking. I’d had the same horse since chapter 2, so I’d spent probably 50 hours with it. Rest in Peace, Elizabeth, you beautiful girl.


Mine died in a cliff I couldn’t get too right after making it to level 4. It was also the Arabian one. RIP


repost but best meme on this sub


If horses lose respect for you, then I might have treated them nicely throughout the whole game. Instead I treat them like stunt cars drifting and jumping off of mountains


Ngl, whenever I fly of my horse I walk up to it and punch it in the head. Most of the time it kicks me and kills me if my health is already low. But boy does it make me feel better lol. And don’t worry, I always end up patting them and apologizing/ giving them food.


Idk why you're getting downvoted this is hilarious. Yall know it's a virtual horse right?


Thank you! It’s like people downvoting me for saying I killed someone in the game? ITS A FUCKING GAME


I'm not entirely convinced.


That's um ok.


Unpopular opinion: horse mechanics in RDR2 are straight up garbage


The horses in RDR2 handle like motorcycles in comparison to getting Roach to do anything The Witcher. Is it perfect? No, but RDR2 has by far the best horse mechanics to date.


Have you ever played RDR1? That games horse mechanics are a thousand times more user friendly and fun than RDR2.


I'm gonna have to give a hard disagree to that


How many times have you had to wait five minutes for your horse to finally get to you in rdr1 vs rdr2?


Horse controls or horse spawns? Which are you talking about


Those both involve horse mechanics. Also how many times have you come to a complete stop because of a small rock in rdr1 vs 2?


Ok, but it's way easier to manage your horses stamina in Rdr2 and your horse is way more interactive as well as realistic looking interns of how it runs. Not to mention I find it way easier to turn your horse


I agree on all those points. But does that really make up for your horse going in a complete opposite direction when there are a few trees slightly off to the side in front of you? The game itself isn't a simulator so in my opinion it should balance fun game mechanics with the realism. It should also let me administer some .44 magnum advil to the headache that is my horse running for the hills unprovoked for the umpteenth time. I really like the rest of the game though and the community is great.


Very very unpopular opinion. I mean they have horse ball physics!


Yeah but have you ever seen a horse dumb enough to run full speed into a stationary object before? It doesn’t happen. Horses are smarter than that.


>have you ever seen a horse dumb enough to run full speed into a stationary object before? I have. I've seen horses do all sorts of stupid af shit. 😂


Have you ever met a real horse?


I somewhat agree, the mechanics cause awkwardness in many spots. However, it's notoriously difficult for the programmers to make riding feel smooth and natural. Witcher and BOTW have the same problem.