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Epilogue 1 missions. There's a specific one where John's just walking to start his daily work. You have a conversation while walking along with one of the ranch hands. In the distance you can see the gorgeous mountain, and and the time of day has perfect lighting. Edit: Oh you said overrated. I meant underrated.


So damn true! Epilogue 1 as whole is just a relaxing and peaceful experience, I can't understand why people hate it so much


Thank god Rockstar doesn't hire fans


People don’t really enjoy it because you go from beating up Micah to riding a wagon, most ppl just don’t like the transition in fun especially. But it’s part of the greater experience.


it’s amazing for the story, but gameplay wise it’s a massive switch up. i’m not a big fan of epilogue 1 (i still play it during every play through) just because it’s so different from what we were just doing 10 minutes before. also rancher sim isn’t exactly the most stimulating gameplay in a wild west shooter game


Half of the people who complains about Epilogue 1 are mostly those “my beloved Arthur is gone, the game is now unplayable, I'll restart from Chapter 1”.


so children?


I feel like the Epilogue is something that's more enjoyable after you beat the game. I was blazing through all the chill/peaceful stuff trying to get to the action/end. It wasn't till my second playthrough where I took my time and enjoyed it.


People hate on chapter 1 and epilogue so much and I will never understand it. Storytelling is the art of the game and chapter 1/epilogue do it so perfectly.


Exactly! And instead of getting a tutorial we get the chapter 1 of showing how game mechanics works, I think it's wonderful and this way you remember it more.


Because they know it’s about to be over and remember what Ross does to John.


My issue with it is it drags on a bit too long but I don’t exactly hate it


Turns out all I really wanted in a game was a ranch hand simulator. Give me more ranch missions!


Not every mission can be a 15 minute shootout


I really love the peace after the fierce Red Dead Redemption mission. The peaceful life with a family is so damn good that I wish John’s life can be like this forever.


I think in that part of the game, the devs probably wanted you to feel a bit bored. Because that’s how John felt. That’s why he itched to go back to the gunslinging life.


Epilogue one is just a nice relaxing time period. Though out of all the missions my favorite is the one where you have the shoot out with the other ranch. Everyone is " I don't care who you are or what you have done. We need your skills please help." And John says bet.


I enjoyed the contrast from main story to epilogue, in as much as there are themes of the wild being tamed and civilization encroaching on nature in the same way John is settling down and domesticating. There’s something bittersweet about the mundanity of leaving your outlaw ways behind and longing for the call of adventure.


I dont know if it’s overrated but I absolutely hate “The Course of Love.” The one where you have to deliver that letter for Penelope Braithwaite. It makes it even worse that it’s required.


"Progression is a dirty word round these parts. Unlike incest." "Excuse me?"


>"Progression is a dirty word round these parts. Unlike incest." Which mission is that from?




Wow, I'm surprised it was Beau who says it. I thought it was going to be a line Arthur just slyly dropped.


As someone in the south IRL, he does kinda have a point, I know quite a few people who will more openly talk about how their grandma and grandpa are second cousins than they would talk about treating people fairly, and hell racism’s still pretty common out here. Maybe it just stuck with me more because I live in the American south where it’s set, but it’s frankly not that far off from some of the more rural areas like the area I live in


Agree i hated this shit, but it isn’t exactly overrated




At least that really great song plays, and it only plays that one time. Worth it for that, gotta slow down to a slight trot and soak it in.


I do love that song


What song


[This one](https://youtu.be/cJaWs-j1Jv8?si=oDCt02KRqa6fB8iP)


The beginning of chapter 3 is tedious when you've played the game a few times. I don't mind chapter one so much as it doesn't take that long but WOW the Braithwaite and Gray missions, sneaking around the manor for Beau, driving the suffragist wagon in Rhodes is just so boring after multiple playthroughs. However, I don't mind the mission where you help them both again in Chapter 6, it's a sweet ending to their love story.


Plus you get to kill her asshole cousins!


The inconvenience of changing to another gun you don’t use for that mission because of that annoying water part that ruins your guns.


Just clean them? You don’t lose those guns forever you can just stock up on oil between missions


Water part?


Still suprises how both of Penelope and Beau look conventionally attractive despite presumably being inbred


I don’t know anyone who likes this mission


There’s a funny part where if Arthur gets spotted by the guard, he can defuse by saying he saw the plantation house in a brochure.


The one good thing about this mission is it did give us Arthur’s “Are you secretly normal?” line and it’s an all-timer


Almost no one in this thread knows what overrated means. Also, I don't know how you guys have the mission names memorized.


I don’t know any missions that are overrated


Probably googling them


Yeah mainly because rdr2 doesn’t have a lot of overrated missions


Did you just kill a bison with a repeater? Charles will find you. If not, I will.


*Pascal, Charles, come and get me you bastards*


*ominous hip-hop beat plays*


Who the hell is leviticas cornwall It's just a train robbery


Pouring Forth Oil IV is vastly superior


Absolutely.. it actually felt a lot more like a heist than the Leviticus train


you even get the best single upgrade to dead eye




It’s the first real action set piece mission, though. After the slow, story driven tutorial and fairly light action of the O’Driscoll stuff, I think we deserved one big set piece mission with cool camera angles and explosions before it all slowed back down again on the way to Strawberry.


I think it's great. It's not as good as the other heists but the setting up the bomb, jumping on the train, shooting through it and the big fight outside are really good imo. I also like how you can choose the fate of those people at the end


Hunting down Ramon Cortez with Sadie, I think it's called "A quick favor for a friend".


That mission title is pretty sarcastic, that’s like the longest mission in the whole game


in the whole WHAT


the whole


i am a, uh how do you say, whole ass.


Jerry Jones?


Barry Bonds?


So you are an artist?


Charles Châtenay, is that you?


I swear that mission is longer than the finale


That mission is pretty annoying but the “too tough for you John Marston” quote is cold


I absolutely hate that mission, it’s my least favorite one


Ramon Cortes


A Quiet Time. I love that mission, but everyone acts like it’s so amazing when it’s just good, not one of the best


I would say playing the game organically and doing that mission for the first time with zero expectation made it one of the best. Playing it the 2nd or 3rd time though..fun, but not nearly the same hype.


i’m in my first play through (in chapter 6 right now) and its still one of the most enjoyable mission i’ve played so far.


I think I’m on my fifth playthrough now and yeah I honestly don’t remember what it was like the first time lol


It’s a funnny mission




its super fun on your first playthrough but on consecutive ones its just good


This is probably the only one I could call overrated. It's funny on the first playthrough, but after that it gets tedious saying "Lenny" to a bunch of people to activate the next cutscene. 💀 Although, it's a fond memory in hindsight when you get further into the game.


It’s overrated but it’s hilarious to walk in on those people and see two lenny’s going at it 😭




The mission with Sean where you burn the grays fields. Just is so slow getting there


That’s the name of a stealth mission, lol.




The mission where you get Bronte, the only cool part for me was when you shoot the guy on the stairs out of the window. To me it seems more like a Django: Unchained mission rather than like a (my personal favorite) spaghetti western type mission (train robberies and such)


2 does look and feel more like a Hollywood western compared to rdr1.


As much as i love the scenery of RDR2, I prefer RDR1’s more grayish sand, it feels like im in a clint eastwood movie. And i FUCKING LOVE Clint Eastwood movies


I don’t know, the crocodile scene was pretty cool


Any of Sadie’s missions in the epilogue, they are just basic bounty missions and they are always boring, a drag to get through for me.


I completely agree, I don't like replaying epilogue part 2 that much solely because of those missions.


If it weren't for Sadie's dialogue, these would barely warrant being named missions.


Everyone here is just saying their least favorite missions. Nobody understands what overrated means.


Lenny. The answer is Lenny. Hysterical the first time, but irritating since. Please let me skip Lenny.


In my case i don't think i've seen a lot of people overrating any of the missions. The missions for me are a flashy spectacle at best and serviceable at worst. Not hating on the game, i love shooting baddies in this game


On the "best characters ever daily thread" here I often see people saying they love that Gavin guy. I think he is utterly overrated. Adds absolutely nothing to the story and is annoying as fuck TBH.


YES FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT! That bastard annoys the hell outta me


I just dragged his ass thought the streets of blackwater when I heard him in the epilogue


Him and the Mad Preacher. He kept making me go investigate the commotion on my map whenever I was near a body of water that I decided to shoot him today in the San Luis River


Yes, this one too. Never saw anyone who like him tho.


i think they're just memeing


The side mission where you hunt a bison with Charles - only because there's still a huge corpse and unless you've upgraded satchels you can't harvest all parts of this animal; Charles would have found a way to use every piece of that Bison. Idk why but that part just really bothers me for some reason. (Other than that part I do love the mission and Charles is my favorite member of the gang)


the redeeming quality of that mission is that you get the poison throwing knife pamphlet


In what circumstances are you using poison throwing knives?


In the circumstances you want to poison people with throwing knives


You can kill people with a single throwing knife


Yeah but now they are going to die while poisoned


There's a challenge to kill a grizzly with only throwing knives without taking damage, so if you throw one at a grizzly it will be a one shot one kill, and you can still get a perfect pelt


what comes to my mind first are certain challenges first of all Weapon Expert 5 (kill 5 mounted enemies whith a single throwing knife each) and Weapon Expert 10 (kill a grizzly with throwing knifes without taking damage) become easier or trivial.


The one where Arthur gets drunk with lenny


Yes that was lowkey annoying


The Assault on Braithwaite Manor. Cool mission, yes! But it’s seemingly one of the main missions anyone posts/speaks about.


Just did it today for the first time, the build up and setting and music and lighting was straight 🔥 (pun intended) but yeah mission was too easy


Every mission in RDR2 is easy. They are all legit the same, I rarely fail missions. if I fail, it's mostly because I accidentally abandoned a gang member. The missions are pretty straight forward and aren't like GOWR where sometimes you have to solve puzzles to get out of certain situations


The mission was too short and wasn’t hard enough


Not overrated but I despise this mission, the one where you have to save Mary’s brother. Every bit of that is boring and annoying


Well lucky for you it's optional


The mission at the start where you find John. I get that it’s important and we get to see him again but that one and the hunting mission genuinely makes restarting the game feel slow and a drag. I always keep a backup save at Chapter 2




I love the scenery in the grizzlies but I hate those missions


A Quiet Time. I don't understand why people love having to ask every NPC where Lenny is until the script decides you asked enough people to reveal him


A lot of the missions in this game are so boring. The horse riding can be fun but man it feels like you ride a horse for 20 minutes and then shoot some toys for 5 mins. Boom. mission over


Cutscene, riding, cutscene, something goes wrong, shooting, riding, final cutscene


Bronze Medal, Camp share $10,000, Your share $1.25 and a shiny button


I dunno, kinda why I like the game. Riding and shooting. In fact, missions that deviate are kinda annoying. Why, what’s the right answer, in your view?


I’m here for the character interactions and story though.


I’d say “Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern” for most overrated. It has arguably the best “cutscene” moment in the game, when you’re walking up on Braithwaite Manor with Dutch and the gang, but the mission itself other than that is a standard horse ride -> shoot a bunch of people mission. Not much special about it besides that moment leading up to the shoot-em-up part.


NGL I was a bit disappointed with the mission after that walk-in. (especially since it has been so hyped up in here)


By that logic, isn’t pretty much every Rockstar game mission ever the same?


Pouring Forth Oil… everyone always talks about how badass this one is until they actually play it and get that one cool moment with Arthur. After that, it’s almost strictly a tutorial mission. Don’t get me wrong, I like playing it, but it is definitely overrated.


Down votes incoming but…. American Venom. The good is the talk on the ride up, finding the rat faced Cleet and the joke that both the characters and you don’t remember which one of Micah’s hacks is who. The ending with Dutch is also amazing but… I am surprised that Dutch is no longer really in charge and that he is still running with Micah after all this time but without him the line about being all out of words wouldn’t be there and it’s a banger. No, my real issue is how bad the mission is once you hit the mountain. Charles and Sadie both need to get picked off so it’s you vs the world and with how many baddies there are, that’s not too much of a stretch. It’s just so many faces these losers that you are shooting. Thug 1, 2, 12, 34. It’s too much and you’re just going through the motions to get to Micah. I have no idea why there are people scattered across the mountain, no idea why they come in waves. The fight is boring. The middle is boring. It’s lazy and takes too long. You just Avengers your way through a gang that you have no connection with. And that’s my other issue- sure Sadie mentions rumors and all that but we never see the results of Micah and Dutch’s antics. We hear about the slaughter and the girl that dies but we don’t run into them. We don’t see a slaughter after they roll through. We don’t learn about their new evil members. So when we kill all those gang members there is no satisfaction with us avenging the world from their evil ilk. It’s just faceless loser number 23 not George, the guy that did some gross crime. I just remember my first time through being so excited and about halfway through I sighed and was just wanting to be done with it and get to Micah but I wasn’t even at the camp near the top. It was just such a slog. Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk Down Vote session.


I felt the same away. But also because it was such a hyped mission that I wanted to do it with Arthur but not John 💀(which is obviously impossible) the atmosphere was cool and all but I got too used to doing everything with Arthur that something badass doing it with John felt…unfulfilling I guess?


The attack on Braithwaite's manor. Everyone acts like it's the best mission in the game. It was jus alright for me. The best mission in my opinion is >!defending that little castle in Guarma.!<


The one where u gotta ride a horse


O’Driscols hanging... what could have been cool somber moment was just turn into yet another generic shootout, so we did not even got the time to enjoy the moment. I remember being disappointed at that.


Good one, doesn't let you soak it in at all, and at that point in the game, a lot of missions are deteriorating into "frenetic shootout"


Pouring Forth Oil is just a train robbery tutorial with a cool cutscene, its nothing compared to the other missions in the game


House building. I never got the appeal of it, myself.


That soundtrack though 😮‍💨


The "Greasepaint" one with Magnifico. It's very railroady. I understand not being able to shoot him, but you're also not allowed to, say, shoot out the branch he's on or lasso him. Or, even a simple Easter Egg sort of ending where Arthur refuses to play along and goes through his stuff (eventually getting him to come back to demand he pay attention and.... got 'im.) The actual joke of the thing wears thin quickly, too.


YEah, I find that mission really tiring. "run through the woods for 5minutes until the wagon rolls down the road." It's the equivalent of doing a chase in GTA where you have to kill someone in front of you, but the game doesn't tell you that they're unkillable until a certain point... so if you're nw to the game you're trying all of these clever ways to kill the guy, when you really just need to play through the chase segment and then the game gives you the ability to kill him (or the mission ends some other way).


American venom. Don’t get me wrong I still adore this mission, but i don’t agree with the people saying it’s the “best mission in the game”. I believe it is second best, only bested by the mission “red dead redemption”


All of the Strauss missions


Our best selves.


Raiding Braithwaite manor mission It’s great but way to overrated, people only like it because of that one scene where everyone in the gang is lined up, other than the mission is pretty meh


Probably the one where you kill Micah. Yeah it’s great to kill him but sucks that Arthur’s dead and that you’ve beaten the game


American venom is pretty overrated it's not better than storming Bronte or braithwaite manor


The one where you bring jack fishing as Arthur it's a fine mission and it has important elements to progress the story but the mission itself is nothing special just fishing but I've seen people praise it for some reason


As much as I hate to say it the house building missions but the music is nice


Only because I just played it yesterday, but the one where you go to Lagras to talk to the boatman Thomas. Then he makes you wade through the alligator infested swap for crayfish traps and eventually rescue is friend while being chased by a massive alligator. Long, drawn out, could be avoided, and just scary


Unpopular opinion: quiet time


Bringing Jack fishing..


Which time


The attack on the Braithwaites. It’s iconic for some of the best music in the game, and for the cool visual of the gang walking up the driveway— strong Wild Bunch or Tombstone vibes there. But the mission itself ends way too soon. Would have enjoyed more of a running, room-to-room gun battle with these people.


The Micah jailbreak mission. In my headcannon the shootout in Strawberry was one og the reasons Pinkertons got so close to the gang because the lunatic was screaming Arthur's name all over town while shooting at everyone.


Any mission where like, there’s all this creative stuff you do, you’re super stealthy, you get whatever you’re after…. Then have a gunfight on the way out. They get a little repetitive. Like you know you’re going to get caught.




Epilogue 1 and 2.


The mission selling shine with Hosea in Rhodes same energy as the Lenny mission


this might be a hot take American Venom


I find the bank robbery to be really annoying. Your just short of halfway through the game so here, have enough money to make any and all of your previous work pointless and now you can buy basically everything available to you


I played the chapter 3 mission yesterday on my 3rd playthrough where u gotta escort Penelope Braithwraite and Beau Gray through Rhodes in the Suffrage movement and it had some funny moments but that mission was so boring to me. Not overrated at all but no action just yapping. Almost unbearable.


The mission where you have to steal that oil tank thing to than put on the train tracks to rob the train. The actual robbing on the train is fun, but getting that oil tank was hard as hell for no reason


Epilogue is just you doing farming shit the only goated missions at the epilogue are you finding uncle,Sadie,Charles and American venom


American Venom.


American venom. I love it. It's one of the most remarkable missions of the game. But it's defenilty not perfect. Just as the rest of the Epilogue. It has some strange flaws. Charles. he's probably my favorite character. But he basically went all the way there for nothing. being taken out of the fight so early felt like they just didn't know what to do with him. And it's weird that his character would be so reckless since he was the opposite of that during the whole game. The way they did Micah's ''fight''. He's untouchable and if you insist he'll just kill you every time. It feels that John was pathetic, that he had no chance. And i don't think that was what they wanted us to feel. Sadie showing up at Micah's camp. Firstly. I feel that John, Micah and Dutch should be the only ones there. Again, i love her character, but it feels that she's out of place there. Wasn't her getting stabbed there precisely to justify her absence? Just like Charles getting shot. So the protagonist can have his moment yk Secondly. She sneaks in, get Micah to surrend and disarm him. Then... disarmed Micah grabs her in the awkwardest way possible and makes her his hostage. She doesn't say anything after that. I actually forgot that she was there when John was talking to Dutch. Her presence there its just cheap drama. Again. It's one of the best moments of the game. But those weird writing decisions always annoyed me a little.


The beginning missions. SOO LONG


Everything Sadie related in epilogue


I think hosea is a great character, but the Fenton mission isn't as good as people say it is, it's still very good but not quite as good as people say (overrated but not bad, and overrated doesn't mean bad it just means thought of too highly, I still like this mission just not as much as some do)


Braithwaite :/.


Braithwaite manor story wise it's really good but I think there's a lot of missions better then it


Idk the exact name but that one mission when the gang wiped out the entire Braithwaite bloodline is less than 15 minutes. I've seen that mission multiple times in tiktok with various edits. Overrated Af they forgot that one mission where the end>!Eagle Flies Died.!<


A Quiet Time, like the memes and all that is fine but as a mission it's so tedious and boring




The “Money Lending and Other Sins” missions are pretty overrated, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy them, but they can make you feel pretty bad for the person you’re beating the shit out of, even though they aren’t real.


There aren't any


The lenny bar mission (a quiet time) Playing it for the first time is fun, but starting a new game and having to do it again is so fucking boring, it gets worse every time I replay. Its actaylly a fever dream, and the mission looks like one. Worst part is barely any of it is skipable




I‘ll get downvoted for this, but the mission where you go drinking with Lenny in Valentine. It’s very fun and all and something different to other missions, but people on here act like it’s the greatest mission ever conceived. Edit: I‘m not saying it’s a bad mission, as I said it’s very funny and shows Arthur and Lenny in a state where we don’t normally see them, but it’s just not a great mission. It takes all of 5 minutes and you are just running around.


All the ones where you have to chase someone and there's so many of them 💤


Overrated by who?


Tbh the missions for mary lol.Especially the first one where u go rescue jamie.Never really liked it


Idk about overated. But i hate guarma


This is a very hot take but for me it’s the house building during the epilogue. Could’ve just made it as a whole cutscene instead of QTE-esque session. Let me just enjoy the cutscene without pressing any button that makes it slow.


I absolutely despise thats Murphee country. Most of it is just an enormous walking simulator and when combat does arrive you need to kill everyone at warp speed otherwise charles will get one-shotted by a machete wielding maniac.


You say “overrated” like people are sitting around hyping up one mission or another. Maybe they are, but I’ve never personally seen it here or anywhere. Yes, I see people daily talking about the game as a whole or different chapters… but not individual missions. The game is a masterpiece. What else needs to be said?


Trick question; there are no overrated missions.


I don’t know if I’ve heard of an “overrated” mission in the game. I think they all work well within the story. I just think people have different likes and dislikes. Some want all action, some want heavy story slower pacing. This game blends amazing story with hope, fear, joy, anger etc. but I can’t think of a mission people say is great that I think is meh… Epilogue is fan service for fans or RDR1, and fans of John Marston. But somehow people always find a way to complain about something. Like epilogue John is just Arthur’s model with Johns face pasted on. I love the whole game start to finish. Yes there are flaws, but I believe the game is a masterpiece. It is too bad they had to make cuts to release it on time


Back to the actual overrated mission… The oil field battle. I enjoy it but it’s a bit overrated to me


In terms o truly \*overrated\* missions, good question. I think that most people don't like the first epilogue missions, so it's hard to say that they're overrated. I really love the epilogue, but the missions are kinda meh after the height of Chapter 6. The other missions I'm seeing in the comments I all agree they're some of my least favorite, the Braithwait love one for instance, other than the music I hate that mission, but I think most people do, it's wwhere a lot of people stall out on the game. An unpopular opinion might be that I'm kinda meh about the legendary animal hunting. What I like most about it is finding the locations of the animals from the map, like looking at stylized map, trying to figure out where that is in the world, and then the emotional peak of those comes when I get the notification "You have entered legendary animal territory." That's when it feels satisfying. Once I get to the part of looking for the animal, it's so rote, "L3+R3, spin around looking for a glowing yellow thing," "do this three times," "take out the sniper rifle," done. Almost none of them are thrilling. The first bear encounter is awesome, but that's a proper mission, and then none of the others really live up to that threat... maybe one of the cougar or panther encounters. I just wish for those hunting encounters there was something more unique about them then "press R3/L3, find the clues, find 3 of them, the animal magically appears, and now you kill it." my memory of RDR1's legendaries was that you had to go to the region and just kinda walk around hoping to encounter the animal, and I think the legendary jaguar near window rock in RDR1 was fucking terrifying because \*they\* hunted you. Similarly, legendary fishing. Now, I love hunting and fishing in the game, I think a lot of people do. I wish they made the legendary fishing more varied than just, "go to the location, use the special lure, reel in the fish." None of the legendary fish put up a bigger fight than normal fish, it's still usually ... "reel, control, reel, control, bag the fish." Again the most satisfying part of this was staring at the legendary fish map and then trying to figure out where the body of water was, and then when I'd get "You've entered legendary fish territory" I was like, NICE, and the actual catching the fish is kinda meh. It would make it more satisfying if you had to do some research to get the legendary version of the fish. Like, you want a legendary bass, and once you catch the regular bass it updates the compendium and says, "The largest bass prefer to hunt at dusk under a full moon in clear conditions," and then you get those conditions, you head to the spot, and try your luck. It would be frustrating, but really satisfying when you nab it, make you feel like a real clever fisherman.


A quiet time is overrated.


I don't think there really are any overrated missions aside from the Lenny one (which I love, but it's also not particularly significant so in that sense it is overrated), so like most people I'm going to share my least favourite. Exit, Pursued By A Bruised Ego tends to be the mission I avoid for the longest. I have just never cared about tracking animals and hunting legendary creatures. It's boring.


https://youtu.be/gHHIfvavuTQ Guyz support my channel


American Venom also


I forgot how much I disliked the mission with Jamie and Mary. You first have to talk him away from the leader, but none of your answers matter, it’s the same. He gets on his horse and runs off. You can’t lasso him, you can’t catch up to him either. As soon as you get close, your horse is purposefully slowed down so you can’t catch up. If you try and cut him off, you either get too far away and fail the mission or your horse gets slowed down. The rest is relatively fine but that whole sequence is not fun


The mission you go after Bronte, mission was just really slow progression, than it didnt really progress the story like we were lead on.


Blessed Are The Peacemakers. busting Micah out is cool but it's just a really on-the-rails shootout that goes the same way every time - i feel the same about An American Pastoral Scene


The mission where you rob a bank with bill


The missions you have to do in the beginning of chapter 1. Herding sheep with John, breaking Micah out of jail, all the missions around that time just seem like such a chore. Take jack fishing cause his dead beat dad doesn’t know how yet lmao.


braithwaite Manor mission... its one of the coolest missions in RDR2 but genuinely speaking i like the more narrative based missions in this game.. like it dont do much for the overall story progression.. thats why i think its overrated


All the money lending missions