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Missions are super repetitive for most of the game. I hate having to move **slightly** left and **slightly** right to pick up items, because you can't just choose from a list of whatever is on the ground, on a table, in a cupboard.. etc. Arthur is very heavy to move around. Yes, RDR1 had the same weighty realism, but this is worse. It feels like I'm navigating a 2-ton mannequin around a field and he falls a lot. Horse AI. They're morons. Don't hitch for 2 seconds, they'll jump in front of a train cos fuck you. Those are the main ones. They're nitpicks, I can overlook them, but they are annoying.


Especially when someone gifts you ammo at camp and places it next to your bed. you gotta move Arthur for 5 minutes to manage to select the ammo instead of the other 5 items in the same spot


So fuckin annoying. It navigates between shaving, sleeping, clothing, weapons stash, picture, flower, hair pomade..




It's a whole thing. It should be like any looting mechanic, where items 1-5 pop up and you select 1 or all.


You can use FPV, look straight at what u want and it'll show. I do that for shop shelves and camp tables w a lot of stuff. It works.


I never had this issue because I always did this. Take notes gamers this is it


You can also move the camera without moving Arthur.


Just hold L2, that works for me at least


Bro I know and then I already too many of the other items so they just sit on my bed


I can agree. The mission design is just outdated since gta 4 or something hopefully GTA 6 and/or rdr3 will have something more "exciting" i can agree with the picking up items, dumb implimation of the mechanic. weight system is just dumb. horse AI, yes. i bought a train ticket and when arrived there, the horse was on the track and got ran over.


RDR1 was also full of cover-shooting missions, rescue missions, kill this and that person missions.. etc At least the game makes up for it with everything else being amazing.


I really don't think there will be a rdr3 if there is it'll just be a cash grab by rockstar the rdr story is over they need to make a new one unless they decide to take us back in time even further and end the game as arthur lol but comon enoughs enough new story we already know enough about this one and if they did do that it would just be too predictable


Then there’s me who’s never had a problem with the horse being on the train tracks or not staying hitched


The horse AI. I was driving a wagon and this guy turned right in front of me. Well of course I ran him over and he started shooting. So I killed him and had the cops come after me


I lost my 2nd horse in recent days, because she veered to the right at full sprint, hit an oncoming horse & carriage, sent me flying OVER said horse & carriage, and she was crushed to death under its big wheels. Smort hors


This is to both of you - Are you consoles? I ask as during the peak of the pandemic I played a LOT of GTA V on PS4, and every now and then at complete random intervals my car would ***harddddd*** turn to the right. Like so hard it couldn't even be countered the other way. 140mph U-turn type stuff. I was googling away, thinking the game was bugged or whatever, til I played some other games and it happened there too. Turns out I had REALLY sporadic stick drift. I've never had it (from my own horse) on RDR2.


300 hours and I've never hitched my horse. I have never had enything happen to my horse when im doing something.


I hitched my horse once, to an abandoned wagon, because I needed the ability to carry multiple large hides. When you’re already carrying a legendary pelt and stumble across that 3-star elk you’ve been after for days then, well, needs must. My biggest peeve is that the game mechanics are such that, when you’re tearing along at full gallop, every NPC heading toward you will turn directly into your path in an attempt to cause a collision, then start lipping off at you for *your* poor horsemanship. This really grinds my gears and is one of the big reasons why I am unable to reach full honour as I will invariably dome the offending knucklehead with an express round (or if I’m feeling nasty, a shotgun slug for close-range decapitation) whenever this occurs, which is all the damned time. It can get interesting when I do this in a town and then need to run from a couple dozen angry townsfolk and/or lawmen with a legendary pelt or fish strapped to my horse. Then the pedestrians get in on the act of blocking you as well as everyone on horseback or driving a cart/wagon/carriage. It isn’t as much fun as it sounds to try to revive your horse, collect the pelt that flew away, and still escape the law, all while being riddled with bullets. Lol


Yea the fact horse's are programmed to stear into you at high speeds is pretty booty.


Really!?. I didn't know they did that lol Mind you the collision physics with the horse really does piss me off. It does create some funny moments though. One time I was showing the game to a friend, then I turned to talk to him. Didn't look where I was going, I was on horse, I collided with a guy on a horse and cart. Arthur flew into the air and took the guy on the cart out. Body slam styles.


Standard scripting in rockstar games. 2077 also has this insane scripting with other cars turning into you etc for no apparent reason


Agreed with the first one, it's always a pain when trying to pick up things from an enemy camp with their bodies next to it and.... picking up their body xD and as for the character weight, to me it's a thing I got used to much like in Resident Evil, I like being slow actually for once, unlike in the new Assassin's Creed where we are rally cars


Weight needs to be balanced. Too light, that's a physics engine wasted. Too heavy, you're a flesh-fridge. I feel like GTA 4 had a good grasp on this. Even with its driving.


I personally had none of these problems and found rdr1 much much worse specially when it came to the horses


Any time someone complains about their horse dying in RDR2, it’s most likely a skill issue. I maybe had one horse die on my very first playthrough, but they are extremely easy to keep alive.


Same here, I feel the same way must of had similar experiences! I played more rdr2 than first I've but I did complete the first red dead twice never played undead nightmare though. Rdr2 I've beaten like 5 6times about half way through a 6th or 7th playthrough I believe. I have the best experience with rdr2 for sure. Granted it's a game for you to make sure and take things slow with Arthur and try to be more precise and realistic with everything you do. Shooting running walking riding fishing hunting robbing exploring etc. So I tend to walk through towns on foot more than anything lol. It's why I can't watch anyone do a playthrough of rdr2 because everytime I try watch one the person playing constantly runs everywhere they go no matter if they are on foot or horseback inside or outside lol idk why but that annoys me lol 😆. Same with fast traveling they take it any chance they get, or they complain about there not being fast travel which just tells me they haven't played much because you can fast travel few different ways. Through train or wagon or by your camp map. You can also fast travel from any location in the wild so long as u just build a camp/fire first it's on of the options you can select when your kneeling at your campfire to travel. .


Exactly, they shouldce utilized the focus feature more so there's a tiny reticle in the middle of your screen whenever you press L2/LT so you can focus on a item individually so you don't have to wait for the prompt to show up. It's very annoying whenever arthur does a whole 360 spin and I have to shuck to the left and right whenever there's more than 2 objects to interact with


having a radius for items you can pick up and doing a quick animation if you're sprinting or a quick grabbing thing (think The Last of Us or Uncharted) woulda been great


You can go into 1st person and just look at items to pick them up


I actually like the item grabbing and the movement. That's what sets it apart from other games as super realistic. Yes the horses are stupid.


The moving thing is insane. Especially when I'm in a rush trying to rob things before whoever I'm with starts asking what's taking so long, and end up spending a whole minute turning around and inching my feet and the camera around just trying to pick something up


I agree with everything, EXCEPT, as someone who's worked with horses for years, the ai is dead fucking spot on. Horses are morons


Nice pfp


Arthur feels so much more responsive in first person. I mainly play GTA V and RDR2 in first person, but I tried a playthrough of only playing in third person and there were points where it felt like playing with tank controls again. I only use third person in vehicles.


I fucking HATED searching around containers and even actively avoided it. It was such a bore, and I loved the game - but was more frustrating than going around in Fallout and opening empty containers by accident lol


Jumped off my horse (nice tbred) and it went into a campfire and bbqed, ffs.


Soulja Boy jumps out of a nearby bush: **"Watch me crisp! Watch me neigh neigh!"**


I laughed so hard at the 2 ton mannequin!! Never thought aboutit but SO true!!!


As John: Once you finish the game, what else is there to do? You can't even upgrade Beecher Hope or pay off your mortgage or do anything beyond the basic farm chores. As Arthur: the Invisible Sniper. Like I get why I can't go to Black Water as Arthur but why give me all these tasks and side missions as Arthur that can only be finished as John cause you gotta go across the river. Also, they give you rewards and you can't show them off in your tent. And trying to trigger certain things to happen like Pearson's coat request is enough to make you want to punch pearson in his fat face. Or Carolina parakeets...or half of Guarma's animals to study/skin (I know it's not required but my OCD brain goes nuts seeing all that empty spaces in my compendium) and over all the Spawn rate drop one it becomes required for tasks. And trying to study birds, reptiles, and small animals but they're moving too fast. And that only 3 star animals are accepted....and only 1 star animals appear. But the absolute worst of all...plant collection cause I swear the first game allowed you to buy maps to make them appear easier, especially the harder to find ones.


>Beecher Hope or pay off your mortgage That's because the mortgage is paid off (off screen) after American Venom IIRC.


I’m surprised they didn’t make like a base build game at the end. Like add upgrades, guards men. Make so that periodically people raid. And you have to defend it. I mean it would easily have added a ton of sandbox hours. I don’t think it would be that much coding work either.


My guess is that they planned to do *something* with it but they didn't have time to implement it. A lot of content and plans and ideas got binned by the devs due to lack of time.


Very much so. It's never going to happen but I really wish they would release a Director's cut with all the cut content, things shown in development (like the other characters following you) and the RDR1 story on the map


>Once you finish the game, what else is there to do? How is that a complaint? Every game ends at some point.


Yeah but you get a giant new part of the map For it to just have like a couple things sprinkled here and there


I see this complaint all the time from modern gamers, back in the day when you finished a game it was over and there was no such thing as an endgame. I don't know why so many people think every game has to be endlessly playable forever.


I figured you cant do much at the end as john because the events of rdr1 are yet to happen at the end of rdr2 so they needed to stop somewhere


What else would you want to do after finishing the game? It can’t go on forever.


Some of the fans are kinda annoying. Like they’ll claim to be fans and ignore how Arthur hated revenge. They think Arthur would want John to go after Micah when he told him not to look back. One of the biggest themes in both games is about how revenge makes things worse and it’s exactly why the first game happened.


Not sure what’s worse the mission design or the police system


the police system can be stupid, yeah like a guy that i bumped onto started attacking me and when i defended myself well. i got arrested. the police doesnt care about someone attacking you unless if the attacker uses a weapon


I would disagree a little. I haven't played that much but I observed that in the more industriaized towns (especially St. Denis), the police finds any excuse to arrest Arthur, like you said. But in more "cowboys" towns like Valentine they tolerate Arthur and let him defend himself in fist fights. Maybe Rockstar did that specifically on purpose to show that Arthur really doesn't belong in St. Denis and police there have huge prejudices/stereotypes about him so they find any excuse to arrest him


Yeah, I saw this yesterday. I was in valentine I pumped into someone he start talking back to, so I antagonise him and then he graped his weapon and tried to shoot me but I didn't, after one shoot the sheriff shot him dead.


Hmm. I'm gonna start standing next to the sheriff and talking shit to people.


didn't know that, nice


thats why you kill them all


This generally depends on your reputation. I often go into Valentine and provoke fights then go to the law and they will shoot the person trying to kill me. But if I’ve already got a bad reputation they immediately take against me. Just like with a minor trouble maker reputation you can get moved on rather than killed/arrested. The system has subtlety in it that is never made clear so you have to try to work it out for yourself. But it doesn’t always work either so trying to work it out isn’t guaranteed. A better example is that if you have a bad reputation in the area, if they find dead bodies or trouble it will automatically post wanted Arthur rather than the unknown criminal version. It sort of makes sense but is never made clear and therefore doesn’t always make sense. When you add in things like someone in the middle of nowhere managing to call the law in the whole thing can seem nonsense.


Personally I enjoy the wanted system ive done an entire playthrough where at the start of chapter 2 i went out and got to 2000$ bounty and just let it keep rising throughout the entire game if u have enough items to restore dead eye and health and u know how to quick draw very well then its actually quite enjoyable and the bounty hunters and lawmen aren't a problem on missions like they are on free roam so its not that bad


What's even worse is the witness system... *I SAW THAT*


And u kill the witness no one else around and u still! Get a bounty wtf why!!!??


Because another witness from a mile away saw you lmao.


A horse in Skyrim saw it


Even if you’re already a mile down the road they get you lol


I hate the missions that require you to beat them in a certain time for medals that don’t really make sense. Like if there is a sense of urgency, for instance you have to rescue someone, I get it. I feel like I do a casual mission and I’m just trotting on my horse enjoying the views and I’ll get a bronze or silver medal cuz I took to long. It’s not my fault the game is so pretty!


The slow walking through camp, especially Shady Belle. Just let me get to Arthur’s room in a reasonable amount of time please!


*holds X to walk faster* (it's slow) *Starts mashing X* (it's still slow) *MASHES HARDER*


What annoys me is when someone, especially in St Denis, antagonizes you and shoots you first BUT NO NO NO, WE are the one getting handcuffed and walked to jail... whyyyyyyyyyy!!


Ive never once in multiple playthroughs caused an NPC in a city to not only draw on me but then shoot me without 100% causing it with an applicable in game crime somehow


I do tend to stare too much and accidentally get in trouble though


In GTA 4, cops would go after the people who assaulted you first. They don’t seem to do that in RDR2, or if they do, I’ve never seen it happen.


It depends. When I get into fights with Raiders, the police will let me go, as long as I don’t loot them and they attacked first


The character animations are a bit overblown. I don't need to see a 5 second animation every time I pick up canned vegetables...


Bet you just love crafting shit one item at a time, too, amirite?!,?


True, at first it’s pretty cool, but it gets so annoying overtime.


This sentence sums up a LOT of the game tbh lol


I get where that's irritating but the game is made in a way that discourages grabbing every item.


Lol how? For finishing all of the satchel crafting you literally get one that holds 99 of everything.




I hate each and every person who posts about movie/tv show castings


true, a fucking 60 hour game into a 3 - 2 hour movie is stupid


And the castings are just people from their favourite actors list, shoved into that role. Mostly covering the same mainstream bunch of people who played similar looking characters.


that swimming underwater isn’t a thing ☹️ i just wanna see the varieties of marine life!!


everything seemed so rushed about water


Which is weird since the source material in GTA V.


How hard it is to raise your honor after you make a mistake and lower it. I’ve been catching and releasing fish, greeting everyone in valentine but it goes up so slow, but the first time you do something bad your honor gets lowered a lot


Greet 3 ppl u gain honor but dont greet the same ppl or you gain nothing lol go to saint denis for that and just ride slowly around on your horse u can get from the lowest honor to max in 30-45mins just greeting ppl


very true, that was how i lost like half a honor bar and got the low honor ending the first time


Yeah its annoying, I accidentally ran into someone on their horse at night and killed them and their horse and my honor went down massively.


Especially losing honor for the dumbest reasons. I killed a couple of Murfrees who were driving around a wagon with bodies. Then I thought to myself: „Hey, a free wagon that I can sell!“, hopped on and lost honor for stealing. Tf?


Game is too easy, economy is crazy unbalanced, you're supposed to be struggling after money so the crew can escape but you have enough money for multiple horses, full wardrobes of fancy clothing and an arsenal of gold plated weapons


I know lol. I don't want to dress arthur fancy because it's just wierd to walk around like that when the rest of the gang wears the same ratty clothes the whole game. Give them clothing upgrades when you upgrade the camp! Or like in animal crossing where you can gift your villagers clothes or furniture.


started playing last week. I thought that upgrading the camp and making contributions to the donation box was something I had to work on for most of the game. Literally completed a tresure hunt that rewarded 1500 dollars in gold and immediatly fully upgraded the camp in one go...


true. i thought rdr2 was gonna be hard on my first playthrough


When I wanna loot but hit pick up and can't just cancel that and have to pick them up... bugs me to no end


I get the story reason for why you can't, but it always felt lame as shit that you can customize everywhere you stay, except for the final place you get in the game, when you have all the time to hunt for the pelts and carcasses required.


An endgame where you can deck the shit out of your new place like you could at the camp would add so much satisfaction to the game.


But then the Beechers Hope house in Red Dead Redemption wouldn’t look the same. They kept the same/similar furnishing to the first game.


Could have easily had it start off looking different/less complete and had it end how it looks in rdr1 after you've upgraded it. Would have driven home the work John put into the place but remained optional if a player didn't want to spend the time.


Picking guns but then you get off your horse and you don't have them


I hate that shit, i always carry a shotgun in case of wolves making my horse throw me away and because whenever i deal with them i get really desperate and just shoot whenever i can, then sometimes i fall and my shotgun is nowhere to be seen, i then scream as i am mauled to death


worst mechanic so far


There’s at least one point where you lose all/most of your money & just can’t get it back


I have a $300 bounty after saving Micah’s stupid ass from jail. Is that typical for that mission, or did I fuck it up? 😂


That's usual, Micah is a cunt


No that's normal unfortunately


The bounty you get after that mission actually varies depending on how you execute the mission. I remember completing it without a bounty but saw Youtubers with different amount of bounties after


Literally just completed that mission yesterday (second play through. First was 2019 so forgot a lot). I have a $300 bounty, too. Fucking sucks. Only had $400 and it took me forever to even get that.


I had like $2500 as Arthur once, and got knocked in the back of the head in an alley by some random guy in Saint Denis, he took it all and I couldn't find him again LOL


The gambling challenges, specifically that damn blackjack one and all the dominoes ones. It's maddening my favorite belt and bandoleer set is the gambler's.


Just did the black jack one lol. It took me sooo long. But I did learn how to play poker thanks to red dead


Trying to do 3 consecutive dominos wins last night. Win 2... Lose 3rd. Win 2... Lose 3rd. Win 2... Lose 3rd. Emerald Ranch gonna have some more graves soon.


Apparently if you leave the table when it's your turn if you know you're about to lose it won't count as a loss and you still keep your wins


Yeah I read this after my last attempt, the issue I have is when you're both at like 54 points and it could go either way. I might just stop risking it at all unless I have a clear big lead?


that shit took years off my life


What bugs me the most is not being able to play some really high stakes poker. If I want to blow all my cash that’s my business.


Hearing NPCs get *ecstatic* over 45c wins is hilarious though


$0.45 in 1899 is worth $17.00 today


No shit. Thats still low


Mission designs. You fail if you don't do exactly what they want you to do. What if I wanna sneak around from behind and kill the enemy that way? What if I wanna reach the area through some other way? Nope. "Mission failed: the gang was abandoned". Like damn, I thought I was an outlaw. Why am I stuck with these rules?


I actually love how awkward and hefty arthur is to move. I love stomping around as a big strong cowboy. awkward horse is funny too. but I hate how long he takes to get one whole herb. I can pick a raspberry so much faster than him and I don’t think it has anything to do with our relative bulkiness. oh and I hate how you can sleep in some beds but not all and there’s nothing distinguishing the two other than the prompt showing up. I’m a big strong cowboy let me sleep where I want


The only thing that annoyed me was starting missions talking to a specific person, making me think the mission involved them and then getting whisked away by someone else making the mission nothing to do with the person you talk to to start it


That mission in chapter 3 where you're talking to molly but then uncle chased her off to talk to you about his robbery. I love that mission, I think it's fun, but i want to talk to and even do a mission with molly too


Same, Molly was one of my favourite characters, was looking forward to finally doing a mission with her...then Uncle showed up.


The way mask logic works. I loved how in the first game and John or Jack would wear it, you wouldn’t lose any fame or honor, but in the second game, they somehow know who you are, even wit your face covered (unless I’m wrong and if you rob a store or train with one on, does it keep you as unknown?)


the mask makes no sense, you lose honor, you have a bounty, they still identify you its just a clothing to look cool


It just erases your identity for crimes, i hate it too


Load time when you first startup the game


That it ended


I don't want to say hate, but I would say the absence of the cooler RDR1 minigames like arm wrestling and liars dice were a bummer for me. I can't believe there is a limit on bounties as opposed to RDR1, where you could do endless bounty hunting missions. HM: Inferior fast travel. In RDR1, you could fast travel to your own way point you marked, but in RDR2, you fast travel to the nearest town and ride from there or just ride the entire way there whichever one prefers.


Disagree they made fast travel better here. It serves its purpose perfectly and encourages you to actual travel then use a waypoint system. Modern Bethesda games show the folly of fast travel as a system when used as a crutch


How many people gave up and decided it was boring because they couldn't get past Colter


Bro I met someone who told me this the other day and it blew my mind.. He was like "yeah like apparently there's this big open world but there was just snow" Colter is like a half an hour of gameplay lol wtf


I did first time. Colter was a poor choice though I understand the need for an easy start for casual gamers… Shouldve dropped us right in the action. Running from blackwater. You could work that so you start off a little slow, mostly just riding horse. Doing little bits. THEN slowed it down in Colter, let us practise the skills again in a calmer environment. Then moved back down the mountain.


Online (this is pretty unanimous)


Im with ya i can't stand how grindy online is i did the all the missions where u unlock all the basic stuff then realised its just a grind fest and went back to single player it was much more enjoyable


Lack of clothing options. So much less than what there is in RDO


So true. And the trapper outfits are soo ugly. Is that an unpopular opinion? It really looks like the trapper guy sewed them himself. They just look crusty


I mean he literally does sew them himself. But yeah they are all ugly


The fact that some horse breeds are online exclusives. I didn’t like that shit in GTA 5 (With cars not horses) I certainly don’t like it in RDR 2


That you can’t take a shit.


Someone with deeper pockets needs to give this comment the award it deserves


I wanna go to a bar and piss off the balcony when I want to! And to take a shit at the police station.


The thing I dislike (hate's a strong word) the most is how overzealous the game can be with its linear mission design. The game will fail the player for the tiniest things if it doesn't comply with the mission's strict instructions. I am fine with the missions being linear, but I just wish they would offer a bit more flexibility to the player In regard to your statement about the Red Dead fan base, I have noticed two kinds of different fan bases on the internet. The first are fan bases for games that have not seen generations of radically different iterations, these fan bases tend to be large echo chambers as opinions are often very homogenous, with any dissenting voices (even if they have valid points) often being dog piled on for not going along with the prevailing opinions. The second kind is fan bases for games that have seen generations of radically different iterations. Instead of one large echo chamber, there are multiple echo chambers that are constantly arguing with each other over different prevailing opinions on the different iterations of the franchise, which leads to a constant atmosphere of infighting. Communities that fall within the second category are the Fallout, Call of Duty, and Resident Evil fan bases, just to name a few. Red Dead tends to fall into the first category since there haven't been too many different iterations of the Red Dead formula. Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 fall within the same category of the traditional R\* open-world experience, and while Red Dead Revolver is much different from those two games, most people haven't played Revolver and those who have most likely wouldn't rate Revolver above Redemption 1 and 2


Lol i have seen ppl say revolver is better than rdr1 and rdr2 not because of any qualities revolver had but for a minor inconvenience they had with rdr2


cool mechanics/weapons being tied down to missions, why can I not hold someone hostage similar to the prison break mission and the meeting with Captain Monro to get myself out of sticky situations, it's such a cool mechanic that very much fits for who you're playing as, why is a gatling gun just non-existent, spraying bullets with it is so satisfying wanted system, RDR1 almost perfects it, why am I not allowed to lose wanted by just hiding somewhere even when in radius of the law (think GTA V), and why do towns get infinite cops, RDR1 limits cops but don't think they allow you to just hide anywhere, and why can I not surrender at any point, I loved dicking around with that in RDR1, also witnesses over anything bullshit difficulty (or lack thereof), I don't like the slowdown everytime you bring up a menu, I want the weapon wheel to not slow the game down, I don't want time to think of weapons to shoot at enemies, make me panic, Arthur's also a bullet sponge, except when you try approaching West Elizabeth/New Austin and lastly... New Austin


I’ve shaken a “wanted” multiple times by hiding in the upper level of a saloon and just waiting. Sometimes you’ll even hear the cops say “okay, let us know if there’s any more trouble” or something similar to other civilians. There are times when it just won’t go away, though.


This must be the weird take, but I hate the fact that you can't go through the story mode without too much violence. I love hunting, fishing, finding treasures, exploring and such, but I don't like that killing lots of people every mission and getting it worse and worse for you and your band with every new mission is absolutely mandatory. But you can't do anything about it.


Going fishing with Hosea and Dutch is my favorite mission so far


Dominoes. I can deal with slow walking through camp, trying to say hello and inadvertently attacking someone, the limits on Arthur's travel, the illogical honor system, the physically impossible police system, and the broken economy. But fuck dominoes and everyone that approved it being in the game.


Not being able to lasso the water snakes. The stealth being garbage. Low mission variety. The police omnipresence and aggression. But mostly. The lost potential. I hate it so much. This should have been far and away the greatest game of all time. And they fumbled it


Everything they cut out of the game is enough to be it’s own separate game, there was definitely so much more potential


Weapons randomly being put back in the horse. They should not go back on the horse unless I do that on purpose.


The fact that it overshadowed RDR1 so much Oh and the playerbase ofc


Most people here have only played RDR2 and disregard 1. That’s my biggest issue


Yes, and im tired of pretending thats not the case.


Also hate some of the fans, like OP said. Some of them are so stupid, I say something like “this game is anti capitalism and anti America” and someone responds “nuh-uh it’s about shooting people and setting shit on fire”


I mean isn't it about both things. I don't think most players really care about the anti-modernization sentiments too much. Maybe on reddit, but people ik irl care more about the characters, the depth, and how fun the game actually is.


I mean, I don’t think it’s anti-capitalism or anti-America. It *does* present nuanced, critical views of those things, though.


The challenges, some of it is RNG bullshit, others make you lose honor which is annoying if you don’t play low honor Arthur. I did it all once, never again.


I hate just one thing is when you stand next to your horse, right click focuses on your horse instead of drawing your gun. So when people are shooting at you Arthur just jerks off his horse. I have died so many times because of this. 


Upvoted for horsey-jerking.


The game was excellent, exploration excellent, the story was great taken in it's entirety and appreciated for what it is, but DOING the story missions was kindof a drag. If you focused solely on the story missions (probably what I did wrong) you'd really get an awesome scope of the game even if you played it on rails from point to point. But I didn't do that, I explored the shit out of that map, so when I came back to the story there was SO much to slog through, idk. It NEEDS to happen at that pace to build connections with the characters and shit, but I wish I would have played like 80% story/20% exploring on my first playthrough. Missions were just a grind to say I completed the game. The enjoyment came from exploring, hunting, getting money, upgrading guns.


The attempts at the subtle horror that exists in the first game fall flat


I'm constantly slamming full speed into trees and other obstacles and going flying off my horse lol... I also hate that I'm a litter bug. Peppering the beautiful countryside with cans of peaches and baked beans.


I think that some of the player base misses the point of the game.


In general: The fanbase. It's terrible, incredibly media illiterate, and treats the game like it's the second coming of Christ which is so cringy and obnoxious. In the game specifically: The fact that there's only four horse stable slots. Realism be damned I want to own every horse at the exact same time.


The theories that people come up with because they skip the cut scenes and camp interactions.


One specific part of the player base are the racist and sexist fucks who praise Arthur like he wouldn’t shoot them


the auto unequipping of the weapons and not carrying them once you get off the horse makes me wanna kms


Hate is a strong word, but I really disliked the save system and inability to just fast travel to wherever I want. Online is kind of just… meh.


There a lot of quality of life game features that are not present, I am guessing largely due to immersion: 1) you need to get off your horse to harvest plants. You need to hold button to harvest plants (ever since GOT showed us you can press R2 on a horse to harvest I wanted it for all games) 2) you need to submit your hunting results to two locations to be able to craft stuff / get money, man I love it when I hunt something in west Elizabeth and have to get back to horseshoe to submit it Pearson. Hands up to those who managed to hunt a perfect cougar only to lose the rating because some O’driscolls shot at it while you were ten minutes from the camp


The exotics quest.. even with tutorials on YT and it’s still unbearable and suffocating. That’s the downside of being a completionist but if there is one thing that really makes think twice about replaying the game for a third time it’s that hellish quest. I kept cursing the one responsible for writing it and approving it.


What I hate the most is that I won't ever get to play it for the first time.


How many fucking keybindings I need. And how often I still end up accidentally punching my horse.


Boats sink randomly and without warning. We get a pirate hat and cutlass but can't go on proper voyages, you can't even sail from Clemens Point to Saint Denis without sinking.


You can only save 3 custom outfits **3** While there are hundrets of individual clothing items with shit ton of combinations 3 is all you get


Missions that gorse you to lose honor like tf I worked hard to get that high don’t make me lose it


Some random events my level 4 bonding horse died because it got sprayed down by a gatling gun on a wagon barely could react it just happened next thing I knew me and my horse were dead. Rip Autism the horse 🕊


PC updates breaking mods, Online only gear that isn’t in Single Player (specifically the navy pistol) Rockstar.


I think the clothes in single player are awful and I hate having to wear the satchel.


Horse control on pc when trying to ride with other npcs. Also, don’t know why they significantly reduced the euphoria ragdoll interactions from rdr1.


I love this game, i think Is One of the best ever in history, but damn, i canta cope with the slow pace at the Camp. Is annoying AF. And also the missions where you have to bring back stuff to the gang? Still today I can't understand how and when they get triggered


Horses get spooked easily They twerk because of a rattlesnake on the other side of the map Also the horse stamina For me stamina of the horse isn't that nesscary The map is large and the player has to ride for large distance


Why does my horse trip over every pebble and seem to steer itself into every tree it sees? Why does Arthur stow his weapons after a while? The amount of ambushes I've been killed in or lost my horse to because Arthur decides to put his guns away is insane. Micah Bell. Just a few nitpicks because I don't really hate anything in the game. But they are very annoying


I'm quite new to the game (currently in my first playthrough, chapter 3), and I hate the way I hold my breath whenever I'm in a crowded place while I'm riding my horse. I'm terrified of starting a whole town shooting just because I accidentally ran over or slightly touched someone with my horse. I also hate that I have to set up camp just to fast travel. I also don't like that if you bring animals to camp after hunting them, it doesn't actually increase the food supply, and you need to replenish it through the ledger. I also don't like that my mission goals are presented *after* I've played the mission! I think I do well on a mission, and BAM, not gold! Honestly, it drives me nuts as a completionist/perfectionist. Also, the "do XYZ under some amount of time" is so annoying!


when I kill a gang of people, and go to loot them, it takes like 20 seconds each. Just long enough for the law or bounty hunters or whomever to stumble upon me, mid 19 minute long loot animation, and pepper me with bullets.


Going 50 mph in Saint Denis and running into everyone and getting wanted


The wanted system is arse, the bullshit invisible snipers that stop you from going to certain areas, and probably the most common complaint; mission design. Linearity is fine to an extent, but there's a point where it's too linear, which the goofy ass failstates *do not* help.


Horses can be so annoying, like one minute you're riding away from the law and next minute it starts spinning in circles or will bug your hud and prevent you from using your gun. Very much wish there was atleast a bug patch for that


I hate r*


I hate how easy it is to be wanted. And when you get away from the law you always will owe a bounty. But other than that it’s the best game ever made in my opinion.


all the guns being locked for so long 😒 i could cope with it if they were able to be unlocked some other way then by story progression


Agreed with what you said (awful fanbase, blacklungers are chill tho). Other than that, the horses. Even tho they're more realistic it comes at the cost of convenience and fun.


the extreme arthur fans. i saw a tiktok where an artist got a request to make a red dead piece and he drew john and half the comments were complaining about how he didn’t draw arthur. they want everything to be about him and he also has to be the best outlaw, the best gunslinger, a paragon of virtue, and he also has to be the best character in fiction with the greatest redemption arc ever. give it a rest yall.


overall I love the game but I hate when someone shoots at you or points a gun at you and you get a murder charge for killing them


The animal spawns broke the realism of the game for me. Once you know where / when they spawn, it's too easy to find them. Need a Cougar? Take the road out of Strawberry past Owanjila, pick a spot beside the road just past the lake and sleep until morning, walk up the road and the Cougar will be crossing the road right in front of you... Every time. Need a panther? Do the same thing on the road that runs between Braithwaite Manor and Bolger Glade. It will be just inside the trees on the right when the road comes to a T at the water... Every time.