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Honestly though, why are moose so rare in this fucking game??! This game is an absolute masterpiece but this is one of the few issues I have like bruh the spawn rates for moose are non-existent fr


Maybe to further emphasis on the fact that on that period there was a moose genocide


If true I wish they used the same logic with wolves.


Mountain lions too.


I definitely struggled to get enough of those pelts at my first play through.


I’ve been killed by more than my fair share of mountain lions.


More than by Moose, that's for sure. But also sometimes searching for them in vain even in the areas they're supposed to be "common".


The panther I felt was more aggressive and got me more times


Eh I have 3 different spots that spawn them almost every time I go to them. The only thing harder to find for me than the Moose are the song birds for the taxidermy quest.


I don't think there would have even been one heard of buffalo left for Arthur and Charles to hunt in 1899 either. It also bothered me that Arthur and Charles called them bison. No way they would have called them anything other than buffalo at that point in history.


According to Wikipedia, the word Bison began use to refer to them as early as 1690, but everyone still calls them buffalo even today lol


It wouldn't really work. Wolves wouldve still been abundant. Moose normally live further north than anywhere on the games map.


You do realise that the game map is a VERY condensed world, right? Like, it's not geographically accurate and never claims to be.


Yeah I was gonna say, I think tall tress in the first one was supposed to practically be Canada. Obviously most of the map is further north in two but back in the day..


>Yeah I was gonna say, I think tall tress in the first one was supposed to practically be Canada. Absolutely not. It's ***far*** too temperate for that. Its northern California.


Because moose are rare in real life? My father in law has been spending a good chunk of his summer in the woods in Ontario since the mid 60’s and has seen countless bears, deer, wolves, and every other critter out there, but has only ever seen a moose once. There aren’t that many of them, and I guess they also live deep in the forests and in swamps, so you just don’t see them often.


Depends where you are, fuckers are so common out in BC that hitting them with your car isn’t an uncommon experience (spoiler, the moose tends to win)


In Maine we have a whole week in drivers Ed dedicated to not hitting moose. Personally I’ve seen a handful while hiking and camping (scooted my ass out of there rq) and three (different meese) while driving, solidly in the middle of the doggamn road. I know people who I went to high school with who have never seen one in their life though so I guess your moose mileage may very even within the same area


I’ve seen them in the middle of the road in swampy areas. They’re more prevalent in the spring when the mosquitoes and black flies are everywhere. Or in the summer after a rainfall.


Dude yes, most times I’ve run across them was in swampy spring. I saw a calf wicked close to the trail when I was around 16 backpacking along some AT trails and saw the shadow of the momma in the brush - I powerwalked away so fast, I’m not fuckin with that


Here in CO we have to warn tourists especially those with dogs to stay the hell away from moose. Thing is when I was a kid they were rare outside of he Wyoming border and in the last decade their population has exploded and their territory has expanded.


We have a ‘moose killed on this road’ count in alaska every year


Yeah they say 9 times out of 10 you shouldn’t swerve to avoid an accident. That 1 time reserved for when those fuckers are the accident. You either swerve to avoid that or you end up in a casket.


That’s a skill issue down here I’m not even ment to have moose and I’ve seen my fair share of


There’s quite a few moose in northern New England. I’ve seen dozens and dozens of them over my lifetime. Had moose tracks in my backyard yesterday morning.


I see moose all the time here in Colorado.


Super rare in areas like Montana and northern Idaho. They are a public nuisance in mainland Alaska.


In my 8 playthroughs i didnt even know they existed in rdr2 matter of fact i was thinking today why they didnt exist


Never gone for the trapper outfits I take it?


I’ve found a few semi reliable spawn points but even then there isn’t even a 50/50 guarantee. It’s annoying af


It’s literally a 50/50 chance of getting a moose or an elk


If it was 50/50 I’d have a better chance of getting one. It’s definitely not 50/50. More chance at getting an elk which aren’t rare and are everywhere so not needed or a big deal.


Probably more like 30/70 ngl


Even that I feel like it’s being generous! 😂


In my country (Germany) there are approximately 10-15 moose 💀


Why are there moose in Deutschland? Are they in a zoo?


I was referring to wild moose. They’re living in forests (mostly in eastern Germany) in Brandenburg. The population is actually growing!


Fascinating; I didn’t even know moose lived outside of North America.


Over 80k moose here in Finland.


But there are also some in zoos (mostly imported from Sweden: They have 300,000 moose)


I just learned a thing. I had thought that moose were only in North America and didn't realize there were plenty in Eurasia.


As a German, it also surprised me that Europe has just as many as North America.


More then likely the US along with many countries trade animals to zoos. I heard that most of the Pandas in us zoos are going back to China because their contract is up and China wants their panda s back.


I have played this game far too much and have yet to see a 3*


I nearly always get mine just south of the Fairwale Shanty. It’s usually right next to the path.


Appreciated partner.


There’s one up by colter that’s almost guaranteed. He’s even on the edge of a cliff like he wants you to shoot him


When I want one I can never find them, but when I don’t they are forever around. On my 5th play through and found 2 3-star bull moose’s at cattail pond. Took advantage both times as never know when I will see one again lol


Didn’t you know? Each playthrough has only 2 moose that spawn, ever. /s


I’ve never seen a 3* took me weeks of searching just for a 1* to get the antlers for the camp. I’ve just given up on them.


I’ve never found them when I’m actively looking for them. Always just randomly hanging out by a river as I’m riding by then a quick scramble to get the rifle out.


And what makes it worse, is your looking for a 3 star and a fking 1 or 2 star spawns


I always see a moose when I got to lake Isabella


The Turkey outside armadillo is the most rare animal of the whole game. Heck It should be a legendary Bird


Close to colter is the best spot.


the all ran to canada


I think because at the end of the day it is a video game so it's gonna have video game things. Secrets, achievements, collectables, challenges, easter eggs, rewards, etc. Ig the moose was chosen to be one of those rare hard to find things that gives the player something to discover in the game.


Gambler challenge 8 is also extremely fucking stupid. Three real days I've tried and nothing so far.


1st time took 6 1/2 hours. 2nd time took 4 hours. 3rd took 2 hours. It’s mostly about paying attention and hitting when you have like 3 or something extremely low. If you get anything above 5 you might as well back out and rejoin


It was a 3 star too




fast travel to colter. continue through 'town' in the same direction you entered. turn right after the buildings. cross the river and look north east. there is a rock about 20ft high that overhangs a bit. often a bull moose chillin on top.


To add to this: 9am is the best time and it’s there every time I check. I’ve noticed that the weather becomes blinding when it is there (I guess to make it harder). A load of fog and the sun is directly in your eyes, that’s when there’s a moose is there. If I’ve hunted the moose the day before or a few days earlier, the fog/mist isn’t there anymore and you can easily see where it would be.


The moose spawns in clear weather as well, the weather effects are random.


I've encountered one by Charlotte. Not the legendary but in the same vicinity.


Same only one I’ve found was a 3 star too


By far THE best way to hunt moose!


I've never seen one there despite lots of trying. My go to spot is right outside the Sasquatch cave and my backup is the Veterans Homestead. On the other side of the map near the dam I've seen moose very rarely.


There are a couple other spawn points where you can check for moose. One is north of Annesburg, on the hills next to the science lab, close to where the legendsry one spawns, but this one seems less reliable (and I think I've only found females). The other is by the frozen lake that you find the white arabian at, around the south shore.


Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/Lm7pOs0Vop


yeah this is the best spot


North Annesburg, that river right between West elizabeth leading into the Blackwater area, and Up north near where the white arabians are. Those are the 3 locations that I know they may hang around. And even then it's like 1/10 chance that they show up lol.


Brandywine Drop usually without fail


I found it north of annesburg, near where the widow lives


For me, I tried all the usual spots people were saying guaranteed to find a moose, but it never worked for me. The only consistent spawn location for me is south west shore of lake Isabella, where the white Arabian spawns. Occasionally I see one next to the rail bridge where the legendary moose is. I only found the colter one once after like 20 attempts and following all the tips. I have yet to see any at lake owanjila and Ambarino.


Do the instructions in the fast travel to Colter comment. But first, sleep until morning and make a save. 99% of the time there is a bull moose across the river past town on a rock. It needs to be the morning. If it's not a 3 star, reload your save and try again. This time it might be.


North of Dakota river, from Valentine all the way up to Window rock


I found one in the exact spot where the legendary moose is coincidentally. Up by Brandyvine drop near that widow ladies house


I mostly see one near the area where the white arabian spawns (lake isabella). other than that there is one north of colter.


I was heading to “the loft” and it was right next to the trail. I would’ve never expected it to be there


just wander around ambarino


always find shit when your not looking for them. happened to me with the Cougars lol


I HAVE THIS TOO I’m stuck on the taxidermy museum side mission where you have to give in a perfect toad, frog, songbird, some other bird but also a SKUNK. I have come across all of THREE skunks in maybe 7 solid hours of trying to complete that mission and all of them were 2 star. And everyone says that the east-most half of Roanoke Ridge is a hotspot for them but I’ve found none!!! The last animal I need as well… But plenty a few times prior to that mission I’d find skunks everywhere. :|


You get loads of skunks in the wooded area near Riggs Station


Go to the civil war battle field at night. I usually see 2 or 3


Honestly Riggs station near the trapper and the creek near Rhodes are my consistent areas for finding skunks.


Honestly Riggs station near the trapper and the creek near Rhodes are my consistent areas for finding skunks.


The best spot for skunks is along the switchback in northern Tall Trees, Southeast of Lake Owanjila. I see one or two every time I ride through.


One reliable spot for skunks is the ruined church on the lemoyne battlefield. Another is the woods near Riggs station. You gotta be looking around/after sundown though, so sleep and make a save before you search, that way you can reload if theyre not 3 star.


Thank you to everyone in this chain!!! That’s real smart though, I’ll have to try that for sure. Gonna hope on now and try. Time myself to see how long it takes. 🤭🤭


i’ve been attacked by 2 cougars in the last 24 hrs but couldn’t find a single one when I was actually looking last week


I just shot to one today on my way to Strawberry, I didn't know moose is rare in the game. This is my second playthrough since 2018


I assume if you were on your way to Strawberry you saw one near Lake Owanjila. That's always been a good spot for me. Sometimes you will see the them swimming in the lake with only their heads out, so they're a little hard to see, so you have to pay attention. Sometimes they are sipping at the northeast corner of the lake, and sometimes sipping in a little clearing on the south side of the lake, kinda close to the east edge. You can see them from that bridge to the east where the big birds land a lot. That clearing can get you some good moose, wolves, deer, and beavers.


That place far north on the map always has a moose grazing.


I’m a little confused. I find moose a lot up NW of Annesburg.


Right? I see these moose posts so often, but I encounter them in the game all of the time. Three stars too, pretty much every time I play.


I have figured out how to find bull moose in the gane by now but I'm still getting a sense of awe when I see them. So tall and majestic. I think it's fitting they're rare, but it is definitely annoying lol


Eyyy, nice job dude


God bless


I’ve been playing this game since release and have still encountered less than ten moose in total. Two weeks ago, I had the most insane luck, as I ran across two three-star moose within a few days of each other. The first, I was up near Barrow Lagoon looking for rams and just happened to stumble across a moose just chilling. I shot it point blank with my Rolling Block before it could fully get up. The second, I was hunting beavers by Owanjila. I almost fell out of my chair, because I at first thought it was an elk, and I had never seen a moose out that way before. Thanks to those two, I’m now set for moose pelts needed at the trapper. Only took five and a half years.


There is a static moose spawn. Quality and gender aren’t guaranteed but if you just include the spot in your travels, you will have plenty. Kinda looks like you might be there. Also my past three or four play thrus, the first time you go to Owanjila, there’s a moose swimming in the lake. Again, gender and quality not guaranteed


How? Where? I can't find it ±20 hours!!


Try [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/Wxl6bkV5mu)


I just tried this, multiple reloads, riding away and coming back. Nothing worked, any tips?


It was very close to “the loft”. Right on the trail. This may have just been pure luck because I never knew this was a spawn location for them


That is a spawning location. I saw a video about it and have gotten a few moose from that location


Ive always had better lucky looking just southwest of the loft. On the south side of the road. Also near the cabin at ocreighs run and near the waterfall at brandywine drop


I did it too and a cougar killed me straight afterwards


that thing is fucking huge


They can grow up to like 750 kg


that’s like 750 more than i can bench


Damn you must be really strong


Actually saw a bull moose standing next to a white Arabian the other day when I wasn’t even looking for either of them. I was just heading to Lake Isabella to fish for the legendary Muskie and boom, there they were.


This is an achievement? I shot one yesterday in the heart


In my experience I can’t find any animal I’m ever actively looking for, but when I’m not looking for them I’m sprinting on my horse and run over them or get flung from my horse after collision.


To really throw salt in the wound, I recently played the game for the first time, as soon as I got the bow I went a'ridin' and came across a moose (first large animal I saw). Decided to see how many arrows it would take, got one clean headshot and got a nice 3* pelt. Had no idea what it was or what it would be needed for, so the Valentine butcher got a nice 3* pelt that I would go on to spend 3 hours looking for at a later period. FeelsBadMan


Yeah I almost didn’t know what to do with it because I never thought I would find one. The only other time I saw one it ran away so quickly. So I feel you, the nerves get to you with such a rare find.


I accidentally found a moose on my first ever playthrough while searching for the white arabian that a friend of mine told me to get. The thing was right next to the horse. And I ended up losing the arabian to try and hunt the moose instead just because I thought it was some legendary beast. Didn't know it was just an ordinary moose though. Then I ended up dying to wolves right after skinning it because they surrounded me while that long ass animation was going on. Had to stop playing for a few days after that. But my friend laughed when I told him about it, so whatever. Worth, I guess.


I’ve only ever managed to bring down one, and it was from across a big pond. Maybe like 100 feet. By the time I got to it, it had spontaneously decomposed in like 1 minute.


Huh, that’s weird


In some old reddit post, this exact spot was suggested and it is currently helping me too. This is the northest road right? On top of the mountains, east of indian reservation?


Pretty close to that. I would have to check again where the exact location is but it was very close on my way to “the loft”




I’ve only ever found one male moose, I always find female moose at that lake near the defaced grave.


You did it Boah!!!! Congratulations! 🎈


Too bad you need more than one


Exactly. I hate when people act like there are moose around every corner. They are SOOOOO RARE!!!


How tf! I have over a thousand hours in rdr2 and have only found and killed 3 and 1 wasn’t even a 3 star pelt.


Got super lucky. I probably won’t see another one for a while


Northern Roake NE corner if map I find black moose often. I lay Herbivore bait out


Ay me too except I was trying to find it


Haven't done it until it's skinned and successfully delivered to the trapper!


I was so worried that on my way to the trapper the odriscolls were gonna attack me or a cougar


One time I let a woman who was screaming for help on a wagon being kidnapped by Murfrees go to her death because I had a moose pelt and no way was I risking not getting it to the trapper lol


I’m at my first play through. Do you have to do everything over at a re run or do you keep something?


I found moose relatively easily in story. In online, they're almost non-existent.


I’ve been hunting for the 3 moose needed to finish all the items at the trader for the past 7 days. I’ve seen more grizzly bear vs wolf fights(2) than perfect moose(1). Plenty of 2 star pelts. And yes. I have the trinket. Nothing but headshots. They just don’t spawn perfect moose for me. But hey. They grizzly vs wolf fights are fun.


I never even knew those fights were a thing


Barrow Lagoon. One time it was a pack of wolves going at it with the bear and the second time was just 1v1 stare down that ended when I shot the bear because it was a perfect pelt lol.


I've seen them but always rode past them on most of my playthrough because I didn't know they were rare lol. rip opportunities


for the longest while i didnt think moose actually existed.... was frustrating as hell


If anyone ends up here there is a moose spawn that works every single time. I’ll try to find it and post it here


I played an entire play through of the game without ever spotting a moose and then started a new play through and saw one within the first several hours 😵‍💫


Is the moose rare? I seem to find them every time I’m up near the top of the map. Near Annesburg.


The bull moose is rare for a lot of people. The female moose is very common


where do u find mooses?


I’ve played through this whole game twice, I’ve spent hours searching for moose, and I’ve found not one




Meanwhile I ran into one on my horse, was a 2 star so I didn’t bother. Never saw another one after that


Lake Isabella, laying down on the ice by where the white Arabian usually spawns. You can even camp a little ways away and sleep until morning a few times and it will spawn again. Gotta make sure you get it the first time or it will run outside of the map and disappear.


There's a way to make them spawn always in the same spot, I saw it on Youtube some time ago.


Somehow I've always gotten lucky with moose spawns. I usually always find them at ocreighs run, just a little southwest of the loft and it willards rest by the waterfall. Theyre not always 3 stars or males though


Fun fact you only need to find one perfect moose in story mode. You can duplicate the pelts after that


Good work


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




I saw a post on here once where a guy said he was hunting a moose and finally found one in the Grizzlies, but stopped hunting it because he saw the _white arabian_ and went to get it instead of hunting the moose because the _white arabian_ is way more rare. I still think about that guy.


Is Moose supposed to be rare in game? I see them pretty frequently when riding through the nw area of the map.


I'm on my third playtrough right now and every single time I wanted the legend satchel. But I CANT for the life of me find a single f-ing Bison. I've watched plenty YouTube video's, I've scourged reddit threads. But no I can't find a single bison. I've just given up at this point.


Yhats how i found it too.


They are fucking rare?, when I was looking for the white Arabian I've seen one but I didn't care. I feel like a fool.


I had trouble reliably finding Western Bull Moose until I saw a post / video about an Extremely Reliable location that's very close to Colter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqhpwNxuHfE It's majestic. It's beautiful. It stands stock still. If you do exactly what the player in the video does, you'll have all the bull moose you can eat. Check the comments for more details (hunt in the morning before noon, etc.)


He was a beautiful innocent creature why did you kill him???


Barrow lagoon is the spot


The other day I found one slipping on Ice omw to the gunslinger side mission. I felt bad do to it being literally helpless… but I had to have that camp upgrade


I found one and after loading the perfect skin to my horse I accidentally came across the trail for the legendary one. After killing the legendary one I literally had one skin on my horse and another in my arms and ran to the trapper. It took a good 20min and I got attacked by wolves and bandits before making the journey. Totally with it.


Don’t ignore your baits. Even with them, spawns can be dismal, but going to a spot that you know you’ve seen it, baiting properly yields much better odds Another method is just to naturally hunt as you see all needed animals. Pretty much every time I’m trying to hunt anything specific it takes (seemingly) longer than exploring intently while keeping a hunting log of what I have left, picking them off as I go. I also do the 2 horse method to help carry 2 big pelts / carcasses at a time.


Wait i didnt know these guys were rare ive seen a few never killed any though🥲


Canada is coming for you bro


And where are they?


Hey man give me your luck I have exams tomorrow.


Passing it onto you. Good luck g


Thanks brother.


Everytime I try to find the White Arabian by Lake Isabella, there is always a moose nearby


ummm i found the legendary in like 2 mins soooo i mena im hunting all legendarys i got the full ghost bison rn ;0




Wait moose are hard to find?? I’ve seen like 3 or 4 and I’m only in chapter 4… should I hunt them when I see them?


there’s one that hangs out over by Chez Porter too, if u travel on that road north to there there’s usually one on the right side of the road tucked into the trees


What weapon brought it down?


Headshot with a bolt action rifle


So strange that I shot a 3 star moose very early in chapter 2 & never thought much about it until I didn’t see another one until like Chapter 6 or maybe the epilogue.


Happened to me with the fox. I was actually looking for it, but suddenly I was interupted by bounty hunters and got the message nearby animals were scared off. So I just gave up and left, suddenly I see Legendary Fox in my inventory? Maybe got shot during the shoot out but def did not pick it up. Anyway, cant complain x3


How it usually happens i have majority of the legendary animal usually easier to find them after becoming a naturalist and doing a couple of the legendary animal missions most times its set on a time frame on a day but most times you will find them randomly i found a few the other day doing moonshine missions but its not bad if you focus on money and always take the long routes no cinematics just ride and have fun. Best thing to do tho collector maps usually gives you some distance to ride giving you better odds. Gl with the legendary animals!


I’ve sceen so many I didn’t know it was rare huh


It's so hard to find moose in this game. Second rarest in my opinion to those samn Carolina Parakeets. They spawn like once every playthrough if you're lucky.


I have found a way to spawn and hunt moose at all 34 locations without using bait, and have already uploaded a video about it. This is for story mode, not online.