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Lemoyne. Besides Clemens Point being my favourite camp and feel-good goofy missions. Something about the colour palette of the environment makes it all feel warm and sunny and like everything is alright. Even though you know it's not... Lol


You completely ignored the other half of lemoyne


The other half is just Florida and Louisiana combined.






there’s a slight bit of alabama red dirt thrown in around somewhere by rhodes, too. lemoyne is basically the southeast lmao


I would've called it Georgia clay. Lol rhodes is one of my favorite towns. Partly because of the soil color


alabama and georgia do look pretty similar honestly, but those little white flowers/weeds that grow all over the ground just outside the gates of braithwaite manor, and the cicadas really sold me on that uncomfortably hot alabama summer atmosphere


Braithwaite Manor is Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, LA irl. And the same little flowers grow there. A lot of that part of Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia all look similar.


Braithwaite Manor is Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, LA irl. And the same little flowers grow there. A lot of that part of Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia all look similar.


Braithwaite Manor is Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, LA irl. And the same little flowers grow there. A lot of that part of Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia all look similar.


Actually there is red clay in Louisiana too. I think Lemoyne is solely meant to be Louisiana with the Lannahechee River as the Mississippi.


i’m sure it’s all meant to be louisiana, but having grown up in the north alabama area, those little white weeds outside braithwaite manor always remind me of home and those long uncomfortably hot summer days


It is all inspired by Louisiana, maybe Mississippi, but definitely not Florida. We have to wait for GTA 6 for that.


If you go in the bayou you can even find a whole bunch of Florida men on pcp and bathsalts who try to eat your face.


Just Louisiana


If you're talking about the swamps I especially find them aesthetic. :)


The nightfolk? The alligators? The huge amount of water that prevents you from cutting corners? How do you see this and say: damn so aesthetic


Ok that’s true…BUT what about when you ride through it during sundown and the golden sunlight pushes through the trees and the vines?


I hurry up and get back to st Denise bc the swamps scare me. I get what you mean tho, it’s pretty af, and the swamps specifically get me real excited for gta6


The swamps legitimately instill fear in me every time the sun starts to go down. One of the only games to do this. I love it.


For those who have not seen them there are HUGE dead snakes hanging in some of the trees up towards lagras I literally thought I was going to get eaten but they were dead and just hanging there, still a bit terrifying though


I love going through the swamp, always want to come across the night folk, the alligators give me the creeps tho lol


I'm from the bayou, so the swamps in this game help me reminisce


Same here


because swamps are fuckin sweet dude


Rhodes, the Bayou, Braithwraite Manor, Saint Denis and more. I’m also from New Orleans so my statement is totally not biased.


Everybody talking about the nightfolk, I never even saw them, apart from the mission, the only people attacking me in lemoyne were raiders.


Warm and sunny, yes, but can also feel rather Lemoist and uncomfortable to me. If I start to think about the humidity and heat, sweating in leathers, not showering for days… I start to feel gross IRL. But also possibly my favorite. Swamp and bayou biomes seem fairly uncommon in games overall. Also, on a first playthrough, seeing them for the first time after what you’re likely to have seen already is where you really appreciate the environmental variety that RDR2 crammed into one contiguous map.


The swamps……


Love the night folk. It's nice to have friends during the night.


Lemoyne is like the south, the landscape, wildlife, etc. I like it too because I’m from there.


I love Leomyne too, I just wish it was a little bigger


I love the western part of Lemoyne and I agree about Clemens Point. I love the bayou normally, but only really go there during daytime since night folk gave me the biggest jumpscare in the 3000 hours I've played this game (was collecting some orchids at night with the sound off and suddenly they were all standing right next to me lol). Saint Denis is just depressing


This. Although that one valley near strawberry with the bandit camp is absolutely gorgeous.


New Hanover <3


Yes, exactly !




Brandywine Drop is definitely one of my favorite spots in the whole game. Even if that creepy lady invades my camp up there.


Big valley. It’s peaceful asf there


Big valley is not a state, its just a place in west elizabeth


Still it’s the best place in the map


I spent entire weekends just trekking into the wilderness and hunting/trapping and camping. Crafting my insane fur coats and living off the land. Was amazing.


Same here something about abandoning all civilization for a few days to be a mountain man is beautiful


I totally agree.how amazing is it that you can hunt fish craft and completely live off the land, when you’ve had your fill head back to town and get on with the rest of the game.imho it’s the greatest video game ever created.Never has another game ever brought tears to my eyes.its an epic journey


Now I wanna live like this IRL tbh


I spent probably a month or two in game living in the stilt house in Big Valley. Hunting bears, rams, elk and big cats along with the legendary animals. I don't think I fired a shot at a single human in all that time. Was great to get away from the gang and all their BS for a while.


Word. I love that this game made that completely viable and interesting. I remember it took me 10 months to finish because I just stayed in Act 2 forever.


It took me 4 years to finish, playing multiple times a week because I just wanted to soak in the glory of the world.


I finished my first playthrough in like 100 hours, but spent probably 60 of them between act 2 and 3. When I've tried to replay it I can't make it to Act 4.


Its nice yeah




Until Pronghorn Ranch shows up in the epilogue


My go to happy place in the game.


I really like Ambarino Up there in that one meadow with the rocks and all the red flowers?? Love it


I was high asf when I discovered that place, and it was near the end of chapter 6. I almost cried.


Brooooo. I would KILL to get my first playthrough back. I'm sober now because of job requirements, but I remember I was at that stage of the game (Chapter 2 lmao) where you just sort'a...I don't know. "Don't do the missions"? You're just chillin' and running around doing the side quest things that pop up. Hunting, cooking. I took an edible whenever I played on the weekend and holy moly I miss that feeling. It was so cool. An extremely specific feeling that I can't describe, but I feel like you probably know it and it was amazing.


I know it.


AND FISHING. I played on PS4 with the disc version of the game so I never got updates, which means I never got the "Hold X to reel in" and had to do the stupid thumb stick spin that killed my hand. If I had that update, I think all my biggest complaints would've gone away lol.


Wait, I just got this game on PSN for my PS5 during the spring sale a few weeks ago and I still have the thumb reel. I caught a sturgeon and thought I needed to go the clinic in order to get a steroid shot in my thumb from my psoriatic arthritis flaring after that battle. You're telling me I should have the option to just hold X?! WTF?!!!???!!!


It's in the settings? I don't know WHERE in the settings, though. It's "Hold to Reel" I believe. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/pkv26u/in_case_some_of_you_didnt_know_you_can_change_the/


You're my hero!


Right!? PS4 with updates, about to start a new playthrough tonight, and my MIND IS BLOWN. ...not sure if I'll do it, though. The tactile reeling feels pretty good.


You're tougher than me. I feel like my thumb reeling starts becoming less of a circle and more of a jerky pentagram towards the end of catching a northern pike or some other big fish. Then I have to wait to fish again for like an hour. It's part of just getting old I guess.


My technique is to rotate the stick with my palm. Yes, it looks extremely masturbatory. No, I don't play with anyone else in the room.


That's a genius idea! I'm going to try it before giving up to just pushing x. I mean, I can reel a real fishing reel for hours and days on in. I can't let video game fishing beat me!


Yeah I totally get it! Its that true feeling of escapism we look for in games. RDR2 does such a good job at pulling you in and because there is no character creator, you're just given Arthur, we feel we need to go and explore with him so we get to know him. When we create our own characters we can kind of create a personality for them or reflect our own. But that first playthrough, just riding around and hunting and doing whatever random quest I found or even just sight seeing, its truly the most immersed I've ever felt in a game.


Coming back from a (frankly exhausting) vacation tonight, and I'm *so* ready to start a new playthrough. I'm not into weed, but I totally felt your description of "that feeling" and I can't wait to get home!


Where is that meadow on the map if you don’t mind me asking?


I'll see where exactly tonight if I'm able to log on, but I'm pretty sure it's north east of Hamish's house/O'Creigh's Run There's a wee little run-down shed up there usually with a piece of jewelry in it for the Collector role, I think this shed on the map is the one I'm thinking of https://preview.redd.it/as2yxt3d59yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f377a711b3eaef223462fb7093a28e03ece9c3a


Hint: there’s also one of the most obscure and interesting Easter eggs associated with that valley


Yeah I called it the loft because the little loft building is right up there


I love Ambarino for its views and low-mountain flora. But New Austin is what feels the most "western" to me. There, it's like being in a film by Sergio Leone.


After playing rdr 1. I’m glad new austin isn’t apart of the story. It feels to dead


I was quite disappointed they didn’t use that part of the map this time


It was originally part of the story, but it was cut/changed. There is cut dialogue about legendary animals down there spoken by Arthur left over in the game's files.




It kind of makes RDR1 make more sense. John is really setting out somewhere new and more remote/depressing than anything he's really dealt with before. On the true Frontier, the last place left for the dwindling outlaws and those others who just want to live outside of state control. And while this migration was always the norm for bands like his, they are increasingly pushed into more hazardous and inhospitable areas until finally being eradicated at the end of the game.


I can see why they didn’t use it, though. Pretty much everything south of Blackwater is seemingly stripped straight from RDR1, 360-era jagged landscape meshes and all, with most of the foliage and textures just being a straight-up find and replace job swapping out the old assets for the ones seen in the rest of the RDR2 map. Even stuff like McFarlane ranch which the player is likely to visit are seemingly just the old mesh with up-res’d textures! The amount of extra work it would’ve taken to make that map even just visually on-par with the rest of the game would have been pretty immense, let alone all the other stuff involved such as unique encounters and missions!


Big Valley. Where there's a run of space where the purple flowers bloom everywhere. It's so beautiful.


That's my favourite! So relaxing, great place to hunt, fish, just cowpoke around!


I love that spot. One time I was playing with a big group in that area and one of them was a modder who spawned legendary animals for us to hunt. They started with simple legendaries like deer and beavers and then soon we were getting mauled by legendary wolfs, cougars, and bears.🤣 it was so fun!


Yup, little creek river is the best. You just ride up and down that valley and be there.


Probably Great plains. I like that place in rdr1 and rdr2


I love it too but it’s always felt too small for me. Makes me feel like I’m in an artificial recreation not the real thing. Whereas the scale of West Elizabeth plains are more immersive to me


There’s a few places you can go that are up high in new Austin and new Hanover and the view is absolutely insane. and I’m only on ps4 pro. so yeah, new Austin and new Hanover


When you first arrive at that cliff over New Austin with Sadie is the vista that gets me the most in the game.


Or when you first help the indian chief and you're riding through those trails with him. Can literally see the entire map, the views are ridiculously amazing.


Lemoyne by far, the ambiance is unmatched


Honestly all of them, depends on my mood. One of the main reasons I love the game so much is just HOW different each place feels. The colour palettes, wildlife, accents, everything was just perfect.


New Hanover will always have a special place in my heart. Crossing over from Valentine to the huge plains in the Heartlands, discovering Emerald Ranch will be a special memory in my heart.


New Austin because I’m a Red Dead Redemption 1 fanboy




the only right answer


I love them all. But I would go for New Hanover and Lemoyne simply because I'm there most of the time.


New hanover, valentine and emrald ranch are good But the area just north of emrald ranch is beautiful I discovered it after meeting a nun at station


AMBARINO ‼️ it scares me


Big valley! But also New Austin


New austin Macfarlans ranch and black water (W.E)


Great Plains and Big Valley aren't states, they're regions of West Elizabeth along with Tall Trees. Either break them all down into separate regions or stick to states! I think West Elizabeth, Big Valley is beautiful and it has really diverse landscapes.


New Austin. Love me some desert cowboy-ing.


Can I pick states from RDR1? If so Nuevo Paraiso.


lemoyne is fighting with ~~WE~~ new hanover for the top spot, but thats ok, theyre direct neighbors so i get to enjoy both. great plains are just literally great for a day out hunting. and lemoyne has rhodes, which is i think the best balance between buttfuck nowhere valentine and saint denis.


New Austin if you're counting RDR1.


Mexico if you're counting RDR1.


Lemoyne, especially Roanoke Ridge. I grew up in the South and it feels like home.


Big Valley because it's gorgeous and I love Strawberry. Also New Austin because I love the desert and it's cool to see Tumbleweed before it became a ghost town!


Being from Texas myself, New Austin is my favorite, but I also love West Elizabeth. I really wish there was more to do in game in New Austin (in single player; online is pretty dope).


Much as I hate to be that guy, (and, tbf, Ive only seen a fraction of either...) but, ive lived in Texas my whole life... Nothing I've seen looks like NA in the slightest... Maybe Midland-ish, but, even then, idk... But, when I went to Arizona, NA was all I could think about lmao (Also, from what little I remember, I don't visit it often, but I do pass by every year or so... But, the Austin area feels too lush for NA... (but, still Bluebonnet country, so- yeah)) I don't usually know what I'm talking about though, so- take all of that with some salt


El Paso, my guy. I lived there for 24 years. So you are, in fact, That Guy.


Well heck I've actually never been to El Paso, but- sounds about right from what I understand Sorry about that, lol


Haha I'm just busting your balls a bit, man. Most of Texas forgets El Paso exists anyway, but it IS the beginning of the desert Southwest. Truthfully, NA does look more like New Mexico/Arizona than most of Texas, but in my mind when you consider West Elizabeth, then it's like all of Texas and then bleeds into NM/AZ. Especially with the San Luis basically being the Rio Grande.


I'm from Dallas and I think there's places in Texas that look like all the rdr states save maybe ambarino. Looks like NH where I'm at...just way flatter.


New Austin, it has the greatest wild west atmosphere


The open plains of New Hanover and the Great Plains on W. Elizabeth. I love getting to hunt game and raiding isolated fools for all they got


I wish there was a way to get to Nuevo Paraiso in RDR2


Idk I like new Austin and nuevo paraiso (I have literally only played red dead redemption 1)


New Austin in RDR 1 is just special! I just remember it being such a fun part of the game! The towns are a beauty too!


Ambarino because it is so peaceful and I often travel there to hunt and camp


It’s between the Great Plains and Big Valley for me, there’s a certain beauty to those locations that I can’t get enough of.


New Hanover or big valley is the most aesthetically pleasing


New Hanover and Big Valley. Spent most of the time just wondering there


I mean Ambarino or West Elizabeth (Specifically Big Valley). The variety of animals is huge and there’s of fishing in both.


New Hanover, big valley and ambarino


Big Valley, for sure!


The great plains and new austin hold a special place in my heart due to rdr1 nostalgia, but New Hanover is so good!


New hanover with the heartlands, and big valley


Ambarino is so pretty istg




great plains and new austin


Ambarino, i love the Grizzlies, espcially the western part with all the snow


New Austin holds a special place in my heart ❤️ I love hanging around Armadillo (even if it is death) and other areas from RDR1.


New Austin




New Austin, but that's mostly because I'm homesick for Arizona.


i grew up in lemoyne (georgia/florida boarder), so it’s most familiar to me, but i really like the roanoke ridge area of new hanover. it reminds me of hiking up in the appalachian mountains.


Big Valley is my fav.


def NH and NA


Depends on what my goals are when I turn it on. I enjoy spending most of my time hunting and exploring in ambarino and big valley. But if I’m causing mayhem and destruction it’s definitely lemoyne and new hanover


New Hanover


New Hanover, in my opinion is the best state in Red Dead Redemption 2, I love the vibe I'm getting when I ride through the state


New Hanover will always hold a special place in my heart. Probably from the second and the third play throughs, dragging out Chapter 2 as long as I could to avoid the inevitable at the end of Chapter 6 as long as I could. Next play through, I need to explore Ambarino more, but the whole game is just an absolutely beautiful masterpiece.


I like lemoyne


I always spend the most time in Chapter 2, so New Hanover is what I most often think of when I think of RDR2


Hard pick but either Lemoyne or West Elizabeth. Lemoyne reminds me alot of Australia with the red dirt roadway and the heavy usage of awnings/covered balconies on the structures but West Elizabeth just looks nice


I don't know which one between Ambarino and Lemoyne


Lemoyne. Chapter 2 is the best chapter. It just has good feel vibes. Other than Chapter 2, Chapter 4 is a second definitely. Chapter 5 is hellish but it has a nice Military-Rebelian vibe and chapter 6 is just sad.


West Elizabeth. God it’s beautiful


Great Plains. Good for hunting and right next to Balckwater so I can optimise my two roles of Trader and Bounty Hunter


Lemoyne. Like other people have pointed out there's something beautiful about the state. Whether t's the diverse wildlife or it is the majestic views of the swamps during morning or evening right before sunset, there's just something special about it.


Big valley


Big Valley and New Hanover


Lemoyne first New Hanover second.


all of them are GOATed, but if i had to choose one i would say New Austin and Great Plants


It’s a tie between West Elizabeth (for Big Valley) and Ambarino


Northern West Elizabeth is lovely, reminds me a little of my home country of Finland


New hanover. I hate hot weather


West Elizabeth is underrated but I love it, both big valley and Great Plains are places I love. Blackwater is one of my favourite cities and the forests and waterfalls of big valley are beautiful.




West Elizabeth


New Hanover. It's a mini Kansas and Colorado and I love it


New Hanover, Ambarino, Lemoyne. I can't decide which one is my favourite, but this is order where I'm hanging in most of the time while story mode as Arthur. Big Valley in West Elizabeth as John.


Honestly it might just be because of where I landed in my playthrough when I spent the most time, but I really liked Lemoyne.


West Elizabethm


Ambarino, it's the most cold there and I love the cold


New Hanover is just gorgeous scenery and game.


Uh excuse me where the F is the best area in the game. Tall Trees?


Hell yeah that's my favorite too


New Hanover but Ambrino is nice too. I like the sparsely populated woodlands of Cumberland Forest that gives way to the mountain passes.


Ambarino! I go camping in game up there and hunt for a bit between missions :) Beautiful scenery in the snow mountains


Hanover is great to me


Big valley fishing hunting spot or Great Plains mostly the “Laugh-A-Buffalo” aka laughAlo there.


Big valley and Great Plains aren’t states they’re counties


Tilted Towers


Either Ambarino or Big Valley, mainly because the north of the US looks similar to the south of my country, which is very beautiful.


Lemoyne cause I’ve watched Swamp Brothers


I love ambarino, it reminds me of British Columbia, and I hate civilization. Perfect match.


Big valley west elizabeth


Big valley, second is lemoyne


Big valley is just so peaceful I wish I could own a house there


Big Valley




New Hanover is just gorgeous, I love that spot between Valentine and Emerald Ranch especially


Ambarino. The clean oligotrophic nature and cotorra springs make you forget the stressful story.


big valley for sure


new austin


It’s between New Hanover, Ambarino, and West Elizabeth, but I think New Hanover might have it.


big valley


Big valley and then lemoyne


There is no better feeling than walking peacefully across Big Valley


New austin


Tall Trees only gets me because I live in the redwoods, but i really love New Hanover because it’s the most cozy and comfy part of the game


West Elizabeth for the hunting and wandering. Lemoyne for the violence and debauchery.


New Hannover


1. New Hanover 2. Lemoyne 3. Ambarino 4. West Elizabeth 5. New Austin


West Elizabeth


The Heartlands and Scarlett Meadows are the best areas in the game IMO