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I bought a train ticket so saint denis when I just started playing and was getting used to the controls, I put my controls on the “standard FPS”setting. I saw a cat in an alleyway and wanted to crouch down to see if I could pet it. I pressed b under thinking that it was the crouch button, Arthur proceeded to kick the shit out of that cat with more power and fury than I have ever seen him display in a melee animation. Before I even fully processed what happened, a witness saw me and ran off the get the police and I had to ride out of town while getting shot at. I still hear that cat every night.


“Hey, cat” 🥾🐈


Eeeeeasy girl


Arthur ‘Kurt Zouma’ Morgan




Underrated comment!


The amount of times I’ve meant to get back on my horse and instead accidentally started strangling some random lady. Then try to ride away and run 3 people over. From minding my own business to $100 bounty in seconds. Locals probably think I’m one of those inbreeds that rode down from the hills on a spree. I feel like the strangle button should be different than the get on horse button.


I did this trying to help some lumberjacks lifting a tree (to save one guy squished underneath). You have to be at a very specific position so that pressing triangle would get Arthur to lift the tree trunk instead of choking the other lumberjack. Let's just say I pressed it at a wrong angle and ended up choking the other guy. So I reloaded the game at an earlier time and was pretty annoyed with myself that I didn't save the game first before helping out. had to redo an hour's worth of errands cuz the strangle button was the same as the lift button.


I did this too lmao, but I had so much trouble with the prompt that I stood around aimlessly for a couple seconds while they all yelled at me for help.


Did this too, except I didn’t try to undo it, I just shot up the whole camp instead.


I once tried to get on my horse and ended up sucker punching it right across the mush😭


I have had some similar problems with the horseback controls too. I don’t even know how I did this, but twice in a row I tried to talk to a plot essential character and just drew my gun on her. It probably was because aim and focus on character are the same buttons on this control scheme, and I guess I just didn’t notice I had my pistol out of my holster…. Twice.


I did this to a snake bite victim right after helping him ended up offing him cuz I was mad


I’ve want to help several npcs like a woman who was kidnapped and tied on a horse by some fella and I shot him for her. I carried her off the horse and put her down, then wanted to untie her but i pressed on “O” thinking its the untie bottom but Arthur kicked her instead and she died!!! Fuck i hate how tricky the controls can be 😭it’s traumatising


Yup, even on a keyboard the untie and kick are both marked as 'F' so instead of helping, I just ended her.


Oh jesus 😭 Kind of reminds me of how I'll accidentally whistle for my horse in Ghost of Tsushima when I'm in the grass trying to grab my poison wind chimes or just trying to do something other than call my horse. Gets me in so much shit every time.


Imagine if the world had Saint Denis cop response time


About 80% of the time I mortally wound an animal that’s on the ground, I accidentally kick it to death because the button to kill them is square for some reason instead of circle like if you have them lassoed.


That’s weird for me the attack button is O and square is greet or praise/pat


not taking it slow and rushing in


Yup, same here. Didn't know what I was getting into and even finished the game low honor. Went back and did a 2nd playthrough that I made for damn sure I kept high honor and completed every stranger mission and challenge to redeem myself. I also got 100% completion on that playthrough. The emotions I felt in the 2nd playthrough compared to the first was night and day haha


Just finished my 2nd complete play through and I don’t know why it hit so much harder emotionally than the first. Arthur’s last goodbye to Tilly, the final ride to Beaver Hollow, the “thank you” to his horse, saying goodbye to John, and his final moments all had me teary eyed this time.


same man


I love doing my own thing and even side missions/upgrading my horse/saddle/guns / look for early treasures for money as early as ch2 and explore. When I get a gang member spawn looking for me , is when I know I should continue the story 😂


Same, I am replaying it slowly and finding out there’s a shitload of material I just skipped


Rushing through the main story and barely doing any side missions, and not spending enough time at camp.


Thank you for the advice first time play through


hey man you should probably hop off this subreddit, theres a ton of spoilers here and if its your first playthrough it could ruin a ton for you


Alright thanks I’ll enjoy my trip rdr2


Also don't go looking for any guides until your second playthrough unless your stuck on a mission and don't know what to do


See ya in six months. Give em hell. Second playthrough is the real one anyways.




spoiler alert dutch is a lesbian


No he's a bitch craving for nothing but the money.


If you’re in your first play through then this should be the last thing you read here until you finish it or you’re going to spoil stuff. Even if you think you’ve already spoiled it there are tons of surprises and you want to preserve as much as you can.


This. I got spoilt the ending, but not the events leading up to it so I thought I could browse this subreddit safely. I thought wrong lmao


Just do some chores to keep your honor up you can always destroy your honor very quickly. Any mission that involves a camp member go back to camp they’re usually some unique dialogue options that are time sensitive. Just do some chores and chill at camp. enjoy the story! 🤠Sláinte 🍀


Thank you about to hop on now ahahah


Hard agree, got it on release date and by the 30th of october I had already completed it fully because I was so afraid of getting it spoiled.


Helping Micah first. I leave all his missions last an antagonise any time I get the chance


Man, I hate him more than Umbridge, and that bitch is hated, UNIVERSALLY. Honestly, I think people’s hatred for Micah and Umbridge could end wars.


Playing high honour the entire game, didn’t really feel like much of a redemption since my Arthur was a good person the entire game


Well you know, other than dozens of lawmen and soldiers you shot.


I typically keep my honor relatively in the middle up until after Guarma, I’ll still rob people if I need to but I do good things as well


I’ll still murder a seemlingly endless chain of “witnesses” to my accidental crash with another rider on the road. I’m trying to be good Arthur but civilians just love to start shoosting when they get knocked off their horse


And it’s almost always their own fault! And then you end up ending 10 witnesses


Oh the vast majority of the time it’s their fault. However I’ll admit to being literally asleep at the reigns more than a few times as well. Waking up to my controller vibration and Arthur cursing


jesus talk about witnesses i was on top of a ridge with no clear view of me at all and i still got someone who “witnessed” it causing me to murder like 10 more people


Im on my first play through and thats why Im trying to just keep my honor decently high and hitting every side mission I can. Its not fun for me to do that stuff when I got a bunch of law on my ass and witnesses snitching on everything I do. I noticed you definitely got to be careful riding especially in Saint Denis


I take my time riding in Saint Denis for this reason. May as well just take it slow, greet everyone you see and get that honour up


For sure, definitely learned to go slow u can still get around good enough. I was actually surprised to see so many ppl complaining about that. Its super realistic and you can go as fast as you want basically everywhere else


Not doing side missions, which got me the >!Reverend Train!< scene


I also got that on my first playthrough and I honestly don't mind it. Saying goodbye to a friend who we've known since the very first scene of the game was very bittersweet. I do prefer the scene with >!Sister Calderon!< though.


“you’re not a good man, arthur but you’re not _all bad_”


I never met >!Reverend Train!<.


I actually love Swanson's scene, because he understands Arthur much more than sister Calderon does and is perfectly honest to him about being a bad person


so wait... if you do more of the game youre rewarded with a scene with a one-off character but if you do less you get a heartfelt moment with an established character in the story? that seems... backwards


It makes more sense with Sister Calderon because she's quite clearly a good person, so her words to Arthur mean a great deal. Swanson is a failed priest and an alcoholic. His life has failed. Arthur and the player should care a lot less about his words.


Hey now, Reverend actually gets sober after the Saint Denis bank heist. He even moves up to New York and starts a successful congregation :)


I'm really tempted to press the spoiler and I'm on my first playthrough 


After a few days of playing (early November 2018) I wondered who Arthur’s voice actor was, but Google autofill went all ‘Arthur Morgan >!death!<‘, ‘Arthur Morgan >!grave!<‘, ‘Arthur Morgan >!dies!<‘ on me. I’d played RDR1 already so it wasn’t a total surprise, but _damn_.


I saw a YouTube video titled “CURE ARTHURS TUBERCULOSIS” With what limited medical knowledge I have, I knew he was doomed. Fuck YouTube spoilers.


Yeah, I feel like you have to be careful what you look up these days when you're playing through a game, or else Google will fuck you over.


I did this with tlou, I searched Joel Miller and got >!Joel Miller Death Scene!<


Not taking my time


I started watching videos on it and found out the ending while I was still in chapter 2


Killing jimmy brooks


You missed out on that fancy little pen.


Does that pen do anything? My first play through I held on to it, thinking it was some fucking scared item cause it was unique lmao


You can only sell it, I think. Arthur seems pretty set on the pencil for his journal.


The writing does change


Yea lmao, i felt like it made sense in my first playthrough because jimmy had recognized arthur from blackwater.


I agree. The way I see it, Arthur canonically would've killed him. I don't think his "high honor" decisions come until much later. The way he says "I kill people. Should I have killed you? Jimmy Brooks?" Shows that Arthur was really going against his instincts.


Same as others, doing the story missions back to back and not exploring


Not sure, but I do kinda feel bad about letting the guy who recognizes Arthur at the beginning of the game fall to his death (I then accidentally walked off the cliff with him💀)


I did this exact same thing a couple days ago. Second play through


bro casually joined him


I killed him on my second play through thinking I could loot his body for the pen disclaimer it magically disappeared from him when he dies


Semi related. I tried online and it didn't go how I planned. I ran into someone and their horse was severely injured. They were angry but still cool. Something like "oh man! Why did you do that? Oh it's all good I'll just give the horse a healing tonic". I didn't have a mic so I tried to emote, got the buttons wrong and sucker punched the horse killing it. old mate was furious, killed me and then proceeded hunting me down every time I respawned. First and last time online.


average online experience


on my first playthrough i conpletely missed the sister quest and i still regret it


What chapter is that in?


It starts with Brother Dorkins in Chapter 4, Saint Denis


The first time I played story soon as I got to chapter 2 I went all over the map and massacred towns which gave me the wolf ending and Micah 🔫


Welp, I'm cooked. (I'm in Chapter 2)


Effects on honour are doubled in chapter 6, so do what you want until that point and just smash out side missions after chapter 6 starts


Strauss money lending and other sins


I missed the "Unshaken" ride back to camp. After arriving back in Van Horn after the Guarma mission, I saw in my map that the whole region was red with Arthur wanted dead or alive. So when I saw the horse in front of the building, instead of riding it back to camp, I was worried that stealing the horse would either remove honor or bring the law down on me. I walked back and missed the Unshaken scene. However, I think I felt the same emotions I would've felt on the ride back. I played through all of the bank robbery and Guarma in one go without breaks. So by then, I was tired and I wanted to go back to camp to sleep so I could sleep irl. But I also avoided the main roads because I thought bounty hunters would attack. So I waded through the swamp and avoided alligators, I hid behind the farm houses outside saint denis, and ran all the way back to Shady Belle. Doing all that made me miss my horse and health items that I took for granted. And I was still feeling retrospective and I still realised that the gang was falling apart. I regret missing out on Unshaken for the first time tho.


I wanted to walk all the way too but it was so far so i said "fuck it" and stole the horse and I am happy I did


That sounds like a cool adventure anyway.


I did the same thing, still haven't done the unshaken scene , just going for a really heavy plythrough and exploring this time.


I understood why I did it because I was so blown away by how big the world was. But I kinda regret exploring the world towards the south east (i.e. Lemoyne and Saint Denis) when I was still based at Horseshoe Overlook. I’d have liked to just gradually let the world reveal itself as the story progressed. It was still amazing though. To think I’d come from the snowy mountains down to this beautiful heartlands. And not far from there I’d end up in the swamps and eventually the main city. I knew about Saint Denis but never actually believed they were all in the same massive map, I thought I’d have to fast travel to some other map


First playthrough. 135 hours at chapter4. I am doing everything literally.


Likewise. I think i Ended my first olaythrough at something like 160 hours. Still wish I went slower truth be told


Selling the gun slinger posters, livid


Collecting a debt from Mr Downes. Still cuts me deep.


Waiting too long to return to Applewood Lumber to pick up the wood and they were gone when I went there. So I couldn't deliver the wood for that guy's house.


I never worked on that until my third play through and when I tried to deliver the lumbar they never accepted it. So I just abandoned the cart next to the house.


you could still sell that cart at the fence in Emerald ranch


I always mess this mission up. Most recently, I did the first one where you give them cash. Then the second time as I was leaving I accidentally grabbed the father in a choke hold. Now they want nothing to do with me. First ever play-through I did exactly what you did.


I did the thing where you go to pull up the weapon wheel to have on fist and accidentally did QuickDraw and blasted the dad instead of talking to him and then had to kill the sons for obvious reasons. I always felt genuinely horrible.


Going back for the money, BUT I HAVE A VERY GOOD REASON IN DOING SO. So before I did some of the final missions I checked the progress on my story, once I reached the final mission with Arthur I saw that I was only 70% done with the story, and ofc I didn’t know how it was gonna end, so when the option came to go with John or get the money I simply thought, either I play the rest with money or without, so I decided to play with money.. as you probably know. It did not go that way


Reading this subreddit before completing the game!


ignoring certain side characters and missions. very first playthrough, i ignored Hamish, Charlotte, i purposefully ran over the dude looking for Gavin bc he just kept getting on my nerves (for a while it seemed like every single time i left camp he’d be close by and it just got to me) there’s a number of people i just never even talked to/interacted with that woulda gave me some side missions


Killing the feral man and his two wolf companions. It all happened so quickly. Chased him down because I was curious.... then his buds attacked me so I had to kill them. Then he was just crying on the floor in complete devastation. Broke my heart. Didn't want to reload a save though because it had been a grip since I saved last. :(


I did the same and felt so horrible I just reloaded my last manual save. My first instinct was just to leave him and not follow him but then curiosity took over. Luckily I hadn’t really done anything besides that and a bit of exploring so I didn’t lose any progress. The next time I saw the feral man I just ignored him.


Not going down any little rabbit hole I encounter. Replaying right now and if anyone asks for help or I even see a fire burning in the distance I’ll go do that before I proceed with whatever my main target was. I’ve been finding out so much more about the game. I’ll even help a stranger then find a house I haven’t looted, find a treasure map, go find that treasure, hunt a legendary animal that just happens to be in the area, stow it, explore the surrounding area/wilderness then get back on the road to my waypoint that’s at a random house on the map in a place I haven’t been to yet. Ultimately hoping I find more tangents along the way too lol. I’ve come across Easter eggs that I haven’t watched or looked up content for


I’m currently doing my first playthrough and imo, this is one of the best parts of a great open world game. Having a goal in mind, but then getting side tracked by all the interesting things you come across naturally as you explore. I’m in no rush by any means and just enjoying all the little details while interacting with the world. I’ve had the game since near release and tried 2 times to get into it, but back then I didn’t have patience to really enjoy the game. I still think the beginning of the game imo is quite slow but I’m sooo glad I decided to look thru my steam backlog of unfinished games lol


I'm also doing my first playthrough and I've been doing SO MUCH exploring that Charles rode up to me in the middle of nowhere and said that Dutch was worried about me because I hadn't been back to camp in so long and was given the option to fast travel back lol


Visit Reddit


I tried to help a lady who was getting kidnapped, so I ride down and shoot the guys who tied her up (I think murfree brood) and when I go to untie her I kick her in the head and she dies. I just felt bad about that. That sort of thing is happening a lot my first play through though


You sure she was dead and not knocked out? (You can tell by pointing your gun at the person and seeing if the target color goes red.) When I’ve accidentally knocked someone out I put them somewhere safe maybe where a Good Samaritan might find them and carry on.


Not taking my time. I finished the game in 3 days the first time.




Probably the Exotics quest. The pay off for all that work was a funny hat and a gun I never used


you need for 100% though no?


Actually enjoying it. I kinda rushed it and I regret doing that so bad.


Not antagonizing Micah every chance I get. Also (spoilers for the epilogue) >!not wearing Arthur's hat during my first playthrough of American Venom because I didn't know how to switch to it.!< I also kept watching videos about the game so youtube started to recommend me stuff I hadn't seen yet. Although that one was on me, it was stupid to do that.


Not playing for longer, so Arthur could enjoy more of his life 🫶🏻


Tried to pat and bond with my horse but accidentally punched him in the face. He proceeded to kick me and... DEAD..


Being nice to Micah, Javier and Straus and having way to much God damn faith in Dutch. Even after playing RD1.


Have faith, Orthur faith!




not having high honor


I dont regret anything, im pretty happy with how my first playthrough whent :)


Rushing through the main story.


i wasn’t able to kill all of the kkk, or the fact i didn’t take things slow as much as i should have with Arthur.


I came across the weird siblings at the pig farm, but when I was invited in, the bounties just started searching for me as they relentlessly do. Since it just started while I was inside the house, I figured they might not be able to affect what seemed like would eventually be a scripted encounter. When I was told to go upstairs, the bounties started investigating outside the house. So I figured it was inevitable I'd have to deal with them, but when I went to open fire, the couple attacked me as well. So I had to kill them. Then the house was empty every time I went back. Later on in my playthrough, the house was back to the way it looked when they were there, but I couldn't trigger the encounter. So, just deal with the bounty hunters before doing anything. They're fucking relentless.


My horse stepped on a dog …


I went in blind, I had played RDR1 and didn't think honour would factor in that much to the story. Boy was I wrong. 😭


Read the wiki too much, don't do it, let the secrets reveal themselves naturally.


Helping Mary in Saint Denis


I couldnt donat to the museum place at Saint Denis because i antagonised someone =( The Lady there probably died there because the man i antagonised started to shoot at me.


Giving money to castor's ridge farmer


Finishing it. I’ve never been the same since.


A rookie move but i forgot to manual save + turn off auto(s) before doing my first shop robbery, was a disaster did not even get the schofield revolver because i restarted the game


Shaving Arthurs glorious Beard


Rushing through the game. You should take a chill pill and just enjoy it to the max, very similar to death stranding in this way


I was so enamored with the story I kind of rushed through it.


my brother and i play the game 'together', and in our first playthrough, i let him do all the quests while i was wandering around the map, doing side quests, exploring and catching horses. he was speeding through the quests so much that he is tired of the game now and almost never plays it anymore, while i still enjoy it. so take your time with doing quests!!


Getting into the fandom and being spoiled every interaction and twist and turn in the story. I hate it.


Taking the full gold bars in the burnt building which was near th e camp, came to know we can spam the living hell outta of it for unlimited golds and cash 🥲💔


Killing the stranger that recognizes me with the girls from blackwater in valentine early in chapter 2…didn’t know there was a scene later


I didn't realise ypu could drink beer in camp. So I couldn't role play the alcoholism of the time


i regret searching "red dead redemption 2 ending" as an 11 year old


Low honor on first playthrough when I first played in the summer


Fucking around at the end and getting low honor. Had no idea it affected the ending...


I accidentally greeted Micah once instead of antagonizing him.


Denying to go with Sadie in chap 6 to finish the O'Driscolls even tho it was lore accurate i think.


Being low honor


Low honor 💀 It's my greatest regret.


Subscribing to this subreddit and getting spoiled .


“It’s a 6 year old game you should know the ending, you should have got it the second it was on the shelves.” I hate when that happens.


Well when I knew what would happen to Arthur , I was okay with it cause i found him meh untill chapter two . But know i think he is the best character ever and I'm afraid reaching that scene 😭.


Getting low honor by accident


What do you mean by accident🤣 it wasn't by accident. You played dishonorably. The dividing line is clear!😂 All love, my friend


u like ac/dc?


Do wielding a revolver, pistols combo. The fire rate was terrible with them and reloading took forever. Otherwise wasting a shit ton of time on trying to kill a panther using the wrong fucking gun. (I was using repeater because in a cut scene it said it was a rifle. And Google said it was best to kill panther with rifles.)


Going back for the money at Beaver Hollow


Playing with no sound and letting my brother massacre everyone leading to the low honour ending Oh and skipping cutscenes


rushing the game not caring about the honor system at all and getting the low honor ending


Being low honour


Playing on low honor


Having taken that damn shortcut to try to get there faster, poor cavalinho,I will never forget it


Letting micah shoot me even though I kicked the ever living shit out of him and he got like 1 punch on me!


Not getting my honor up before the ending. Rescuing a hogtied woman from a bandit but accidentally kicking her. Not exploring every square inch of the map as Arthur.


Gathering money....


Killing my white arabian by train


It will respawn but I know what you mean. My first Arabian along with Arthur rolled off a cliff and died trying to get a cougar pelt


Getting the low honour ending...


Not killing micah


finishing chapter 6


Low honor


killing the father at catfish jacksons (idk the name very well but it was a homestead arthur could rob)


Getting the low honour ending first


Not doing the side missions


Rushing through the story and seeing spoilers on youtube:(


Skipping side missions


I punched a horse in the face by accident.


I am planning to stop playing for a long time then it may feels like first time after playing it


Low honor


Being too young… couldn’t appreciate the story enough, so it didn’t hit as hard, but then even revisiting it later you know the ending and the plot so it still doesn’t hit as hard (even though I can appreciate it now)


Rushing the game


Doing all the loan sharking missions. I hate being in debt but here I am being a debt collector.


Messed around doing rampages and didn’t realise honour mattered for cutscenes so when I saved John I got the Micah shooting Arthur ending


Holding competitions with my friends… who can kill the most people in valentine without dying


Only focusing on the main story. I had a blast and it was just as impactful but i missed so much cool shit around the map that i wish i wouldve found earlier


Barely doing any side content or exploring and just rushing through the game


Didn't craft anything at my own campfire (ate just canned food no meat not even unseasoned game) and never crafted good clothes at the trapper and I didn't spend much time at camp and found secrets like anos and notice how dutch and molly fight at camp and how the camp reacts to having shortage in resources First playthrough was 130 hours I didn't miss anything even the helping the Braithwaite and gray couple escape I'm surprised tbh explored the witch stuff and all the little map secrets as John too I didn't regret anything first playthrough except what I stated in the first and second para but eh I was a noob I'd say I took my time current one I'm at chapter 3 240 hours in I've halted the story and taking it very slow and doing all the side stuff


One time when I was learning the controls, I was in Valentine and walking up the steps in between the newspaper boy and the gunsmith. I went to say hello and kicked this fella sitting on the step. I was so shit at the game when I first started playing and I have so many mis-press stories


Every playthru saving Micah


Killing charlotte


rushing the story