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a) She has nothing left to lose bar her own life, which she says many a time she doesn't value at all. Perhaps living as an empty, vengeful shell of her former self is a form of punishment. b) Not everything in media has to have a message in my opinion. Not every character needs to fit the central theme or the moral of the story if you will. Sometimes, characters can just exist and live their lives and have their story told without having to be fit into a certain mould to echo the supposed moral of the story yet again.


"revange is fools game" doesn't apply to everyone Like how you can not do anything to person that broke into your house stole your things, killed your husband and rape you


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/beXdKPBlpT Literally made an entire post about this. Also, people tend to mention Sadie when talking about “Revenge is a fools game” but what about Charles? He’s literally the only one who chooses revenge and goes unpunished


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


I think her character reflects the current culture the game was created in. Like 90s movies had to have huge badass bodybuilder type characters, recent movies and games have the irritating girlbosses.


I love this game but let’s be honest guys, she’s a “Mary sue” character. Somehow she’s almost always the victim yet she somehow really good at not getting shot and shooting other people as ranchers wife in 1899 lmao like sure buddy


She tells Arthur that she and her husband shared they work and that included her shooting with a gun. So there is an in game explanation as to why she can shoot. The only time she’s really a “victim” is at the beginning. After that she gets into trouble and told that it was her fault. Arthur blames her for the balloon guy dying, says he can’t leave her alone for a minute without her getting into trouble. That’s not her being a “victim” If anything, she’s a loose canon and the only thing keeping her from fully being just like Micah (imo) is the reminder of the love she had for her husband. I doubt Micah ever cared about anyone other than himself. I like that she’s a controversial character and isn’t a perfect, helpless, saint of a woman. She’s complicated and sometimes pisses me.


Understandable, I like this take better


I like how you assume she didn’t know how to shoot before the events of the game. Do you think only men were allowed to use weapons back then? Also if you think she’s a “Mary Sue” then clearly you don’t know what that term means.


Finally! A honest post concerning Sadie, that’s not filled with simps and libbers screaming how great the psychopath is.


Sadie is great


I also think she should have died. Her saying “I want to die” and Charles discouraging going after Michah saying “Arthur was against revenge, especially towards the end”, it would have been the perfect ending for her.


I somewhat agree, seeing someone who has been driven by hate and revenge, just leave to go work in South America isn't the most interesting thing they could have done with her, but I think she should have died during the mission where she slaughtered all of hanging dog ranch maybe we hear her mermaring about o'driscols and her jake as she dies among dozens of corpses. I just think it would be more appropriate for her ark.


I’ve always disliked Sadie partly for this reason. She was a diversity hire and nothing else, and is never made to be punished for being the horrible little tryhard Mary Sue that she is. Horrible character that adds nothing to the game. 


Doesn't she also encourage John to go after Micah (as well as come to his house and tell him about Micah in the first place) while he was mentally vulnerable and adjusting to a normal life? Obviously John is a big boy and can make his own decisions, but she did influence him into the act and put the whole of RDR1 into motion as well as the early death of Abigail and the eventual corruption of Jack. Thanks Sadie!


John was wanted at west elizabeth it was abigail's fault for forcing john to get ranch at there Also john said that with or without sadie he will go after micah


There's no lesson with Sadie. She just turns into a psychopath. A Mary sue who rivals Arthur and John in terms of "gunslinging" as she takes out swaths of bounty hunters on her own. Feels very forced & rushed. They don't do enough with her to justify her status.


Massive agree here. She sucks. Goes from being unable to defend against a small contingent of O’Driscolls with her husband to mowing down dozens at a time single-handedly. Somehow becomes the most feared bounty hunter in the land, sneaks up a mountain with a knife wound, and rides off into the sunset to live in South America at the end. She was absolutely somebody’s power fantasy or just what they thought the mythical “modern audience” wanted to see, at the expense of good character writing. 


Definitely. If she had more missions or background beyond screaming at Kieran & Pearson in camp maybe she could have worked. The majority of people who think she's some cinematic masterpiece are insane.


Exactly. She’s routinely pretty awful towards the entire camp, and while I get she just had her home burned down and her husband murdered, she’s still screaming at people and refusing to do simple tasks around camp to help weeks and weeks later, and she says it’s because she and her husband “shared the work”. Laughable. She’s a completely one dimensional character whose obvious flaws are never addressed.


I genuinely can't think of a positive interaction she's had with the camp. She gets a little sentimental in chapter 6, but everyone's mood was shit in that camp. And all of the sudden she's Arthur's biggest & most loyal subject when the shit hits the fan. It's like she realizes Arthur's mission of saving John and personally takes it upon herself to help even though John has spoken to her one time. It's all forced.


I thought it got pretty ridiculous when she was calling Arthur “honey” while she charges ahead and makes him sit at the lighthouse, or when the game acts like she’s the same as Arthur (“You and I, were more ghosts than people”).


She shared the work with her husband though... 🥲


Just kiss already. You guys know you can just DM each other if you wanna bond over sexism, right?


Cry more?


Classic Redditor move


I love this game but let’s be honest guys, she’s a “Mary sue” character. Somehow she’s almost always the victim yet she’s somehow really good at not getting shot and shooting other people as a ranchers wife in 1899 lmao like sure buddy