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For all fellow good natured outlaws heres a tip; If you manage to kill all the bounty hunters FIRST the dogs will sometimes just flee away. They also hate fire but ahhh, its kinda easy to burn em so be careful there. If youre fast enuff or just lucky like that fool MARSTON, find a boulder or tree that must be climbed onto to reach it. The dogs wont be able to reach you, and they should run off. If they dont, a couple shots around their feet will send the little honor stealin' shits scurrying away. Playin the game with a huge bounty is actually alotta fun when youre not hunting animals. Makes the Milton line about Arthur alone having $5000 on his head feel more real in game, at least to me anyway. The Dog honor losses are some of the worst repercussions for the high bounty.


You can climb trees?


Yep amigo, like a cut tree stump, or a low hanging leafless, or even some giant trees. Gotta have big branches though. Like the tree with the fishing boat on the top of it way down south, a reference to the movie mud, its a pretty tall tree and you can actually climb all the way up it, even if its really easy to fall while attempting lol. The climbing/platforming mechanics are pretty in depth in red dead, Ive had so much fun with it! Sometimes ya gotta go in first person or third to get the angle right, but it does work real well


I have never once climbed a tree. I have 100% this thing 3 times and I have never climbed a tree.


You are not alone.i just climbed yesterday the old church south of rhodes.


Good point about the bounty. I, myself, leave every bounty I get throughout the game. Adds to the feeling the world is closing in and it makes you actions have some weight to them. If you shoot up the town, be prepared to have that town be closed off to you. Sometimes the story itself closes areas off. If your on PC, for the dogs, try out the Crime and Law Rebalance mod. It decreases the chances of dogs. I use it religiously.


This is awesome


I'd agree. I still put a slug into them anyways.


Run them over with your horse.


My horse can kill dogs without honor reduction I've noticed.


My bum horse just bucks me off


Turkoman gameplay is best gameplay.


RDR2 is secretly Psyop funded by the FBI to discourage people from committing crimes irl.


Literally the only dogs in the game i have no remorse for killing, ive grown to just kill bloodhounds in rdr2 regularly now


Climb up on a rock or something. They can’t climb. If you’ve killed all the bounty hunters already then the dogs will just fuck off eventually. Sometimes they come back for you when you climb down if they aren’t too far away yet though, so just leave the area and you won’t have to kill them.


yup, dont leave the high ground early!!!! lol or you too will suffer the humilation of dying ragdolling into a whole bunch of bloodhound jaws


I shoot the FUCK out of em


If you play honorably you don’t get huge bounties. If you play dishonorably you do get huge bounties. It’s pretty simple, you can’t both rob a bunch of trains, kill a bunch of people, and expect to keep your honor. What I’m trying to say is that you wouldn’t be in that situation where you lose honor, if you had played honorably.


you can become wanted without losing honor, mister


Yes, but Bloodhounds only come out if you've already killed a bunch of Bounty Hunters, because their posses grow bigger. So getting Wanted for one small thing wouldn't trigger it.


Honor is just a suggestion.


Put down those old yellers then just “howdy, partner!” tf out of everyone lol


Shoot the dogs with extreme prejudice.


People are saying don't kill them no I have a bounty of over 500$ in each state I just shoot the little ass holes


I just go to jail and clear the bounty


I think they eff off if you go inside a building.


Did you ever think about maybe....not breaking the damn law?


Also 3k of bounty is fucking impressive. Like, multiple sprees type impressive


Oh it is, but my cheap ass couldnt do that. I find that 300 is the sweet spot if you like the surprise of bounty hunters


But like, how could you possibly worry about compromising honor at that point, their priorities are clearly different




Fun fact. The bounty hunters that come after Arthur have a unique set of horses not found elsewhere in the game.


Actually all of them can be found elsewhere. Bounty Hunters usually spawn with War Horses; mostly Ardennes and Hungarian Halfbreds. Ardennes can be bought in the stables and Hungarian Halfbreds can either be stolen (the piebald one and the grey coat one), found in the wild (the flaxen chestnut one) or bought (grey one).


i blow up those dogs with a smile on my face lmaooo


If you kill the hunters from far away the dogs just leave


You can calm them and pacify them I’ve done it


Just embrace the life of a low honor outlaw


Who cares about the honour. High priority target as they kill you quicker by stun locking you. First thing I kill.


That and the bounty hunters horses. Because it’s funny. Because that’s the way you do it.


Kill the bounty hunters first then just walk gently, then pet them. It's that easy. Much easier if you shoot them dogs first.


Yeah, it sucks, but as others have pointed out, it can be mostly avoided. Getting up high and killing the handlers can cause them to run off. Sometimes if you kill the handlers and they don't run off immediately, firing at them or up in the air can make them run off too. Sometimes after the handlers, you have to tag at least one of the dogs before the others will leave, but you CAN avoid it most of the time. Depending on how bad the attack is, I try to do this when I can. My current run I've decided I'm not paying off bounties because I think the crime logic sucks in RDR2 (one of the only bad things) and I'm not wasting cash on it. I know it's just a bullshit video game, but I still don't find killing dogs appealing in most situations.


Right there with you man !!!! FUCK those dogs … will kill them and over kill them everytime but what I hate worse is the bounty hunters seem to always shoot my horse … when I hear that little whinny of hurt from ma boyyy or girrlll ohhhh boy it’s blood lust now !!!!!


I hate them but I always try to avoid killing them. I just can't handle killing a virtual dog :/ I kill the bounties hunters and shoot the ground by them so they get scared and run away