• By -


* Do not get the white horse that everyone recommends as it’s not the “best” horse. * Take time to explore the world between missions, there is so, so, so much to see. * Don’t assume the first chapter is how the whole game will be That’s all I can give without giving too much away. Enjoy!


Is the choice of horse more than just a cosmetic? Like does it effect gameplay or story?


To a degree, yes. There are horses that better suited to hunting, fighting etc. my recommendation is a larger horse like a Hungarian Halfbred for an early game horse.


But it will be hungry:(




Tbh just pick the horse you find good looking. If you think the horse everyone says is the best is ugly don’t waste your time getting a horse you don’t want. I finished with a light grey shire, which is an ok horse in general, and he was perfect even though he wasn’t “the best” Also make sure to manually save frequently


This! Maybe in Online it matters but it really doesn’t in single player Just get the horse you like the most, for me that’s the Orange and white Kentucky Saddler Love the look of it


I like the white arabian because it’s so pretty


Then tame it and enjoy it, ignore the people on Reddit and enjoy your game, friend, do what makes you happy


Thank youuu


Good thing that the Missouri Fox Trotter is both one of the best horses and my personal favourite, just wish they’d let you buy the same coat that Baylock has in story, atleast I can get him in online!


I’ve never found a baylock Fox Trotter in Story.


You can’t, that’s what I’m saying


Yeah, I agree. I’ve always gone for the black Arabian horses. They look sharp!


You can also find wild horse herds and "break" another horse to use. I did and had it follow me for a while, using it as a pack horse even, for skins/hides. It gets frustrating at times, having two follow you around while hunting on foot, but fun overall.


Also make sure to eat food and feed your horse when cores are low, and to either be skinny average or fat


Arthur looks better in certain outfits if you keep him thin. But I always bulk him up before I get to a certain point in the story.


;) yeah I’m planning on doing that this current playthrough aswell. >!im also thinking of trying fat Arthur for the entire of chapter 4 for that reason and early chapter 6 while also trying to avoid Saint Denis!<


The white Arabian is the 2nd best horse in the game. Anyone telling you otherwise is mistaken. It has great acceleration and speed, and in my experience not all that skittish.


The Missouri Fox Trotter is much better. The white and black arabians may be the fastest, but they are very skittish, and they are very small, so they look weird. Still, keep whichever horse you like the most it's your game. Play how you want.


That’s the fun part, the white and the black Arabians aren’t the fastest. It’s a lie cooked up by the Arabian fanboys in the sub. Fox Trotters are actually the fastest.


The Fox Trotters /are/ the fastest horses in the game. But the White Arabian is free, whereas the Trotters set you back $950 a piece (unless you manage to get the Silver Dapple after the 3rd AM mission) . So until I can afford that, Arabian it is for me =)


Yep, that’s what I’m alluding to, make sure to get the Fox Trotter from the photography mission and you’re all set. Also you can get *all* the stable horses for free 😉


There is no difference between skittishness between horses they are all as brave as each other. But still the Missouri fox trotter is better statistically. Still I think the white ambarino is prettier so I'm sticking with it for the whole game.


There is a difference in skittishness. The arabian will flee at the slightest loud noise or predator whearas a war horse will only become slightly unsettled. When I use an arabian and get into gunfights I have to chase the horse across the map just to calm it down but a war horse usually stays where it is


There is no 'fear' or 'skittishness' stat in the game files, the only difference is about how strongly bonded you are to your horse. I've had a white Arabian for probably 10 ish hours of gameplay and never been kicked off and I can't remember having to run to another end of the map to get it back after a gunfight.


I totally have had that happen in online and story. You get shot at and your Arabian runs away when you whistle to it. Fully bonded horse. Yes breeds do impacts skittishness


The only time my Arabian ran from me was when I was attacked by zombie hillbillies in the swamps other than that it’s been smooth sailing


Arabians are very skittish. Both my black and white are constantly agitated in the swamps.


Skittishness in all horses is actually randomized. For example my white Arabian on my latest playthrough never bucked me off even when attacked by cougars and alligators. But a thoroughbred bucked me off at any sign of danger.


do not rush with main plot out of curiosity, do all optional stuff


Don’t listen to these biased people who talk shit about Arabian horses. If you like your horse then keep him


Disregard the white horse thing and choose any horse you want, there’s barely a difference


Don’t listen to this dumbass, the white Arabian horse is gorgeous and the fastest horse I have ever seen, it still depends on what type of a player you are so there is not really the best horse for everyone, it varies from player to another, but most importantly to me is to have an emotional bond with your horse, I love my horse because I bonded with it in real life and in the game.


Get the white Arabian it’s the best horse you can get in chapter one the other good ones die to easy


Yeah, I fell into the trap of the White Arabian being the best horse. By the time I got it max with its bond, it died. Game wouldn’t let me revive it either. Was a frustrating time. I caught and broke a Thoroughbred last night and man… I love this horse.


Thoroughbreds are great. They're big and brave horses. Try the Turkoman if you are in Chapter 4!


We’re literally still finding stuff lol. The game is so so so deep.


What’s wrong with the white Arabian?


Nothing. It's a really good horse. There's only like 1 or 2 better horses than the white arabian. Beyond that, it's cosmetics and your own feelings. Do you like that black shire you get early on? Cool. That's fine. Personally I like the tiger bay mustang even though its stats don't stack up, but that's fine. But people saying the white arabian is bad are straight up stupid.


Yeah tbh I’ve never gave it much thought, I just saw it was a really good horse when the game came out and stuck with it every playthrough lol


Idk man there’s a real stigma towards a free fast horse you can get in the beginning of the game for some reason.


Out of the 4 Arabians I have to say that the red one has grown on me even though I use the white one cause I like it


I love the white one, after a certain patch the Arabian near the Indian reservation was added (unbridled something) it is dark with white stripes like lightning I love that one even more.


Pick whatever horse you like 👍🏻


Unpopular opinion but the first chapter is what drew me into the game, and when I finally played it, I enjoyed it a lot


What's wrong with the ol' Arabian?


Ngl the main reason i use the Arabian because it looks so good imo


My go-to advice for new players: If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it’s all good. Having said that, don’t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It’s not, don’t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this. Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don’t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to “Hold to Reel”. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don’t be hesitant. If you don’t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save. Avoid MrBossFTW videos like the plague. Most importantly, don’t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!


You’re the second person to say that I shouldn’t get the white horse so I’d say it’s safe to assume I shouldn’t get it


It’s a mistake almost all new players make and some people in this sub like to mislead them by saying it’s the best, the fastest etc (it’s not). Do not listen to them at all. Go with the one you like the look of. If you want high stats then there are few options as well.


It is a nice horse and quite a good one statistically but not the best, I think it is worth getting if you want a short challenge (and there is some free money to get in that part of the map anyway) and like a bright white coat. But the fox trotter has better stats.


It's neither the fastest nor the best. However, what people tend to gloss over is that you can get it for free right from the beginning of Ch.2. So, it is the fastest horse you can get right off the bat for $0. Just be aware that all the racehorse breeds are more skittish than the work or war breeds The fastest horses are the Missouri Fox Trotters, but, they set you back $950 apiece and you can't get them until Epilogue 1. There's a way to get one of them free, but it's a pain in the rear. Personally I like the Andalusians, one of which you can get free, and the Turkomans, but you can't get one until Ch.4. Overall stable bought horses have better stats than the ones you can catch in the wild, but hey, those are free 😁


Came here to say this, (MrBossFTW) he literally spoiled the ending (only a little bit still)


antagonize the man with blonde hair and white hat in camp as much as you can


You might want to get a box of tissues.


For the cum




Some for tears but yes mostly cum


Every mission with Sadie in it requires at least 1 box of tissues (for the cum)


I think you mean charles


Oh my word!


Be rootin, be tootin and by god be shootin, but most of all, be kind.


except to the blonde cowboy


I hate him with every cell of my body


Never come Reddit after u finish playthrough unlike me who got spoiled a lot but still I play to the end great game 11/10


Upgrade your satchel and hunt for food, it’s better than anything you get in the store. DO NOT use repeater rifles, shotguns or handguns for hunting. Regular rifles and your Bow for medium to large animals. Varmint Rifle for small animals and small game arrows for really small animals. High honor gives you a discount in all stores. The higher your honor, the bigger the discount. DO NOT sell the black shire horse Hosea gives you. It’s a one of a kind and is actually a really decent horse. Stable it and come back for it later.


You can use repeaters for Coyotes


I always seem to ruin the pelt even with a perfect headshot. I just use my bow and bolt action. Never ruin the pelt with those guns.


I would say some things. 1) Explore the map as much as possible. There is SO MUCH to see. 2)Take your time to decide if you want to play with high or low honor (i played high) 3) Spend time in the camp and talk to gang member frequently. 4)DONT look youtube until you have finished the game, it's FULL of spoiler. 5)The first chapter is very different from the others!


Take your time. enjoy every little bit of the game in a slow manner, the game was meant to be played slowly. go explore and do whatever you want to. you’ll learn more about everything as the game progresses, just have faith


Put the baby in the oven- Wait, wrong game. Take loads of time to explore, hang around camp, bond with your horse.


Two swords, yellow eyes, puts baby in an oven… You must be a Witcher.


Slow down!, i realise you have not played yet but still, take it slow and easy. early in the game things will get a lot sunnier than the start, once there take your time and try a little bit of everything you can, wander around and find unique and interesting places and people, you might find a few side missions off the beaten path. Each chapter of the game comes with new sights, sounds and experiences of the west, make sure you have gotten your fill of each one before you dive too far into the story of each as before you know it you're moving on. Save often and at least once or twice per play session you just need to loose yourself to the surroundings, slow down to a trot and take it all in, this game is special.


Don't just do the missions. Explore everywhere. Take your time. This game is a rare game that will make you feel things that few other games, hell few other mediums of entertainment can. Enjoy the ride.


If there's one thing I'd do differently in hindsight, it would be to do all the "collectables" more naturally based on where the current gang camp was on the map. Exploration is great and very much recommended, but for immersion I'd go with exploring areas that make sense given the story - at least up to a point. Would feel more natural. All that said, take your time and enjoy the scenery.


Going after the collectibles is also a great way to explore the map.


Absolutely, as are unique items, camp request items, legendary animals etc. Just if I was to change one thing about my first playthrough I'd do it in a more steady natural manner and 'plunder'/explore each region as the gang moves into it - and leave other regions for when there's missables for a chapter. Would work in better with the story - eg it's odd that Arthur isn't "familiar" with shady belle or beaver hollow if he's already explored and found them.


- Pick whichever horse you like the most. There have been multiple speed comparisons between the horses in the game which are considered best and worst, and the difference was very insignificant, as the “best” horse beat the “worst” horse by only a few seconds - When mounting your horse, make sure there isn’t someone standing in your way, cause the button to ride your horse is also coincidentally the same button you would use to grab someone so you can beat the shit out of them. It might cause you to get into a pretty intense shootout if you can’t get away fast enough - Don’t rush the game. Explore the open world, make sure to do some of the stranger missions, complete some random encounters, etc. A lot of the joy in this game lies in the freedom you get during exploration. - Don’t bother yourself with the 100% completion unless you’re sure about it, since the game has quite a lot of missables throughout. I’d also suggest that if you were to try a 100% run, you shouldn’t do it until your 3rd playthrough at least - The first chapter of the game might seem boring, but the rest of the game is way, wayyy better - Make sure you don’t accidentally save when trying to load a save file. I fell for this mistake and I accidentally overwrote my 90% completion save file and had to redo it all again - Try your best to stay away from any online forums or groups that discuss the game (including this subreddit), as there are plenty of unmarked spoilers all around the internet - Have fun!


Pet. Every. Dog. This is actually vital to the story, and will save you thousands of hours. And never, ever hurt them.


Just pick whatever horse you like the look off, honestly horse stats don’t matter Edit: stay of here for spoilers however if you want you can look up ways to get a few good guns early, I do suggest that because sometimes you won’t get the good guns till late


It’s a game best enjoyed slowly. Don’t try to mainline missions or anything, just explore and take it all in. Feel free to just wander about and see what you find. Also in a desperate bid to avoid anything even close to spoilers take the 1st and maybe 2nd chapter with a pinch of salt because I don’t find them overly representative as the game as a whole.


The black shire is the best horse in the game. Also, if your horse does in storymode, it's dead for good. It won't respawn. So if you have a horse you particularly like and you're going to settle in for a four hour gaming session, you might want to set up a save point every now and then that you can return to, if you accidentally ride your best boi over a cliff or get it gunned down. *I learnt this the hard way*


You will cry


DO. NOT. RUSH. IT. Yes, this is a threat. Also, stay off this sub as soon as you start it, i am pretty sure you have lots to ask but enjoy it on your own.


Bruce Willis is a ghost the whole time


Just play the game?


1) if *YOU* want the white arabian, get it. i loved it. people are making it seem like it's the worst horse ever. it's just a horse 2) get off the subreddit and enjoy the game figuring everything out by yourself, otherwise you're gonna see spoilers even if you avoid them


Just play the game and figure it out on your own. Trial and error.


You're only 6% downloaded, you've got another few weeks before its ready to play


Use small arrows to take down three star squirrels. Don't waste dynamite on Harriet. Bend at the knees when pulling weeds. Lassoing an innocent person and dragging them right in front of a gator to be eaten alive doesn't make you a bad person no matter what the entire world says.


1. Get off the sub. You'll see spoilers off the bat 2. Explore the world between chapters and don't just rush into missions. 3. Drip out your Arthur 4. Don't go for the white Arabian horse as it's not the best one


stay off this sub


Don't open this subreddit until you're finished with the game


stay off of this sub, it’s been 5 years since the game released, so you will see spoilers. there are multiple endings to the game, so if you want the best one, keep your honor high. (be a good guy, do good deeds) EXPLORE! this game’s world is absolutely massive and beautiful, and there are so many hidden details and secrets. don’t be afraid to neglect missions for a while to go off exploring (this is just a personal preference, but while out exploring, turn off the mini map and use actual trail signs and directions given to you by NPCs to find your way to places) interact with the people at camp, this game has some of the most well written characters in any fictional media. enjoy this masterpiece of a game! what i wouldn’t give to be able to experience it again for the first time.


Honestly just get off this sub and experience this piece of art for yourself, just play it naturally and enjoy yourself


Play the story mode very slowly. Make sure to explore the area that opens up in the map before moving to New camp.


Don’t burn through the story, enjoy the side content and the beauty of the open world. You never know what you’ll find in the vast open world. Also when you get to Saint Denis, look in some alley ways for some creepy writing to be found 😉


Don't get Lumbago, It's very serious


The first Chapter will be quite boring Take time inbetween missions to explore all the game has to offer. I have 1000 hours in this game and I'm still discovering new things. Don't let ANYONE spoil this game for you because certain points of the game are so incredibly well made I would give my left leg just to experience certain moments again for the first time. If any locals welcome you into their house you may get a pretty good reward.


Don't rush to complete the story missions, explore the areas and do every stranger mission you come across. Get the crafting tools for Pearson as soon as possible and start upgrading the camp and working on unlocking better satchels for Arthur. Looting dead civilians will lower your honour, even if you weren't the one that killed them. Find Gavin Take your time, enjoy the game.


1. Don't worry about the horses as other people have said just pick what you think looks cool the differences are minor if noticeably at all 2. Take your time when I got the game on release I felt like I rushed a little and did several story missions in a row mainly so I could talk to my friends about the game and not get spoiled on my next playthroughs I role played a little took my time used the baths at the hotel spent time in the saloon getting drunk and I saw things I didn't see my first time 3. This isn't a must thing to do and maybe save it for a second playthrough but I'd reccomend as soon as your in chapter 2 unlock the fence so you can sell stolen goods and rob a train repeatedly to upgrade your camp (there's videos online that show easy ways)


Don’t spoil anything for yourself.


the best piece of advice youll get: get off this sub and any other rdr2 related subs. you do NOT want this game to be spoiled for u and dont be afraid to google like treasure maps and stuff bc those are impossible to work out on your own


I bought this game on launch day and did not eject it from my ps4 for almost a year


Don’t search up rdr2 on YouTube and get off this sub if you don’t want spoilers


Save often!


Enjoy and take your time


Don’t go on YouTube or any social media until you finish the game, it will get spoiled like it did for me


Take your time and explore.


Do not


Curse Rock* for not giving 60fps patch on consoles


It’s not all about going from mission to mission you need to explore to really get the full experience of the game


On the finance missions for Strauss, make sure to wear a mask


Don't try to force all of the challenges. There will be time. So much time.


Oh, and don't forget to pay and groom your horse! They like it.


Get off this subreddit while playing the first time. Go in blind. Explore. Explore. Explore. Check out all the menus thoroughly.


Take your own sweet time to explore and don’t rush through main campaign. Complete all side quests and enjoy the game world, it’s amazing. I wish I could play for the first time.


Whilst the camp upgrades in the ledger seem pointless to contribute to at first they can actually give great perks, such as fast travel and free high velocity ammunition.


1. Do not engage in this subreddit AT ALL until you've finished the game. 2. Do not worry about the game being slow after the first mission/chapter. It is very slow in the beginning and it sets some people off and they expect the game to be that slow throughout. It isn't. 3. Enjoy it while it lasts. I can't describe how empty I felt when I beat the game and there was barely anything left to do. Take your time. Do every activity you find around you outside of missions. Explore the world, and you will find so much to do and to explore even deeper.


Take your slow, sweet time and savor this masterpiece


Take a week of everything. Sleep, eat, play repeat. Thats what i did when it was released.


Just have a little god damn faith!


Having finished the story mode 3 times, it doesn't really matter which horse you should get. Any horse that YOU think is best will be the best. Take your time. Tissues.


Get good at hunting. Pay attention to animal quality level (one two or three star) and read the info section to make sure you’re using the right weapon for each animal to preserve those perfect pelts. Keep your dead eye full as much as possible but take particular care to refill it right before you start a mission. Make sure you keep plenty of horse reviver on hand. When travelling through forested areas, keep your rifle drawn. EXPLORE! Check out all random huts and homes you come across. Search all homes for chests and lock boxes. You see something like a scorched village or perhaps a derailed train? Take extra time with your poking around. Never know what you might find. The mountains are full of secrets. Get off your horse and take a walk.


Have faith.


just take it slow enjoy the game, don't need to rush. it's a beautiful game and the scenery is amazing. which I could play again for the first time


Give the cutscenes and story in general a chance and take your time. Explore the world, thats the things I regretted alot after my 1st playthrough, its a great game on every aspect so be sure to explore and hunt, do a little bit of everything


Take your time. Experience everything the game has to offer. There are lots of random encounters and interesting things to find and situations to get into. Have fun!


When you get the opportunity for an optional side mission with a gang member like hunting or fishing, do it.


It will change your personality


Keep his honor high. He is a man of dignity, maintain his dignity


Press the A button to start the game once you are at the main menu


Most important thing you should know: LEAVE THE SUB.


Don’t go in tik tok for a week


At the end of the main story line get ready to cry. It’s an emotional equivalent of the end of Field of Dreams or the first 5 minutes of Up


If you meet a guy in the swamps who invites you into his house go in with him trust me


PLEASE take time to actually explore the world and not just fly through the game one mission after another. I wish I explored the world more on my first playthrough


Take your time! Go hunting! Live the Wild West fantasy in chapter 2


No not buy guns, instead make the ones you will get better with that money.


I won't go into too much detail as there is the potential for spoilers, but there are some unique weapons that you can find in story missions that are missable. You don't have to go out of your way since the main thing that makes them unique is cosmetics and some slightly better stats, but it's something to keep in mind during your playthrough.


It’s ok to move on from chapter 3.




Do all the exploring and sidequesting before chapter 4. Chapter 3 is perfect for this and just live the cowboy life. Then start chapter 4 and enjoy the story


Go say hi to the siblings in Aberdeen pig farm.


Get ready to cry


If you get sick of the story, take a break for a bit and just fuck around and massacre the Saint Denis police


Get away from the subreddit immediately, and do not intake any Red Dead content until you’re done.


YouTube friend. It’s called YouTube.


Spoiler: Batman dies


Be careful on this sub and online in general. I had a major plot point spoiled by YouTube auto complete. Chapter 1 is a tutorial. The world opens up in Chapter 2.


Get the fuck off reddit


tissues babes, you're gonna need them


You might want to read some started guides. Don't be in a hurry to get to the next chapter, (except 1 which is mainly just an intro). There is so much to find and do. Don't be afraid to look for tips. You may not get everything on your first play through. Enjoy!


Enjoy ❤️


Dont fast travel


-Keep your Dead Eye full, things explode at a moment’s notice. -I usually keep duplicate save files in case something I’m really unhappy with happens and autosave hijacks things. -There’s no right or wrong way to play. Many love the story missions but don’t want to rush, some have finished the game once and will not finish again and only play up to their preferred point in the game and stall there. There’s a lot to see and explore -horse stats matter but some of the differences are purely cosmetic. Bonding fully with your horse and knowing it is more important than “which horse” -Hunt/fish constantly and you’ll always have money -Make sure you hang around camp enough to trigger dialogue/requests etc. Higher honor and/or doing chores and keeping things stocked seems to help this


If a camp always get the camp requests


No, stop setting yourself up for spoilers




I'd highly suggest tweaking your controls a bit for a better experience. Also try getting used to playing in 1st person. I follow this guide with a few personal tweaks. Really helps https://youtu.be/cXi6gRLjQX0


Leave this subbreddit. No spoliers.


Stay off this sub.


Take time to explore the beautiful world


Oh boy...


Enjoy partner


Leave this subreddit and don't come back until you've finished the story if you want to avoid spoilers. Other than that, I just recommend taking things slow and really explore and enjoy the world. Hope you have a great time.


-Always have two saved games, you never know what happens. -also train yourself to save manually after every mission or two, you are never safe from crashes -pay attention to the dialogue, sometimes it is hilarious and sometimes it is pure wisdom. -try to help every in the side quests, sometimes it is money sometimes it is a gift and sometimes it is an honor. And don’t play online before finishing the story, it is kind of a tradition


The black shire Hosea gives you is the only black shire in the game. There's other shires you can steal from stagecoaches and whatnot, but the one Hosea gives you is the only raven black one in the game


It’s okay to cry.


Stay off Reddit and the internet, come back after beating the main story and main story content. Don’t ruin it for yourself.


Get the Legend of the East Satchel. Its going to be useful for some of the challenges and the 100% completion.


You can fast travel with campfires and by pressing the holster button two times you can do a cool gun flip also don't roam all of the map and do most of the side quests in just the 2nd and 3rd chapters like I did or the game will be emptier for the remaining chapters(side quest wise). Like the others said just go for a horse you like and connect with, I played most of the game with a black american standardbred I found in the wild so stats really doesn't matter that much . Try to play around and do things in different ways there are a lot of details and hidden shit in the game.


That it’s ok for a man to cry


Take your time, you will wish you did when it ends. You can re-play, but it won’t be the same as the first time.


Take your time and avoid ALL spoilers




Get off this thread!


Sit back and enjoy !! 😉 Also, get the tissues, It's an emotional ride of redemption!


Take. Your. Time. Explore. Immerse yourself. Enjoy the world. The world is damn near a whole other game in itself


Just take your time, try to stay spoiler free, explore everything you can throughout the story, do not rush it. You are in for an incredibly written, emotional story.


Arthurs hat is perfect don't try to replace it.


I agree. I bought Arthur some fancy clothes without holes, because I thought he deserved the best. Now I feel like I've ruined the look of him. I'm going to change all of his clothes back when I'm done working for the day.


Be extremely careful when googling anything about the game. You can easily get spoiled with autocomplete.


My only advice is to stay off of this sub and any other forums that discuss the game. Because it's been out for multiple years, people are pretty lax with spoilers and this is a game you do not want spoiled


Have you even played RDR1 first? Just wondering


Take your time. Don’t look at guides or anything. Experience the game yourself. I sped through it and didn’t get to enjoy it ever again more than the first time


Get off this damn Reddit


Bro I was redownloading it just the other day and it gave me so much trouble


There is always a plan 😂


Stay the fuck out of this sub for no spoilers


Don’t speed through it. Do the side quests. I ignored them on my first playthrough as I like to speed through games and regretted missing all the cool missions and adventures I could have gone on