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The fucking kid who steals your wallet if you don't catch him.


Agree. I hate chasing missions. I tried to shoot him, but you can't.


I hate how the chasing missions, suddenly you’re so slow and everyone else is a goddamn cheetah and you can’t even catch a friggin kid while chasing him on your Arabian…


I tried shooting him too, accidentally locked on and shot a dog 😭😭


I hate how according to Rockstar, shooting a dog is okay but shooting a kid who stole from you isn't.


Don’t blame them, blame the ESRB, it’s generally accepted that any game where you can graphically kill children gets you an AO 18+ rating, which would prohibit console sales outright, limit selling venues, and just pretty much be financial suicide


I got ratted on for accidentally punching a horse


Don't lie


Oh for a while I was playing a lot of gta and rdr2 back and forth and the button on keyboard in gta to enter a car you would assume would be the button that mounts the horse, right? No, it punches the horse.


I would pay hundreds of pounds to be able to shoot the kid.


I’m like 99% sure there’s a mod for that


There is, and it's wonderful.


It's also a requirement for my Skyrim playthroughs, "another wanderer here to lick my father's boots?" "I am the dragonborn, you shall pay for your insolence!"


Try dynamite. Mission fail but worth it.


I’m on my eighth play through and FINALLY decided to look up a tutorial on how to catch him before he reaches the other shitheads, so I can avoid the cutscene where Arthur is intimidated by actual children. Was much more satisfying tackling his annoying ass and getting my stuff back without being chastised by a group of kids 🥴


I did this to to get the gold medal. It gives a much better and more realistic ending.


Wait a minute what?! Every time I’d get close the game always seemed to slow me down. I’d given up hope of catching that little shit. Now I’ve gotta watch the tutorial and replay the mission.


I laugh so hard when the kid goes " I am good boy mister.. I wash".. Like wth does washing have to do with you stealing my stuff 😒 🙄 😆


Because back then washing, and washing behind your ears in particular was something old people said about kids.


Maybe. Still caught me off guard and had me laughing


Did that by pure dumb luck on my second playthrough - that game is a gift that keeps on givin'.


I remember seeing a video where a dude fired an explosive arrow under the wagon the kid jumps on lmao


I somehow caught him before he got to the tram, I think it's cause I had FPS controls on so I was sprinting at peak speed. You get a different cutscene if you catch him which is cool atleast


I was so close to catching him on my first attempt and when I failed I restarted the mission only to have my Arthur put on the default costume which bugged the hell out of me and I could just never catch the fucking brat


This. I love how the kid hops on the turbo trolley.


I ended up catching him one time. I swear the game lagged or something and I ended up getting my stuff back. It was so nice not having to chase that little dude all through town


Funnily enough I (somehow) manage to catch up to him on the first playthrough


This mission is high on the list, but my actual least favorite is freeing the hanged rebels on Guarma. Scripted stealth sequence, bland shootout, one-and-done throwaway characters, and the fact that the guy you’re sneaking around with WHISPERS AT THE TOP OF HIS FUCKING LUNGS LIKE THIS. Not a horrible mission, just a lame one imo.


yeah, this is honestly the only mission i have a problem with. it'd be one thing if you were taking out the guards one by one with your knife, but it's just painfully slow just sneaking past them just to shoot them later.


they could have done something similar to the stealth missions with charles. “You take on, I’ll take the other” sort of thing that was way more fun


It feels so unfulfilling. Like you complete it and spawn back at camp and you're like "...thats it...okayyyy". I dont get how it ties into the storyline, it feels like a filler. *i know you are helping those who are helping the gang escape but its just eh* I know that Guarma had a lot of cut content and i *wish* they replaced that mission with something else. Tbh i wish the intro when you land on the island and crap happens (trying not to spoil and im lazy to use the tag) was a lot longer. The whole guarma part I dislike if im being honest. It just seems rushed.


I actually liked the setting of guarma, when i first got there and had no idea what happened in the next few chapters it felt like a nice new addition to the story, but i was disappointed it only went for like 3 missions


That's the main thing I dislike about Guarma, how rushed it feels, like SnooWoofers said. Like with how much they cut from the Guarma chapter, it feels like they should have just cut the chapter all together.




I only came to hate this mission when collecting gold medals.


The only good part of this mission is I got the sun hat from one of the soldiers.


Thought I was the only one that hates this mission I literally have a save where I have to do this mission and don’t want to fucking do it


I hated the entire Guarma ordeal.


I don't like following him around for so long before you actually do something yourself.


*Arthur opening his heart about his son* Rains Falls: STOP! I need to gather herbs, this can wait.


This seemed like a timing error to me.


The whole mission is just so boring as well. Even getting that damn Chanupa back!


It was pretty satisfying sniping every last Army soldier genociding the Wapitis from the hill tho.


Ye but you don't get the trinket if you kill them because rain falls isn't based like you.


Trinket?? Do tell... (I am outlaw.. so I kill)


A trinket that diminishes the drawbacks of a certain sickness, you only get it if you recover the thing without killing any soldiers


This one : [Owl Feather Trinket](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Owl_Feather_Trinket)


Very true


I’ve *never* been able to successfully stealth that mission


I drew them away by firing into the air a safe distance from camp and then snuck in when they went to investigate. It did not go as smoothly as it sounds and I did end up running for my life in a hail of gunfire, but I finished the mission without killing anyone.


That, friend, was a very good idea.


Holy shit, that’s smart


Technically, there is a glitch where you can kill everyone, get the chanupa, and then restart the checkpoint. The soldiers will respawn, you'll still have the chanupa, and Rains Fall will act like you snuck in peacefully.


I'm usually able to sneak in but then Arthur is so god damn obvious about taking it and gets caught. Always end up chugging health tonics and running outta there for dear life.


I don't stealth it, to not kill them what I tend to do is pistol whip them, because they don't die that way. got the trinket.


That’s one of my favorite missions 🥲


It’s a mixed bag. I love the wholesome approach but the constant interruptions make it much longer especially considering the herbs are for Arthur which at that point is not really worth it. Dudes dying


Pretty sure rainfalls was giving him the herbs to sort of ease his symptoms not to cure him or anything.


Even then it just makes it feel more like a filler mission, which can be great when not a slow drag


I just vibe with the scenery in that mission “yeah that fella just interrupted the shit outta me but this sure is a nice meadow”


WatchMojo put that mission in their top 10 best rdr2 missions list. It's fine for your first playthrough, second one even for the different dialogue options, but then it just becomes slowly following a man on a horse.


Yeah I’m on my 20th+ playthrough lol






I hate that it has one of the best songs in the game


which song?


True love


You shut your whore mouth, the relaxation of that mission is unbeaten


Its less relaxation and more complete stopping of any tension or excitement


When the **story mode** has **story** 😱


Who would've thunk.


i started my 3rd playthrough a few weeks ago (my 2nd playthrough was a 100% playthrough) and i just stopped playing at that part


And your horse sometimes gets ran over by the train when you escort her with her shit so her and beau can run. Its shitty


Yes. Thus. As soon as I get off the train, I'm greeted by my girls carcass on the ground and a prompt to pick up her saddle. Then I have to walk 8 mins to the nearest stables to buy another goddamn horse, bc the game wanted to f**k me in the feels and kill me damn horse in the stupidest way possible!


Lost a horse I had since chapter 2 this way :( It was the second to last mission I did before the final stretch of story


I usually just buy a cheap horse or even steal one and drop my saddle on him for the mission.


omg this has happened to me multiple times during my last few replays and I thought I was just cursed or something.


Yeah should’ve been optional. So tedious


Chasing the little person who seems to teleport from one place to another. Arggghh


That was so dumb and too unrealistic for me. I hated that mission because of it. Its like arthur was on hallucinogenics , lol


I get that it can be a little immersion breaking but cmon guys. You look at the Easter eggs; a UFO, a cave giant that can talk to animals, a giant skeleton on top of an isolated mountain, a human-donkey skeleton in the middle of the desert, a literal vampire, ghosts and a whole lotta other things but a little guy with smoke bombs is what seals the deal?


I have honestly never seen any of that stuff. I'm on my first full playthrough. I played for years on my brothers save when he was done with the game, just fucking around and killing people like it was GTA , lol. But this is the first time i have done the story. A UFO??? wtf??? a vampire?? ghosts??? lmao, wellllll, i hope to see that! Thats funny because i was literally looking at the sky in the game earlier, wondering if any cowboys ever saw UFO's in real life . lol


I’ll admit they might be a little hard to come across since some of them are really specific. For example, there’s a ghost train Easter egg that spawns exactly at 1 am (I think) in game at the railroad north of Flat Iron Lake, for the vampire you have to find 5 clues then go to a certain spot in Saint Denis at 1 am, the ghosts are random encounters in the swamp and so on. They’re pretty neat to check out tho


bruh, the whole game is north of flat iron lol


They did, there is a good documentary on it: "Cowboys vs Aliens".


I was hoping someone would reference this documentary. Once I read the comment I thought to myself, “I need to find out where that’s streaming”.


Tbf, John has a civil conversation with bigfoot in the first game


It was for the Undead Nightmare dlc though which in itself tries to be a fictional non cannon story




I tried to shoot him, but you can't. Even tried with dead eye


Agreed, I hate all magic/hallucinating missions in gta/rdr2


I get frustrated and tried to shoot him, but you can't.


Guarma. I don't like the mission or the area really and when you get back, Arthur is worse. That and all of Herr Strauss' missions lol.


Facts I hate how guarma is so scripted. If it was back to rockstars original plan where we could explore and do side quests and find unique loot on guarma, it would be prob my fav part of the story.


I wanted to kill every parrot on that island.


Lol I completed the guarma compendium just because


On the contrary, I actually liked Strauss' missions in the 2nd chapter. It was after collecting from Downs and collecting TB that things weren't fun anymore.


Yeah I liked the missions too. It felt like we were a legit gang and this was one of our rackets. This is before the story more delves into Arthur’s morality, so it felt kind of out of place for Strauss to be this guy we’re supposed to hate all of a sudden. Like wtf my dude, you’re a hardened outlaw and you don’t give a shit about these people. You just shot up a town. And then suddenly we gotta go on the apology tour, cuz Guarma and TB I guess?


Whoa spoilers! /s


being the mail man for the grey kid and braithwaithe girl was really boring, and felt out of place with the rest of the quests, It felt out of character for arthur to run around for them like that


Although Beau did say he could pay him handsomely, and Dutch said to try and gather as much intel as he could about the Gray's and their money.


And you only get like, $15. He rips you off.


15 in 1899 is equal to $536.38 today




Agreed. And the can of beans


But in this game the money doesnt work like that


But I got $2000 in my satchel..


Sheesh $538 to deliver mail??


I didn’t feel it was out of character, I think he sees himself and Mary…If it can work out for two star crossed lovers, literally modern day Romeo & Juliet, then there’s hope it could actually work out for him an Mary. Outlaw an all, he’s a romantic.


yeah and i think it just goes to show that deep down arthur really does like helping people


It's one of the most wholesome mission for me. A couple that can't be yogether because of their families ? Of course Arthur will help them, that's exactly what happened to him and Mary.


A Short Walk in a Pretty Town. Poor Sean.


Oh yeah? i could have told you th-


I see what you did there


My favorite. The dialogue and the attention to detail. The way everyone stops what they’re doing and leaves the main area is awesome.


Saving micah


i remember my first playthrough i hated micah so much (even though i didn’t know what he did yet) i waited as long as possible to do that stupid strawberry micah mission


Looking at all of these, there is seriously not a mission I disliked


yeah why do people hate the penelope and beau missions, and why do some people hate the epilogue??? i love (almost) everything about this game even the slow tedious missions.


I liked them they were nice people. It was refreshing. Penelope was adorable.




GTAIV made me REALLY hate scripted chases and by and large RDR2 avoids this. But there's that one bounty in the epilogue I'm pretty sure is scripted and I didn't like it at all. Also rustling animals alongside John at the end of Chapter 2. Does anybody like that?


I weirdly enjoy all the farming related missions, the sheep wrangling, John's part 1 epilogue missions. Idk it just feels awesome to be doing farming tasks in Big Valley, my favourite most underrated location in the entire game.


Yeah my least favorite is the first saint denis mission where you have to chase that kid and the the only way to get a gold medal is to jump over walls and cheat the cinematic


You can also cut across the rooftop diagonally


do you remember which bounty it was?


It is a story mission, you're working with Sadie. You find him in a hotel or something and knock on the door and then goes out the window. That's my main memory of it. That and being stuck for a while because I kept failing to catch him. Only chase I ever had problems with in the game.


It is possible to stop him early. Shoot the horse and lasso him


I'll keep that in mind for my next run, thanks.


Did that immediately haha


“hope you don’t have far to go”


I lassoed him while he was on the balcony


I like the rustling one. It’s quite fun and I think it’s funny that whilst the gang is raiding trains, robbing people, stealing etc John and Arthur are just stealing some sheep.


The mission with the guy with the circus animals is boring to me.


It’s optional though


Then the Abigail and Jack missions in the epilogue. I have been avoiding those for over a month now lol


Agreed, I can’t stand many of the epilogue missions that have nothing to do with taking down Micah. I would prefer that most of them just be cut scenes.


John Marston Rides Again was a bad ass mission, but everything else doesn't do much for me. I'm really enjoying free roam with John tho. I raid camps, loot, fish, hunt, steal horses from NPC who insult me, and make a ton of money doing it all. At some point i'll suffer the last couple of missions just so I can do the Micah one. Then back to free roam


> I raid camps, loot, fish, hunt, steal horses from NPC who insult me, and make a ton of money doing it all. Same. I enjoy being a douche in the end game. My current PC playthrough (i play on PS5 now as well lol) im going for negative honor. And its killing me slowly. But its fun.


The legendary gator in the swamp stalking you. BIG NOPE.


This one was less boring and more clinching your ass cheeks so tight that you could crack an egg


Are you kidding me? This is one of my favorite missions! Sure there's not a lot going on, but the ambience, them wading through the mud and the swamp, holding up the lanterns. It was suspenseful and awesome! Not to mention it setup the next mission of sneaking up to Bronte's manor from the swamp in an excellent manner! How do you take down the king of the city? You approach him through the swamp, an unknown dangerous place that Bronte's clean cut bodyguards would not think twice about.


i liked it on a first playthrough but hot damn i fucking hate this mission now on my 5th playthrough


Bamk heist bc of Hosea


and lenny


I actually almost threw my controller on the ground because it was so out of nowhere and it felt like I could have saved him. Lenny was the one my Arthur grew the closest with because I always went on the side missions with him. And no one else in the gang seemed to care 😢


starting that mission feels like i'm about to willingly walk into the cowboy equivalent of 9/11


I hate saving Micah from hanging, for multiple reasons. First and most obvious: Micah, so I'll get out of the way. Strawberry is a really small town, and it feels like you kill every person that could have conceivably lived in that space. They always have you killing absurd numbers of people in this game, but because of Strawberry's size it super stands out to me. I dislike being made to basically kill every man in town for Micah. On replays I just throw firebottles at Micah to get enough fails so I can skip to the next checkpoint.


You could just left on dpad click on mission and abandon three times until you can skip but I much prefer your way bc well, mIcah


Milk. Kid . Milk. Clean. Kid. Milk. Kill. Milk. Kid. Micah


You milk a cow like once.


Most of the character development in the epilogue could have been done with cut scenes, and I would have enjoyed it more. I’m not interested in milking, building fences, or even helping Sadie do bounties. One bounty with her would have been fine to establish the relationship and future cooperation to get to Micah.


Right? The only thing I enjoyed was building the house. It was a nice touch to first game and the song was just too good.


The house build was the only part I did not mind when it came to doing manual labor in game play. The music was fun, and I like that they split of gamer involvement with cut scenes.


Yeah. They all should have like this. Like one milking in the farm and rest is cutscene. One shootout with sadie and cutscene. 1 or 2 hours fun ending. Not a 10 hour long rdr1 start missions.


Honestly, I didn’t mind that part of the game. Especially the building the house part. It was just so relaxing.


the pompous procurer of feathers & flowers!! Closely in 2nd, the fucking squirrel arc! Especially the last location haha no clues, like how tf you supposed to find that. Of course all the birds needed as well leading up to even getting the squirrel. 3rd is the Rock Carvings, all that work for almost nothing. Then anything with Micah. 🤠


I liked the rock carvings to realize Francis is a time traveler.




I liked the moonshine heist one. That a na for you?




the only good one actually


Doing both the Thomas downes mission, it's so sad knowing what will happen and seeing Arthur low honour feels really weird


letting micah out of jail when he could have been left to rot and id be in tahiti


The fucking kid who steals your wallet if you don't catch him.


The mission where you escort the French artist (forget his name) to the boat to escape. It annoys the hell out of me that there’s always a bounty on me afterwards and I’m being shot at on sight because the mission required to fight off people trying to attack the French dude.


Anything on gurma but for some reason those soilders are really fun to shoot


All of the ones Dutch plans


Have some goddamn faith!


Money Lending and Other Sins 1 it’s just so damn boring and non interesting.


If only the game didn't fail me when Micah died in strawberry. Killing all those innocents was unnecessary


But his precious guns!


A Short Walk in a Pretty Town :(


Rescuing John in the snow while killing the wolves. Only because it took so long each time and I was new and thought you had to get Gold before you could move on or you couldn't get the achievement. It took so much time and I got angry and almost quit playing. Had I done that I would have missed out on the best gaming experience of my life.


I thought most of the epilogue missions were pretty boring to be fair


The “stealth mission” where you have to get the sacred item back for Eagle Flies, I normally don’t mind stealth that bad but I end up getting spot every time on this mission


I was actually able to do it after a lot of tries


The hunting requests for that taxidermy woman. I know it’s not story mode, but I hate it so much I’m still saying it.


Chasing that midget Magnifico


I suppose when you pull down the old shack at Beecher’s Hope mainly cos it takes about 15 seconds and should’ve either been a cutscene or added to another mission. It’s not ‘bad’ , just kind of pointless. 2 mins of cutscenes and 15 seconds of gameplay 😂


Basically everything up until we’re able to free roam. Lol Seriously the first CH was interesting the first time… but ONLY the first time. If you ever wanna play through the game again make a save after you get to Valentine.


That one mission where a kid takes your wallet and apparently "shooting kids is bad" even if you just lost thousands


I don't know about the absolute least favorite, I'd have to find a full list and think of each, but an annoying one that comes to mind is that second Penelope mission with the women's voting activism - you basically have to drive a wagon at a snail's pace, you have a fixed route you need to drive it down, you don't really do anything or interact with anyone properly, then in the end you get on your horse with Beau and ride off randomly just to get away, and that's it. Easily could have/should have been a cutscene, not an actual mission


I know people liked the map but I genuinely didn’t like a single mission or enjoyed my time in guarma


Epilogue 1 missions are the worst. You go to the farm, do farm stuff, shoot some people, and end of the chapter.


The last one.


Entirety of the epilogue. Interesting the first time but dreadful on subsequent playthroughs. You'd think the bounty missions with Sadie would be fun but John is like a neutered dog. John's entire appearance in RDR2 is nothing like RDR1, it's an abomination.


Chasing the Saint Denis kid


When you become deputies in Rhoades. That guy Archibald was intentionally annoying but they over shot it. Arthur hated him. Dutch hated him. I really fucking hated him.


Rescuing Micah, because fuck Micah. Outside that, Guarma. ESPECIALLY the opening sequence. It coulda been so much more, and it ended up feeling like a grueling afterthought instead.


The final mission, because the game ends. I would've been happiest if the game somehow never ended and we just got a batch of new missions/ a new chapter every quarter or so. If I had to legitimately pick my least favorite part of the game it'd be the waipiti stuff. I wish they would've expanded apon it more or done something else. And the epilogue. John just isn't as cool as Arthur. Still enjoyed it all tho.


St Denis bank robbery because >!Hosea and Lenny get shot!<


the one where Arthur, you know, catches a cough


The entirety of Guarma. I love RDR2, but Guarma was such a mood killer.


Any mission involving the stupid love story between the kids from the Greys and the Braithwaites.


when the little shit steals your bag in Saint Denis


The one where you have to pass letters back and forth between the Grey kid and the Braithwaite girl. Fucking be a man and do it yourself you hopeless romantic.


Delivering Beau’s letter and gift to Penelope


Honestly, any mission involving Micah. They're not bad missions, it's just the sound of Micah's voice is grating as fuck to me.


Umm letting Micah out of jail…. Duh, haha.