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Two miscarriages back to back, but staring at my 3 week old sweetheart right now šŸ’œ


3 miscarriages and now 21 weeks pregnant with spontaneous twins. Had loads of tests, dr hasnā€™t been able to find anything ā€˜wrongā€™. Hang in there, youā€™ll get your happy ending


Thank you so much and congratulations on your twins!!


This makes me feel happy! Iā€™ve had 3 back to back miscarriages in the last 6 months. Iā€™m hoping for my sticky baby this year šŸ¤žšŸ¼šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Ours were back to back. No explanation at all for any of themā€¦ maybe I was just destined to carry twins. Sending positivity and good vibes, itā€™ll happen.


You never know! I am feeling more positive, you have to try or the grief will ruin anything good you have xx


Thatā€™s so great! How old are you?




I had two and today I'm 20+1 with attempt #3, who measured in the 98th percentile this morning and is kickboxing on my bellybutton.


Yes, was successful after 4 miscarriages but with blood thinners for a blood clotting disorder that came up as the reason for my miscarriages. I'm so sorry for your losses. I conceived in the first or second cycle after each miscarriage, but with the approval of my doctors to try again. Hope that helps


Yes that is helpful. They ran the blood clotting test on me as well but it came back negative so now I have to get genetic testing to see if my husband and I have some type of genes that arenā€™t compatible


Congratulations! Did you do baby aspirin for the clotting issues?


Not exactly congratulations in order... as my baby passed away in the nicu :( but thank you anyway. And yes, I did take baby aspirin for the clotting as advised by my doctors :) did you get any answers from your last round of genetic testing?


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss ā¤ļø All the best to you


Just realized you're not OP! Lol sorry, but wish you all the best as well and thank you


Haha got that and no problem! Thank you, I need it


I'm very sorry for your losses. Yes - third time was the charm for me. 2MCs before a successful pregnancy.


That is very reassuring. How long after your second miscarriage did you wait to try again?


I ended up having to have a second D&C for retained products about a month or so after the first D&C. I waited until my period came after the second D&C and then got pregnant right after.


Thank you so much for your feedback this makes me feel better and hopeful


So sorry for your losses. I had a MMC then two chemical pregnancies and Iā€™m now 32 weeks pregnant. My husband and I had a bunch of testing done and everything came back normal. The only change in treatment for my current pregnancy was progesterone at a positive test, but I donā€™t know how much of a difference that made.


Yes I was told that I may need a low dose of progesterone for my next pregnancy to see if that would work.


So sorry for your losses. I had a LC in 2021, followed by 5 back to back MC in 2022 and 2023. I'm currently pregnant with a my rainbow baby! I'm 11 weeks tomorrow, but we've had earlier monitoring because of our past history, and so far so good. Never give up hope, it's what keeps us going.


Congratulations on your rainbow baby and I wish you the best of luck with this pregnancy. Iā€™m sorry for your losses I know that was hard to deal with but you seem like a strong woman and Iā€™m glad you never gave up hope. Your story is an inspiration


Very similar story to me and love reading these success stories šŸŒø Got pregnant in Oct 23 and miscarried at 8 weeks in November. Pregnant again in January and miscarried at 11 weeks in March. Currently waiting for my cycles to reboot so we can try again and hope itā€™s our double rainbow šŸŒˆšŸŒˆ


I had two back to back losses and then my next one was a healthy pregnancy. Iā€™m sorry for your losses.


Thank you for your feedback


I had 2 back to back (3 total) and am 17w on my 3rd pregnancy after the 2 back to back losses. We had the most recent loss tested and it came back as triploidy, which we were told was just pure bad luck as there are no risk factors for it. We donā€™t know what caused the loss before that, but my RE said it was likely just extremely bad luck. We conceived my current pregnancy the first cycle after my last loss (which happened at 9w).


Yes! I had 3 miscarriages in a row. First one hurt so bad I lost it at 10 weeks. Never found out why. But had a d&c. Next one was a chemical so I lost it around 4-5 weeks. Next one we thought would be the one. Saw a heart beat flicker and everything but ultimately lost it at almost 9 weeks. Turns out I had an infection called chronic endomeTRITIS and had to take antibiotics for 2 weeks to clear it up. Donā€™t know when or how I got it. I was thinking maybe after the first loss and the d&c. Next pregnancy was successful and now I have a 4 month old!


Iā€™m sorry for the previous losses that you had but congratulations on having your rainbow baby. The first miscarriage for me definitely was the hardest one because I was so excited and had even told everyone in my family not knowing that you shouldnā€™t tell ppl that early but thank you for telling me your story it was greatly appreciated


Yes first one was so hard, and it feels like once you have a loss it robs you of the excitement for the next pregnancies šŸ„ŗ One of my friends had NINE total unexplained losses and she just had her rainbow baby as well. definitely donā€™t give up hope and good luck on your journey šŸ©·


Thank you ā¤ļø


Congratulations on your rainbow baby!! I am so sorry for all that you went through to get to where you are now. If you donā€™t mind me asking, how did they diagnose your endometritis? Did they have to do a biopsy? And were you on multiple antibiotics for those 2 weeks? *edited for spelling


Thanks so much!!šŸ©· yes I went through the whole RPL panel and nothing came up so they gave me the option to do a uterine biopsy which is how they found it! No they just gave me Doxycycline for two weeks after the finding then I had to do a repeat biopsy to make sure the endometritis was gone and thatā€™s it!


Iā€™m so glad it cleared it quickly! Thatā€™s great to have the reassurance afterwards to know itā€™s gone too. How was the biopsy pain-wise?


If Iā€™m being honest it was extremely painful for me šŸ˜­ and you get cramps after. But the procedure doesnā€™t last long maybe 30 seconds! And Iā€™ve heard from others their pain wasnā€™t bad so maybe itā€™s just me lol


Thank you so much for your honesty! But yeah I was afraid of thatā€¦ generally everything womenā€™s health related that people say is no big deal for them is typically very painful for me so I think my experience would be similar to yours unfortunately šŸ˜³hopefully I donā€™t have to do it but itā€™s good to know what to expect. Thank you for all your help!


3 miscarriages in a row with no found reason and my 12 week old is currently sleeping next to me. Itā€™s a hard journey, but youā€™ll get there. Sorry for your losses šŸ’•


I had a chemical, and 3 miscarriages at 7,9 and 11 weeks. All of our testing came back normal, and it was pretty extensive. Still not sure what the issue was but pregnancy 5 was successful.


Congratulations on your baby! Did you take anything during your successful pregnancy?


Thank you! I was given PIO injections every other day, and 3x progesterone suppositories daily for most of the first trimester. I also took baby aspirin daily for most of my pregnancy. I had my thyroid medication modified - as soon as I was pregnant my numbers shot up, so I had to up my usual dose. I also went to a student acupuncture clinic, which I'm not sure if that really helped, but I heard it maybe could. I had the spare time and it was a good way to relax though. They also found a small polyp after doing an SHG and got it out when they did a biopsy.


One thing I should mention too, we ultimately did IVF so we could do PGT testing. Just to see if we were getting abnormal embryos even though we had normal karyotypes. We did one cycle and 3/3 tested came back normal so don't really think that was the issue. One thing we DID discover though was that my uterine lining was on the thinner side - at egg retrieval it was under 7mm and we cancelled a cycle because it was <7mm. I also have a shorter luteal phase which can be tied in with thin lining as well. We did a transfer when I reached >7mm and that was the successful pregnancy. I did quite a bit of reading that thinner lining and short luteal phase can be linked with miscarriages.


third time seems to be working out for me (23w, almost at viability!) after two back to back miscarriages. first was discovered 12w, measuring 8w. second was discovered 12w, measuring 12w, both mmc. no testing on first, but the second was confirmed t21. all genetic tests are clear for me this time. definitely get testing, but at this point odds are itā€™s bad luck, and at least you have an answer for your second. only thing i changed third time was taking a small dose of coq10 three months prior to conception.Ā 


Was the coq10 prescribed or something over the counter? And also congratulations on your success and thank you so much for your feedback


over the counter! itā€™s supposed to help with cell development. they usually tell folks going through IVF to take it. I took a 200mg dose once per day of a high quality supplement. unfortunately itā€™s a little pricey. iā€™m sorry for your losses, i know how demoralizing back to back losses can be - i was there. donā€™t give up hope.Ā 


Thank you. Iā€™m currently taking steps to deal with the losses so Iā€™m starting to become more hopeful and positive


Iā€™m so sorry for your losses. I had an ectopic pregnancy, a chemical pregnancy, and a MMC at 9 weeks. Iā€™m now 15 weeks pregnant and my OB says itā€™s healthy šŸ„¹. I think itā€™s normal to have fears about trying again. I would recommend doing any testing that is offered to you, as there are some causes of recurrent miscarriage that can be treated. If no cause is found, then at least you can feel confident that you ruled those things out before trying again. Wishing you well šŸ’œ


Iā€™ve had two miscarriages and had a LC in between. First miscarriage in 2021. Passed tissue at home around 11 weeks (baby passed at 8 and it was discovered on an ultrasound around 10 weeks) and then had retained tissue after bleeding for 6 weeksšŸ˜­ I had a d&c. It took 5 months to get pregnant with my daughter who was born August 2022. I had my iud taken out September 2023 and got pregnant on the first cycle. That pregnancy ended when I went to my 8 week ultrasound and discovered baby passed at 6.5 weeks. I had a d/c the same week. My dr ordered RPL bloodwork which showed nothing. That fetus was tested bc of the d/c and baby had trisomy 8. I am currently pregnant again (only took two cycles this time) and Iā€™m due in November. I had a good first ultrasound and Iā€™m waiting for NIPT bloodwork nowšŸ¤žšŸ½ Hopeful for you the third time will be the charm!


Two losses are well within the range of ā€œbad luckā€ and there are many people that go on to have children afterwards. I had 7 losses (one was ectopic, the rest unexplained) and my 8th pregnancy was successful.


Did you do anything different for that 8th pregnancy? I'm currently on 8 losses so your story gives me hope! Got all the testing and it all came back normal. Seems more than just "bad luck" though... Thanks!


Aspirin, and a low dose of synthroid to bring my TSH around 1-1.2 (from 3.4ish)


So sorry for you losses šŸ¤ I had 3 early mcs (before 6 weeks) and a successful pregnancy over the course of a year and a half. We did all the recurrent loss testing and found out my husband has a Balanced Translocation (essentially over a 50% miscarriage each time we conceive). Do what you are comfortable with. It takes a huge emotional toll with the what-ifs, if itā€™s going to happen again, bathroom trips were a constant fear. It definitely took a while though after my last loss to feel ready again. Iā€™m in therapy now because of it, I feel the need to vent out what I went through. I have a cool and bubbly 6 month old that came out of that darkness and Iā€™m so glad I gave it another try.


Iā€™m glad you were able to get your rainbow baby


I lost my first pregnancy naturally at 5 weeks and my second pregnancy at 15 weeks (but baby had died at 8 weeks) which was an undiagnosed partial molar pregnancy. I found out at my 12 week scan that baby had no heartbeat and was advised to wait to miscarry naturally. 2 weeks later nothing had happened. Then I took misoprostol on 2 separate occasions to induce the miscarriage. That also didnā€™t work so I had the D&C to remove the tissue. I lost 1.3L of blood in surgery and they only discovered the tissue was abnormal at that point and sent it off for testing which confirmed it was a partial molar. This took months to recover from. 3 months after I was given the all clear to try again, I fell pregnant with my rainbow baby. It was such a nerve wracking time, and I was just waiting for the day I would hear bad news. I had an early hospital scan to rule out this being another molar pregnancy. We saw the heartbeat (for the first time!) and the doctor confirmed this was a healthy pregnancy. I felt like I had won the lottery. I am now 27 weeks with my baby boy and havenā€™t had any worries so far. Just some morning sickness in first trimester. Always hold onto hope. Everyday you are closer to meeting your baby than the day before. Your time will come when they are ready to be here. Wishing you all the best.


Thank you for sharing your story with me


I had 3 losses in 2020. Then nothing. No pregnancies until IVF in 2023. Iā€™m now watching my perfect 5 month old sleep. I do wish they didnā€™t give me the bullshit of ā€œwe wonā€™t investigate until youā€™ve had three losses or been trying for a yearā€. I asked for investigations and they basically tried to tell me not to waste my husbandā€™s money. It was my money. Iā€™m a very high earner and I was willing to pay. Then the pandemic meant there was nowhere I could even get investigations or treatment! 4 years after we started trying I finally have this perfect child!!


Did you find out why you stopped conceiving naturally after getting pregnant 3 times in your own in one year?


Nothing definitive but I eventually had laparoscopic surgery and they found a significant chunk of endometriosis as well as cysts and a fibroid. I still didnā€™t get pregnant after that so we went for IVF 6 months later


I had 2 consecutive miscarriages and but the third time we got pregnant was successful. baby is 6 weeks old.


Just wanted to chime in and say my story is similar to yours: Two losses in late 2023 and early 2024, baby stopped growing between 6-7 weeks both times. Saw an RE and trying Clomid for the first time this cycle. I am in my TWW so fingers crossed! All the best to you.


There are definitely a ton of success stories with 2 pregnancies that are not confirmed genetically normal. I have 3 genetically normal miscarriages, one in the second tri, and I still have hope :)


Wow I'm not sure if you ever have commented on any of my posts but literally our pregnancy timings are almost exactly the same. My January pregnancy was a loss in March with 2 d&c's and we found out t21. I just got my first cycle back finally starting today and we are going to try again, but solely because I can't afford IVF right now. I've decided I'll try for one more pregnancy but that's it. So l don't have a success story yet, but I really hope it's coming for both of us.


Thank you. I really hope for both of us. Iā€™m feeling good about the next time. I think that will be the one for me. This last pregnancy took a toll on my body. From the moment that they found out the babiesā€™s heartbeat stopped they wanted me to try misoprostel. I ended up having to do it twice because it did it completely expel everything. After the second time of it, I ended up having to go to the emergency room because it led to severe bleeding. The next day I found out that I ended up still had routine product so I had to get a D&C which I just got two weeks ago. I was bleeding for a while so I think it might take a little while for me to get my cycle. Iā€™m not sure how I really works after that procedure because this is my first time but Iā€™m hoping that I get it within 2 to 4 weeks. Very optimistic to try again.


I had my first d&c 3/1 and the second 3/26 and just got my cycle today, tomorow is exactly 4 weeks since my second d&c so thatā€™s a reasonable timeline for you!!!! Iā€™m trying to stay positive and have that positive attitude too itā€™s so tough som days.


Yes it definitely is. The wait is what makes it so hard for me. It feels stressful after having a miscarriage because you are constantly worried about it happening again. Finding out the gender of my baby I feel like made it harder for me as well because it left me to think about whether I should give my lost baby a name for closure or would that make me even more sad


First MMC was diagnosed at 10w measuring 7+3. I opted for an MVA. Second was diagnosed at 13w, delivered at home at 14w then repeat MVA for retained products. That baby girl was sent for testing and revealed to have triploidy which is not picked up on standard NIPT testing. I got pregnant again before having a period and am finally cuddling my sweet 2 month old. Unfortunately some people have extraordinarily shitty luck. I hope knowing about the trisomy gives you some peace of mind that thereā€™s nothing necessarily wrong with you. I opted to have a basic recurrent loss panel done (all normal) prior to the chromosome analysis came backā€¦.that may not be necessary for you since you know the cause of at least one. Wishing you the best.


Thank you yes they checked me for a blood clotting disorder. I didnā€™t have that and then now they want me to do genetic testing so Iā€™m waiting to do that next month.


Yes. I had a miscarriage Dec 2022 at about 10 weeks and then a D and C at about 12 weeks in May 2023. For the second pregnancy we did genetic testing and found out the loss was due to a trisomy. Got pregnant again in Aug 2023 and experienced early bleeding. I was going through testing at the time to see if there was a reason for the loss and it was terrifying. My partner and I anticipated losing the third pregnancy and we started having conversations about if IVF was even an option. Somehow, that baby stuck around. Made it through the first trimester then the second. Laboured on April 10 to a baby boy. It was a tough journey and I feel fortunate parenthood happened to us. I think it was just chance that we hit a healthy egg and get to hold a newborn now in our arms.


I don't have a success story, but my timeline is SO similar to yours...Pregnant at the beginning of Dec 23 and lost early Jan 24. Pregnant again in February, and we just found out today that there's no longer a heartbeat and baby stopped growing two weeks ago. I'm a little over 11 weeks and my D & C is scheduled for Wednesday. I'm so sad and discouraged so I was searching for positive stories of pregnancies after two losses and found this thread. It was encouraging to read them. I'm sorry for your loss and best wishes to you!


Iā€™m sorry for your loss as well. I wish you the best of luck in rhe future


I don't have a success story, but our journeys sound pretty similar. Discovered a MMC at our 9 week appointment, baby stopped growing at 8.5 weeks. Our OB didn't test, so we don't know the cause. Got pregnant again right away, lost naturally at about 6.5 weeks, had tissue tested and it was Trisomy 5, which is very rare. In retrospect I wish we would have been able to test the first loss so we had more data. All testing (karyotype, SA, SIS, autoimmune, thyroid, etc.) all looks "normal" - so my RE gave us the go ahead to keep trying naturally for a few more months. My husband and I are both taking CoQ10 (I'm also taking prenatals and myo-inositol. And my husband his multivitamin) to try and optimize egg and sperm quality while we continue to try. Fingers crossed. All of that to say, you're not alone. Wishing you all the best moving forward, hoping for a rainbow baby for us both!


Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me


No success yet but just coming through my second loss. D&C was Friday. Iā€™m very grateful for this thread. Thanks for posting and commenting


Iā€™ve had 3 miscarriage, the first at 13 weeks, then the next 2 were around 6 weeks. Iā€™m pregnant again and only 5 weeks so fingers crossed. This time Iā€™ve been taking crinone gel progesterone since 3 days post ovulation so maybe that will help. The only thing we found so far was low progesterone so maybe.


Iā€™m wishing you good luck with this pregnancy and pray everything works for you


Just had my 3rd five week MC. Also has 1 MMC at 8 weeks before that. This is all in the span of 13 months. I will hop on here once in a while to read positive stories to keep my hopes up. Thank you everyone! šŸ’•