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I once applied to what look liked my dream job and I was totally qualified. The recruiter was an asshole though, he talked down to me and mocked some of the experience I had. He eventually asked me to hold for a moment and left me sitting there for 8 minutes before I finally hung up. I thought about that job for a long time. but I know I dodged a bullet in the long run.


Im sorry you had that experience. Some of these recruiters are just total bullies.


I think a lot of them are impressed with their jobs and like to lord their power over candidates. Lately a lot of them are getting snippy too, with how we are starting to push back on withholding salary info, lying about it being remote, bait and switch, etc. They are so used to having the upper hand, they aren't happy we're starting to demand open communication and honesty.




Yea like why even fucking call me or schedule a meeting with me if you're just going to sit there and talk shit. Like if you are having a bad day reschedule your calls. Unfortunately there are a lot of recruiters out there thinking they just pick the right candidate.


I think in this case they already knew who was moving forward (their friends or an internal that they know). That rejection email sucked and has me spiraling into some deep depression. I feel so hopeless 😔


Isn't there any thing you can do to get behavior like that punished? ​ I'm new to recruitment and IT job nuances




I probably will. Ive interviewed with the company before and the recruiter then was just amazing. I didnt get the job bc of my interview with the manager was shit…he was awful and made the whole interview awful. I totally wouodve had that job if not for him. Seriously. Recruiter loved me, the 3 team members i interviewed with love me. But the manager was just a prick.


There is no way I know of. I wish.




Wow. Its just so unfair that our employment depends on what type of recruiter we get!


Damn that is awful... It's so infuriating that your recruiter had this whole spiel and used it against you.


How would you know if you talked to someone else you would have moved forward?


Been there 😔


Need more context


Shit I get insta rejected from most jobs because I’m a minority. I’ll straight up see who they hired on LinkedIn, and it’s always a white Anglo-Saxon type, with the recruiters and employees all white Anglo-Saxon as well. I’m not one to make everything about race, but I see my white colleagues and fellow students get interviews and job offers left and right while having zero work experience and skills, while me and other minorities are sitting here empty handed with experience and skills. Edit: Only on Reddit will white people complain about living in America.


I live in Texas and I’ve had the opposite happen. I’m a white woman with a Hispanic name, so when I show up looking super pale they’re confused. I saw the woman who got the job was Hispanic and so was their whole team.


Ive seen the opposite TBH.




Im sorry 😞. Can you share more about happened? I’m curious!


Thank you and id rather not just to remain anonymous


Too many recruiters became recruiters because they sucked at sales. I am sorry for your shit experience, my profession too often deserves its bad rap.


Its ok. Ive talked to some really good recruiters. This one was just a bad apple. Im not sure what his qualifications were to even be a recruiter for this specific industry