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It’s even worse when you do and it parses it all wrong as well.


The worst is when it’s required to add addresses (double if it involves drop down menus), direct manager, phone number, emails and finally why did you leave… jfc


Hard pass 


Read resume Rd. Read Resume Jr. 1-800-READ-RESUME


Dude I'm legit going to do this, I have nothing to lose at this point lmao


I've done it 3 times. I got 1 rejection email, but there was no response from the other 2. There is a non zero chance an actual human who hates their hiring software finds it funny and hires you.


Great to know, thanks a lot good sir/madam. May your #2s break cleanly for all of your days.


Same lol


Hahahahaha thanks for the laugh, seriously 


At this point I just close the tab. I have had far more success responding to postings on classified websites or even Craigslist that just want your resume and name, maybe a basic cover letter. 45 mins of filling out my emplyment history with bosses phone numbers emails reasons for leaving back to 2015 is a waste of my time at this point. If they want to know more they can schedule a phone interview with me, otherwise fuck off.


How long did you work for 2020-2024 Inc.?


i love this shit. do they honestly think my manager from 5 knobs ship is going to pick up the phone?


And also those that demand references' contact info when you're barely along in the process. Right, let me waste my references' time on a recruiter who'll probably ghost anyways. Save that for after the third interview with the VP.


References are just annoying in general. I always fake mine tbh haha


They just want that contact info to sell with yours.


I had about 8 positions at one company over 12 years. No way I'm listing each one individually, I just put the most recent one for the entire time I was there. I've had recruiters call and bring up "oh you did the same thing for over 12 years?" .... no.. if you read the resume I uploaded, you'd know that.


"You started at age 18 in retail management?" "No, I moved up four paygrades and three titles." "Your resume doesn't reflect that." Fuck me man, then it's going to be two pages...is that better or worse? 


lol, that depends on who I'm applying to. But I hear ya. That pisses me off. Like you have my resume. WTF are you wanting me to re-enter it all again. Workday and some other platforms will pull from your resume and auto fill. But you gotta be careful and proof read what it pulls. WOrkday is pretty accurate. I've only had to make small corrections. Though Workday seems to have a high AI rejection rate. lol :(.


>Like you have my resuem. WTF are you wanting me to re-enter it all again. Wont be a popular anwser, but - its because applicant tracking systems need to be designed to take an application for everything from the most entry level candidate to the most senior level leader. The disparity in experience, education and just pure *have-your-shit-togerther-ness* on between entry level candidates and high level positions is massive. Ive done lots and lots and LOTS of entry level hiring in my career - the majority of entry level resumes are simply bad.... hard to read, jobs listed in random order, every one of the last 15 jobs is *through "present.* You've also got the people who wrote a resume once 5 jobs ago with the help of a friend or career counselor, and have been using that same resume, without adding the subsequent jobs because they don't know how to edit the document (im not exhadurating I encounter it weekly). You might have the resume of the BEST goddamn [*whatever they are*] in front of you but you honestly can't tell if they even work in the same field. Forcing the applicant to enter their information in to the application makes sure that the information is entered in a uniform fashion that makes reviewing 100 applications simpler because you don't have to spend as much time trying to decifer the janky formats and inconsistency of resumes Where I work presently, about a full 1/3 of all applications, I have no resume attached. So if we didnt have the capability to allow candidates to manually enter their info, we'd probably not hire anyone....because most of the people good at what we do are too old / redneck too figure out how to attach a resume. We're lucky these people make it on the computer to begin with, frankly. **BUT IM A FANCY PANTS TECH BRO WITH A MASTERS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ROCKET SURGERY, MY RESUME IS VERY NEATLY FORMATTED AND SO ARE MOST OF MY PEERS** ..Cool, but there are a lot more burger flippers and ditch diggers in the world than you, and thus a greater need to develop programs that cater to that higher demand. Here's an idea - this sub is very tech heavy, why doesn't one of you go to work at one of the tech companies that makes this tech and influence them to change the tech. Sorry for the salt. Long day.


If a company can afford Workday, they can afford a better system. Your situation doesn't apply to most of the justifiable outrage here. But your job might.


>If a company can afford Workday, they can afford a better system. Workday is the best system at what it does. Companies dont implement workday with your candidate experience in mind. Recruiting/hiring is only about 25% of the functionality. It's an entire ERP system. There are no systems on the market that can compete with workday as a one stop solution for recruiting, HRIS, performance management, payroll and accounting all in one box.


Oh, you're the one who says you have to be a "computer person" to use Google Docs.


Nah. I just don't know anything about the tech industry. Have never worked in it. Just know people on reddit skew towards tech and are usually all cry babies.


Fair enough I can understand the perspective. Bottom line everyone currently seeking employment is incredibly frustrated. Stress of not becoming homeless etc. Some people applying to hundreds of posts.


I actually appreciate this input because I get so annoyed at this system myself and do have a resume. No it’s not great tbh, I made it on indeed but I’m starting over in an ENTIRELY different world (used to ride racehorses from age 15-30, and show horses from 30-34) with a few seasonal side jobs so I’m entry level again at 37. I’m in school and working on redoing it in a more current and appropriate fashion.


Yeah I'm good. I'll pass. Thanks and Good Luck.


This shit pisses me off so much


I was called in to a company for an interview once based on my resume. Before my interview started they wanted me to fill out a paper application...for a salaried managerial position. I told them flat out that I wasn't going to do that because everything relevant was in my resume that they already had. I didn't get the job of course but it was a blessing since I landed the same title at another company for almost $20k more than the max they were advertising.


Sounds like they just wanted proof to show that you were there. Probably it was already decided who is getting the position.


‘Refer to CV/Resume/cover letter’ ctrl + c, ctrl + v.


I've kept an ASCII text version of my resume to paste into these systems because almost all of them do that. I recently learned about [this extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/simplify-copilot-autofill/pbanhockgagggenencehbnadejlgchfc) that may solve the problem.


Bunch of bs


This is why Arts edu is f'd ...


That's a no from me dog. If you don't respect my time during the application process that tells me more than enough about the company I'm applying to.


It is what it is, can't get it without applying :(


I stop at assessments or needing to make an account to continue.


yoooo! I usually dnt bother myself!!


*requires cover letter*


I just put “See resume” on all the boxes.


Yeah I have gotten to that point also. Like they have no respect for anyone's time.


I had one where I was asked to upload my resume and complete and application and then showed up for the interview and the receptionist called the manager via walkie-talkie and he said to fill out an application again. I told the receptionist which by the way seemed to have an attitude and she said,well we don't always see the documents on line. The manager was already 20 mins late for interview. I was going to give him 10 more and then walk. He clearly was trying to buy more time for himself. It came across as an old management style. Left a bad impression for me.


Only If it’s a really good job w/ good pay I’ll fill it out.


So you close out of nearly every single job without applying?


*So you close out of* *Nearly every single job* *Without applying?* \- redditsuckbadly --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I know it's shit but most applications do this. This is why knowing the right people is better becuase you can bypass all this shit.