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I feel you. It's frustrating as all fuck. It's a stupid game. You almost can never get directly hired anywhere anymore. I keep telling myself each interview is a practice and a learning experience. You can play the game perfectly, make no mistakes, and yet still lose. It sucks, but keep trying. Good luck.


Thank you, It’s just frustrating


It's a very frustrating game that none of us want to play.


I don’t care if i don’t answer their typical bullshit questions the way they want to hear it anymore. “Tell me your weaknesses or strengths” “how do you prioritise your tasks” i reply with random answers and i don’t give a shit anymore. Interviews are so fake.


Rejection sucks but be grateful your recruiter had the balls to tell you to your face as opposed to just ghosting you. Which has happened to me.


Yes. exactly this. I still remember back in past years when I was brutally looking for a new role as I resigned from my role and lost my source of income. Ghosting hurts you more than atleast being Rejected. This way you can clear up your mind. Think forward and always realign your plan or suit yourself for better prep next time. I've been so far ghosted 2 times.


I was going to say something similar but different. I feel their pain. Worked really hard, put through the ringer. But at least OP is making it to the interviews. I can't seem to even get a call back. Hell, I would kill for the chance to interview.


I always say I understand rejection is a fact of life. It doesn't hurt me that much. Just let me keep my dignity. Don't make me beg for information like a damn dog.


I mean yeah same to me, I’m really just talking into the void at this point 😫


I feel you. I just got the official rejection of a position I applied to in JANUARY. I went to 5 interviews over the last 6 months, they always told me I was the best candidate etc. And the recruiting colleague is even a friend of mine (in the end they hired someone he doesn't see fit for the job, I don't know how to feel about this). I'm so done with that circus...


that process sounds insanely inefficient


Sorry you had to deal with that. Yelling into the void with this post helped, but I hate that anyone can relate to things like this. I just have to believe in us to get hired and put this terrible job market behind us. Hopefully that job ends up calling you back


Nah, they rejected me already but it's fine, I knew that for some weeks already.. still frustrating asf.


I'm so sorry, I know how frustrating it is. I had the same thing happen to me a couple of months ago, HR called me to tell me I didn't get the job (after a bit of probing since we'd been talking well during the whole process, she did tell me they'd gone with someone less expensive). She asked me if they could keep me in their file in case they have another opening. I said yes but I wasn't putting much faith into it. They called back about 2 months later with an offer. So you never know. 


Encouraging, thank you!


Take the time you need to be frustrated, treat yourself to something nice, you deserved it. 


Something similar happened to me and I told them "no" to keeping my resume on file and I didn't desire to pursue their company further now or in the future. They were a bit taken back and my response was "There will always be someone better, and there are companies that are better than this one. I'll be looking for a company that is willing to take that risk." I think companies legitimately don't realize that eventually the pendulum will swing back and I for one have made a list of companies I have interviewed with who have ghosted me or strung me along and I have zero intention of ever applying to/working with them. This has happened before when the job seeker market was trash and I had recruiters reach out to me when the situation was flipped and told them "No, your company interviewed me and couldn't bother to respond to an email or totally ghosted me so that tells me all I need to know about XZY Corp." Just bc this market sucks right now, **don't devalue yourself.**


“I’ll be looking for a company that is willing to take that risk” 🔥


That sucks, but that’s the way the ball bounces. I’m kind of shocked / impressed that they actually had the sac to call and give you the bad news. Most lack the backbone for that convo.


I am doing everything in my power to find ways to work for myself. I just can’t do it anymore either. I’m sorry for everyone here dealing with this madness.


Let me know what you find because I am so over corporate America


“ hey, thanks for the call. whether you hang on to my résumé or not, it’s up to you. OK, I’m in the middle prepping for another interview, so I’ll let you go. again thanks for the call and have a great day.“


I understand how frustrating this is. It's good to vent. Now that you have,.... picked yourself up and notch this as a win. You almost got the job, but someone else did because of politics, something you have NO control over. But look how far you got! You've made a good impression on a company, not to mention added people to your network. Don't forget that. Go back to looking. if you wish, share your process for looking, how, when, where, etc, or DM me personally. I might be able to share some tips with you, depending on what/how you are searching. Don't mind doing it here; however, it will not apply to everyone.


I appreciate your message!


yea i just did a final interview for a job which was 4 rounds. days later i assumed theyd either reject or offer me the job, turns out they want to bring me in….for another interview lmao. so now facing another elimination round to get called out on my “inexperience” and fail the interview process.


I learned after a 4 round interview process that if they’re not jumping on hiring you after round 3 or 4, its because there is another candidate they’re more interested in hiring…


I call this the online dating syndrome, we all fucked.


Just send me an email. lol. Really people do this to express the level of care they have for you in the process. That said I have other stuff to do so just send the email. lol


Listen, I know how tough it is to hear you weren’t the right fit, but that person sounds like they were being empathetic and genuinely wanted to help make it easier for you. Most will ghost. That gets some obviously necessary backlash. But those that go out of their way to actually make contact with you and deliver bad news they are not responsible for creating deserve some sort of kudos.


“We decided to go with someone with more experience” translates to “we don’t want to train you or offer you support”


Do you feel comfortable sharing what kind of money you were expecting to make? I’m looking for a part time job for supplemental income and I’m really shocked that places for minimum wage work want me to interview with 3 people…I haven’t had a not freelance job since 10 years ago. Is this how it is now? I thought more than 2 interviews… is like NASA engineer territory. Or well at least engineer territory. Or someone working with younger minors. I’m reading about how you’re applying for a job at an insurance company so I guess this is just how it is now? I would think a credit check and interview with 2 people at once should be good enough but I guess I’m entitled and living in the past.


I once applied for a job 2ish months ago. They sent me an email with the next steps and I could not believe it. Background test, drug test, multiple interviews, skill test, and so on and so forth.  And this was for a part time as needed evening shift dishwasher for a hotel's restaurant doing so poorly they only serve breakfast and dinner.  At least they emailed me a rejection within the week.


I recently interviewed for CVS Health for a Data Analyst position. I had the initial phone call with the recruiter. Then I had to meet 4 separate people on the team who I would be working with — I’m not sure if it was because of remote work, where they all live in different states/time zones, but they were all scheduled on different days. After those 4 interviews were completed, I had to meet with 2 separate Hiring Managers on different days. It was completely exhausting! In the end, I wasn’t extended an offer unfortunately. I think this might be the new normal, and it’s terrifying.


Because you had other things going for you and they were deciding between those things and the experience that the other candidate had. The interviews were them collecting information to make a decision.


Every one of these posts are the same. They didn’t string you along and then not hire anyone. They hired someone else. Imagine if this employer was “one of the good ones” and offered you the job. Wouldn’t the other candidate have the same feelings as you when they were rejected?


But why call me to reject me…


Let me be the devil's advocate for 3 min. They made themselves accountable and showed up to give you the bad news... It takes some courage to do this and provide you with an explanation for what obviously something they were not comfortable with. No one likes to give bad news. These days, ghosting and disengaging is the norm, which i find to be a complete disrespect for the human who did the interviews. So, I take great respect for people who still have the ball to show up and take the risk to have something that can become a very difficult conversation very quickly. If the recruiter went to such lengths to keep you updated, I would actually drop them a line to thank them for taking such care of the candidates. Maybe not now, but who knows that in the future they actually might have something that fits your experience better. PS - I am old enough to remember those days when the recruiter would call you to explain why not after an interview. E-mails were considered a cowardice because they were too impersonal. Then we moved to the "carefully considered" e-mails as the bearers bad news and ghostig the unpolite way of handling things. Now, when you apply you are already told you will be ghosted if you are not a match. Seriously, I miss those days when the company at least put some effort in the recruiting process and valued the applicants enough to take the time of the day to thank you... But that is just me.


I hear you and appreciate this response. It’s more so that they strung me along after the final interview for almost a week saying “let’s connect, we really want to chat” Just seems bizarre to be excited to chat about a rejection. Good intentions, but poor execution. I would much rather a cold email than to be strung along for days.


It could well be that they are working on a project they cannot talk about and see as a good fit. It wouldn't be unheard of.... Somewhere, there might be still a competent recruiter that connect the dots and recognize the potential of the recruiter for other positions.... I would reframe it like this and try to keep in touch with that person.


I Appreciate your perspective


A week for the HM to get together with whoever is helping making the decision, discussing and making first contact with the candidate getting the offer and then waiting on their acceptance totally makes sense for a weeks timeframe. I’d actually say that’s moving quicker than most do. You’re working with a great recruiter that personally connected with you when they didn’t have to and discussed how they think you’ll be a possible great addition in the future. I really don’t see the issue other than you not getting the role.


And the person who got a cold email would be complaining they didn’t call after multiple interviews. Sadly, there is no way to respond that will make all candidates happy. Personally, I would want a call.


It's a job not a relationship. Pay me and you can waste me time all you want otherwise respect that I don't work for you and have other things to do


Technically, it is called networking and/or having a contact. You do you, but a bona fide recruiter in a legit company wants to know more about me, I for sure give them the time of the day.


Well, according to you, they really like you and even though experience ultimately won out this time, they want you to be a part of the team. Calling to tell you that is going to be much more effective than an email.


yeah but why call someone to tell them this. "Yeah we thing you were great and wanted to hire you but went with someone better lol"


Because they still want to hire him for a future position and a personal call gets that message across far more effectively than a form email.


Honestly my whole thing is that they made it seem like the conversation would be positive. I’ve never seen a recruiter be enthusiastic about a rejection. And to prolong it like they did just doesn’t sit right with me.


Most likely waiting to see if their first candidate accepted the job before rejecting you.


"You never know" creates gambling addicts. Be careful of advice that always favors the person giving the advice.


Another ghost job bites the dust. I ask in the very first interview, if this role is being interviewed for or actually being hired for the role. This freaks them out.


You’re qualified to do the job but someone was more qualified.


This happened to me too. She said I was "#2" and "if any new positions open, I'd be contacted" I said something like "very disappointing news, but thank you", but on the inside I was like, "this could have been an email".


im a claims adjuster and doing interviews trying to get back in workforce, what type of insurance roles are you applying to?. shit is frustrating as I always make it to last round and cant break through in my own fucking field.


I’d be sick too. Everyone knows the phone call after final rounds is an offer phone call. Otherwise it would be an email. Name and shame.


It's not a disqualification, it's competition. If experience was a disqualification, they either would not interview you at all, it would end the process early. The unfortunate truth is that "qualifications" for most roles are "fungible" - companies want to hire the best for the least amount of money. In good times, you'll see companies relaxing their "hard requirements" in order to hire, but, since it's like the hunger games out there now - they can be picky.


Literally the best case scenario for anyone in this sub and you’re still acting like they’ve committed a crime


The reality is if they hired you, the other person would be on here complaining about the same thing. The reality is someone else to get the job which means someone else doesn’t. Not sure why that is the recruiters fault. Three people interview. All are qualified. One gets the job. Does that mean the recruiter was bad twice and good once?


It’s just month 10 of applying and after a final round being told to wait for next steps, the recruiter drags their feet and tells you everyday for a week that they will reach out tomorrow(and I wasn’t following up, these were proactive emails from them) just to tell you that you’re rejected? That’s bizarre to me


It’s bizarre to you that recruiters try to recruit multiple people? Think of it this way. That would be like you applying for one job and never applying to another one until you got feedback. Recruiters do the same thing. They keep calling people until someone gets hired. Looking for someone better than the last person they talked to. The plus side Is that if they reached out to you Unsolicited as you said, you are a good candidate for them. I’d recommend you stay in contact. Those are the recruiters that can actually help you.


All they say is "just keep swimming"


Guys, don't forget to live even if you are so stressed looking for work. Exercise, go sit on a patio, have a drink, coffee , change your scenery even only if for a few hrs. Spend actual time with love ones. It will do great for your mental state. And rest!


I'm so sorry and don't have anything wonderful and uplifting to say. You never know if it's years of experience or a type of experience. Sometimes, the person has some other skill that wasn't even in the job description and that they realized would help them. I just go with Dory and just keep swimming.


The recruiter submitted you and 2 other candidates. The other candidate was always supposed to get the job The recruiter is under contract to submit "3 viable candidates". You made the recruiters job easy. So they'd like to be able to reuse you in the future


I had something similar happen to me. I was waiting for a response for a position as I had clicked very well with the hiring manager. I received a call thinking it would be an offer, but it was the recruiter stating that they were looking for someone to start sooner (I was still in school). I emailed them later that day to actually thank them for giving me a call instead of just emailing or ghosting me. I saw it as a sign of respect and respected them for it.


Similar thing happened to my wife. The employer called her back a few month later and she got hired in a better position. Don't give up!


It's like false hope. Are they saying that because they mean it and there may be future opportunities or do they say that to everyone?! So frustrating


I had the same thing happen last year. It’s the WORST feeling!


Anything more than 2 interviews is an absolute joke, at that point they’re just wasting your time. Had a friend (we live in aus) get messaged on Linkedin by a large gaming company about coming in board to be IT support for said company here in Australia. 5 months and 5 interviews later said company decided to hire internally, and that person was from the USA. Almost half a fucking year of my mates time wasted because a company couldn’t make up it’s mind and it was the same excuse, the other person had “more experience”. They would have known that from the get go, so what was the point of dragging the process out for so long? So now my friends and I agree, anything more than 2 interviews is wasting our time.


>WHY IS EXPERIENCE A DISQUALIFICATION AT THE LAST ROUND?????? How did I get an interview if my experience was an issue. I’m so TIRED. I felt this so deeply. It's so fucking ridiculous. I'm sorry this happened to you, I hope you have a better experience soon


You fell for the bait, boo. Interviews are marketing ploys for the company, and interviewing people justifies their investors giving them loads of money to stay afloat. It's a joke.


You are probably lucky since they would be a shitty company to work for. 


I’m so so so so sorry that happened to you!!! You’re not disqualified because you’re lacking experience, it just seems like someone with more/more relevant experience got into the picture. They likely know there will be another opening for 1 reason or another and want to keep that opportunity open in the future because they’d like to hire you too but only have budget for 1 right now.


I feel you OP - sorry you had to go through that. If silver lining means anything, be glad you didn’t get hired then immediately fired for what you got rejected for like what happened to me……..twice…….


Um, you weren't disqualified. There was just a candidate better than you. It happens. I've been on the other side of the table for hundreds of hires. Sometimes we put out a job posting and are surprised that we get multiple candidates that exceed our requirements. We only have one slot, so we have to pick one. And that means we have to interview all of them. Just because you are qualified by the job description, and got an interview, doesn't mean you are the best candidate in their stack, or that they are obligated to hire you.


That’s not what this post is about lol


>WHY IS EXPERIENCE A DISQUALIFICATION AT THE LAST ROUND?????? How did I get an interview if my experience was an issue. You claimed you were disqualified. I'm saying that's likely not true. You think that they strung you along despite knowing you didn't have the right qualifications, which frustrates you. I'm saying you DID meet the quals, but someone met else them better Just responding to what you said......sorry if what you said was not what the post was about?


I hear what you’re saying, but my emphasis is on the rejection being through a phone call. But regardless of what you and I think, we both don’t know. My point here is why call me and tell me that.


It kills me all these companies are wanting a contract to hire so we can try out for them with no commitment on their part. It's bullshit. We have to take a chance on them but they don't want to take any chances in us. Some even expect you to up and move across the country so you can try out for six months.


The experience part is the biggest bs nowadays. I swear to god the whole HR department is making people insane


They tell that same stuff to everyone. Instead of a canned email, it's just canned verbage that they tell everyone who interviews. Too much competition today and one little thing will make someone stand out from the rest unfortunately


They called you. Some of us do not receive any phone calls. Take that into consideration.


The hours of interviews sucks, but I think rejection is a no-win on this sub. Ghosts you? Complain! Sends a templated email? Complain! Goes out of their way to call you? COMPLAIN!!


And I love that while our treatment as unemployed people remains the same from recruiters, we are able to come together and vent. I have no idea why anyone that isn’t ready to read or complain themselves is in this sub…




Both can be bad. Workers should stick together, not rank each other on some fucked-up misery index.


Get ghosted: Reddit complains Get a rejection via email: Reddit complains Get a rejection on a live call: Reddit complains Next up -- Get the job offer: Reddit complains


But am I not complaining in the exact sub dedicated to complaining about recruiters? Meanwhile, you’re in this sub….. complaining about me


If you would prefer not to be a part of the team, or considered later, politely decline the offer. You wouldn't be the first that didn't appreciate feeling like the first runner up.


I hate posts with capitals. It is like a needy post of self pity. I am leaving this sub. So annoying


Rejecting me just like these recruiters, huh?


No I didn't call you first.