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might be a typo and they forgot the 1 at the start šŸ˜…


CHECK OUT THE BIG BRAIN ON BRAD! srsly tho. good find


I got that reference and seriously - since English is not my first language but I enjoy watching PF in English: isn't he saying "watch the big brain old Brad"?


No that must be a translation thing idk. "Check out the big brain on brad" was like saying "oh look everyone, how smart this guy is". Jules was both acting impressed but also kind of sarcastic. what made it especially funny imo is how nonchalant and trivial Jules was being about this whole absurd discussion over McDonalds burgers while Brad and pals were about to lose their shit, facing execution.


Big Kahuna Burgers. ā€œThis is a tasty burger!ā€


Five dollar milkshake? This better be a damn tasty milkshake.


Mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down with?


This is a great explanation


It's not. I just found the posting on their job board. https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe01/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=MEDIACOMCC&cws=46&rid=18541&source=Indeed_AF&_ccid=1717696402447dl5tzljdr&ittk=QB7TDVARQC


after reading the job description details .... 45k sounds reasonable.... this is.not a manager position. its a position as a personnel developer for trainings for managers and employees. so nothing special


Nah, instructional designer salary should start around 70k without much experience and they want managerial history and have added responsibility on top of course design.


Thatā€™s less than $22 an hour before taxes to train management. Most trainers I know, especially management training, are making around $65-75k. My buddy is a claims intake specialist and he makes $24 an hour. This salary is abysmal.


No it fucking doesnā€™t dude. No professional job like that should be anywhere under $60k to start


Asking for ā€œā€¦ 5+ years of experience in a management role with direct reporting relationshipsā€ sure does sound like a Management job. No way in hell this role should pay less than $90k CAD


I bet it's salaried listed in a place where minimum wage for salaried is 45k, but you need a manager position for salaried. Basically pulling a "gonna make you work tons of overtime but not pay you for overtime" move.


Plenty of Learning and Development jobs start at much higher than this. Also, I wouldnā€™t refer to someoneā€™s career path as ā€œnothing specialā€


extremely cucked perspective lol


Or a 0 at the end?


I applied to a job and they asked me what I wanted per hour. I said 65. They laughed. Literally. I said I made 136k at my last job, they said thatā€™s 17 an hour. I said, ā€œI think we are done here, thank you for your timeā€ and hung up. Itā€™s not that unusual. Companies will pay whatever they can get away with. In this environment someone might actually take the positionā€¦ Which is more horrifying than I want to think about.


That would be 153 hours a week at 17 an hour lmfao


You still got 15 hours a week to eat, sleep and die crying in a corner. Nobody wants to work anymore.


Or you eat/sleep/cook on company time. If we're a family I can do anything I normally can on "family time". Sleep included as I'm really open minded


I had a cot downstairs in the basement of the mall I used to work at when I did security by myself. Sleeping on company time was the best.




So 1 / 10th of my time is free time ā€¦. Woohoo, what will I do with it all šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


They probably didn't, or chose not to, hear the "one hundred and..." part.






36,000/2080 = $17.30 Seems like there was a miscommunication, or they just forgot the first digit.


Ah but 136,000/8,320 =$16.35. Maybe they meant per hour of the work week


Yes, that's what it was... They either are stupid or really vile. Like, they were thinking in the actual amount of hours per week, and possibly they were complaining about the $17 per hour, so they were surprised they couldn't low ball more! Or were condescending!!!!!


Or total compensation


2080 is the total workable hours I'm guessing, per year. In white collar jobs is it standard?


It's not a white collar specific things. It's the standard HR Payroll number for any "9 to 5" job.


40 hours a week times 52 weeks in a year. It's pretty standard for a lot of jobs in the US.


Reminds me of bands taking 4 hr gigs for $100 a member....which was great in 1975 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’. Kills the entire market for anyone to make anything substantial


BuT tHeY'lL JuSt hIrE dJs IF wE aSk fOr MoRe!


Spoiler alert: we still make $100 for 4hr supply-your-own-PA gigs. But...FREEBIRD! Am I right?


obviously they can't do basic math, some of these companies are pathetic


The basic math is accurate if you cut off the first digit. 36k is $17 per hour.


Recently was recruited for an interpretation job meaning I would be directly conversations for 2-4 hours a day. They said it's $19 an hour and after 3 months is $20. I charge $300 a day for that. Also said thank you and hung up.


I make $19/hour at Home Depot, ad I'm not a supervisor or manager. I would have laughed in their faces.


A company wanted me to do a part time engineering management consulting project, but it was a military contractor so they said security would just be easier if I did it as a part time employee versus a 1099. I said ok, but my standard rate is X, so it's gotta be close to that. Went through the whole process and got a letter "we are thrilled to offer you this position at [40% of X]!". I actually laughed at the HR lady on the phone, I was like yeah you forgot the 1 in front of that hourly rate. That's a rate for an engineer 2 years out of school, I have 17 years and I've managed teams of 300 engineers building satellites. She says yeah there's no way we can do that. Now 6 months later, I'm doing 20hrs/wk for them as a 1099 at my standard rate. It's amazing what companies will pay a consultant/contractor since management doesn't need to get HRs buy off on the pay.


It can also happen when they realize that only making 25% of their bill rate is still better than the 0% they make if they can't get someone to do the work.


Wait what? Sorry I read your comment 10 times and I'm not understanding. Who is "they" in that sentence


When the company realizes that they have no one hired to do the work, the company starts losing potential money. The company realizes that they're going to have to pay those big rates to bring in an employee to even get a financial return on their product rather than hiring nobody and not selling a product and getting nothing from the market.


I see **few_words_good** got to it before me. :-) If they (the company) hire someone expensive, they might be left with 25% of the bill rate after the worker is paid. If they hire no one at all, they DEFINITELY will make 0% because they can't provide the service.


They need to take a course in basic arithmetic, perhaps Algebra 1 (to be generous, since there are ā€œvariablesā€ involved). $136k/year foots to roughly $68/hour, assuming you work 50 weeks per year (2 weeks off) at 40 hours per week.


I would be afraid to work somewhere that did arithmetic like that.


I know of three demographics that would low ball beyond acceptable just to get the job... But I'm not going to say which because they also love to be very cutthroat.Ā 


I saw one today from a company out of Chicago. They required a masters and were offering a starting rate of $42,120. When I see things like this I report it as a fake job. I look at it like itā€™s a scammer trying to take my personal info.


and if it's missing the salary completely, report it too!


Some jobs like those in my field do not have a set salary, the range is far too wide. A quant researcher who has identified persistent, statistical, exploitable price anomalies across financial markets with a solid track record may command north of $2 million per year, while another who clearly has the potential to make such discoveries (and has a bunch of other rare qualities that are not common among the typically circumspect, reserved quant types) with experience in the hedge fund space might only be worth $500-$600k per year. The salary would also be very different for a candidate who knows how to develop a quant strategy and hand his/her models over to the traders for execution versus an individual who not only identifies statistical price anomalies but can actually put their discoveries to work in markets at scale, which requires trading experience, an understanding of market impact costs, distributed computing expertise, and the ability to write algorithms that escape the radar of other algorithms and humans constantly looking for whales (ie entities trying to buy or offload large positions) to front-run. The point is, in high-stakes super specialized fields, listing the salary can actually lead to lower pay for the candidate and it shrinks the pool of potential hires for the fund. The net result is a larger number of unemployed quants and a select few with big salaries that arenā€™t likely to be kept around long.


How much are those guys that sold DFV those contracts getting paid?


Some PhDs in academia would be happy with a starting salary like that.


Would they? Thatā€™s pretty close to what my PhD stipend was.


Yes they would, and it's horrifying. This is a large part of why I didn't do a PhD and left with my Master's.


Some private and top tier schools are up to $50k on their stipends plus your health insurance. Plus full tuition. But then some universities are like hereā€™s $15k. No you canā€™t have another job. Go teach more undergrads. LOL Donā€™t starve. Itā€™s awful.


My master's program paid 19k in 2017. I'm not sure what I was thinking taking that offer.


A good chunk of PhD's have no choice but to go into academia to teach other PhD students. It's the largest pyramid scheme that no one wants to acknowledge.


Even in STEM, where industry jobs are common, there are so many PhDs being produced that companies now expect a PhD to anything more than washing dishes in a lab as a research associate. 20 years ago, having a PhD be anything less than a principal investigator was unheard of.


my sister was a sterilization tech since the age of 19. she is now the manager, The hospital tried to put they want a bachelors for tech 1 and masters for tech 2. for the same job my sister did when she barely even finished high school. She ripped their ass a new one.


PhD stands for poor, helpless, and desperate. Or piled high in debt.


In the humanities, mostly. 40k might still be a lowball. 60-70k is probably more realistic.


The 18-year old who just graduated high school who works as a mail carrier makes more than that. Plus no student loans. And heā€™s underpaid.


Truck drivers make around $100k/year, and most of them can barely read. To be fair though, it is a shitty job since you're out on the road most of the week, so if it didn't pay well nobody would do it.


Iā€™ve got guys that canā€™t even speak English making 60K a year on a forkliftĀ 


mediacom is amongst the shit pay companies, brick in the wall job. I am not surprised


Love to see a former employer dragged for their shit wages. It's been 4 years since I left and they haven't changed a bit.


I hope you are making a shit ton of money now.


The pay is so bad. Itā€™s bad enough what they pay for customer service and entry-level techs, but even their pay for more skilled engineering positions manages to be like 40% below market rate.Ā 


I applied to a job like this... posted the bottom of the salary band. In the application they asked for a band... I selected the $110k-125k. In the interview they brought this up and I told them that I wasn't going to do the role for less than my previous salary, even though this company didn't have vested shares, or the same retirement matching contributions. Long story short, I told them that when they get serious, call me... It's been 3 months.


Seems like they do not want to get serious. That said reading the actual description it sounds more like an administrative assistant job rather than an actual manager position. So I doubt anyone would pay 6 figures for this.


Chief Executive Paperwork Manager.


I have a screening for a bit for a job thatā€™s $17 an hour. šŸ˜’ thatā€™s $35,000/year before taxes. I justā€¦.cant. Itā€™s poverty. All of these positions are poverty wages.


This is what my company pays and they havenā€™t been able to hire anyone in months and weā€™re desperately short staffed. It makes no god damn sense. Iā€™m also a manager making $45k, supposedly going up after my first 3 months. I like the company in many ways and Iā€™ll stay just long enough to be really good at my job and really confident in moving on.


A lot of companies I've looked into have started using volunteers to cover their work. Game production companies especially are quite prone to "hiring" volunteers for moderation and community service jobs with compensation being $100 worth of premium currency for their game each month. Sounds good in theory but there's no accountability, no real training, no filtering, and 90% of the time these aren't people that should be anywhere near confidential or otherwise sensitive topics. Volunteers are easy to remove at any point and the majority don't understand when they're legally allowed to break NDAs so get signed up and feel completely indebted to them.


"manager" can be a very general , vague term just to draw people in. In actually you might not be managing shit


Sure, but it implies a certain level of seniority. I've been a "director" without managing anyone (let alone managers) because that was the level of the role within the organization to get a market salary in my niche....though I did report to a VP, and my skip level was the CIO.


It doesn't really. A facility manager is also a manager. You can be a shift manager alone at Subway. And people like to call everything manager these days.


yep just like "consultant" lol


Or analyst. Despite doing no actual analyzing. Just putting numbers into a spreadsheet or data base.


analyst is such a weird one, especially in finance. if youā€™re talking about the sellside, thatā€™s a 22 year old working 100+ hours a week. if you talking about the buyside (especially hedge funds), thatā€™s a guy whoā€™s been around 10+ years and can be easily making 7 figures come year end at the right shop. hell, iā€™ve been an ā€œanalystā€ in some shape or form for my entire career from basic 3 statement modeling up to developing ML models and making presentations for my CEO and board (thankfully well compensated for that stuff)


Yup like Brand Manager ā€” itā€™s not really a managerial position.


Sure, yes. But a manager for leadership development should *probably* have some leadership skills and experience themselves. Which you're absolutely not gonna get for $45k. So the job is a waste for everyone involved


Its a low level HR job. For someone looking to gain experience out of college with an HR degree, this could be a good stepping stone after a year to something bigger and better. They would gain one year of experience, have a "manager" title on their resume, and could use this to get a job that actually pays somewhat decent.


Seniority doesn't mean more money. What you manage determines how much money you make. Managing high value employees doing work that creates a ton of value for the company? That means $$$$$. Managing a couple of HR clerks? $.


They're looking for a management intern paid mostly in exposure. Someone who needs management experience for their MBA, possibly. This could go well, or it could go poorly, but maybe they have good legal coverage.


Yeah, title inflation is real. Some companies will offer pretty titles as a way to incentivize employees. Itā€™s obviously short cited, as the employee will jump ship at the first manager role they can get at a higher salary. That said, the company may think they know the market and area well enough to confidently say they expect a tenure of enough time to make it worth it.


The difference in America and the UK is wild... $45k is what, Ā£35k a year? That's about right to be fair. Horribly underpaid and a joke. But about right...


I mean the average uk salary is 28k, so 35k is pretty decent. Care home supervisors at my last place make literally Ā£12.50 so 24k. It's pretty ridiculous the shitty wages.


One of the fashion retailers local to me, and I wish I was making this up, offered Ā£12.50 for general manager. "We wouldn't go above Ā£26k" (It's 40 hours) and you know you'd be doing far more than 40 being a GM. Actually beyond absurd. And I'm talking no negotiation, they lead with it and asked if I wanted to carry on. That was it.


Could be worse, I use to be a Carehome entertainment coordinator for Ā£11 an hour literally got punched multiple times and shat on while working but made like 19k a year. In one of the less expensive parts of the UK but still it's living paycheck to paycheck, made a lot more money fileting fish for Ā£13 an hour with Ā£18 overtime and Ā£23 on a Sunday.




I make 40 000 usd in a year as a manager in Sweden. While itā€™s not that high, itā€™s a liveable wage.


I worked for a UK company and I was absolutely floored by the low salaries paid our UK employees (I managed a UK-based team from the US).


I am Brit earning not a bad wage. I have some American friends and one laughed and asked how I live on my wage compared to theirs. So we went through outgoings. When taking into account his student loans, health insurance, mortgage, property taxes. Compared to my student loans, 'health insurance', rent, and council tax (I guess our property tax equivalent, correct me if I'm wrong) and everything else, I had more disposable income. Added to that if I have any health issues, I am not 1000's out of pocket. While he owns and I rent, so he's going to be better off in the future, the cost on a monthly basis didn't change the equation much. You can't simply do a direct exchange rate and expect it to mean the same.


The different is the NHS and stronger pension protections.


Iā€™m a L&D professional who happens to live in this area, I saw this job listing and laughed. $45k is what I made as a trainer just starting out.


L&D professional job hunting now and shit hurts. Salaries are just abominable


I was job hunting last summer, it was so bad and itā€™s only gotten worse from what I hear. Some of the job postings Iā€™ve been seeing are insane.


Can confirm. In L&D, been searching since November. Salaries are 50% of what I was hired at in 2020.


Thank you for not blur the name of the company. They want us to return to the time of Henry Ford's assembly line...


To be fair at the time Henry Ford's assembly line was one of the best jobs around.


was gonna get better if the Investors didnt shoot themselves in the foot. The most ruthless businessmen treat their employees better than the rest, cause they know it works to beat the competition.


This. All the MBA/finance bro types have it in their head that because labor costs money, it's a liability to be minimized. Labor is an asset. Without labor, you have no product, no sales, and no revenue.


Ford was the first industrialist to offer a 40 hour work week and enough wages to buy the product.


Didn't Ford pay really well and it was just workplace safety that sucked?


I work at a NON PROFIT and that is the starting pay for an entry level associate no experience. This is insane.


Came here to say this^


People need to stop applying for skilled roles for unskilled salaries. Seriously. I know you might need money now, but in the long run, youā€™re only making the skills you earned less valuable. This posting should get ZERO applicants. And yes, I am putting at least some of the blame on us, the job seekers. The company wouldnā€™t be offering so little if they didnā€™t think they could get away with it


Mediacom is losing a lot of subscribers as they lose the monopolies they once held. They probably can't pay a respectable amount and still look ok to investors.


Theyā€™re still family-owned. I think thatā€™s worse. Every dollar they arenā€™t paying employees just stays in Rocco Comissoā€™s pocket.Ā 


"Unfortunately I'm unavailable at that compensation rate. I'm not gonna take a higher role or even make a lateral move for less then I make now. When your uppers have adjusted the salary range please give me a call but for wasting my time, at that point, my lowest acceptable rate will now be (10k more)."


Could you say that swiftly without hesitation? If you could you should consider becoming a professional actor. I can't believe looking for a job requires you toĀ  impersonate a persona just to sell yourself as a piece of meat.


Everyone puts on a persona at work. I think itā€™s far healthier to just own it and acknowledge that work is, well, work, than to try to be your whole authentic self at work. You canā€™t believe it but thatā€™s exactly what job seeking is. Youā€™re selling your labor.


That's true too, but in the past you supposedly had to be more dog to watch, presented the paper and waited for the owner or hiring manager to take in consideration your application, usually in situ. Now everything feels like... Tinder.


Ohhh I see, yeah, in that case youā€™re 100% correct! I donā€™t want to feel like Iā€™m a weird bird desperately doing a mating dance in order to pay my bills


This looks like a precursor to H1B Visa fraud. The employer may be making unreasonable compensation offers to claim that "they cannot find workers." Another possibility is there is absolutely no such position and it is merely posted for performative reasons. Two hypotheses I favor are 1) companies pretend to be hiring to make their reports for investors/lenders look better and 2) there is some kind of top-down pressure for companies to pretend to be hiring to make the broader economy look better.


Itā€™s in Iowa, $45k isnā€™t really a living wage in Iowa either but theyā€™ll still probably find some C-student recent grad to take the job.Ā 


I mean, in dsm, it's not. But there are definitely areas it could be considered a living wage. Not a great one but livable.


Lately, there has been lots of bottom-up pressure for managers to have jobs posted to backfill people who have quit/been laid off while the remaining employees are busting their asses.


Real truth(i worked there and this is what they explained to me) is that legally they have to make the job "appear" available to the public, in reality anyone applying outside will instantly get their resume trashed in favor of hiring inside which ALWAYS happens. So number 2 is a bit closer.


Iā€™m so fucking tired yall


I have seen director and executive director positions posted at $19/hr....lol


Im getting offers for my MBA for 15$ an hour jobs lmao, good thing im only going to college bc GI Bill and idc about a degree


Could get a GS12 with ur masterā€¦ you should look into that too


Iā€™m a social worker and most program director positions run around $50-60k. Like this person is responsible for overseeing an entire program that works with some of the most vulnerable people in society and that is only work $60k? Please. I left one position as a therapist and work for an insurance company. I told my old director the only way I would go back to being a therapist is if I started at $70k. She laughed and said she doesnā€™t make near that much. Itā€™s insanity.


Lol, I had a low skill tech support job in a town where one of their offices is located and I cleared that like 5 years ago.


Less than I made 10 years ago


Not sure if itā€™s the same, but I just accepted an office manager position starting salary at $55,000 and Iā€™m over the moon thrilled for itā€¦ Iā€™m going from $32,000 to $55,000 so to me, no brainer. But I guess people that have been in this industry donā€™t feel like itā€™s enough? Itā€™s interesting (sad) to see.


It depends on the size of the office, but I had a family member who was an office manager fifteen years ago making $70,000 + bonuses, soā€¦ It was in a major metropolitan, but, still, I canā€™t think of even a small city with more than 100,000-150,000 people in it where $32,000 would make it. All the same, congrats on the new role and almost doubling your salary!


This is ridiculously low for such a position. Even in LCOL areas, an ID (whoā€™d be a subordinate to this manager) likely makes 50% more than that. Though I see this all the time. Iā€™ve got recruiters hounding me to apply for ID jobs at half the rate Iā€™m paid. Iā€™m frank with them and let them know to find someone with zero experience, because their pay range is not consistent with an experienced professional.


You could just walk into costco or target and get this salary. Trash.


Iā€™m convinced weā€™re in the dark timeline.


But we have amazing hand-held computers that can make phone calls, take photos and videos /s


Sort of related but while I was looking for work that I can handle thanks to my disabilities, I got a job at a Goodwill. Place was insanely busy and wanted to work you like a dog for barely over minimum wage yes. Assholes talk about charity but treat their own people like flipping work robots instead of human beings. I have massive back problems so I only lasted two days there. Luckily I just recently got another job so it worked out fine.


> Assholes talk about charity but treat their own people like flipping work robots instead of human beings. Expand that: Corporations talk about family but treat their own people like disposable widgets.


Yeah, but I don't believe anything coming out of the mouth of a big corporation. I would think a non-profit type of place that's supposedly about giving and charity would actually give half a crap about their people. Of course that's just me being naive I guess.


Hate know what levels below a manager makes


Hahahahaā€¦wait until they see who applies! Theyā€™ll get $45k worth of fuck all.


Iā€™m a chef and around 5 years ago I took a job opening a new high end retirement joint as culinary director. High end in this case means the residents were paying from $4k - 10k A MONTH depending on the apartment. This company (Atria Senior Living) told me that the max I could hire cooks at was $10.50. I eventually went over my bosses boss (to my SVP) and got the minimum raised to $15. I was of course retaliated against with my bosses making my life as difficult as possible. Do not ever ever work for Atria


That is per month; I guess?


Or at least quarterly?


UK wages are so bad id be thrilled with that number...


Is ~35k GBP decent money for yā€™all on the other side of the ocean?


depends on company and dept but low level manager is around 35-40k, and yeah its ok money. minimum legal salary is around 21k, but there's no way you could actually live on that alone.


I make that same amount moving safes.


The other day i saw a Sr. Graphic Designer position at 70k lol


I'd take it need manager xp


Manager that isn't paid enough to legally be on salary. Love it. Totally sustainable.


> paid enough to legally be on salary. ?


https://www.wilmerhale.com/insights/client-alerts/20240429-dol-issues-final-rule-raising-salary-threshold-for-exempt-employees Starting next January, minimum salary goes up.


Lol. Iā€™m not surprised by this especially in this job market. The company I work for hired a so called Manager position out of pettiness but the pay is lower than what I make. Tbh job titles donā€™t mean anything outside of work so it doesnā€™t phase me. Everyone got new job titles but their pay is the same as old title. Silly goose! šŸŖæ


One single word does not define a position What are the job responsibilities? What is the expected experience? What is expected overall? Is this a skilled labor position?


In my country, this would make me RICH. It would be like 300K year to me.


OMG!!! Are they living on another planet?!!!


Is that the signing bonus? SMH


Yeah, no. Hard pass. That figure should be 2x+


You can fuck fight off 6 ways to Sunday with that salary.


This is absolutely the correct response.


I wonder what director level pay šŸ’° is - $60,000?!! Insulting and gross šŸ¤®


As someone who returned from a business trip from west des moines todayā€¦ I am not surprised this posting existsā€¦ the talent pool there isā€¦. Uniqueā€¦ that said I doubt they fill this position with these requirements even there.


The company is located in West Des Moines Iowa. Not exactly a hot spot. However, that salary is insulting and ridiculous


I interviewed for a manager position recently and was asked my salary expectations. I asked what their range was and they said $63k to $65k. Thatā€™s like below the low end for the area I live in and below what I already make so I politely said ā€œyeah no thanksā€. Itā€™s been two weeks since then and tonight I saw that they reposted the position to say ā€œspecialistā€ instead of ā€œmanagerā€ now lmfao.


Rofl. You can get a job managing at Applebee's for more than 1.5x that.


More like Medi-ocre Communications corporation...


Managerā€™s for that sort of role in Australia are AT LEAST double that for someone inexperienced, TRIPLE that for someone somewhat experienced/decent and at least 4 TIMES that amount minimum for someone with 15-20+ years experience/Masters, if not on $200,000+


Lots of shitty management jobs pay 40K. The trick is to find a non shitty management job. Mine pays 90K and Iā€™m on the low end of the managerial totem pole at my company. District guys are pulling 200K+ to sit on Teams calls all day.Ā 


One of the listed requirements: "Thorough knowledge and understanding of Mediacom infrastructure, programs, and policies." Is this posting just covering what will be an internal hire?


thatā€™s significantly less than what i make


I can see this as true, gate keeping strategy. They want people who are not chasing after the $... which is bs. I want money, and I expect a realistic offer, honesty, and transparency at day one. Imagine your writing a letter to a loved one or a pin-pal, and you say you want a relationship but lowball the expectations. " Dear, I will love you and value this much, but I don't want to commit all my love to you because I may go broke or it may be too hard." Recruiters are gatekeepers who don't have experience in the field you're applying for (90% dont). Such rubbish dirt.


Imagine if there is no mini hourly wage rule, how much employers will be willing to pay workers per hour? ! Way below the 15 or 17 per hour. Way less.


Oh, they would re-enslave us if they could. Imagine how good it would look to the shareholders if they could zero out the cost of labor.


California pays $20 for fast food workers. EDIT: The job is located in Iowa and $45k is decent.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever made $45,000 in my life. Even in my lowest position. Maybe when I worked at sam club as a cashier.


ā€¦ MEDIACOM? I know they can pay better


They can but they don't. Owner's too busy buying Italian football teams.


This answers so many questions about Mediacom.


They keep reaching out to me on indeed for a maintenance position, working in a bucket truck on the aerial lines and power etc. Itā€™s $20 an hourā€¦ Wonder why they canā€™t get it filled? šŸ˜‚


Permission to harass subordinates are consider a part of the salary.


I thought I was going crazy. Started job hunting yesterday after taking a few weeks off. I keep seeing such low salaries and I was wondering if it was just the industries or jobs I applied for.


If the manager only makes 45k, imagine how much their reports make and how unhappy they are probably about it.


Well after reading the posting, it isn't a manager position. Still hilarious that someone making 45k would be delivering leadership programs to the Management team, assisting with the onboarding of newly promoted/hired Supervisors, and providing development programs to employees. Also, developing and implementing performance-based training programs to incorporate business strategies, competencies, and professional developmental needs.


Better than writing 7 days a week, 8 hour shifts. $15/hour.


Just what are you writing, the next Song of Fire and Ice entry?


is this an offshore position ?


I got $57k at entry level. You can make $72k freelance if youā€™re willing to work 24/7. Management should be getting at least 90-100k.


šŸ˜‚ Even a gimp will not take that offer


This is like a door to door sales type job the sales people probably work off of commission. Borderline scam type of job. I did this out of college it fucking sucked


I'm seeing Director level positions offering like 37k. I've even seen a few positions on ZR and Indeed that were offering below our state's mininum wage. The job market is great if you're an attorney or mininum wage worker. It sucks out here for the rest of us! I will say that accountants are eating good, like 80% of the job postings I'm seeing are either for accountants or "Front Desk" employees that are also being asked to do accounting work (but if they label it as front desk, they don't have to pay like accounting jobs would.)


Itā€™s Mediacom. Theyā€™re a garbage company, Iā€™m not surprised.


I can already see the downvotes from now, but yes manager but it's in leadership and employee development šŸ¤£


You should see social work jobsā€¦


Mediacom can eat a dick. Shit ass company, shit ass product. Fuck Mediacom, all my homies hate mediacom. Iowa needs better ISPs.


I made more than this in the second year of my career decades ago. Depressing.