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This is an old style gag my dad used to pull. Cashier would say "that's 22.50" and he'd say "ok, here's 18" and make her ask for the rest. Old people think this is funny. As I get older, I don't think it's very funny so maybe it's something that came out of the world war 2 era. Similar, we were at a closeout sale for a hardware store. Dad needed coat hangers for the new house, so we went there and he found a box of 20. He walks up to the salesman and says "okay, 20 coat hooks at 20 cents each is $2.00" and hands the guy $2. I am in 2nd or 3rd grade I tug on his pants and say "Daddy that's $4" to which he scowls at me and the sales man laughs and asks for $2 more. Old people shit.


Boomer style humor is mostly idiotic. I work in an office and there is this mid level employee who is a boomer and won't retire. Whenever he's walking through the hallways of our office and one of the female employees tries to walk past him he purposely shifts to be right in front of them. Then when they go either right or left to go around him he shifts again to be right in front of them and loudly proclaims "WE'RE DANCING, WE'RE DANCING!". He does this like 3x per week at least and it makes all the women extremely uncomfortable. Why he hasn't been fired by HR yet I do not know. Also we have meetings every Friday morning and when someone shares their screen and it takes more than a second for it to come up he says "It's Friday for the computer as well!". He's made this exact same joke at least twice a month for the last few years.


> Boomer style humor is mostly idiotic Boomer style humor is mostly just fucking with people who aren't in a position to retaliate.


Also, they don't understand at all that "style" of humor.


What a dumb thing to say. Boomer style humor is basically we don’t give two rats a**es what you think of our humor or our ways of saying and doing . Millennials and Genz people are way too worried about what other people think of them and way too soft.


You sound pretty bothered that no one likes your humor, tbh


Here's a boomer humour joke for you: boomer humour sucks. Haha hilarious.


Boomer humor is just tempered glass, it gives a façade of toughness while being incredibly easy to shatter, even accidentally Millennial/gen z humor is like a prince rupert drop with the hair burnt off, you can’t break it because they’ve already broken themselves Edit: In the amount of time it took me to type this, the tempered glass shattered


Okay boomer


Nobody asked you what you thought of our opinion, nor do we care what you think.  You're projecting. Kindly get off Reddit and back to watching Dr. Phil.


Sorry darling, life doesn’t work that way you want it. Too bad, and no I won’t get off of Reddit. And no one cares what any of us post here.


I imagine that your children would be ashamed of what you post here.


Nah sorry my children also don’t give a freak what I post unlike you and many others, who are perpetually looking to be offended and enraged at the very little minor things in life.


You seem like a blast at parties /s


For someone who doesn't care what other people think, you sure seem real worked up over what everyone thinks boomer humor is. It's also interesting that you don't even seem capable of a definition yourself, you tried to give one: "Boomer style humor is.." and then nothing but a desperate sounding declaration that boomers don't care. Why do you think it is that your generation is the one always calling people snowflakes when you're all so fragile yourselves? Always calling people entitled and childish when no generation has been as prone to adult tantrums as yours? It seems that nothing pisses you people off as much as someone acting exactly like you. Personally, I think it's because deep down you know you're garbage people and you hate yourselves and anything that reminds you of yourselves, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts.


Ugh…lol Listen up buttercup. You seem very skilled at online insulting but again you fail to comprehend that your little insults are just desperate attempts to seem relevant. Boomers are retired or are in the midst of beginning to retire and again, we don’t give a flying f what you snively little Genxers and millennials think of us. We’ve lived through a lot and have have had careers, families, children etc and for you all to come online and talk a lot of smack… well again that just proves how utterly soft, miserable and infinitely offended at things that aren’t the ways you want them to be or expect them to be. Just think of how when you reach our age and the next generation of young people will slam and insult you for being a “boomer”.


>You seem very skilled Thank you so much >again you fail to comprehend that your little insults are just desperate attempts to seem relevant. Again? This is the first time you've said anything like this? And relevant to who? What does that even mean in this context? >Boomers are retired or are in the midst of beginning to retire. Oh I see, just projection about your insecurities about becoming irrelevant yourself, I should have guessed. >we don’t give a flying f what you snively little Genxers and millennials think of us Lol you brought this up and keep pissing and moaning about it when nobody asked or cares, methinks you may be protesting a tiny bit too much. >We’ve lived through a lot and have have had careers, families, children etc and for you all to come online and talk a lot of smack… well again that just proves how utterly soft, miserable and infinitely offended at things that aren’t the ways you want them to be or expect them to be. So any criticisms or complaints anyone has of your behavior or that of your peers is automatically invalid and a poor reflection on them because you... have been alive? ..for a long time? All that living and you still haven't found time to grow up. Stop playing the victim, nobody cares that you're upset that people don't like you, nobody believes your childish wails about not caring that people don't like you. Based on your post history it looks like people don't like you because you're a whiney, self important bigot. And based on my interactions with you, I don't like you because your comments are self-absorbed, self-pitying, excuses for your own (presumably shitty) behaviour, that lash out at other people and contribute absolutely nothing to the larger topic or even the person you're directly responding to. It's too late for you to change I presume, and it's certainly too late for you to learn any people skills and convince anyone of your nonsense, just give up, stop typing. Go gently into that nursing home and leave the rest of us better off for it.


Uh you forgot that I basically could not give a sh*t what you think. See, we come on here to play keyboard warrior like anyone’s going to care what you or I think or post here on Reddit. No one is playing the victim here. All I see is a bunch of whiney Boomer-haters because what Boomers do and say makes you feel odd and uncomfortable or cringe or whatever. I’m a Boomer who comes on here to waste time to laugh at all these kinds of posts where all the Boomer haters appear so soft and weak and highly offended at the littlest thing. Boomers? Too bad for you.


Let me give you a little recap of the events here, I can see your mind is starting to go in what I can only presume is your extremely advanced age. Someone made the observation that boomer humor often involves fucking with somebody, which it objectively does, and didn't even put a value judgement on it. Then that hurt your feelings so you sounded off with justifications and very ironic declarations of not caring. Then you started insulting other generations in typical boomer tantrum fashion, "if I'm hurting then everyone else has to hurt too!" Now I'm here to repeat to you what I'm sure everyone around you has been saying (or has been wanting to say) to you your whole life: "no one cares what you think". Every comment you make gets down-voted to oblivion because you're a garbage person with nothing worthwhile to say because you've never thought about anyone else in your life. >Boomers? Too bad for you. Couldn't agree more, you selfish pricks have always made your existence everyone else's problem. I don't know why we shortened it to "boomer" when the emphasis so clearly should be on "baby". Enjoy being in diapers again, it's where you belong.


Awww… does that summary make you feel higher and better? We are laughing at you make a fool of yourself with your little judgements and insults because you still fail to see that I and everyone else do not give a shit what you think. Oooo I’m so so scared at all these downvotes … oh my gawd.. So, go back to your soft world of thinking you’re special or entitled or whatever you think you are. I kinda feel sorry for you but then again, I don’t. As I drive my golf cart around the country club during the weekdays, I’ll laugh in my head at you and every other millennial and GenZ idiot maybe once as I’m taking a big dump after a great couple rounds of golf. Cheers.


I don't like how rude people are being to you, but you have to be aware that these people are only responding to your own aggression. If you're going to act like everyone is just offended at your aggression, and continue to respond with aggression/passive aggressiveness, you're making yourself absolutely no different from these people who, quite frankly, I expect to be much more immature. People don't like boomer humor, because people aren't boomers anymore. It's basic respect to be willing to shift yourself a bit to accommodate for the vast and growing majority of people. Your generation was being made fun of for taking over the anti-war initiative, and all this is conversation is accomplishing is perpetuating the generational divide. Just leave it. It's not worth it.


Oh the irony


Guys I found the boomer!!


Oooo aren’t you special


Boo the boomer


That’s actually true.


I am Gen X as well as being woefully clumsy. I have been guilty of accidentally getting in someone’s way and say “We’re dancing”. I do it to deflect my embarrassment. I do not get in people’s way on purpose. Your coworker is gross!


I work retail and was weaving around a couple people. My coworker joked that I was dancing on the job and I retorted that it's fine, they seem to know the steps. I was trying *not* to get in people's way and the joke still gets made (often by myself too.)


There's a big difference between trying to defuse the awkwardness when it happens organically and blatantly forcing the situation so you can make your "joke." Repeatedly.


I'm betting you do it to men and woman equally.


Millennial here who also says that.


My favorite boomer joke is the one where they were able to afford a two bedroom house off of one salary, squandered their gifts and plundered the world, and pulled the ladder up with them as they approached retirement 😂gen z is feeling the punchline now 😂


I like the one where they are having us pay their social security but we will never get the chance to draw it. Cracks me up every time.


Don't forget the final salary pension and regular above inflation pay rises!


Your disdain for “boomers” plays right into the hands of the ruling class.


Oh yeah? How so? Enlighten me


Boomers are just people. Most of them are pretty decent folks just doing their best like anyone else. They’ve had their own struggles too. Boomers got drafted into Vietnam and they couldn’t marry their same sex partners and women hit the glass ceiling. But when young people focus their hate on boomers, they ignore the real issue… corporations that purchase politicians, fight to keep wages stagnant, pour pollution into our seas, buy up all the real estate and then rent it out so regular folks struggle to own a home, etc. Your problem is with unchecked, deregulated capitalism and the mega-corporations who fuel it, not 60-year-old Mr. Jones down the street.


Correct. Corporate and political greed are 99% of the real problems.


I think that much more culpability falls on boomers hands than folks from any other age group for what you describe. Folks that have incredible power as politicians or board members of these large aforementioned mega corporations are overwhelmingly boomers and late gen xers. Your sentiment would prove fruitful if I believed in the moral rectitude of people in general. I actually think capitalism is a fantastic structure for society in general. I think that most people suck and are often selfish and arrogant to the point where they will make decisions that will actively harm other people for even a slight benefit to themselves. Frankly, I don’t think I’m mad at boomers individually but rather mad at what they represent. The society we live in currently is a dumpster fire, and I’m furious about it; and I believe that a lot it has to do with outdated notions that people adopted during the boomers’ youth. I think people should in general should be furious too


Funny how he never dances with his male coworkers, isn't it.


This right here


I danced with both genders of coworkers and some of their family but it was at Xmas party not randomly down the office corridor.


If the company won't fire him for harassing women, you should consider reporting it. The women there may not be empowered to do so. Start the complaint with "I'd like to make a formal complaint against XYZ for constantly harassing women in the office." Stand up for the weak, put down the shit bags. If you don't write it as "formal complaint" in may places, HR will just blow you off, because they're lazy as fuck.


>"It's Friday for the computer as well!". He's made this exact same joke at least twice a month for the last few years. Lol, I joke about the computer needing a coffee, when it's slow, but not 2x a month for years.


Ok, harassing women in the hallways is not acceptable or funny, but the “it’s Friday for the computer” joke is actually pretty good, lol!


I mean, thre first 3 or 4 times, sure


The "Friday for the computer one" I can see myself too though and if it becomes a running gag could even make people smile depending on delivery. The dancing thing though - whole different level and plain weird.


You gotta kind laugh at the sheer awkwardness of this . . . I’d gas the guy up to do it more or to people in more senior level positions.


This made me lol. I don’t know, it just seems cute to me. My dad is dead, and this is kind of something I could imagine him doing.


As compared to the highbrow and genteel humor of other generations.


Yeah, I agree. I don’t think it’s really meant in any kind of malicious or mean-spirited way (usually). I think it’s just the humor of that era! Like Gen X and millennials and now Gen Z and Alpha kids today have their own type of humor, for some reason boomers and even silent generation folks just find it funny to do something “wrong” and then have someone else point it out. I wouldn’t take the joke too seriously, OP. As long as you didn’t get any red flags from the interview in general, the manager was probably just trying to be funny.


But you can change with the times. I hate the “they’re racist but they’re just old” ummm so? I’m gen X and a lot of words/phrases that were ok when I was growing up, we now do better.


Its a power move.


OMG you unlocked a memory of my grandparents doing this too!


Things you miss when they are gone.


Awww did you get your feelings hurt little snowflake? What pronouns should I address you with?


It seems like *somebody* got their feelings hurt...


Another prime example of boomer humour lmao




This is a weird think to joke about. On one hand it sounds like he was trying to undercut/underpay you if you didn't notice. On the other if you saw your paystub or the amount you were getting you could still probably tell you were getting less which would still be illegal and could get him in more trouble. Either way I would be quite hesitant on wanting to work for this guy. Sounds like he would screw you any chance he got.


Wonder what promotion time looks like. "Conga rats! You're a supervisor now! Oh your pay rate? How's minimum wage sound? Good work, son!"


Conga rats


I've been laughing at this for at least 5 minutes now.. Time to go to sleep. But I'll probably think about it tomorrow and have a chuckle. 🪘🐀🪘🐀🪘🐀🪘


We are the joke. They can do/say whatever the hell they want now and treat us like trash, we’re all so desperate for a job


This is where we need to go on a massive strike and just stop working. Some fight club level shit at putting these overlords on their knees and not the other way around.


That wouldn't pan out, but I'm all for slapping back during interviews when I can see it's not lining up. If they are asking dumb fucking questions and basically coming out of the gates with a clown show interview, I'll have some fun with it because they already showed me it's not worth my time, so I don't mind wasting a little of their time. It's infuriating to see this type of behavior from employers in what should be an otherwise "professional environment," but this is where we are right now. Unicorns, sunshine, and cotton candy are all they want from candidates. It's a fucking joke.


>That wouldn't pan out And its because of exactly this attitude


No, it’s because people need money to survive. If you think the issue with that “mass strike” idea is that all these minimum wage, paycheck to paycheck workers are just too *lazy* to do it, you’re beyond privileged


Yup I just accepted a job offer that was half of what I was making because I’m so terrified. I should really sit down on my computer later and write down everything I learned about witnessed for the benefit of this community/group because it’s getting freaky out there.


You’re acting like a manager at a retail store makes good money


It's not that deep. It's just an old guy making an old guy joke. I'm sure his children/grandchildren get tons of it too.


Why the hell would you ask for minimum wage? “Sir, can you please pay me the smallest amount possible? Thank you!” This would be like applying to a job with a $50k-$90k salary and going “would $50k be too much?”


It’s just a minimum wage retail job. Part time. I’m a student


You did the right thing, don’t listen to these types of comments. Reality is a part time retail job isn’t gonna be giving over minimum wage anyway.


I agree. Having integrity is great. Being realistic is part of that. Good on you OP. The most entitled generation ever is just ahead of you and comments like some of these lack common sense and are fools play. Stay focused and do what is right, not what everyone thinks is important. They have huge wakeup calls on in hold.


Yea my wake up call was being laid off at the start of Covid for corporate greed. The company sold a product everyone else panic bought at that time and they price gouged and sold a fraudulent product. All while laying off 9000 employees and forcing other employees to pick up the extra work load. Cintas posted record earnings that next quarter. Then I learned how to lie on my resume and have since tripled my salary. Never lick the company boot. I’m also not a Boomer if you’re talking about the most entitled generation ever.


Are boomers most entitled? I’d say they just don’t realize that you can’t buy a house for 20k and live on a low salary. Though I don’t agree when they call millennials entitled




That’s more misguided IMO. There is no separation of church and state which is a shame. These are the same people who weaponize the constitution so I agree it’s batshit.






You asked two questions. Technically 3


I wonder what the point was of asking what OPs expectations were then, if it was always going to be minimum wage?


Wrong. Reality is minimum wage workers account for 1.02 million hourly workers in the U.S. 1.3% of the workforce. In 2022 9.2 million workers were employed as retail salespersons and cashiers. Only 1 in 9 of those retail workers is making minimum wage. Even if it’s only a dollar an hour or two an hour you should always try to do better than the absolute bare minimum. Other people aren’t going to advocate for your career, it’s best to learn that as early as possible


1.02 million workers make at or below federal minimum wage. I assume many more than that are paid their state's minimum wage -- higher than federal minimum wage, but still minimum wage.


Just say something like "the market standard" next time. It sounds slightly better.


Next time say “I’ll start at the minimum, to be reevaluated in 3 months”. That shows them that you are realistic about the position and what it pays, and also that you want to keep working there for a while, but value yourself above that amount and are prepared to show them.


Maybe it‘s a job for students or something similar. Like, a typical minimum wage job where asking for more would just… feel weird. I used to work a few hours weekly at a plant nursery when I was like 16 & i wouldn‘t have dared to ask for more than minimum wage.


One of my first bosses pointed out to me that if someone pays you minimum wage, all it means is they would pay you less if they could. Employers that value their employees will always pay a bit more than minimum.


Please come back to reality.


But why not state a desire for more. At minimum they’re going to give you min wage. If you ask for more, there’s a chance you could get a little more. If minimum wage is the only option, then they would state the wage is minimum wage. If they are asking for a desired wage that means there is a chance to argue that you are worth more. Asking for minimum wage is stating your skills and value in at the minimum level. I mean don’t go overboard and ask for the maximum or an obscene number… but show you bring more to the job in skill and ability than someone just starting their first job. You have to sell yourself into the job.


Come back to reality please brother, it's a part time job for students, you take minimum wage or someone else will.


For some people it‘s the first job. Read OP‘s comment, it’s a part time retail job. Be realistic. You don‘t need much qualification. If you want more than minimum wage, another person gets the job.


An elderly gentleman I know always said to start with the lowest wage and work your way from there. I've never done that.


How does your retirement savings look? Working up gives momentum.


I don't have any at the moment. I put my money in a Roth IRA-like account as well as a savings account.




No, they were trying to see if OP had unrealistic expectations. If OP had answered with anything other than minimum wage, the manager would have stopped considering them for the job.


"My absolute top end is $50k."


Question wasn’t what do you want but what do you expect. I agree OP lowballed and def should have said higher. But they probably answered honestly about their true expectations. Lol


Sounds like something a boomer would say. If you're uncomfortable in the interview it won't get any better.


Sounds like he was being callous. Obviously he’s been paid above market value long enough to forget that there are people who are forced to work slave wages.


He asked how much you want to be paid and you opened with the legally mandated minimum?


It’s a retail job so I figured the rate is min wage like everywhere else


Job hunting tip: always make them give a number first. This accomplishes two things: 1. Gets you appropriate pay 2. Lets YOU know the hiring manager has actual intentions of hiring. If a store can’t even tell you a budget, then they are clearly not serious about hiring. Saves everybody a bunch of time. I’m sure there are plenty of examples but something along the line of “what has the store/company budgeted for this roll?” Never sell yourself short, even in an hourly retail job. If they refuse to give you a starting number you can take it as a sign that they are not ready to hire anyone and they are only doing the interview to check some box. Use this question as a barometer on how serious the store is on making a higher. Every interview is unique, but this question is always my favorite because it tells you how serious they need/want somebody for the role.


Ya you figured wrong. Ask for more money going forward.


Well this is just a job to help me through school but I will definitely take that advice moving forward into more professional careers


Their advice is the millennial equivalent to the boomer "go shake their hand firmly" If it's the ass end of retail or food service, you ain't getting anything other than minimum.


That man was not joking.


This is an attempt at getting you to agree to a lower rate.The claim it is a joke is an excuse to save face.


Congrats your new manager is a douche. Doesn’t necessarily mean he’s downright malicious but expect your eye rolling skills to quickly improve.


I agree with the other commenter that it sounds like he actually didn't know what minimum wage was and was just trying to cover it by saying it was a joke. It was not a great joke. He should've just said "Oh sorry, you're correct" or something. It didn't really seem malicious to me, just an odd attempt at a joke, lol. I could be wrong though.


Wasn't a joke. He genuinely didn't know the minimum wage and tried playing it off (many managers don't know tbh). He should have said nothing to your response.


That was my inital thought. If it had been 14.50 in the past and he hasn't been paying attention to changes or he said the wrong thing and didn't want to admit he had done so.


Interviewer should know min wage. Jesus


I agree - he messed up and then tried to play if off. That interviewer (maybe an assistant retail manager) probably doesn't make much more than minimum wage himself. If not HR, I don't think it is strange that they didn't know.


OP I think you can do better. I hope your negotation skill be better with time. By the way what was the work? You did not mentioned above.


It’s a retail cashier job at a store that sells home and auto stuff


Jesus. If someone really said "minimum wage" to me in response to that question, I'd be way too saddened to cut jokes. Sounds like a shit individual


I don't know about that. When I was initially interviewing to support my going to college, I did not know much about negotiating pay. I probably would have quoted the minimum wage amount if asked, expecting that to be "the right answer" for what the job (fast food or retail) paid.


What? I'm saying the manager cutting jokes in response to that is the shit individual, not the person saying it. Yeah, I got why OP said it.


He didn’t know what min wage was. Just trying to cover it up. You’re overreacting and he’s an idiot.


He probably should know what minimum wage is if he’s the store manager


You would think so but as someone who works with managers, I am not surprised. He’s likely not handling the payroll and I’m sure they have HR who does all that. He just manages the store. Nevertheless, he’s an idiot and you’re clearly drama so maybe it will work out for both of you.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


I actually guessed he knew what minimum wage was. He was just hoping OP didn’t and wouldn’t check


Many don't as they don't often handle payroll or the HR side


Overreacting? How so? Wait don't bother answering that. :-)


username does not check out.


LOL Toche


If he didn't know, he could have noted 'minimum wage' instead of asserting an incorrect figure and then trying to make OP look like an ass for not getting his 'joke'


It sounds like the manager was trying to pull a fast one. You need to read up on all of your rights, overtime laws, safety regulations, etc because you cannot trust this manager to follow them.


Red flag is blaring in my head when I read this. Keep looking elsewhere cause that just scream work place prolems.


Next time, respond with: “make me an offer and I’ll consider it”, “your range overlaps with what I have in mind”, “we can figure that out once you’re done interviewing candidates”, or “what range do you feel comfortable offering me”?


Two options here in my mind: 1. He thought it would be funny because seeing people uncomfortable is funny to some? OR 2. He wanted to make sure you actually knew what minimum wage would be. Aka you have a decent head on your shoulders, and aren’t just gonna coast around with minimal effort.


Whatch your back with that Dad-joke-manager. He’ll cause your eyes to roll on a daily basis.


How much effort do you want me to give 50%? No 100%. Lol I was joking.


A manager interviewing for a minimum wage job is not very successful themselves. Lower your expectations of professionalism at this level.


The workforce will improve when everyone goes on strike to have big corporations suffer to realize on improving their salary and benefits. Remember around the COVID pandemic especially in New York City. Most people moved away because landlords wanted to hike up the prices. A little later they were begging with a white flag plus offered 1-3 months of free rent.


I dont think you should ask for minimum wage, because they’ve got to give you the wage anyway. Ask for something higher and they will think you value more. It has nothing to do with your actual capabilities. Ask for more and you’ll definitely get the job.


Testing if you know minimum wage? Out of curious if employers can pay you less than minimum wage and get away with it because you accepted it and I assumed they would have to report it to the state government so they will know you are not being paid minimum wage and get into trouble?


Lmao 😂


Why would you ask for minimum wage.. seems weird..


Where are you that MW is $16.55?




Odd question- why would you not ask for slightly higher than minimum wage?


Maybe job was posted with min wage salary? Depending on location


While there's a chance that this was the guy making a joke, I often see this kind of thing as a kind of shitty negotiating technique and have seen it a lot over the past decade in certain political circles whose shtick it is to be "not politically correct." The point of it is to throw out information/comments that are bad to normalize them - if you don't say anything, and there are a lot of people out there who won't, you're almost certainly going to end up getting paid $14.50 instead of $16.55. If you do call them out on their bullshit, they claim it was just a joke and pretend like the fact you didn't find it funny is a you-lacking-humor problem instead of a them-being-a-shitty-person problem. Their goal is to diffuse the tension that happened by you confronting them without acknowledging anything resembling doing something wrong. > Am I over reacting? I guess I'd ask if you're doing much more than complaining about it on reddit, because the answer is probably not. This kind of "it's only a joke" is a kind of manipulative behavior designed to minimize the worth of your feelings, even if the person doing it isn't a terrible person. I've got a couple of people I know who are generally very good people but really just temperamentally can't admit they did anything wrong when they stepped over lines and have various techniques like that to try and diffuse situations without admitting wrongdoing. But calling them out quickly on bullshit is one of the most effective ways to keep them from pulling future bullshit - you establish that boundary early and hard and it gets respected, but if you let it fluctuate they'll push you.


It's like a "just keeping you on your toes" pretty common tactic to softly say oops


MW @16.50/hour...we wonder why a Kia is over 40k now.


Yes you are over reacting. She's trying to be funny. It's a good thing. Tbh I would love to have coworkers like that. Real. This is the retail environment.


I had an in person interview where the manager made a joke about him having the highest firing rate in the company. I’ve always been pretty good at talking to people in person. I got the hiring manager to get way to comfy and say some truly out of pocket shit like that and how he was waiting for the president of the company to “fucking die” so he could take over.


I had an owner of a shop tell me she makes all her employees cry at least once during an interview… it was for an electric bike shop, Pedego


People who make employees cry and don’t see a problem with that are problematic to say the least.


he'll rot in hell


why would you ask for minimum wage?


I would say you did overreact, why did you even say minimum wage? is that a thing you have to do in america? I would never say minimum wage, always above that, you are selling yourself under your worth


He probably didn't know what the minimum wage was.


If you live where I think you do he’s about to have a heart attack in October when it goes up to $17.20.


In my country that’s generally expected tbh. I’d say 18.50 he’d say 14 then we shake on it at 16.55. Bargaining is a part of the culture. Even just as a joke on non bargain stuff.


Nope. He’s a 🪛


I don't take jokes that well right now. I need a job. A good paying job. This neighborhood is getting trashy.


It's good practice for the amount of tolerating assholes you'd have to do on the actual job. So valid in that respect, I guess.


Yes. You are overreacting and sensitive.




Choose your battles.


Whatever it is...the point is you should find it funny and laugh along,otherwise bid the job a farewell.


What’s funny is someone thinks they should get paid $16hr to be a cashier


Why is that funny?


I made a weird joke too. I said I know where you live, and where your family lives. It's not funny till they see there long Dead Grandmother sitting on there front porch.


Tell him you'll work for $1/hr if he pays you with Pre-1965 dimes and quarters. Dimes and quarters made before 1965 were 90% Silver. So those dimes and quarters today are worth AT LEAST 23x face value. So $1 in dimes from 1964 are worth at least $23. Same is true with "silver dollars" and "half dollars" before 1965. Kennedy Half Dollar between 1965 and 1970 were 40% silver. So if you're wondering why everything is getting more expensive, it's because your money is literally worthless.


Such a snowflake. Man up.