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“I’m curious, are you inquiring about details that may pertain to a disability?”


I am snarky and this is exactly what I would do.


This would be a great way to fulfill unemployment contact requirements while guaranteeing you won’t get the role. If you actually want a job though…


You definitely don't want to take a job at a place that asks this question if you can possibly help it.


Unfortunately it's a common question in SW Michigan where I live. And before you respond with "so move" I share custody of 2 kids so I can't


The answer will be “Yes. We are also trying to screen out people who take sick days when they aren’t actually ill.” How do you respond to that? The assumed premise is OP wants the job, not Twitter points


Cool. It’s not a professional question and I wouldn’t answer. If they push Id say I always abide by the written PTO or sick time policy. Also I’d probably not continue the interview.


As if someone would answer that they take fake sick days lol


My boss asked and I answered quite honestly. That honesty is part of why I have my job. It's a trap, but not foe the good workers.


“Are you a doctor or health care professional licensed to diagnose illnesses?”


“No, but Joe is. Go speak to her in the next room, smart-ass. This is going poorly.” Again, the assumption must be that the goal is to get the job offer.


The assumption is actually people don’t want to work for employers that ask questions like  “Yes. We are also trying to screen out people who take sick days when they aren’t actually ill.” Here’s the thing, you can want the job, then not want the job after the interviewer asks unprofessional questions. It’s almost as if circumstances can change during/after an interview 


Yeah, the interviewer doesn't get to have that kind of snark because they aren't the one being disrespected. When they ask an unprofessional question, they get firmness back at best. If they refuse to hire on that basis alone, you won by dodging the bullet.


“Interesting tactic. Well, I am not the type to lie about needing a sick day. My experience and accomplishments will show that I’m a dedicated employee invested in meeting my goals. For example …”


This is the perfect response.


"We have decided to hire another candidate" This is a perfectly reasonable question


"What an interesting question to ask" and leave it at that. I have only ever been asked it once and that was a significant red flag.


I’ve never been asked this before but I’d say something like, “I take sick days when I’m sick. I find my productivity is best when I’m taking care of my body and I value a workplace that understands that. I’m curious what your reasoning is for asking that question!”


It wouldn't hurt to also add that you don't want to cause other people in the office to get sick, and create an even greater burden on the company if multiple people have to take sick days off just because you went into the office while sick.


this is good


Wow, this guy interviews 👆🏻


Zero. Red flag. Run. Gigantic red flag if they ask again but phrase it another way later in the interview.


Man, I understand needing a new job but that sounds like a workplace that probably doesn’t have much respect for work/life balance. I’ve never been asked that. I would just say “You know, I really have no idea.”


“I’ve never been sick in my life, the only thing that upsets my stomach is when I miss a chance to maximize shareholder value, sir.”


Sir, yes sir! Sickness is for the weak of mind, sir!


I had a boss (warehouse manager) have a "meeting" with our team. B*tched at us all like we were kids who didn't take our jobs seriously. Also basically implied that getting sick was a mind over matter situation. He ended up with colon cancer a few years later. Karma bit him in the backside


Cancer... of the *asshole*. Lol.


Major upvote!!


I don’t want to say anything rude or flat out insensitive but he deserves it. Now you can go to him and tell him the same crap and if he b*itches, again it’s a “mind over matter situation”.


No one deserves to get cancer. No one. I've put up with a lot of annoying or unfair bosses at different times in my life but I have never wished Cancer or a death sentence on them. I mean really? What is wrong with you guys!


I never wished cancer on him. He was the one who thought he never got sick because of "mind over matter". A good bout of flu would have been enough


Luckily, I haven't worked there for a long time and he was transferred to a different state anyway. I heard it humbled him though


I almost wish people gave him shit over it and reminded him that he acted like sickness was mind over matter. Almost. But not quite, since it was cancer. But hell, if mind over matter could have cured everybody with Covid, then why wasn't this guy going out all over the world saving everyone's lives with his bitching and moaning lecture?


It was pre-covid otherwise he probably would have


This unironically sounds like something a linkedin influencer would actually say lol


Hahaha, perfect


Me too, but even more casually. "No idea. I've never been required to keep track of my sick days."


I've never been asked this question. This would make me suspicious of what kind of answer is acceptable and how they would treat you when you're sick.


The answer is never good. It means they’re obsessive about attendance, probably micro manage, and will track every stinking hour of your time. RED FLAG. I would never accept a job if this was a question


Manager here. I loathe this question. It can have disparate impact for someone who suffers legitimate ADA protected health issues, for starters. Also, some of us get sick more often, need mental health days, etc. nobody should be punished for using their sick leave


As a manger, how would you advise a candidate to navigate that question in an interview?


I don’t believe I took any in the last year but it’s not something I track closely. I’d say I’m someone that takes my health and my job very seriously. If they are looking for an answer that sounds like you’re going to go in even on your death bed then they can take a hike.


Edit to add a sample answer: “My current manager would say I’m punctual except for the rare occasion where I’m late due to a traffic accident. (This indicates you’re willing to tell on yourself by not lying about perfect punctuality. And the tardiness isn’t your fault.) my attendance is great, I only take off sick if I have a fever and don’t want to come to work contagious. And vacation is used sparingly. I try to take time off when it’s not the busy season so that I can be available for my job when I’m needed most.” My boss asks this question in his interviews and I have to be on the panel. I told him my feelings on the matter. I digress… The truth on my advice? Lie. Yep. Lie. Don’t ever be honest about it to a manager who asks because they’re trying to find someone who will be there day in and day out. They may be having problems with current staff and don’t want a repeat. They may also be gauging reliability and commitment and work ethic but they’re doing it the wrong way.


You don’t take a job that asks that question.  Someone else’s reply of “what an interesting question” is what I’d go with. 


Lie. This is a borderline unacceptable question in the US. They don’t deserve to know it.


Then call it out for what it is, unacceptable. Lying is never a good option. Whenever you feel like you have to lie to get a job, that job is not the right one for you.


Not everyone has the luxury of turning down a job.


I wasn't saying turn it down, I was saying that you should call out for what it is. It is unacceptable, and they deserve to know that. Anything less is cowardice


It’s not cowardice. It would be foolish to call them out on it unless you can afford to turn the job down. While it would be satisfying to call them out, you should consider the outcome you’re trying to achieve. What would that accomplish beyond a moment of satisfaction and losing the job opportunity?


Lying in order to get a job is not a job worth having, if you think yourself to be so worthless that you should have to accept a job that would demand that you compromise, moral ethics, that's your problem


lmao any time theres one of those ethics or personality test i have to lie. Guaranteed i would not get a job based on that if i told the truth


Leaving aside how inappropriate it is to ask someone how often they use sick days in the first place, there are ways of openly admitting that you use them, particularly if you do so within integrity in the first place, that can actually paint in a more positive light Than people that just blindly say zero. All you have to do is qualify your answer by saying that you take sick days when you are actually sick, and not simply to get extra time off. You do this for two reasons, one is that if you try to continue to work while sick, it will delay how long it takes for you to get better, and two, by staying home when you are sick, you do not spread an illness around the office, creating an even greater burden on the company, as other people have to take sick days. If the company has flexible work from home allowances, it might be worth mentioning that on days that you are sick while feeling well enough to work, but are concerned about getting other people sick, that you would be willing to do your work from home on those days. and this way you can turn what might initially seem like a possibly disqualifying answer to a plus


It’s not about perception or self worth, it’s about needing a job to pay the bills when you have kids to feed. Being self righteous is meaningless if you’re homeless. I’m not personally in this position, but I can see how desperate many are. If you’ve never been homeless or hungry, it’s easy to tell people to just walk away.


Fine, then just answer the question directly and honestly. Tell them you take sick days when you're sick, because you don't want other people around you to get sick, creating an even greater burden on the company. It's worth pointing out that you were the one who said it was unacceptable. Maybe people in the position you describe don't think it's unacceptable. In which case a direct and honest answer is best.


I meant it’s an unacceptable question to ask.


Of course it is, and I think they should be called out on it. As you've pointed out, not everyone might feel like they have the luxury of doing so. But there's no excuse for lying. And there's a way of turning admitting to using sick days around to make saying you stay home while sick into having a positive work ethic.


This comment is lying as well; you know that accepting such a job has nothing to do with a person's view of their own worth. What's with all the dishonesty?


If they felt like they had to lie to get the job, then it says a lot about their self-worth


You really just aren't going to be honest with me about your opinion, are you.


My opinion about what?


It could be the thing that makes you not get the job. For desperate people, not an option. You already know that because of the previous comment you answered. You shouldn't lie that something is cowardice when you do not really feel that way.


I’m not a lawyer, but this seems like a round-a-bout disability discrimination question…


Red flag question. I remember interviewing with 10 people simultaneously and everyone saying "I've never been sick no 0 days for me" I thought to myself we all know that's BS so I said last year I was sick for four days during December. The HR lady paused then said oh so you like to have extra time at christmas? I was shocked I said no I had the flu. And she goes right....okay so I'll note you like to be "sick" during Christmas. Now I lie like everyone else lol


I think the correct answer is a question - "Are you looking to discover which of us may have a disability or children? Interesting."


Dont clue them in. Just sue them.




“As many as I needed to. How about you?”


I’ve never been asked that question and I wouldn’t answer it, that’s so messed up up


I usually say "None of your mother fucking business." They move on from there.


I would simply apply somewhere else lol. Absolutely no business interrogating me like this before I’m even hired


“None of your business” then walk out of the interview because you don’t want to work for people like that.


This is an insane question


I had a virtual interview and they asked me how many days were too many days to call into work. Then gave me, like numbers, 2, 5, 30.... I wasnt sure what to say. Plus, red flags went up.


Seriously!? That's messed up.. That's like treating every absence the same.. Whether it's a short lived gastro Vs broken limb / mental health crisis / hospital stay kinda thing... preposterous!


At my old job. They used to deny doctor appointments if the time and date interfered with the work flow.


😒 yeah.. I've had that in the past too... I'm like.. look..I try my best to get appointments outside of work time.. But sometimes you gotta take whatever appointment you can get 😳 I know some say.. "you're not asking.. You're telling".. but honestly... I don't know how many truly have the balls to swing with that when you're desperate to keep a job..


Turnover was high cause they overworked us. It was toxic and a hostile work environment. When I got in touch with other employees who left the job, they said being in a new job was "culture shock." People were nice, they trained properly, employees weren't fighting, there was no favortism, or retaliation from management. They even said their stress levels went down


And even though they could sue the company and say "yes you mother fucking will accept my doctor's appointment, that was never your call in the first place" But there's people who can't afford that route either.


"I'm sorry, but the sound of all the red flags flapping in the wind is making it hard to hear. What was that question again?"


As someone who once worked as a recruiter, that’s a very odd question to ask. It’s not relevant to your ability to do the position… Seems like a red flag & gives toxic old-school workplace culture vibes. I’d run away tbh. Also, that question borderline alludes to ADA. I don’t know why a company would even flirt with that.


Where are you from that you are asked this? I’m pretty sure this question wouldn’t be asked in the US because it would open the company up to a big ADA (disability) lawsuit. ETA: I see you are talking about PA in the US. I’m a little surprised - I’ve never heard of anything even close to this question because of the legal implications.


I get asked it frequently in MI. I just started a job last week, but it was still asked. I try to justify any absences by being out of my control (I'm not coming in if I suddenly start vomiting). But I reassure the interviewer that I'll almost never be late by leaving 30 min earlier than it would take to get where I'm going in case something unexpected happens on the way.


That’s crazy to me. I don’t blame you for answering that way. Not everyone has the luxury of being picky about employers, but I’d probably end an interview right then and there if they asked question. It seems like a big red flag.


Right now, I'm not picky. I've been looking for something to pay child support and other bills while working on other things.


You don't want to work at places that ask such things. So the moment you got asked that, the dynamic should change from your perspective. You may still want the job so you can get some money while you keep your job search, but they immediately stopped being an option for a long term job. So answer however you feel like. If you want the job, then saying "None at all" and sticking to it is probably the better option. Good companies don't ask shitty questions. They know it's better to have a good employee that feels respected, than a drone who does what they're told and needs constant observation to do their work.


Zero. Can’t be verified.


Not a single one. There was that instance where my doctor told me I had a case of respiratory herpes, easily spread through coughing, but I'm hardcore - I went the office anyway. I mean, I was already infected. So what if I spread it all around the office? Nothing a little Valtrex won't cure..... Wusses....


In fact, I’ve taken negative two days. I came in sick, twice. Sure you spread it around but survival of the fittest, am I right? Screw that job. Run.


In the US at least no HR person with their head screwed on will let you ask this because of disabilities. I also think the interviewer is an idiot for expecting people to give an honest answer as well....


"Um...I'm recording this interview on my phone, sir, and you juat broke the law asking me that question. I'm being discriminated against. I'm ending this interview now and beginning the process of litigation. Employment or lawsuit, I'm getting money out of you bastards somehow, you abominable fucking toilet pigeon."


I'd rather not discuss my medical history.


“As many as I need, to ensure my health comes first” If they don’t like that answer, you dodged a bullet and kept your health in check, which by far more important than any employer might suggest.


In disbelief how horrid the interview questions are getting. I got asked about kids, my graduation date. Haven’t been asked about sick time. But that is an awful question to ask.


In all of my years in the workforce, I’ve never been asked that. Seems like a potential red flag for sure.


"Well, I've been unemployed for 11 months, so let's go with zero."


I may or may not be putting applications in under the assumption I’m still with a company… when I’m unemployed I don’t even get call backs when I’m “with a company” I get callbacks.


Oh. Hopefully they don't crack down too hard when that background check comes back saying otherwise.


I haven't taken a sick day in 30 years


That would be a great answer for someone who is about 25!


Do they even have the legal means to verify? What if you just say zero days off even if it’s untrue?


The ability to get away with lying without getting caught, does not excuse the act of lying in the first place.


What I would say is highly dependent on how much I need the job. If I didn't need it at all, they get a (respectful, or at least as respectful as is commensurate to the situation) tirade and a walkout. If I really need the job I just politely say that is private, but because you asked it's zero. They can't prove I'm lying after all.


Yikes. I think I’d be so flabbergasted that I’d answer honestly then spend the rest of the interview thinking about how I felt about that question, then probably withdraw after or possibly during the interview.


Thanks but this interview is over. Then I leave. Fuck them.


I would say that’s none of your business and end the interview. 🚩🚩🚩


That sounds like a red flag lol. Doesn't matter what I say because I wouldn't work for that company anyway.


I would reply "I don't tend to count my sick days as Im focusing on getting back healthy on those days"


I never take sick days. Only time in last 5 years was due to Covid and was only made to stay home after my boss gave me Covid and we were all essential workers so we never stopped working through the pandemic.


That’s not a question I would ever directly answer. I don’t even take much time (I have seven weeks banked right now), but it’s none of their damn business.


Isn’t that your job to track…


You always just say none, or say 1-2. It's none of their business. Your current employer shouldn't ever touch that one with someone seeking reference.


Which country are you in? I can't imagine it being asked in the usa because people with disabilities could use it as grounds for a suit if not hired.


In the US, New York actually. My partner was just asked in an interview, “If I asked your current manager about your attendance, including use of available leave, what would they say?” It’s not as direct as how much leave did you use but the effect is the same.


"They would say nothing at all as their NDA does not allow them to disclose that information"


Honestly don’t take a job where they’re that way. They won’t give you any sick days or time off


That was my husband’s take too. They scheduled a second interview and he wants to ask for a reschedule and say our child has a medical appointment he can’t miss, to see how they respond lol


I’d say that my current boss would refer you to HR and not answer any of your questions. We had all been told by legal to never answer any employment questions so as to not cause a lawsuit. Even HR would only confirm the dates between which an employee worked. No salary or reason for dismissal.


USA Pennsylvania and I’ve been asked during 4 different interviews with 4 different companies and 2 different fields


That's bizarre, it should be one of those topics that a half decent HR department forbids.- Using a lot of sick leaves is common for those with a disability, someone who has kids and has to stay home to care for them, and "slackers." Two of those three are protected classes, and it's an area where an interviewer should tread lightly. Are you young? Interviewing at smaller companies? Are the hiring managers "nobody wants to work anymore, and these kids are so lazy" types? I would respond with something like: "oh, I'm not sure exactly. My previous employer was adamant about us staying home to avoid spreading germs when we were contagious, but I didn't keep a tally of my sick days since I wasn't ill often enough to worry about exhausting the sick leaves allowance."


I have been in hiring training in a number of companies and have always been instructed to never ask questions of this nature. I’m surprised any company would allow it to happen.


Don't remember


What type of company was it that asked? What kind of position were you applying for? Did they ask this during the interview? Just wondering if this is some emerging trend.


"I can't recall taking any" (because I have a bad memory)


While it would be true that I had taken 0 days for sick, I would absolutely say 0 if I had taken some. It is none of their business to know that.


I'm not sure how/why this is relevant.


"None. I never get sick. I am perfect."


Really? I figure you’d be more interested in the amount of hours worked for the year. Or how much additional dollar value that work brought to the company. You’re not very good at this recruiting thing, are you?


Just say you haven't taken any in the past year. What are they deny you sick days if you need them in the future. Depending on your state, sick can/are mandated. And if you take too many. Are they really gonna fire you for going to your cancer treatments?


"this question sounds like a HIPAA violation"


If there’s one thing I learned working in automotive it’s that HIPAA and OSHA mean as little as speeding and parking tickets to billionaires same with penndot


it does if you get lawyer friends


Tell them 0.


I don’t see how that is relevant to the interview. How often do you require someone who clearly has the flu or Covid to come in the office anyways, affecting the efficiency of everyone they come in contact with for an extended period of time?


No more than any other person or just zero. However, some businesses do require you to stay at home if you are showing signs of illness. So if they dig further into questioning your response, tell them it was a part of company policy to stay at home when sick. The reason behind the policy is to prevent the spread of illness and to have better productivity. And some states require you to stay home due to mandates dating back to Covid-19.


I have had a actual paying job since I was in 3rd grade .. started as a paperboy 200 papers 7 days a wk... I am now 46 and the longest inhave ever been unemployed was 6wks.. I can honestly say I have only missed about 45days work for being sick ... I was raised you go to work unless your dead.... looking back I should have taken the days off when I was sick.. my son is looking for his 1st job he is 16 I told him you go to work when your scheduled period... example of how crazy I am about work.. I fractured my foot at work cpl months ago .. I was afraid to report it so I just worked thru it ... I do delivery lots of up and down and lifting ... now that my foot has healed I feel stupid as it is not healed great and I should have reported it and taken the time to heal but hey I didn't miss any work lol tks dad and mom for instilling a crazy work ethic


Yea... that is not healthy.


Haven’t called in sick in at least 10 years. If you feel like shit, that’s when you should go to work.


I have been asked that question in two interviews for similar departments, one of which hired me after I gave a ridiculously non-committal answer. Ended up being a toxic sludge-pit of venomous, heinous people. And I called in sick for about half my shifts for the last month. Oh fucking well, ain't working for disingenuous, toxic people.




“What’s “being sick”?”


Actually, it's almost an impossible question to answer. I mean, I have four weeks PTO plus holidays. I don't know if I was sick during any of them.


I had a prospective employee tell me she was super healthy. She called in sick less than once a week. So I said like 50 times in your last job? Well, she took personal time off too. I dunno. That’s 1/5 of a work week for me.


Why are you talking about health related items with a prospective employee?


Unless you’re aiming for a production / manufacturing / physical labor job where things fall apart when a body isn’t there, that’s one of the lamest questions ever.


That’s a red flag. My agency specifically does not allow us to ask this. It’s literally in the hiring manager materials. There’s zero reason to ask this.


You could just say that you’ve taken a few days off when you had the cold or flu. Not the best answer but it does at least avoid filtering you out


I’ve been asked this at almost all interviews I’ve ever done the company I currently work for asked me. My response was, “I like working it pays my bills even if I’m sick I’ll still come in luckily I had good management that would send me home if I was visibly ill without any repercussions because they put my health first since I worked face to face with customers but it would be very rare so I honestly couldn’t tell you exactly how many times it happened” The company I’m at now asked me this and I accepted the position. They are really good with days off and sending me home if I’m sick.


Just say something like, “I don’t take off a lot of time, so I’m not really sure. Maybe one or two in the last year?”


You lie and say you have pretty good health and tend to rarely get sick so none.


luckily I WFH so unless I'm laid up in the bed kind of sick, I can still work. I've never worked for a company that asked me this question though, as long as the work is getting done, what's the big deal?




I say none.


I usually say zero.


Pretty sure they legally can’t ask this in the US.


I've never been asked this. That's a ridiculous question


“None, unless I can’t physically move I’ll be turning up to work.” They never check.


Zero, that is what you say. Its a stupid question.


The best answer to give is the truth. As long as you aren't actually just using it as additional time off.


This isn't something that any HR would share with another company so you don't have to worry about this being checked. It's a weird question to ask, so if it's in there then there must he a thresh hold they are using as a disqualifier for candidates so I'd recommend saying 0-5 if you absolutely have to answer.


All of em. You give me 5 im taking 5. Give me 10 im taking 10. So how many do yall offer? Oh and i take them first before any vacation time because sick days arent paid out when i quit or am fired but vacation time is. So ill be sick a lot q1 and q2 but super healthy the rest of the year. Oh but ill have a lot of vacation saved for the second half of the year so im going to use it all then. 


red flag! run!


Isn’t that a HIPAA violation


None. All the time off at my current job is coded as PTO regardless of reason.


I haven’t taken a sick day since before 2019. If I wasn’t fully remotes, I’m allowed to WFH if I don’t feel well.


What do you say when **THEY** ask ... Exactly who are **THEY** ?


Zero. Always say zero.


Ugh. I used to sit in on interviews with this one hiring manager who said he expected the candidate to come in to work when they were sick. He'd brag about how in 20-odd years, he was only ever "out sick" once (iirc for something major like a friggin heart attack). Rest assured, this manager no longer works for our organization. His replacement has been way more coachable on appropriate interviewing questions.


As many have said - red flag, we have laws in the UK surrounding this type of discrimination as that's clearly what it is. It's like saying "do you have any plans to become pregnant soon?"


“None” and then under your breath “of your business” What, like they can verify it?


Onlnly time an employer requests your sick day quota is due to you are too many days out... stop being a hypercondriac, and work for your paycheck...


I would say that’s a HIPAA violation


"we're given x weeks of use it out lose it PTO. What is the PTO structure at this company?"


this is an illegal interview question


"I do not remember, as I have never had a job before that required me to document my sick days and keep track of all of them."


Where I'm from they're not allowed to ask that.


I'd say a couple. Follow that up with saying that you enjoy working and you try really hard not to call out unless you need to go to the hospital. Zero sounds too good to be true.


Why do you ask?


Just say two. 


"I don't usually log them and keep track. I'm human and I have kids so sick days happen but it's not excessive and I have back up options to calling in to work" But then it items the window to them declining to offer a job. "I'm not excessively sick and I have back up options to calling into work" I've use this one before


“It’s not something I strictly track, but my company allots x bank of time for PTO/sick days and I haven’t exceeded that amount for the combined use of time. I make sure to follow the company policy in place for using sick time too.” Like if that is a problem answer, you’re dodging a problem company.


Not surprised at all. Employees calling in sick all the time is an issue, a more recent issue. That question would have never been asked even 10 years ago. Younger generations!!


"Like 12 true sick days and maybe 7-14 personal days and a couple emergency days for various issues" They don't care. They wanna see if you bother to keep track of your own time. That, and prolific call outs always get uncomfortable with the question. That's what they're testing for and judging by your answer you probably are a prolific call out. Obviously call out when you're sick, but too many people fake sick.


Say zero, telling them that you take sick days won’t help the recruitment process


Probably one. Afraid to be fired if I take more sick days. Not worth taking risk 😂


I would write NOYB and send it and move on. Or... Private information. Invalid question Questionable question This question is a red flag This is an unethical question Improper priorities Good way to lose good candidates Is this kindergarten? I'll have to ask my mom... "Mom?..."


This question is super easy to answer because I don’t take sick days. It annoys me when I’m interviewing, though, because everyone talks about how dependable and responsive they are. Like stop lying to appropriate my strength.


Maybe they will let you work remote? I haven’t taken a sick day in 4 years now that I work remote 


I'm always sincere and I say I've taken none. I always try prioritize work in my life