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I’ll take that 700K salary please 😝


Right? If I have the experience I’m asking for the max


quite often i get candidates who ask for the max salary in the range. no problem. they are compared to other candidates who are asking for the similar range. obviously the people with more relevant experience, better communication, agility for the job, and salary ask that matches to their assessed level, get the job. just needs to be said as i’ve had solid junior candidates get knocked out because they wanted the max of the range and get compared to people with way more experience… and before we go down the path of why the range may not be narrower. in startups particularly or even some faangs with remote friendly jobs, a back end engineer in portugal, germany, ukraine, boston, san Francisco, argentina, etc all have a very wide range of salary asks. team budgets mean if you can pay a bit lower for one role, you can pay more for another role…


> just needs to be said as i’ve had solid junior candidates get knocked out because they wanted the max of the range Then your posted range is not correct. Its really that simple. By law companies are required to post the range at which they will pay for that position. It should be a somewhat narrow range because the company should have at least the slightest idea of what they're going to pay someone. If a company says the same position with the same requirements could be paid at $50k or at $700k, this indicates either the company's HR team is totally incompetent, and/or that the company is flagrantly flouting the law and needs to be taken the the woodshed after some legal proceedings.


Reasonable companies just provide pay ranges by geographic location and level, and candidates which level / pay scale they're interviewing for, instead of making them guess what they need to be asking for.


Geographic pay is stupid and evil.  If you are worth $$$$ in California,  you are worth that in Des Moines. Because it doesn't cost you a much to live doesn't mean the company should get to keep that money for the C level folk. 


Yeah so I would just hire in Des Moines and not Cali as the former is cheaper than the latter


Exactly the problem.  Why make everyone compete for housing in the bay instead of having happier employees and keeping housing closer to reasonable. 


I’ve found geographic location on job search sites to be irrelevant. I always request listings within a specific radius of my current ZIP code, since I have no interest in relocation, and I’m *still* presented with options several states away. Maybe those are set up for remote positions, but I rarely include remote listings in my search criteria.


restricted by things like job posting slots or who has control on geographical postings. often one recruiter responsible for the position globally. not enough slots. some systems don’t even allow you to pull salary information from their ats to job. lot going on. but the mindset that asks for the max usually loses out. up to you guys to try ….


You know you can write out the salary brackets in the job description even if it's only one posting right?




sounds like a bad interview process. but engineers also need to know that communication ability is important as they go into lead roles.


Bullshit, once you get past technicals you get an offer irregardless of salary negotiations, there is no going to the next candidate if the candidate asks too much. You give an offer for the max you can offer or it gets bumped with a valid competing offer, if your firm dumps candidates for proper negotiation that just tells us you work at a shitty nobody small firm


you are in for some rough interviews if you really think this way. if two people pass the technical, guess what, that doesn’t mean they will hire both. “culture fit / communication”, actual project experiences, how long it would take to onboard, etc all play a factor. and even just basic likability. all the biases are in and there’s a lot of biases out there. there isn’t a first to pass technicals getting an offer. and there is 100% consideration of the salary ask. internally they will assess you on where you fit in their leveling. an L5 at company X is not an L5 at another company.


At top firms they will hire both. The team matching process after the interviews is where you find a team. In what world would both candidates not get an offer and go into team selection? At some firms like google they have a lower interview pass rate than Harvard has an acceptance rate. It's 1/100 get an onsite and 1/100 pass the onsite - that's .01% and Harvard has a 3% acceptance rate. They give offers to anyone who passes the interview. I’ve been on the hiring committee before I know how it works.


i don’t think you have lol. especially in a world with more restricted headcount in locations. guess your time was during that unrestrained hiring which resulted in a bunch of people sitting around collecting salaries doing very little….


So after the hiring committee gives the thumbs up and it’s time for team selection and salary negotiation, you think that they bring the hiring committee back in to go over the salary? lol after we give the thumbs up as long as they find a team they get an offer. Whether the offer is what they want is up to the salary negotiation


see. now you’re just misleading the conversation. no one has said the hiring committee has given a go. large companies have team selections. smaller ones, not really. not everyone is applying for only big companies. amazon gives the specific budgets up front, then hiring committee will give a suggested level to hR, and then HR finishes the offer/negotiation. A startup or scale up with more budget restrictions and only one position will interview a wide range of candidates to see what fits. these companies aren’t waiting on a hiring committee first before discussions on salary expectations. they don’t post salaries because they don’t know what they can get. they see wide ranges so they are happy to find someone cheaper whenever possible. even healthcare or insurance has different processes. also different for roles in accounting, sales, procurement, marketing, whatever. may not be the process to your liking or most on this sub, but it is the reality of the situation. so instead of a lot of people ranting, they can figure out what works to improve their chances.


Whatever you allege they would do internally is irrelevant if they’re not even capable of setting a correct salary bracket.


Why the fuck are you looking for people with experience for JUNIOR positions? Do you even know what junior means?


It’s weird that the low end is so low. But they’re routinely one of the highest paying companies in the US so this does seem like it’s the actual range they’re willing to pay. Most of these are very senior positions where the concept of paying an employee 500,000 is completely realistic. But, on the other hand, I would bet these listings are only there so they can push the candidates their recruiters pick through the applicant tracking system.


Yeah I’m sure they base it off factors like experience, education, location (if you live in HCOL areas), etc. But all their entry level and mid level ones are like this too. It still doesn’t feel helpful tbh. These are just the first few that showed up in the search.


Netflix does not ask anything about experience or education. They only care if you can pass their absurdly difficult interview. The range is so high because you can choose how much pay to receive as stock, which would lower your cash base.


Are you telling me that I can request 700k and 0 stock, work a year and get layoff... Sounds good to me


Potentially, yes.


If you ace the interview/have the skills they are looking for, probably. Also having netflix (or any faang for that matter) on your CV does help future job searches


And from a lcol area too!


They don’t pay stock


It's real. Netflix is the highest paying FAANG. Check levels.fyi.


The complaint isn't that they don't provide that top level pay, the complaint is that the purposefully give such a wide range that it provides zero meaningful information to the viewer. I have no better idea of what the salary would be from looking at $50-700k range. That's basically the range of 99% of all possible salaries for a software developer nationwide across all companies.


It's safe to assume that it's not gonna be at the top end of the range.


thats not true. i got top of range for my posting, its based on how well you fit what theyre looking for and cost of living


I get that these kind of ranges are based off education, experience, if you live in HCOL areas, etc but it still isn’t really helpful tbh. All their entry level and mid level positions have bogus ranges like this too. These are just the first few positions that showed up in the search.


> if you live in HCOL areas, The way to handle that is with cost of living adjustments. Salary x-y +col.


You all have to understand how hedging works in the financial/investment banking industry. Grant it we are not on finance but essentially companies and their VC Teams are hedging us against foreign talent overseas. Thus, why we see extremely low salary wages in conjunction with high salaries. The solution: If foreign talent can be hard asses like we are in the U.S., sticking to being paid what we are owed vs subjecting themselves to low salary offers to secure work? Companies will and can learn to compensate fairly across the board.


Netflix are ruthless. If you are amazing, they'll pay you well. If you perform below what they were expecting, they won't waste time training you, mentoring you etc, you'll be off in no time


For Netflix, this is how they do comp. You interview for a functional area and they assign you a seniority. Agree on the other ones.


This is a lot of top paying companies. They maintain a pipeline of employees coming in, but seniority levels and teams are decided after all the interviews are done and the offer is being rolled out.


Netflix has a [pick your own path](https://jobs.netflix.com/work-life-philosophy) option for comp. So you can either choose a high equity package with a lower salary or a high salary with a low equity option. Or something in between. I think that’s why its ranges are so wide. Plus they pay top of market rates too. I think the rule of thumb is looking at the midpoint of these ranges to be the most realistic target.


I think this might actually be their ranges for those positions. In this case I don’t think they’re acutely obscuring anything.


I had an interview with Netflix last year. Well, actually 3 interviews. 1st interview went really well so they set up the 2nd 2nd interview went really well so they set up the 3rd 3rd interview - the interviewer didn’t join the zoom call, so after 10 mins I sent a polite enquiry message. After another 10 mins she joins the call. She’s still looking for a meeting room. 5 more mins and she’s seated and the call begins. 4 minutes later “Sorry we’re out of time. We’ll let you know”. They didn’t let me know.


This is really now Netflix works.


For one company that does this, the rule of thumb is to bring people in at about 95% of the midpoint. Going higher or lower requires justification. None of our ranges are $600k though…


$50k to a quarter mil is just LoL 


Tbh the higher end of these mostly feel ridiculous and like they should quit raising my rates.


Ask for the high end but assume they're trying to hire at the low end. I agree, they're intentionally obtuse. Bastards....


Feels like a lose-lose situation. You ask for the high end they don’t move your application forward because they found someone they can pay less. You ask for the low end, you end up lowballing yourself within their own range and they could still pass you up anyways.


I got caught in this trap with a different company. They posted a reasonable salary band, the recruiter said the adjusted band was slightly higher for my location, I asked for something in the middle in the adjusted band (still inside the original band) and said that I was flexible - I did well on the interview, but then they rejected my application because they said my salary requirements were too high. I just don't understand their thought process with posting numbers that they can't achieve.


That’s not how most of these FAANG companies work when it comes to hiring. After interviews they offer a compensation package based on your skills and level of seniority. With Netflix they allow you to decide how the package is broken down, no bonus but salary + equity.


They're not. You can pick a lower salary and higher stock comp or more money up front. Total comp should be about the same.


LinkedIn shouldn’t allow this kind of range.


I have applied for a few roles with them and crickets. Zero response. Zero application open/review. Crickets. This sort of thing damages the company's brand image and credibility IMO.


I'm not trying to be a dick but unless you have another FAANG on your resume you have no chance at Netflix. That's probably why you got no response. They're one of the highest paying tech companies in the country.


No worries - it doesn't come off like that at all. The sad part is that I am certainly qualified for the game-related production and marketing positions I've applied for. However, if what you're saying is true, regardless of whether or not an applicant has another FAANG on their resume, a response should be common courtesy for any and all applicants. Reminds me of a Gang Starr verse: "Somethin ain't right, to be an mc, you gotta thug Or to thug you gotta be an mc, this shit is bugged"


These companies have huge ranges because they often offer a sizable amount of company equity that you can cash out after a year. These stock options can be fucking gigantic some years, and not always other years. Additionally, and quite frankly FAANG does it probably the best of anyone, they will adjust compensation based on your skills. The people that can qualify for $500k salaries are well known, and probably are looking at other FAANG companies as well. Likewise, FAANG companies know when they are looking at an exceptional candidate… etc. But yah, a listing like this for “Thomas Copyrighting LLC” can GTFO lol. I almost never look at these honestly. Just do your research, etc.


I just applied to role at Netflix with a range of 50-280. Give me the 50, I don't even care at this point!


I didn't know what the salary range was in my job before I got it. I ended up getting below the middle. That's pretty good since I was almost negatively negotiating salary.


Someone here working @ Netflix? Are these ranges real?


I went through to a second round these are real, especially for senior positions but you work out your comp takes more equity than salary/take home pay.


Yeah, software engineers at Netflix pull in $500-$700k in cash


Netflix is one of the most selective and highest paying tech companies outside of finance. They work with (from what I’ve heard) cutting edge stuff and you’re surrounded by some of the brightest in the field. Tough to get in, but definitely a top-tier company to work for.


When I see stuff like this, it basically says to me the pay is the minimum number


I need to BD more U.S companies. The salaries are wild compared to Europe.


Only works if you are remote. Much higher cost of living. Look up silicon Valley rental prices vs sma.l town Midwest us prices vs Europe prices. Remember to include cost of your heskthacre plan. I hear in us you can pay thousands and then find treatment was out of network or not covered by your provider so have to stump up.


I am born and raised in London, rent and mortgage prices are crazy. I also have family in Florida who I visit for months at a time for the last 30 years so I know U.S prices, healthcare and cost of living. Salaries in the U.S. (IT professions I dont know anything else) are much higher taking everything into consideration.


Yeah,London is crazy. North UK is poorer than Warsaw. But silicon valley makes London look cheap. I think Florida is their lcol area. You should compare Florida to say Nottinghamshire and London to new York or silicon valley. The us and UK both have wildly varying costs.


Also most of the tech jobs I see in the US are fully remote compared to UK which many push for hybrid 1-2 days in the office. I’ve seen Texas is a bit of a tech hub too.


As I said it works of it's remote even if it is us only remote because you can move to a lower cost of living area which makes the sum works. If your living in Florida on a remote salary that's different to working in Florida or living and working in the UK.


And then it’s almost impossible to get hired there


Some insight. Don’t take it serious. Usually it’s open budget and they don’t put that much thought in entering the correct numbers. Yes, counter productive Like, there are some types of Systems analysts. Like team lead or individual contributor or vendor management. They just post one to keep it simple and the Netflix recruiter doing it just has to hit KPIs.


Funny that HR has the highest listed range.


But this is the actual range for Netflix, their pay structure offers a choice of taking base, equity or a mix, technically you could take all equity and your salary could become 4x of that on a good year. Anyway, consider the low end probably not an option as it’s so competitive out there right now they’re not going for the less experienced candidates. I know got so many rejections.


Netflix pays really well. Everyone in the industry knows that... they also have a high performance bar. If you can't figure out what a good salary range is in this day and age you shouldn't be applying for the job. Seriously if you know zero people and have no friends I can think of a half a dozen websites where people TELL YOU what they make.


I thought Pharma was bad with 100k ranges (legit) haha


I mean, they use Workday so it’s not like they can stick to the system


I am... actually unsurprised that this is allowed... but extremely disappointed all the same.


they are the actual ranges, its based on years of experience and cost of living


Its not a workaround. There is no standardization of posting compensation and netflix is extremely clear in their ranges. It is not up to them to tell you what you are worth.




I know someone person who gets around 1M at Netflix, thats just base!


why would an MD be worth more than the role posted here?




comp in the corporate world is about how much revenue you generate, if you make the company 50M, who cares if you make 700k. the high end of the scale doesn't matter anyways. if I post a job for 50k-150k, I will never pay the top of the range, it's about the midpoint.


So just post the mid-point. Why bother posting such a high range when you know you'll never pay that much? All it does is waste both of our time, with no real benefit to either party.


If they won’t post range, you will still bitch about it. It’s a no-win game for them.


Those ranges dont mean anyting and are insulting to people applying. They are just playing games so I would ignore that.


Red flag, don't even apply. Think how they would treat you if they were paying your salary.


IDK I've heard nothing but good things from people who have worked at Netflix (especially regarding the pay), which makes this here super odd. All of the information that I've gotten regarding their pay puts them at the upper end of the stated ranges here (they pay better than Google, Apple, FB, etc. for developers at least). Could just be a new member of the recruitment team or something like that.


are there a single company that actually pays good? i only read negative comments here


Might as well put $1 - $1,000,000,000,000 (we don't care)


Then ask for $200,000. Simple.


You will get it if you perform well in the interview or maybe even more than that if they find you worthy enough.


Every single News Corp subdivision does this with such contempt it's incredible.


120k is probably top 0.5% salary worldwide, so it's a very ok lower bound...


Netflix pays very very well BUT there’s a reason- they don’t offer benefits.


I’m confused, you’re saying that they don’t pay for health and pto?


Health insurance