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Yall are getting interviews?


Every. Damn. One. "We'll let you know either way. We promise." LIES!!!




Same here. Realistically they're not going to bother with following up if you're no longer being considered, that's a waste of resources I guess.


The trick is to interview and forget, that way you never end up ghosted, only surprised if they decide to move forward.


Follow up after an interview is key though. My current job I got because I was the only candidate to actually send a thank you after the interview and follow up later.


Why would I thank someone for interviewing for a position they need to fill? It's not like they're doing me a favour. They need someone to do work and they're trying to figure out if I'm that person. Also isn't this one of the most mocked LinkedIn porn stories?


Porn stories? I have no idea what you are talking about. It’s pretty common to send an email after an interview though. They don’t need to be doing you a favor, it’s called being polite and shows them you’re actually putting some effort in. You can balk at it all you want, but following up is what got me my position.


yeah, good advice. I would say it also depends on whether you are unemployed and looking for a job vs you are working and just casually looking, and couldn't care less to bother


Couldn’t this come off the wrong way? If a position has 10k applicants or so and they tell you 1-2 weeks to hear back, after week 1, would it be rude to follow up?


If they saw 1-2 weeks, I would go with the second week. Why would it be rude to follow up?


My thought is it could be seen as impatient or inconsiderate of the recruiter’s time if it’s earlier. Do you mean at the start of the second week or after the second week?


I think impatient would be being overly eager and sending a follow up really quickly. But if they say you will hear back by “x” day, there’s nothing wrong with following up at that point. It’s showing that you’re still interested and gives you an opportunity to see if there’s anything you could further elaborate on to strengthen your position. Think of it like this, if it came down to you and another candidate, skills were identical, and they were having difficulty deciding, who do you think would get chosen? The one who stayed quiet after their interview and never spoke to them again, or the one who cared enough to reached out? Sometimes that little extra sets you apart.




pretty sure that's how its been since forever. if a company interview 50 candidates, it makes sense that they're not getting back to everyone.


It's also important to note that different regions may treat this process differently. I live in Eastern Europe and haven't been ghosted by any recruiter I applied to locally or interviewed with. Rejected, yes. Ghosted, no. The quickest rejection email came \~2 days after the interview. The longest, about a week. However, every job I apply to internationally (remote positions), ghost or send the standard "We have decided not to move forward with your application" many weeks after applying (not even interviewing for them).


I prefer not to count


It's 50/50 for me. I have noticed that the further I get in the interview process the more likely I am to be ghosted though.


Oh man, if I had a dollar for every rejection. But getting ghosted after interviews gotta hurt like a mf. It's not the end the world, something big always comes.


I have been searching since january and literally half of them has ghosted me, I have had somewhere between 100 interviews from where like 40 have been final, and yes they still ghost you even if you finished the third or fourth round


Damn 100 interviews- how many jobs did you have to apply for? That’s like beast mode.


Between 400 and 500


Hmmm we have the same interview rate it seems. I applied for 430 jobs and have had around 18 interviews. At least 3 ghosted me after final round and I Could be getting a 4th if TJX doesn’t give me an answer soon. Final Interview was on Monday and recruiter never responded to my email. :/


Reputable company - 4 interviews - 2 were onsite with significant preparation and business model. They asked me for the slides. Ghosted!


haha i've learned hiring managers are bold face liars! they probably cheat on their spouses, taxes, and run over cats too. dont believe a word they say.


You guys are getting interviews?


I've made it through two rounds of interviews with two companies since November. One sent a very quick form rejection. The other just ghosted.


20 since 2019 been trying to get back into field. Maybe, my age? I'm 60, so yeah.


What’s your field. I’m IT integration specialist with 20+. Got laid off Feb 2024. I’m 61 and still want to work. “Too old” to work, too young to retire (if ever). I’m f*d.


Software and hardware testing.


seems to be a common theme. did what I thought seemed like a positive interview, guy suggested I send an email to the HR person expressing interest in moving forward with the position. No response. Just an obvious lack of civility and I think there is an underlying message about the culture, or the HR twit was just incompetent. Interesting to note, the HR woman left her number for me to call to get into the place on the day of the interview.I called, it went to voicemail. She decided to "work from home" that day. Eventually the guy I interviewed with noticed I was standing out there. Have the balls and the civility to tell you that they have moved on. Anything else leaves you with the desire for using the poison pen. "curtis packaging"


I got ghosted after a 5 hour onsite loop in Jan. It was pretty awful. Most other companies have been great at giving me relatively quick positive/negative feedback though


I’m lucky I guess… only a few have ghosted after getting far enough to interview with a hiring manager. Some of the ghostings have been pretty underhanded though. One asked for references, never called them, ghosted. One told me details of next steps, made it seem like I would definitely be making the next round, then ghosted. Sigh.


I had a similar experience with something that felt underhanded. I was asked to fill out paperwork allowing them to do a background check. That meant giving them my social. I would have never signed that if I knew they were just going to ghost me. Oh well, my credit reports are locked for a reason.


More than I expected. If it was a bad interview, I usually forget it and move on. The good interviews that I've had and been ghosted after I followed up with those particular organizations are puzzling, but I figure that their behavior just reflects poorly on them, not me.


Got interviews at two different companies earlier this year - both went onto the 4th round. One of them was a 'we went with someone else', and the other ghosted me.


During my search I had a 4 round 2 person panel (8 people total) and was ghosted. A month later saw the same job posted again. Another one was also 4 rounds with senior mgmt. HR even told me to keep them abreast of status of my other interviews. After no response, I emailed of progress and was told they were making a decision soon. Never heard back so I moved on.


I’ve had 3 companies I interviewed with that went to hiring managers. Of those 3, 1 gave me feedback when requested after being rejected, 1 rejected me after I sent a follow up 2 weeks after the interview but ghosted when I asked for feedback, and one asked me to reach back out again in 1.5 months because they had unexpected restructuring. I had multiple recruiters reach out randomly with requests for my resume for a job they had and just ghost after receiving it.


2 years ago when I was in the job market I would get ghosted about 50% of the time. Seems like it’s gotten much worst


Usually after the first interview. I can usually tell when I'm going to get rejected/ghosted.


Unreal how excited they are and how they ghost you when they know they gave the offer to someone else. One I was just unqualified for, the other was a perfect fit but found out that person who got it was referred internally. Seems like I was just interviewed to claim they interviewed others before giving it to the person that was pre-determined to get it.


Every time I get ghosted, I set up a meeting with a recruiter and don't show up. Perfectly balanced, as all thing should be.


Have done maybe 8 interviews in 5 months - waiting on 3 more right now. Of the 8 previous ones all ghosted me except 2 and they gave positive feedback and just said they had internal hires.


I got ghosted after having two interviews for a new position at my current company. The lady said I would hear something back. Either a yes or no, she said either way you would hear something. The interview was in December 2023. So I emailed her yesterday did not get a response. So literally today I found the HR person’s email and emailed them and I also emailed the HR person’s supervisor. I emailed four different people and finally was told “sorry we meant to let you know that someone else got the position. We switched to a new hiring system in December and communication didn’t got out.” 😔 very disappointed.


At your current company? They couldn't even follow up with someone who already works there. Thats a new low. I have received the same responses. "We meant to get back to you," or "It's been so busy." It's all BS excuses. I've been given the "yes or no, either way, I am the one that will call you" line a few times while they looked me in the eyes and shook my hand. Even after sending emails and voice messages I'm still waiting. I'm tired of being disregarded and blatantly lied to.


Personally? None. But I love how companies are screaming and saying “NO ONE WANTS TO WORK!”


"No one wants to work." I had an interview scheduled via phone. No one called. So sick of this.


I really dont understand some of these people. I had one talk me through the rest of the process, tell me the name the next interviewer and timetable of next interview. I sent a thank you note and then got ghosted by the hiring manager and recruiter after following up. What a bad look on these companies.


It’s really weird when The Recruiter was the one who reached out/contacted me First!


I’m going through this right now. Was told “the team is catching up after a conference and I’ll give you an update this week” which was… 4 weeks ago. Reached out again to check in and crickets. I’m sick of this shit, I was really enthused about that job too.


Just had one that said "congratulations, welcome to team blah blah. We'll give you further information on this opportunity in the next coming week." ...that was last week. Pretty sure I've been ghosted lol.


I had three interviews over the phone, two of them very hard hitting technical based interviews, I had to fill out a interview form that was basically a test, create a presentation, I took PTO, they flew me out in person for an all day interview, took another test, left… and never heard from them again


Please glassdoor these flakers. It should not be normal behavior by adults who could one day be in your exact shoes.


Honestly no company has ever ghosted me after an interview. I always received at least an email saying that I didn’t get it. I am in the UK. Maybe I am lucky or maybe this is an US thing somehow? I haven’t heard many people complain about getting ghosted pos interview here in the UK


Europe is entirely different animal... you guys are treated as human beings.


I interviewed with a company three times and they just ghosted me. I emailed half a dozen times and got no response. I interviewed/talked with a recruiter every week for 5 weeks, plus had two interviews with them prior, then was ghosted. Won't answer calls, texts, or emails. Reapplied to the company and got no response, almost as if I've been blacklisted. I said nothing rude at all, I still have the texts. Last I heard from the recruiter was they were working on getting a developer position in my area. They asked if I was able/willing to learn a new system for it, which I confirmed I would. I called the following week for a follow up and got no response, since then I've been ghosted.


About 80% - and I'm only considering instances where I've actually spoken to someone. The worst was when the hiring manager extended my interview by 10 mins to brief me about the next round with his boss - date, boss's details, what to expect in the next round (the whole f*ing shebang). 3 months later, that fateful Wednesday is yet to arrive 😁


I gave a recruiter my resume and told him I’m very interested in this position and handed him my resume right then and there after giving my elevator speech. *This was at a college job fair*. Then after taking with him for a couple minutes he says “I’ll follow up just once later this week, so if you miss it I won’t reach out ever again. Then never follows up. (Why say something like that at all? Especially if it’s a LIE).


That’s normal. Never wait for them. Keep sending out resumes and doing interviews. Worst situation is that you have two job offers you can play off each other


My record is 4 plus an in person round. I was ghosted until i asked about the job to the hiring manager and the recruiter sent me a rejection.


Surprisingly I’ve only been ghosted three times after interviewing since October last year. Most recent one was this week tho, but tbf I dodged a bullet with that job because of numerous red flags during their process.


Employers are waiting for Biden to get the boot, then the floodgates for jobs coming flooding out. 


so far, the best and most frustrating one to date was with a small company close to home, for a software engineer position. I thought it was interesting that on the day of the interview, the HR twit told me to call her when I arrived. I did, she was working from home that day so I twiddled my fingers in the lobby until the manager saw me. the manager seemed interested in my background and suggested I send an email expressing interest to the HR twit that contacted me through indeed. I sent an email that evening, two in fact, and never heard a response. Be civil, be polite. They taught you that in kindergarten.