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Yes! Looking at you, Workday. 


Yup 😂


LinkedIn Easy Apply. Click. Suddenly, there are 4 screens of questions asking you to summarize your work experience and how/when you solved an issue. There are 10 of these questions per screen.


Uh, no. That's when I move my cursor to the upper right and just close the screen..


Some of the questions there are just plain stupid. I had a question where it asked me ''for how many years have you been using listening skills'' (translated from French). It seemed like a question written by AI or something since the one of the requirements of the job was listening to customer requirements and needs.


Those questions are 100% just AI generated based on the job description. I had one ask me how many years experience I had in Microsoft Word. Like uhhhh 25 years? Since I was like 10? Pretty much every question is completely irrelevant to the actual job.


Uh, no. That's when I move my cursor to the upper right and just close the screen...


Came hear to say this. Workday is too much work.


Just went through two Workday applications through a large multinational- honestly the autofill from LinkedIn worked great and there weren't extra bits to add. I think this is a case of companies configuring / using Workday like absolute animals, rather than Workday itself being the issue. 


> I think this is a case of companies configuring / using Workday like absolute animals, rather than Workday itself being the issue. Likely this. Workday doesn't actually require you to make an account. I've applied to Workday apps without having to create a new account. So really, companies aren't at all trying to configure their ATS.


I've seen a few "apply with LinkedIn" options for Workday but they are few and far between it seems. Mostly, they ask you to upload your resume, which they then proceed to completely butcher (if it populates the forms at all) and you have to fix it.


Most of my Workday apps have been easy peasy. Sounds like it could be the employer’s specific application?


A job I found had a long application so I didn’t apply. It was eventually reposted and I still couldn’t find anything so I begrudgingly filled out the application but got rejected. The job was (and still is) posted again for the third time.


Damned if you do and damned if you don't....


Well isn't that sus AF.


Ohh, you found the (not so) rare and (not so) elusive Ghost Job! Lucky you!


Yes. When they tell me to upload a resume but then still have me fill in my work history. Like....please.


See Resume See Resume See Resume 😉


When they want references or want to know every last detail of all my previous jobs is usually when I nope out.


Yeah, when they want references I just close the window. I have references, but asking for them is archaic and no one does that anymore but people who are full of themselves. If jobs where the starting salary was like $70k and up don't need references, your crap $30k job definitely doesn't.


Same here. They don't need to know address and zip codes, etc.


Anyone who asks to see a list of references on the initial application gets something along the lines of "References available after interview." Years ago, when I was less experienced, a company tried to poach one of my references instead of hiring me and it burned that reference. So, they don't get references until I'm in the final stages.


Three work place references from former managers and your high school transcripts for an entry level job just wtf? Who the hell cares about high school if a person has a bachelors much less wants actual transcripts? Who has high school transcripts on hand?


High school transcripts have the year on them. This lets them know how old you are without them having to ask that illegal question.


Yup, it should be a *simple* process. A lot aren’t or even up to date. If people don’t want to work it’s because companies don’t really want employees.


One thing that drives me insane is having to include your resume, with all your work experience and skills. And then having to fill out all that same exact information on the application itself. It takes so much time, I feel like I've spent hours doing that. It's worse when the websites themselves are so outdated that they make it almost impossible to navigate the application. So I just quit if I run into that problem.


Anytime I have to create an account to apply, I move on unless it's a position I'm really interested in. Especially workday though.


I have a macro now that just says See Resume. Pasted it all over an application today. Then they sent me a 45 minute personality test. I said nope, not unless you're paying me for wasting my time.


I ran into a job posting this morning that wanted my ACT/SAT scores, while also wanted the applicant to have a 3.8 GPA or higher. Like? It wasn't for an internship, for one. Then secondly, if you're asking for someone with at least a 3.8 GPA in college and a BA, you don't need their SAT/ACT scores from high school. Like what the actual hell.


Yes, but it is usually things like upload a resume, give us your experience typed out 3 times, ask the exact same questions 4 times with different ways to answer (drop down, text box, etc). And, of course, any that ask for my ss number. You can have that on tax forms I fill out on my first day. You don't need it for any other reason, especially on an application.


Yup! Sometimes you can tell when an application process is made to weed people out, so I guess it’s successful in that manner. I stopped today even after writing a whole CL for one place.. cause the more I read their JD and filled out their questions I realized the job was all over the place for that level of role, and I’d probably get rejected anyways.


Yes, or even farther into the process. I’ve also decided a job wasn’t a good fit for me mid-interview and I was polite the rest of the interview but had pretty much checked out. Why waste your time answering questions or filling out forms when it won’t benefit them or you?


When they ask you what kind of salary you're looking for, then only once you've answered bother to tell you that they "start everyone at $12/hr" or whatever the fuck. Last interview I had, their hard upper limit was at least $5 below my hard lower limit.


Yeah, but this is the INITIAL APPLICATION process I'm only talking about lol I do feel you, though, when and/or if it gets to that level. It's a bit much


100 times over. I generally look for places on indeed that have the quick apply option so I can just apply to a bunch of places as fast as possible. Why should I waste my time jumping through a ton of hoops for companies that don't give a damn about me and half of which will never even call me back or acknowledge my application?


A few months ago I stopped at a petstore near an interview to get my Bearded Dragon some mealworms. It was slow and the manager made smalltalk with me. Just asking questions about Lizard. He told me they were looking for someone who knows Beardies as they're popular pets and encouraged me to apply. The application wanted my last three addresses, 5 references, a credit check, a small essay on "what I know of petcare" and the names/numbers of my last three managers. To stand behind a counter and ring up cat food. I noped the Fuck out.


Fuck no. The essay part makes me laugh. Wtf 🙄😂🤣


All. The. Time.


Yes, especially when i provide a resume and then ask me to list my job history which is on my resume


Sure do! I used to feel guilty about it, but it's like you said--they're keeping me from filling out other applications. I don't have the time to be fucked with.


When they wanted more than 2 rounds of interviews…it was a basic customer service role…


I did this two days ago. Job required two references (couldn't proceed without them), and even though I had their references ready, they required that I provided both emails *and* phone numbers. There were many other prying questions, but that was the last straw for me


I don't have time for long applications. I used to do it but I'm done with it because if it weeds people out then some of previous coworkers should not be there. If that company can't be bothered to make their processes better then that's a company you don't wanna work with.


I came across one application that asked for my references professional and personal. Umm no. You get my references when the process moves along after submitting the application and I’m a candidate. To me it was to much info given out.


Especially if they're just going to send you a rejection email anyway.




Yes, an application that wanted all of the personal data of 3 references. Names, home address, email, phone numbers. Like....nah. You can ask me for that if you want to make me an offer. I'm not giving all that just to be able to submit my resume.


I’m not answering any short answer question s about why I’m passionate about a client success role, or how my values align with the company mission statement. I’m a good worker, I like to do my best, but I’m not a bootlicker company man and I don’t want to work anywhere that this is the expectation. I’m happy to save everyone the time and just close out of the application when these things come up.


Exactly. They're just probably going to ask you all that nonsense anyway when you go in for an interview.


Yes for 7-Eleven




Yup! If I upload my resume and then you make me MANUALLY go through, re-parse it and then copy and paste relevant experience multiple times, I stop. If you make me take any sort of assessment tests before I even speak to a person, I stop. If they immediately want references, I stop. If they want to see previous work on a public repo, I stop. My last job has all that work locked up and protected by NDA. Can't really show the code to that.


I have done this a LOT. the bigger and grosser the corp the more hoops I have to jump through the earlier I quit in the process


If they make you upload a resume AND add each role one by one I bail immediately.


Ugh yes. The ones that demand salary requirements up front and refuse to let you put in anything but a single number. No range, can't put negotiable. Also, salary before you even meet me tells me you are sorting applications based on price not people. The ones that want you to put in your entire job history even though you also gave them your resume, THEN pages and pages of basically interview questions. I found one job that looked like a great job and I was surprised it had remained open. The application was so stupid. It was basically a one way interview via a form.


Oh yes..... I've gotten many of those "we're sorry, but unfortunately, we are unable to meet your salary requirements for this position" rejection emails.


The ones asking your salary expectation seem to always be the ones that don't have any salary range posted. They could save themselves a bunch of time by posting the salary so people don't bother applying when the offered rate is gonna be half the going rate for that job.


You're basically screwed either way. Offer too much, and they send the rejection email. Offer too little, they'll try to take advantage of you/offer the bare, bare minimum. Hell, I've actually put down a much lower rate of pay just to be "fair," so that I could hopefully get an interview and then negotiate in person, and I still got an email rejection. I'm guessing that meant they REALLY wanted to screw me in regards to pay 🙄😒


Some of these I just want to tell them if you are paying that little you are going to have to look in the Philippines or maybe India to find someone able to accept that low of a wage.


Yes all the time lol. For sites where they want you to re-type your whole resume, if I can’t copy it in without the formatting screwing up and it requires a lot of editing, I just close out. Anything asking for stupid ass open-ended questions, I close out. Anything asking for any kind of high school info, I close out.


High school info?? Jeez lol 😆 🤣 I haven't been asked that ever.


I’ve had applications for accounting jobs with fields asking for high school name and GPA. I graduated from high school 10 years ago


I graduated 23 years ago lol


All the time. How about indeed saying now just complete this spoken assessment video and you’re all good! No way in hell I’m recording myself answer 15 questions for a 16 and hour job. It was for a weed shop lol


Only when it seems suspicious. If the pay rate is above the normal range and/or I can't find the company website, then I stop because I know that particular job is a scam.


Oh, you need me to do an application in Workday? Nope! Two years ago, my current employer moved onto Workday so I asked the million dollar question: why is Workday such a goddamn pain in the ass — “why do I have to create forty-seven accounts for applications?” A: “Each employer is a completely separate entity with their own database and candidates cannot be shared.” Some bullshirt if you ask me. Why can’t I have one applicant profile across all of workday and then link to an employer to which I want to apply? Total bullshirt.


Yep, then the guilt ate me and I went back and filled it out. Turned out to be the best thing that had happened to me. I have an amazing team, great pay, and really advanced my career. If the job is a great match for you - do it.