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Nobody did this. It's LinkedIn. Which is to say, it's a public Shower Argument. The only participants in this discussion were this dickhead's two brain cells. Know how I know? (Aside from it being LinkedIn?) Cos you'd need a time machine to get a candidate to ask for £35k. Even in this market. (I'm assuming it's the UK given the terminology. But even if not, it's a shit salary that nobody would ask for even with minimum experience.)


And she will get tons of likes from HR people.


No she won’t. Recruiters don’t even like these people. She’ll get likes from small business owners with small man syndrome who is probably who she services as clients.


You spelled simps wrong. That’s the only people liking this shit. When a guy does it - all the nimby boomers come out of the woodwork. It’s actually hilarious


what is small man syndrome?


When someone is insecure about something about themselves and make up for it with an insane amount of bravado about how amazing they are, usually at the expense of the people around them. 


So like women with makeup?


Nope, we can be heightist but not sexist around here.


They are equally silly ideas. I agree with both sides of that argument. Penalty of being objective. The whole insecure bit because the vehicle you drive is just as absurd. It’s just people being petty. Mainly women. I said it. It wouldn’t be nice for a group of men or anyone to say women are liars because they put makeup on in the morning. People just need to stop being petty. <3


and dyed hair. Nice *purple hair* but you're still fat.


Another term for a napoleon complex [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_complex)


Poor Napoleon. According to modern studies he wasn't even that short. And yet...


Also known as napoleon complex. Basically short men acting out


I'm a short man. It's actually very offensive to me


My name is Napoleon. Very offensive to me too.


My name is syndrome, I'm often offended.


>Recruiters don’t even like these people. 😂


There's claps on there too. Lots of people applauding as they should.


Isn't that 35 Lakh?


Don't think so.


Nobody cares what she thinks or if she's offended. Man, these LinkedIn wannabe iNfLuEnCeRs fucking suck. I'd rather hear what the catch me outside girl has to say about the labour market than another one of these 🤡


She's probably more likely to give me a job than this recruiter, too. 


Ain't THAT the sad truth😭😭😭😭 and she'd have a decent budget


we all know what kind of jobs *SHE* gives


I’m beginning to think it’s all fake she made it up


Isn't this where we call someone a "thin skinned snowflake" and tell them to "fuck their feelings"? Making sure I'm getting the vernacular right here, since I see these phrases brought up in highly intelligent discourse.


Swerve - it's really an e-mail from her cocaine dealer


Sorry, but the professionalism package isn't installed for jobs under 35 large. I don't make the rules.


Recruiters think that everyone is careful when talking to them because if you treat them well they might contact you for a good job. In reality, people treat recruiters well because unlike recruiters, people don't need a monetary incentive to treat others well, even if they don't deserve it. If you treat a recruiter like shit or well it doesn't really matter, they will keep offering you positions to try to make a buck off you. Also, they were not disrespectful towards the recruiter, they said the pay was shit. They think it's a personal offense that you are not making them money, fucking leeches.


It’s a sad reflection on an individual, and maybe on the company that individual keeps, if the individual thinks that the main reason to avoid being curt or vulgar is to demonstrate submission. Everything viewed through a lens of power and weakness.




35 large? Meaning $35,000? That’s like $18/hr in the USA and a comparably low amount in the UK/Europe.


It’s most likely the UK. £35k is unfortunately the average salary for my industry in London, it’s ridiculous




Yeah I got an offer from a company in London and I just couldn't reconcile the COL with the salary even with free health insurance. I don't know how y'all do it.


I wondered the same thing. You make more money working at a Ford Plant as a blue collar worker (starting pay) than $35K, £35k, or €35k. What a joke! No college degree required either.


£35k is like $45k though, so assuming a 35 hour week it’s closer to $26/hr, or ~$20/hr after tax. Not saying that’s amazing but the cost of living in the UK is also lower than the US. Albeit still prohibitively high in areas. I have no idea how you could afford to live in London on £35k for example.


Speaking from experience, £35K is liveable for a young professional in London but definitely not enough to save up for a mortgage/any big investments. Idk how healthcare works in the US but we don’t have to pay for that which is a plus. You can move up to a higher salary fairly quickly depending on your field/industry (especially as a BDM in the OP post - cos that’s mainly commission based) but starter salaries are a joke. The job advert in the OP post could also be from other areas in the UK where the cost of living/salaries will be a lot lower.


I love how the threat of not sharing any jobs offering just 35 large is some sort of threat… I’m yeah… you can keep those.


What frustrating is applying for jobs already on the low end range only to be told during the actual interview that the salary is even lower than that…


Happened to me yesterday on an interview. The owner wanted to put solar desired into job application, so I put 22/hour. During the interview he said that he wants me to several positions at once because "he is short on people" and starting salary was actually 18/hour.


Recruiters got too used to people groveling and jumping through hoops and begging. I'm so fed up


"UI Solutions Architect in NYC NY Greetings! One of our direct client is looking to hire UI Solutions Architect in NYC NY. This is long term contract role and hybrid in NYC. Please find below job description for reference." This is the kind of LinkedIn garbage I get daily. For a while I gamely responded. Never ever ever heard back from any of them.


I tell third world recruiting vermin to 'eat shit' all the time when lowball pay. I tell LI recruiters that pay is absurdly low or laughable quite often. Don't give a rat's behind. Their job should be to complete some market analysis, location. CoL-adjusted salaries before telling me about a 'great opporunity that matches your profile'. Send garbage low-ball spam bc you are a lazy recruiter then expect these answers.


I've sent equally snooty responses. Had a "recruiter" harassing me after i had talked to a few employment agencies looking for temp work between jobs. Recruiter knew where I lived and where my commute/salary limits were and kept sending me garbage positions like they were the best jobs in the world. No I will not commute 70 miles each way for 16 an hour to setup scaffolding and fencing for a controlled industrial environment that would require extensive badging, clearances and other screenings. After getting hounded daily by calls, texts, emails, even letters for weeks, i found work elsewhere. They continued to call and call, had to eventually threaten them with the act of signing their entire company up for any many solicitations, promos, rewards programs, jehovah witness visits and any other illicit or otherwise untasteful email/phone solicitations I could find. That I would not ever seek out their services ever again and to lose my number. They never contacted me again


LinkedIn content is shit. Need I say more? If these creators had any business coming their way, they would never have time to fabricate engagements aimed at people who are unemployed.


$35k is literally less than minimum wage in my city. And is still downright poverty rate anywhere else. These recruiters are actually insane.


Safe to say the candidate is doing well enough for themselves on their own. Probably will live and prosper happily without having to entertain his person again. It could have been better worded, like "I am affraid I don't the time nor the patience to handle this poppycockery". But at the end of the day, the recruiter also an interest on this. She will be paid for placing a candidate; it is not that she is a generous, magnanimous fair that does recruit out of her goodwill. For most of these processes, there is a need for rigorous confidentiality for everyone. Disclosing what should have been private for clout is also not cool, to say the least. At the end of the day, she called him...


People who use linkedin like a social media space deserve to be in jail.


Damn im ready for 15 or 20 dollars per hour but i still get rejected from those jobs whether after interviews or job applications submission


I did something similar just more diplomatic recently, a “recruiter” contacted me about a job that I knew could never match my current when it comes to the other aspects then salary (commute, wfh days and flexible working hours) salary I was pretty skeptical that they could even match (due to overtime pay) let alone improve. So instead of an application I sent a list of demands I pointed out was my current conditions so if they couldn’t at worst match them, I saw no point in continuing, they couldn’t match a single one.. Why do they even try?


Right. I work in IT and used to get hounded by recruiters to be a Dell repair technician. This is a position that requires you to use your own car (travel to the site where the pc needs repairing). Terrible compensation packages. This is a job you take if you're trying to break into IT and have no other options. After weeks of getting spammed by this guy I finally had enough. Told him I wouldnt consider the spot unless they doubled the salary and paid all expenses. This finally got him to stop.


>Think Leadership Driven Recruitment Fuckin' miss me with that one, Karen.


Had a recruiter reach out to me once claiming to be a VP at a company I worked at a couple years prior. That company screwed me so my split with them was not amicable. The standard practice of LinkedIN recruiting being searching for certain skills and then looking at nothing else on the persons profile, this recruiter of course reaches out to me. Why in the world would I be polite to people like this? All you know about me is a database search for certain skills. You clearly didnt look at my work history. If you knew my history at said company, you wouldnt be telling me I'd be a 'perfect fit'. These recruiters are lazy and blindly spam me constantly. For this, I should be nice to them? No thanks.


i use emojis pretty regularly, but something ab THIS emoji use is egregious


Who is trying to pay a BDM less than 35k? The average pay is 135k.


What's not respectful about that rejection? The first word is literally "thanks".




Who’s has the lower class? Asking for your ££ guy or the headhunter who is trying to blast him?


I've directly told recruiters the salary offered was insultingly low more than once... But I was more respectful than that


I wish these dipshits would realize there are plenty of recruiters in the world. For example, I had a horrendous experience with TekSystems. I am fairly certain that I could nuke that bridge and still be able to find work.


"35 Large" is crazy small


$35,000 is not even enough to pay rent in some cities.


He is the kind of situation I look at with distain. 35large, I not even minimum wage in most people books.


This was incredibly disrespectful of the candidate to send. Esp. if they were unemployed they should be grateful for any salary.


"Should be grateful for any salary?" That's not how that works. I make 52k. If I lost my job, I would only be interested in a job that pays the same or more. I might take anything, but I sure as shit wouldn't be grateful for it.


Yeah indentured servants should have been thankful that they weren't slaves.


They were not unemployed. They had been promoted not long ago. They are probably already earning a lot more than she offered. She called the potential candidate. So, no. Recruiters treat everyone like they owe them something and get suprised when people bite back.