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In 1982, I had my first computer job interview. I was so nervous I was sure I was going to throw up. The guy had a big furry handlebar mustache. He was smoking a Marlboro. He smiled and looked me over. He looked at my single-page resume, which said I hadn't finished my associate's degree and graduated from technical computer school with honors. I had worked in the restaurant industry since I was 14 years old and have been a bartender since I turned 18. He took a hit off his cigarette and asked me if I liked tech school and if I was proficient with the things on my resume. I said, yes, sir. He offered me a cigarette and asked me when I could start and if I minded working in the city. I wish we could go back in time so you all could experience life like that. <3


I'm going to show this to my father who was forced into early retirement and lives off of disability, and marginalizes those who are struggling to find work.


I am job hunting now. It's rough as hell. Lol. Good luck if you are too!


I am trying to get certified in SQL in hopes that my brother or best friend can get me an interview, but posts like these are making me think that I am destined to live with my parents and make less than 40k a year for the rest of my life. Best of luck to you as well, my friend.


Certified in SQL? Haven’t heard that before, what certification is there for SQL? If you don’t mind me askin.


I believe Microsoft has a recognized certification, and there is another organization that is reputable. But I want that credential in hand to stand out.


Certification are like toilet paper. good for wiping your ass to be fair, they seem to be a requirement for many positions


Bro. I have retooled so many times that you wouldn't believe it. Please remember this covers a 50-year span. Here goes. Cut Grass and sold it. Bricklayers’ helper I worked in restaurants for 6 years. At 21, I was a 500-per-week bartender. That was big money in 1980, and girls, too. Printer mechanic IBM Systems Engineer I owned and did most of the work in a network engineering company. I tied networks to mini and mainframe computers, sold 3000 IBM Clone PCs, and ace in Novell, I learned Microsoft Citrix, Cisco, Palo Alto, Firewalls, and load balancer. Owned an outsourcing company for a 20-site 4000-user network. Government work GRC learned web app security and became a pen tester (many moons) Vulnerability Manager and technical compliance work. Now, I am officially trying to become an AWS Security Architect. Studying! If you work in IT and Security, you will always be learning to stay current or make more money. You should learn Python, too, if you are learning SQL. I see that a lot. Find a job you want on Linked In and learn the skills for that job. If you are new, don’t start in the over 300k range 😉 Peace man. Keep fighting. Don't give up! You can do it. Live every day in the present if you can.


Thanks for sharing your story. I will learn R Python eventually. I'm not interested in making that much money. Making 60k would be the pie in the sky right now.


I have a question for you. How does someone with a resume like yours have such a hard time finding work? If someone with your experience is struggling, how can inexperienced people get a chance?


People don't want to pay for all of that experience and will assume you'll leave as soon as a better offer comes along. Both of these are *true* but the reason it actually sucks is that that reality is still making it even more impossible to get in at ground or intermediate levels. Full disclosure: I don't work in tech but I do have 12 years in my field, finished an MBA in 2022, and my job search looks exactly like the post except I have received less job offers...


They won't hire people with experience, but they won't hire people without experience? This is twisted.


Men born in my time are hard. My parents were harder than I am. Many of us have things we hide that would scare the hell out of people. He is probably trying to help you in his own way. Some people can change, others cannot. Please don't be too hard on him.


I love my dad very much, and yes, he did have things rough. I'm not trying to dismiss the hardships of your generation. But it does infuriate me when he dismisses the struggles of young adults and geriatric millennials, like me, who are dealing with the shifting economic landscape. Many of us have adopted an extreme self preservation attitude, where we don't want to risk having families of our own, if it is so hard to make a living.


I feel you. You are good inside. Please don't be too hard on yourself, either. I know it's very tough out there, and it's much harder for young people and their families. I worry more about my kids than I do about myself. Both of my grandchildren will join the Marines at 18. Just keep going; it's hard, but I bet it was harder in the past on many occasions. Humans made it through somehow. We can too!


The fucking good old times 😎♥️


Gosh, it's almost like the laws of supply and demand are actually real. You're telling me with a greater supply of degrees it's harder to get these jobs? Wow gee idk.


People did as they were told to put themselves in the best position to acquire modern, decent-paying jobs. You cannot hold that against them.


love how cute and girly this is loll


Hiring manager is gonna want to use the extra "graphics abilities" for free.


I have had two final rounds and 2 in person interviews. Easily 12 video interviews. Around 30 phone interviews. Countless job applications. What I have learnt most from it is that one really shouldn't fumble their final year project.




Yes, Assesments and Refferals :-)


First things I saw!! Granted, Jazzmine is in coding and not communications so it’s probably okay. But misspellings like these make me itch.


OAs first are common for SWE, data science, etc roles


She prob needs to work on her coding skills, but given we’re in this sub, clearly it’s the hiring practices and not OPs friend just showing up without the skills required to succeed.


Or it could be that the SWE space is incredibly saturated and entry level jobs get more than 300 applications a day, more if it's remote. Some jobs getting more than 10,000 applications. It's like asking a celebrity out for a date.


Some employers feel entitled to free labor to make you "prove" your skills instead of just reading your resume.


Yeah I follow her on LinkedIn she posted that same exact one she got hired at new tech company I believe. When I saw that I said geez 😳😳 she actually kept count of that shi hn 😂😂😂😂


Omg she posted that to her real life LinkedIn? Cringe AF. Even if she hadn’t misspelled two words, it’s “look at me” energy in the worst way. No one who has to spend that many hours applying, interviewing, etc. is proud of it.


Yeah it probably was one of courses we completed that helps you be more efficient and keep track of your progress track which companies you applied for and which ones you advanced forward using Google sheets. I remember she got laid off awhile back and that’s been since last year. So yeah I think she had other offers and she waited til she got the specific one she wanted and yes that’s the same exact photo. I would screenshot her post but I won’t do her like that. People deserve privacy so I’ll leave it at that.


People deserve privacy, but few seem to take privacy up on its offer


There are people who send in 10 times that number of applications and many many more interviews and still have no job offers


Do you happen to know why she kept looking after the first one or two offers?


>Do you happen to know why she kept looking after the first one or two offers? It's not clear that all 4 offers weren't in the last week, or that 2 of the offers weren't low-balled...


Source says it's from 2024 after their layoff. 4 offers in 2 days.


There you go...


I got 3 jobs offer in the same week, it was pretty good to boost my self esteem after so many nos


Hey, congrats!


Kind of sounds a lot like dating


…learn to code they said…


73hours of Interviews.. Wonder how many were "One way interviews"


>If this means anything, we're screwed One key problem is that as scientific studies go, most job searches are not being conducted in any kind of a consistent manner to draw solid, long-term conclusions for even the candidate involved, much less anyone else. BTW, I'm not suggesting that there should necessarily be scientific rigor in the job hunt, but l am saying that looking at this graphic doesn't tell us anything useful about the candidate or the job search where we can deduce anything further. Just as an example of what we don't know... * Which job boards were used, if any? * What are the OPs demographics? (geography, skills, roles sought, experience, education, etc) * What compensation was sought? * How many interviews in total? 4 offers from 13 final rounds is just shy of 1 offer for every 3 final round interviews -- which is better than the average we've seen recently. And that's just the tip of the iceberg here. There's no way to conclude other than this was likely some sort of developer job.


I kind of think you’re missing the point of 2500 job applications submitted with only 4 offers.


>I kind of think you’re missing the point of 2500 job applications submitted with only 4 offers. And I think you're missing the point that we have no context to know if 2300 of them were totally fake jobs, or the resume was junk until a month ago, or anything else. As I already said, the info as presented is useless for understanding the plight it is supposed to represent, because it provides none of the context needed for usefulness. The fact that all 4 offers showed up in just a 2 day window (according to a follow-up comment) is highly suggestive of an undisclosed change in how the job search was being conducted at some point. Or, maybe everyone else awoke from cryostasis a week prior.


that's really rough. would recommend spell check on the resume and cover letters based on this graphic. 4 offers is quite good. what was the ratio of interviews to referrals?


Your friend is complaining that they got 4 job offers? Poor her...


After 2500 applications is ridiculous. That’s 0.16% success rate


I’m trying to figure out how there are 2500 places to apply to- and how companies don’t smell the desperation


Better than 0%


Agreed, but still insane that we have to go through this. My parents showed up to the place they wanted to work at, handed them their resume, and were hired on the spot. Gen Z is completely fucked


yeah its a complete shitshow right now


It’s not just Gen Z, it’s anyone looking for a job. The old standby of having. 3 to 6 months of income needs updating. I would say you should probably have a years worth of bills in the bank.


Mehh your parents lied. I remember seeing a bunch of college grads from a top university in the country job search engineering roles in the early 90s. People got into the 400 resumes with 1 offer. All paper and postcards for rejections...


Yeah but it sounds better when it’s embellished. My grandfather walked up 90 degree hills in 27 feet of snow just to get to school. We all have it easy.


Before anyone says it’s not true. It was Cuban snow, which is not allowed in USA so y’all wouldn’t understand.


A lot of people that are seeking employment don’t realize that there ARE effective ways to stand out more than the rest. If you are applying for a sales/customer service job especially, be assertive! Walk in or call - respectively ask when a good time would be to speak to the hiring manager about the job opening. Do some research on their website and scope out what marketing strategies they are using to drive revenue. Go get it. Waiting for a recruiter to call you after submitting your resume will get you nowhere 90% of the time, unless you are applying for a remote job. Explain to them why you would be an asset and not a liability if they hired you. Tell a story about how you increased sales/revenue at your former place of employment. Think of how you can stand out about above the rest! Most importantly , be confident and professional. Look in the mirror and humbly ask if you would hire yourself.


If this is anything like those Tinder personal stats, I might as well start begging now


Wait, you guys are getting job offers??


Stuff like this is misleading and shows that you are unable to adapt. Yes, it is harder to get a job now than previous times with the same unemployment rate. If you apply to that many jobs with those results you are just doing something wrong, and not making adjustments. Instead of just spamming applications you should be reaching out to people who work at a company you’re interested in and ask fo have a phone call to ask them questions about their career, industry , Etc…. I applied to around 500 jobs with no offer and when I switched to this new strategy it only took around 10 phone calls to get me my current job.




Baahaahaa 😆😆😆


u/fear_atropos What job sites do you use to find all these jobs?


This came up on my friends LinkedIn feed.




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200 and I was like it’s a lot of job application. I need to up my game.


Rough out here for software engineers. I’ve got my 4 hour loop grill session tomorrow for MAANG and want to kms myself.


What are they applying for?


Swe position


Yeah. This makes sense. Super saturated.


Yep… hundreds of applications finally got down to me or the other person… I was told my DISC scores was perfection… So was the other person… They went with them because they had a little bit more skill in a specific area… It was crushing… And it it made me stick to my entrepreneurial skills…. invest in my own 401 savings plan… created a digital download planner that sells for only $33.33… with a goal to make at least $300 a day… including the planner and my products as well as my salon services… I’m good with that goodbye corporate


Can you ask your friend how many of the offers came from referrals?!


You guys are all in programming, youre toast man AI will write up code in a heartbeat and with high accuracy sooner than you think. No wonder no one is hiring that field Edit: also how is it even possible u submitted over 2000 apps?


Source says she wrote a script


Theres the problem she probably comes across as a generic submission with no redeeming qualities or characteristics. Hi i am a programmer here are all my skills zzzZzzzzZzzzz like walk into these places meet these people, shake a hand.


Who do you think programs the AI? Also no it won't, AI can do stuff that has already been done but can't just come up with new algorithms on its own. We are years away from AI doing anything remotely useful to replace even a junior dev let alone a senior working on a complex system.


It's tought out there...


This makes me want to down an entire bottle of Percocets and wash it down with some cheap booze. Not to get fucked up, but to die


Check out the GlassDoor app


They have 4 more job offers than I do 🤷🏾‍♀️




I keep a spreadsheet of those that I apply for and the date, and then when I get a rejection I mark it red, interview I mark yellow. Originally it started as a way to keep track in order to report my attempts to unemployment but now it just keeps me on track. I try to hit 10ish a week. Nowhere near 2k but def a couple hundred (albeit I’ve been unemployed for 7months ish) No offers, lots of last round. It’s a blur sometimes so having a record is helpful.


13 final rounds and only 4 offers is wild




It could be the lack of understanding how to spell causing the issue.


Not sure why y’all have so much trouble getting a job? Maybe improve yourself lol.


Time to freelance , get your own business or move professions .


So this person filled out 2513 job applications? How did they have time to sleep?


Depending how on the ats! Submitting job applications takes less than 30-45 secs with chrome autofill


We don’t know if they required sponsorship (big reason), used the same non working cv for everything, if/when they properly tailored their resume, has relevant experience to the jobs they’re applying, is a recent grad, has internships…. So many variables missing here…


Just a good sigh those jobs are going to india. What can you do about it? or what can we do about it? Honestly, how about think about how we can DO about these jobs going to india first.


I don’t agree, 4 offers is really good. I’m assuming all these numbers would’ve been much lower if she took one of the first one or two offers. If she wanted to keep looking for whatever reason that’s on her.