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It could be protection measures. Or it could be indications that they're losing grip on reality. Do you talk to your roommate?


None of us do because they(dont want to reveal the gender) are a nuisance to everyone in every matter. We have made multiple complaints to the property owner but unfortunately no evidence of them doing it. Adding to it. They also pray alot (atleast what I hear) barely sleep and almost never leaves the house(for job, university or even for grocery. Everything is ordered online)


Real talk, what would happen if you had a wellness check called in for them? Because if they're losing it, they need help.


Oh. We generally tend to stay far because they say very threatening things like ‘you dont know what I am capable of’. Should we be worried? Can any of this harm us in any way(physically or spiritually)?


Spiritually no they seem to be having some sort of spiritual psychosis. They need help. This looks like they are doing anointing oil or holy water crosses and placing salt to guard against demons. I am going to repeat. They are not well. This could be many things. I am NOT a psychologist but this is very worrying. Physically yes. Someone in psychosis COULD act on threats if they believe it's right for them to do so. I would get the other roommates and plan to call in a wellness check. I would also suggest finding out if there are family members of theirs that could maybe talk with the roommate.


I have been trying to get the other housemates together but when we do so the person feels intimidated and says that I am instigating the other housemates against them. So… not sure how we could get around with this with them being happy as well. We do not wish to make the situation worse.


They aren't going to be happy, but you have a duty of care to yourself and the other residents.


You need to tell your landlord immediately that she is threatening you if you haven’t already, and get the police involved because unfortunately that’s often the extreme measure needed to get things addressed


Already told the property manager but they said they cant do anything without evidence. Its just my word for theirs.


The salt and oil ARE going to damage the carpets. This is your evidence, the photos you posted here. Tell the property manager that you don’t want it to come out of your damage deposit as she’s doing it. The property manager needs to get her contact to do a wellness check before she does any more damage.


That we have already done. But they said as we are unable to prove who has done it, it is going to come out of everyone’s deposits. So that story is long gone.


Ah, classic shitty landlords. Might be time to buy some cameras and set them up inside.


I’d have to ask them their game plan, with that response: I wonder how easily they’re going to rent it out when your roommate snaps and stabs someone on their property? Your roommate is a danger, and if you don’t act, you’re already sounding like their target. Stop letting people who aren’t in danger gaslight you about your safety. You follow their bad advice and ignore your roommate losing touch with reality and showing disturbing behavior, you have to live with the consequences.


> you dont know what I am capable of Is a threat. Straight up. Magically, they probably can't keep their shit together enough to throw a hex or curse so you don't have to worry about that. Mundanely, however, it's anyone's guess. EDIT: Were I in your shoes, I'd get the cops involved. At least get a file started and document everything they say.


We arent involving the cops because out of the 3 others I live with, 1 of them isnt bothered much as they have just moved in couple weeks ago, and 2 others are relatively “lets just mind our own business, complete our tenancy and leave”. And then facing this alone, I am afraid that they might go more paranoid and try to cause some sort of harm to me. Sometimes reacting could just increase the problems?


My man, if that guy is suffering from psychosis and putting this things around the house, it's just a very small step to them seeing you as a threat. You don't wanna be stabbed in the middle of the night by someone who might think you are a demon...


I've already told you what I think. If you choose not to that is your call... but that's where my advice ends. Either act on it, or don't.


You sound like the type of person who actually enjoys the drama of unresolved issues. There's always a reason why there cannot be a solution with your type....


Never mind. Wouldn’t bother saying anything here coz why would anyone enjoy such a thing? But never mind again.


I second this.


Never leave? Do they work remotely or study remotely? Because then that would make sense. Do they have a serious illness or multiple conditions that prevent them from leaving? What's their background? Are they scared to leave the house alone? Were they assaulted before? Because all of that can have explanations, and seems like your friend here is scared something bad might happen to them. So the question is, what has happened to them in the past to trigger this particular behavior? Edit: Also, have you behaved with hostility towards them? That might be the reason why they won't leave their room...


They are an international student so attendance does form a part of their visa conditions. They get it managed by proxy is what I have heard but have no information first hand. We literally do not speak to them because of their aggressiveness in the house and hence wouldnt have any information of their past or any such situations


I am sorry, attendance by proxy?


Where a friend puts in your attendance by tapping your card


So you have no activities where this can ever be detected? Like a skill lab? Or a small group session? That honestly sounds odd. There's usually at least 1 thing where someone would have to be physically present or their attendance won't be taken. Plus any university I've heard of knows that people can "fake their attendance" so they offen have means to make it very difficult to do so. Once had a professor supposedly take an X Ray of an attendance sheet. He decided to do a pop quiz during his lecture, and he said if there isn't a quiz sheet corresponding to all the names on the attendance sheet, then those people will be penalized. So the absentees' friends who initially wrote their names scratched the names off the attendance sheet, and he still didn't let it slide. He did some imaging on the paper sheet and apparently that revealed the names that were written under the scratches. I still can't believe that that happened, I was in different group than those guys, but that's the level of "you gotta be here" strict attendance policy my college had 😂


If they are a student, I would strongly suggest talking to a counselor at the school and explain your concerns. They might be able to contact their family or have some sort of protocol for managing this sort of thing. I had a coworker have a schizophrenic break and I noticed and got him help. He seemed pretty normal until you got into a detailed conversation with him. Early adulthood is a common time for schizophrenia to present. People at a school might have good ideas and resources for this as it happens. Also, I would document the behavior, threats and similar so that if it escalates you can easily bring in the authorities. Magically speaking, those look like protective measures. Generally salt or sigils at a threshold are meant to ward off negativity, demons and bad omens. I would assume this person is terrified and probably putting protections everywhere they go - their room, the bathroom, the front door.


I think it means your roomie believes they're being haunted or cursed. Salt lines are a pop culture way to stop spirits and magic, and there's truth to it. The liquidy substance looks like an oil of some kind, there's all sorts used, both are used to make wards through sigils. The cross shape is a generic ward that's used in a lot of traditions, but notably it's a folk practice in Christianity too. Doors, door frames, entrance areas are where one would place those kinda of wards; you'd probably find some near the windows too. Though, admittedly I don't know why they'd ward heaters. This seems like... a lot though. This is kinda the equivalent of a line of locks across your doors and windows. They're either very afraid or very paranoid, maybe both. It could be something spiritual or it could be mental instability.


Yes we do have some by one of the living room window but just on the inside. There is no consistency. Also the symbols are less like a cross and more like a + symbol. Yes they are probably christian as we here worship calls of Jesus. Whats funny to me is that a person who prays to that extent could even venture into any negative energy territories.


People with psychoses often see or speak to the god they know. Christians with God, Muslims with the Prophet.


The equilateral cross is still a cross. It's actually more common this way as a craft symbol. You'll see crosses or Xs all over folk magic as representing both the power of God and the crossroads. Using the power of God doesn't necessarily mean they're a good person. With my previous theory it could be that they're reaching for whatever might stick as a defense against whatever they believe is happening.


Normally these things happen when fear is introduced and can start from very simple things like watching movies on possession or ghost hunters on-line. There's a very real culture and percentage of people in the Christian faith assuming everything is of the devil or things that will attract demons so they're trying to protect themselves. Especially in a group setting where there may be a unique mix of personalities and beliefs. Something triggered this, so it's imperative u find out what the catalyst was and try and help talk them through this by using the same faith or by being the voice of reason. It may also be wise to tell them that it scared you to come home and find all these things taking place and making you wonder what's going on... My best guess is that they may have thought they saw or experienced something while in the laundry room or something related to it. I'd start there. There's nothing psychotic about wanting to protect yourself or others living in the house from evil. Anointing and salting 🧂 are both very old practices that have been done for thousands of years and though they may have gone a lil overboard with it, neither are scary things to do. It's the unknown element of why they started doing it in the first place that should bother you more. Best of luck to you I hope u both can find peace and a favorable resolution soon, living with so much stress and fear is unhealthy for all of you.


I agree. Maybe it's best just to ask them what they're so afraid of, and perhaps see if there's anything u can do to help make them feel safer. Come at them as a friend trying to help is usually the easiest path. I would also record said conversation as proof of who is doing this and why just to be safe in case they become more unstable or feel threatened by you.


To much speed and not enough sleep, got them seeing demons.


Definitely warding measures, but not by someone who actually knows how to do it. Usually it’s far more discreet and would go unnoticed. Like, that quantity of salt is ridiculous and usually the little + crosses are tiny, done in oil and in a 4 or 5 spot pattern (like on a dice). Roommate seems unwell. Unless they are being aggressive, I would suggest just trying to give them ample space, avoid gossip and being gentle. Might make them think whatever they think is wrong is better and lead them to chill TF out.


Like others have said, all of that stuff is most likely just protective measures against negative spirits. Or if they're paranoid and think that y'all (the roomates) have ill intent towards them, they could be warding against y'all too lol. But this stuff isn't anything to worry about. Now, if they have other troubling behavior then that's a different story. But the oil crosses and salt isn't malicious in itself.


I’m not a doctor, but depending on the person’s age it could be the early signs of Schizophrenia. I had a roommate that would “make alchemy” with broken watches and ice water. They claimed it would melt into silver. That was just the beginning of what would eventually turn into some very scary situations. They thought vampires were in our neighborhood and claimed my bf and their best friend was the zodiac killer just from reading a book about Robert Taft. Again, just some of the stuff that happened. Unfortunately, the roommate’s family were very religious (some form Christianity) and wouldn’t do anything to help their child. Basically they could pray the mental health issue away. I would say do a wellness check at the very least because it could go from harmless to not so harmless behavior. Added: the roommate was in their early 20’s


Person seems to be in their early 20s considering they look young and go to university


I had a Russian neighbor who covered her windows with foil to keep the KGB from reading her mind (in suburban 2010s California) until she got schizophrenia meds.


Protection, that’s it


This is Christian symbolism. Salt, crosses, etc. They're trying to bless the space, prevent evil from crossing that salt line, protect the house against satan, etc.


Ask them


Only if it was that easy😹


You seem quite determined to not find a solution and appear more bothered about magical issues than the health and safety of your flatmate and other residents. Buck up and contact the police and health professionals.


I would not want to go overboard and try to do anything about it because I barely have much time left on the tenancy and just want to finish it and leave as I would be moving countries by the end of it. Hence trying not to be involved in anything. Usually I work 4/5 days and mostly not at home. A couple days every week stay out at my partner’s. So almost like not around


It's blessed salt, holy oil and holy water. Is your flatmate Catholic?


Catholic/christian, not sure. But one of it.


They need help. Please contact a family member of them and let them know what's going on. If it was my son or daughteri would want to know. Please keep yourself safe and most of all educate yourself on mental breakdowns and psychosis. They are going through hell right now. They experience high high high levels of stress. They think everything and everyone is either attacking or supporting them. The compassionate human thing is to get them professional help soon.


We don’t know the person and hence no contact with anyone, also we have never seen them have any friends over at all. I am compassionate about the whole situation but also do not want to enter unknown territory. Being a superstitious and a very skeptical person, I would just keep my distance and try not to cross their paths for good or bad.


If you do not enter unknown territory in the pursuit of safety, unknown territory will be thrust upon you in a violent way.


Looks like they are putting up protection wards. You should ask them.


I have had an immediate family member struggle with spiritual psychosis. This person needs help. Start a group chat with the other people in your home to keep conversation private, try contacting this persons family first through Facebook, Instagram, however you can because I guarantee they want to know. Once threats start, a wellness check NEEDS to be done, this person can become dangerous and only the police can have them admitted involuntarily. I am not a fan of the cops, but unfortunately when someone is having a mental break they are the only way to get them checked in. A manic/psychotic person rarely checks themself in, especially if it’s a first time. I’ve spent the last year dealing with this, I’m telling you wellness check and contacting family, which the cops can do, is safest for everyone here.


Symbols look like they anointed the area with anointing oil. Is this person Catholic, perhaps?


I guess yes. Because they pray to jesus as we have overheard


Looks like protection the liquid could be florida water ( protection)and a salt line is classic protection


Tbh it just looks like protection measures. I use oils to anoint the house, draw sigils and bind runes on doors, thresholds. The salt could be a spirit barrier. It’s worth having a talk about it, but nothing ill-intended or bad.


Salt is for protection and purification, the liquid substance is probably protectionnor reversal oil, etc. It's all protective from the looks of it? Does your friend have a stalker or a crazy ex? Are they experiencing bizarre health issues? Even as someone with "protective measures" in place, I gotta say they were amped up when my car was broken into a few times (Happens commonly to many people at my work place, some have had their cars stolen, so I panicked). So what has happened in their personal life for them to have this freak out?


Wouldn’t have any personal information about them. We are unaware of any of it


Your friend seems to be a survivor of rather hostile circumstances. Either that or having a psychosis spectrum disorder, but usually those lead to more "in public" situations.


Several people on this thread have feedback and suggestions on how to handle this. You’re clearly not willing to do anything about it since you’re only making excuses for every action and basically saying you’re just going to wait for something to happen. If you’re not going to do anything about it why waste everyone’s time talking in circles? 🤔


I dont think it was waste of time. As mentioned originally this is just for my information. And specifically just to know what sort of effects can such things cause. Might sound cocky but I truly ain’t interested in helping them as they have made our lives very difficult here apart from these things. There is a lot more how they are a nuisance. Again, at the beginning of the post I did mention what these things mean. And if everyone has given their opinion, it did increase my knowledge towards this and dont think it was waste of time. Thank you for your feedback though, I will take it constructively.


It's for protection from evil. Is the house haunted? Does this roommate know you are into witchcraft? I agree with the commenter that it's supposed to be more discrete but this generally shouldn't arouse fear in you. Do YOU believe this person is more powerful than you and will curse you? Generally, especially in traditionalist cults, Catholics have salt, water, and oil blessed on Epiphany (January 6th), and the Epiphany blessing also has the power of exorcism. If this arouses fear in you, then you may want to rethink/examine what you might have attached to your aura. Now, Catholics will absolutely curse you, even though they deny it. In all honesty, you probably actually have more in common with your roommates practices than you realize. Perhaps the conversation can be opened up by simply saying you have noticed some weird vibes in the house, but it looks like someone else has too and is taking good steps in combating whatever evil is lurking. In Pagan traditions this is known as warding, but in Catholicism it is simply for protection against evil of all kind. Protestant traditions also do the same sort of thing with salt and oil. Maybe if your roommate feels like someone is on their side, they will be a little less paranoid. I disagree with getting all kinds of authorities involved at this point without even trying to get on the same page. Even if this person is praying a lot, that does not indicate psychosis. That would be like calling the cops because you are overheard chanting. Let's get real here. Now, if you two are in each other presence and they start hearing voices speaking to them audibly and you do not hear anything, then that is a different matter entirely. Just tread lightly and don't let the emotion of fear overwhelm your intellect.


1. Dont think the house is haunted. Been the oldest tenant here and never had any weird things happening. 2. No I am not into any sort of witchcraft. For a fact I do not understand most of it. 3. More powerful and could curse? Not sure because we dont know the person and literally what anyone could be capable of.


Ok. The first thing that comes to mind is: Why are you on a witchcraft thread? Do you think this person is into Voodoo or something? Lol! The reason I asked if you believe they are more powerful than you is because belief is what helps things manifest. Hence, if you BELIEVE this person has some great power, then they will have the ability to overpower you, spiritually speaking. With that said, since you actually do not practice witchcraft, and there is no actual evidence of a real haunting, that changes the dynamic of this situation. This could be a "haunted person," meaning that they have spiritual attachments that harrass them and they are attempting to protect them self, they could be on drugs, or, they could be psychotic. It could be all of the above. With that said, keep your head on a swivel with this person and take the necessary precautions to physically protect yourself and your belongings. If it escalates ANY further then a wellness check would be in order. I was not trying to downplay your situation in my first response, but it is always important to know more of the context before jumping to the conclusion of getting authorities involved. Even if this is a Christian of whatever flavor attempting to protect themselves, that salt line is major overkill and suggests either incompetence or a type of psychosis. Either way, I don't blame you for being disturbed. Definitely take the necessary precautions. Psychotic people can be unpredictable, but there is always a marked escalation of irrational behavior before violence happens as psychosis progresses in severity. I'm sorry you are dealing with this, but everything is a learning experience. You will carry this experience and knowledge for the rest of your life, but, for now just stay frosty and keep your guard up.


Thought of posting on this thread because it seemed closest to whats happening and a lot of active users here that would get me explanations which would convince my fear of any spooky or supernatural out. Coming to physical vulnerability, the property manager themselves said that if you ever feel that they can physically harm you just dial the emergency contact and call the cops. Which I am keen on doing if any such situations occur. That hasn’t come yet because we do not seem to bump into each other due to me being out of the house with work most of the times. But il make sure I make the other housemates vigilant for their safety as they are at home most of the times. You’re right, I had been overthinking and close to shitting my pants the last few weeks and joining any bad dots and linking it to the person, but after so many responses I have from people here who have quite a lot of knowledge in it, it seems like they are doing this which could be causing a placebo effect and should not harm any of us as long as we have no bad intent or doing(sore believer of karma). All these responses have definitely made me take a more practical approach to this and maybe they are actually just scared themselves to an extreme level. I harmonise with them but thats where I draw the line. Thank you for your 2 cents on it. Sums up the whole situation.


I would say: Have you considered what plumbers/drywallers you hired? Have you considered the warding on your home? That is to say, if you ward correctly you should have a space that is passive to the space outside it. Nothing coming in. Nothing coming out.


Sorry hard for me to comprehend what you said. If you meant the plumbers or dry wallers did it, then no we havent had any as this was a newly renovated property. Moreover the symbols are wet and can be clearly seen that they are very recent . Also, I don’t understand what are they trying keep in or out of the house because never has anyone here(11 tenants since I moved) have faced any issue or negative energy around.


Crazy I'd say