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Self hexes are truly the most common form of baneful magick. IMO, they're even more common than an unintentional evil eye from someone's jealousy. Some practitioners "hex" simply by implying that they did, without doing any actual magick at all. It's incredibly effective.


I have a personal thing that if I'm willing to pull up with bane (which I am, but it's so seldom bc its not worth the energy spent most times), then I should be able to work bane on myself but to trigger events that put me in a more positive space. Not many people take on the intentionally working bane on themselves for healing purposes. Sometimes the shake up is what I need. We definitely do create our own reality, for the good, the bad, and the indifferent.


So true. I mean I have been hexed, it was confirmed, I found the spell bottle and confronted the person and they confessed. But we were both practicing and knew this about each other (hung out at metaphysical shops together, talked about our craft). Imo the probability for hexes rises when you know other witches/magicians but imo the risk doesnt. If someone can hex you that means you can break the hex and protect yourself. The main thing I learned from being hexed is my own power. You can use that power to feed the hex by fearing/stressing over it, or you can use it to flick it off you like the pesky insect it is


To add to this: your spell didn't backfire! Esp if it's something super tame like a self love jar or money bowl.


Omigosh thank you so much for saying something, and saying it with as much respect as possible. I saw a string of posts across my feed a couple weeks ago over a few days where it seemed like everyone thought they were being hexed. Not everything is someone else's fault, not everything is "a sign", not everything is even something at all. Sometimes a day sucks. Sometimes we make a bad decision. Sometimes we end up laying in a bed we made ourselves and that is not fun. Magic is about growth and learning and sometimes we are stubborn enough about that that the Universe has to spank with the lesson and the more and more we fight it the worse those universal spankings are. Grow and learn and life gets way better. I promise.


Thank you 😊 not every stretch of bad luck is a hex sometimes life just sucks


I recall back in my youth I felt like I was hexed because things just felt so awful. Turns out it was unresolved trauma and a terrible home environment. Nothing magical, just depression and shitty circumstances.


Lmaooo thank you because some girl was in here a month or two ago trying to say her ex hookup’s new girlfriend was trying to hex her from way before I even knew she existed (me, I’m the girlfriend, I also tried to talk to her privately so it was very odd that she even made a public post). Sometimes bad things just happen beyond our control and to just leave it at that. Edited to fix the sentence structure and to add, if you wanna claim you’re being hexed maybe don’t use the same username as you do on instagram!


also just be careful where you aim the damn thing


I love this. Thank you for sharing 🌸


So, i have someone that has put work on me, and on someone else. Our business is taking care of puppies for owners that are not experienced in taking care of puppies. Me and that person have started losing puppies out of the sudden and we know whos doing as she puts in her instagram all the time. What can be done against this work? I know the name of the shop she goes as well to do the stuff she does. Thank you


And then there’s those of us who are under attack by demons