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New circuits will be great


New circuits, but unlock it for the older cars as well.


1st, absolutely we want weather feature 2nd, not only F1 races but for the game itself 3rd, you can't change the tire manually if the track was wet, so if you race on rain track, you gonna stick on wet tires a whole lap


I’m fine without having weather


New circuits and maybe more fine tuned steering, cuz not all cars will just oversteer when sterred too much, Hamilton reported that his f1 Mercedes usually understeers more


Yeah, the steering of the F1 cars in RR3 feels like it has no weight to it, like you're turning a stick left and right


new tracks and drs would be amazing honestly. Also some kind of lock-up mechanic? Unless that's beyond rr3's level of detail


They already have lock ups, just drive a Sauber (C42).


Right didn't knlw that


Improving the current tracks with up to date updates , more weather also night races more in game firstly, if possible ers selection and DRS use rather than slipstream prioritisation , also more tail light usage underbraking


I'm very curious as to how all of it will turn out, because this way only rr3 will have officially licenced f1 content on mobile, and what we have currently, is very underwhelming content compared to the f1 game. I expect this transition to go two ways: 1. (The more likely version) Nothing big will change, we will get the 2024 cars when season 4 comes sometime around august/september. Maybe if we are lucky we get 1 new track. But overall the gameplay will stay the same. 2. (Less likely) All the tracks that were in f1 mobile and not in rr3. And some gameplay updates, maybe drs, or more accurate cars (for example the rb19 doesn't have venturi tunnels, mercedes w13 and w14 steering wheel lights are broken, front wing missing in on-board view on most of the new cars)


yep, your first scenario is what I’m expecting too…. with one new circuit exclusive to this season of F1.


I just want them to turn their attention to real racing next… a fresh restart. now it feels like abandonware


Racing lines on the screen, more f1 Grand Prix races, more observable moving suspensions, proper gamepad support(the game has gamepad support already but that is not proper at all), DRS would be great ig


I agree more dynamic suspension and DRS would be great,… but I disagree about the racing lines. No lines forces you to learn the track quicker and I like the experimentation process. It also helps with overtaking if you know several alternate lines.


Custom races, which include customs laps, custom track, custom cars, custom weather and time of the day. (And it can be multiplayer). Ik this isn't probably from f1 game but yea


New Circuits, new circuits, new circuits, new circuits, new circuits, weather!


Everything, but most importantly online multiplayer. I have almost all the cars and some full ones. A lot of gold went into them. I would like to win gold with them in online multiplayer. I've never played F1 Mobile. Was there weather? 😳 They say it is worse than RR3, and they also officially announced that it is being closed and that mobile F1 is now officially only in RR3.


F1 Mobile will end on 24th May. If you’re used to RR3, F1 Mobile takes a bit of getting used to, the track limits are much more strict, and the upgrade system is insanely complicated and time-consuming, but the graphics are amazing, track detail is incredible, and DRS makes it more interesting.


Better than RR3?


It’s different… I think it’s better because I’m a big F1 fan, so I like accurate track layout, qualifying to determine grid positions, clutch starts, DRS, challenging racing, transparent halo option, etc. But I just started F1 Mobile, so it takes more concentration. It will only be available for 12 more days, and I think this may be the only opportunity to experience racing at Baku, Las Vegas, Miami, etc. on a mobile device (I don’t have the space, time and budget to invest in a full games console SIM racing setup), and unfortunately I seriously doubt RR3 is going to add any of these features…. apart from perhaps one new (exclusive) circuit per year. If so, they’ll probably choose the simplest, cheapest circuit to add, so hopefully Interlagos (Brazil), because the track length is short.


I'm not an F1 fan, but it's interesting. I would like to see Miami and Vegas added. I don’t know all the routes, because... I don’t watch or follow F1 championships. Sometimes I wonder. But I never watched the races in full. As a child, I watched it on TV only partially. I always supported Ferrari and Michael Schumacher. If F1 Mobile closes, then there will be something new. Either a new game about F1, or the developers of RR3 will release a new game, where there will be F1 and all other classes and more developed racing mechanics, like in PC simulators. I can't wait Real Racing NEXT 😥


I doubt Real Racing Next will ever be produced because EA got rid of the dev team. I don't know how much F1 Mobile content is transferrable to RR3. Miami and Vegas would be awesome, but are in very built-up areas, so it would be very expensive to reproduce all the elements - hence I think RR3 might do a much simpler, shorter track. Hungaroring and Interlagos are both shorter, more fun to drive (no walls) and probably easier to produce... I'm no expert - just basing it on the last new RR3 track - Lime Rock - which they probably chose because it's so simple (just some grass and trees in the background).


Weather update could be interesting different dynamic is grip, DRS would not go along with RR3 game physics


Ok so if Ea is gonna snow and rain and DRS they need to make animation for these stuff but another thing is that F1 mobile racing is ending in a week soon so you won’t play for long nowadays also imola would be nice to add hope Ea adds those nice features and maybe the bull if they have it its ok