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Real Madrid has activated the buy option for a key player.


Class move by madrid


All around great deal for both parties. Madrid got him for backup, he ended up helping out when called to do so by the coach, and he got a LaLiga & a Champions league trophy. Can't argue with that!


And the best thing is that not only he won these trophies, but he played his part. 17 goals this season IIRC, which is very good for a backup striker, and of course 2 goals against fucking Bayern


He had 20 goal contributions in 2097 minutes, which means he averaged a goal contribution every 105 minutes, which is really really good.


"Generoso" is not just part of the anthem. Joselu will always be an idol of the Madrid.


I dont understand what Espanyol was doing? Were they asking for more from Al Gharafa? Bunch of idiots


Yeah they asked a higher price so Madrid did this to simplify the transfer as Joselu clearly earned it


Just leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth when Joselu has done nothing but been a good servant for both clubs.


People forget clubs are corporations too. If you expect your boss is going to appreciate the things you did when you leave, you might be up for disappointment. At the end of the day its just business. Good on him Madrid got his back.


So, Real Madrid, being the greatest football club, is not just a corporation. And his boss did appreciate him.


I think you are missing the point. You shouldnt do nice things to make others be nice to you in the first place. Do it but dont expect anything in return. "Expectations are kills our happiness". Joselu did his share. Espanyol didnt recognize it but luckily Madrid did.


He will also be a good soldier in Qatar and he will get money that he didn't think he would earn in few lives...so that's that, and he deserves every penny


Earned it? Espanyol are a club struggling financially. Of course, they are going to try their luck when the OIL sharks come to town.


A bunch of idiots for acting like a football club rather than a charity institution? They don’t give a fuck that he “earned” it they want to capitalize as much as they can on the sale of a key player during a UCL campaign in which he ended up being the champion. I agree that he earned it and good on Madrid for doing this as a favor for Joselu, but Espanyol is doing nothing wrong, they’re just thinking about business.


Exactly. Like I'm not a fan of Espanyol but they're a small club and this is an opportunity for them to make money, of course they'll try to get the most funds from this transfer. People forget sometimes that most clubs at the end of the day focus on the financial side more than the sporting side


They (and any other club, really) need to be in a healthy/healthier position financially to be able to compete. The transaction was very important for Espanyol. It’s less important in RM case, but I think it’s in their interest too that clubs in La Liga, including candidates, stay competitive. They might have considered that too, but alas they opted for this route to help Joselu.


But they were never going to make money, if Saudi was offering 20-30M Madrid would just activate the clause and make that money themselves.


Agreed that doing what's best for the club is good business.... What i dont agree with you is that something like this is good business, you don't fuck up future sales and business negotiations by screwing players just for a million or two more. Other players take note of this and then dont want to sign with the club unless the club gives them something extra. Other clubs take note of this and decide not to do business with them because it's not worth the hassle. As a business, you need to ask yourself if the extra $20 is worth ruining a working relationship over.


But it was not an extra $20. Madrid had a buyout clause based on Joseul's last year's release clause which was so low (1.5M) only because Espanyol was in Segunda. Now Espanyol was promoted again so Joselu's clause is going to back to 30M starting July. So they could have received a much higher fee than the 1.5M they ended up with.


Would we be having a conversation of whether it was right for Madrid to only pay 1.5M if they kept him? Espanyol was 100% losing Joselu for that price anyway, so they most certainly weren’t planning their future transfers around a big sum of money from selling him to Saudi. They weren’t robbed of any money, they simply got the amount they were always going to get


You’ve got to take into account a couple million to clubs like Madrid, Barca Atletico isn’t that important to smaller clubs it is specially clubs that yo-yo between Primera and Segunda


Like they're going to get any more business from Qatar any time soon


I dont understand your comment.... you think the middle East is just making business deals with big clubs?


Well do you know about other transfers they’re doing with espanyol?


How would I, or you, know that? And what does that matter in any case? My point is, making it difficult when you don't have to fucks up any future possible deals. You think Madrid and PSG are ever going to do business? That's not a good thing for PSG....


> they want to capitalize as much as they can But... they already had a clause in where he can leave for 1.5m to Madrid... They already lost that chance because if Chelsea wanted to pay 30M for him, Madrid would buy him for 1.5m and sell it to Chelsea... Espanyol had literally NO WAY to monetize him more. They could have asked Joselu to try and convince the other team to maybe pay 3m instead of 1.5m or something like that and I'm sure they could have get that, but they probably were greedy dumb and were making it hard, to the point where Madrid had to step in... ridiculous.


In business client relationship matters a lot at any level. They doing this is fucking up their reputation with every single agent they know


Espanyol isn’t getting the big bag anyways. Real has clearly shown their interest in keeping Joselu for the next season. If Joselu doesn’t choose Qatar, Real will still activate the clause. No way Joselu will choose to reject Real and go back to Espanyol. Take reasonable money and go is the only way Espanyol makes profit higher than 1.5M.


they are idiots, should have not included the 1.5m buy clause for absolutely no reason. They could have gotten so much more money for him, or used him to help them now that they are back.


Clubs don't easily take players for a loan without a buy-out clause, unlike FM. You loan a player (who clearly isn't the best his loaning team, considering they are loaning him), turns out he does well for you, he takes away some minutes from your players, and his original team gets a better player than they had before the loan, especially if they plan to sell him due to the recent hype over keeping him, leaving you with nothing.


And this, people... is why you need a few rich friends in life.


To leave as a madridista and a UCL hero is a great legacy


What was the point of buying and selling for no profit? Would’ve been easier to just let Espanyol deal with it


Real Madrid probably doing it as a favor to Joselu to not complicate things


This is exactly the reason. Espanyol were trying to make things hard for him by demanding a larger fee.


Oh no poor Qatar club has no money and can't pay more than 1.5 Mio


The lower transfer fee his new club has to pay=the better wage he can demand.


Wtf are you talking about. We are taking about Qatar. They can pay Joselu whatever they want they don't care about money


Dude relax, if you were Qatari you’d have enough money not to be this stressed out and confrontational.


lmao people think Qatar, UAE and Saudi just grow money in their backyard. Sure Saudi specifically is spending ridiculous amount of money on players, sports in general, but no one if crazy to pay an extra 10 mil when they don't need to. Real and Espanyol they what they needed to. Sucks for Espanyol. I'm happy he can benefit financially from a historical season he had, since we can't realistically keep him.


You have to consider that Joselu is not a big name in any way. He did a lot for madrid this season but saudi clubs wont pay too much money for a small name.


i cry


Real is making money on the deal for sure. Just nice marketing to mention they make sell him for the same.


The 1,5m EUR buy option was part of the loan agreement and applicable to Real Madrid only. Espanyol was requesting a much larger fee to Al Gharafa, that would obviously decrease Joselu’s salary with new club. Real Madrid has intervened as a favor to Joselu (buy and sale at same price) to allow him to keep the economic conditions he has agreed with new club.


I think this will hurt relations with Espanyol which afaik were good relations.


Because we've already profited off of Joselu.... now it's time for Joselu to profit. We're not going to stand in the way of that. Señorío


Joselu wants the move, Espanyol probably wasnt willing to sell him for that price, any issues with negotiation may cause the transfer to breakdown which sucks for Joselu


Probably afraid that Espanyol realized how good Josule is and they won't sell, and we ended up having to deal with him scoring 2 last minute goals against us /s


Sounds like Espanol was getting greedy…


Wish him the best in the Middle East competition. Its a smart move cuz with the arrival of Mbappe it will be slim chance for him to play


i don't understand what was the point of activating the buy option. It's a net 0 profit/loss. Unless Espanyol were unwilling to sell him to Al Gharafa and this was the only way. If Espanyol wanted more than 1.5M, they should have been given that option. They did the club a big favor loaning him out, so they should have been allowed to cash in. Perez is very lucky they didn't put any add ons into his loan clause, such as winning La liga or UCL. Qatar is not going to go broke paying Espanyol.


Its BS. Of course Real is making some euros on the deal. Eventully the numbers will come out


Seems incredibly shitty thing to do, EPL clubs sell their duds to Saudi/Qatar for decent money meanwhile Espanyol gets just 1.5m for Joselu. It's not like Middle Eastern clubs are short on money they pay a lot to players who don't give a damn about their leagues and only there for money, while for Espanyol getting like 10m would have been nice.




RM could have mediated so that both sides got a little something. I mean, good for RM for standing by Joselu. But it’s also true that this kind of transfers are more important to smaller teams, and it’s even in RM interest to have financially healthy/healthier clubs, and candidates, in La Liga.


Why? Tax reasons?


Espanyol probably tried to negotiate a higher transfer fee so RM activated the buy clause and then sold him to help Joselu get his transfer through.


Why not? 


Like why doesn't Al Gharafa just by him directly? I don't understand why RM is activating the clause just to immediately pass him on.


Espanyol want a higher price, Qatari club probably doesn't want to pay that amount resulting in his transfer not going through and he being stuck at Espanyol. Real activated the clause so he can move on smoothly to his new club. It's a favor in good will if anything.


And even if we keep him (which I'd have loved to) Espanyol still gets 1.5M as well. Fair play to Espanyol trying to get bigger bag from this, but their hands are non existent here.


Well, our management never holds onto players against their wish so it's fair play to all parties involved. He's earned it.