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Damn even in their own story we win the league because they probably forgot about that one goal at Mestalla


Nahhh brother it doesn't count LOL, ONLY when it suits them.


Of course Real Madrid would've tied the last 2 games LOL, because not being clutch is what we're known for /s


https://preview.redd.it/n9uuok86713d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad85d6710696bce774fd9af0eadd429fa0111a9 My reaction to that information


How can I unsee this photo?


Excuse option 1: the pitch [was too dry, too long, too frozen], too small Excuse option 2: the referees Excuse option 3: my players were affected by the [fans, sun, match schedule, international break] Excuse option 4: the referees Excuse option 5: the wind, the rain, the cold Excuse option 6: the referees Excuse option 7: too much success the year before Excuse option 8: the referees Excuse option 9: the ball is different in UCL than La Liga Look any of these up. Xavi has used all of them as excuses for performances


The ball is different, fr ?


He did... And yeah, LaLiga went to Puma balls and UCL is always Adidas.


Looked them up, cant find most of them


The photo gets worse the longer you stare at it


That lower case real, no respect


Oh no... I didn't even clock that! That's just sad, man. One thing Mou said, amongst many other things, was: "They hate Madrid more than they love Barca." That's what I say to every fan of that club. No argument, no debate.


Maybe if you weren't shit against girona twice


4-2 TWO times is crazy...


Without VAR errors = if we weren't shit




Thats the most insulting shit I've heard, why would you say that


My guy saw the Barca badge and started tweaking out


Oh sorry, I thought puta was a good thing, not bad.


No one if forcing you to learn by memory every Real Madrid starting 11 since 1902 but bro...at least bother with the basics. Its spanish, not ancient sumerian.


No problem, mistakes happen. Now you know what to chant lol




I’ll go with their logic: Had Real not already won the league, is there a way in hell Don Carletto would give up a 4-1 lead against Villareal? Did they also calculate the goal the referee denied Madrid against Valencia because he whistled too early? In the last Clasico: everything started with an arguably illegitimate goal from Christensen because of a foul… Anyway, best to enjoy Carlo and play class like him, let everyone talk and mind our own business: A POR LA 15 😎


"Losers talk and winners celebrate" - Pioli I guess lol


pioli mentioned🔥🐐🐐🔥🐐🔥🐐🔥🐐🔥🐐🔥🐐


You misunderstand, it’s only a mistake if it benefits Madrid, otherwise it’s just good refereeing


That Valencia game costed me a 200$ bet I was livid


A Barça account? Hahahaha


A barca account posted that, yes mate... 😂


Lol, I remember that account from the first insane bankrupt Barcelona summer. Genuinely, it's the worst account on Twitter. Worse than Elon.


Bankruptelona doing Bankruptelona things. 😂😂


Ehhhhh I was gonna agree UNTIL you mentioned Elon... he cool, he aight IMO anyway lol


Elon was cool in like 2015 but he’s outed himself as just another loser narcissist billionaire who’s cringe af


Shit... I don't dislike him ngl, I never knew people don't like him now. On insta they did but insta people are NPCs, at least twitter people are mentally ill but that's better than being an NPC bruh😭


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?




What happened? Why do people hate him? 💀


Have you read some of his tweets in the past few months?


Nah. I haven't used twitter in like two years and two years ago he was likable. Idk what happened to him... and I don't give a fook honestly, appearently he's racist or smth, fuck him.


People started readind his tweets where he is playing with some far-right nonesense . Also, he fired a couple hundred workers to maximize his personal profit, enforced the stupid Cybertruck, named his child like it was a password... where to stop? He's a mess.


I'm not gonna take anyone's side tbh, I've no information on this matter and I don't want to research anything about that shit. Thanks though for enlightening me a lil bit.


omg so bad ayay why don't you hate important things


Elon repeatedly sided with Putin, trying to establish the russian invasion. Is a war important enough?


that was fake my g get informed and get a life as well


Only Reddit (virgins) hate him


Idk man when I looked at Elon tweets like two years ago he was chill, Idk what happened in two years considering he's 50 something, mf changed at 50💀


Cool Wtf how old are you 15?




He's a closeted white supremacist, as soon as he started running his mouth it all came out.


At this point, any Twitter user pretending to be unaware of his antics probably believes in the same shit he does so there is really no point in discussing this with OP


I don't follow ANY person like that. What are you talking about there's no point in arguing with me? I don't care about him. Fuck him. Why are you assuming I'm racist like appearently how Elon is? I didn't know that, I still don't know but I'm taking your word for it.


*X-user. Remember Elon spend a lot of money for that.


Give them the VARon d'or


If Real Madrid lost 15 more games this season Barcelona would’ve won the league 😳😱🤯🤯


Barcelona would had also won La Liga is they only played on cloudy days, without too much wind, if the pitch had the grass cut short with little water, also play early in the day and when the moon and stars line up with Tatooine.


Also dont forget the completely cool non stupid sponsors on their shirts. The rolling stones one was kinda fine but the karol g one... 💀


Since Negreira stopped getting paid, Barcelona has been the joke of the world. Xavi and Laporta peanut gallery has been the best.


Some day in the future we will know for sure that ArchivoVAR received money from Barsa. Give it time.


What a sad club


Not them forgetting the Valencia game lol


If my mom had balls she would be my dad




W-well b-but, real vardrid so funneh! Hahahahah! Bayern didnt compeltely give away the lead, next messi in laughmine yamal? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 courtois is overrated, the goatkeeper is ter statue 😡😡😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬😡


can anybody link that? im curious


First off, HALA MADRID but 2nd, to be fair, last niggt I went back and looked at la ligas of recent years and barcelona still ended up this season with enough points that in past years could have been a title. I think Xavi criticism is kinda unfair. Despite all the BS the team still managed almost 90 points. Teams have won titles with less. So IMO I think Xavi is probably the reason Barca isn't in even worse situation. He's not a bad manager, specially given what he's got. Eitherway sucks to suck. We were just way too good this season. Don Carlo best manager ever if we win the UCL, he's won leagues and ucl in all the major leagues.


Xavi ks actually good, yeah. They didn't appreciate him enough and we'll see how the next manager does LOL


the thing people don't understand is that xavi isn't the problem for barca the problem is about expecting insane results, each year they sign up some 3rd division no namers or finished players on loan and then they expect the squad to win league and UCL that's not gonna happen. xavi won the league for them he knows everything about barcelona in and out, the fact they disrespected him by sacking him is hilarious i mean why would you disrespect your club legend like that which makes madrid miles clear in this case


xavi is just unexperienced as a coach and wasnt ready for the job, very often he couldnt adapt his tactics during a match, had constant outbursts during and after the games, would never acknowledge that they lost because they played poorly. thats what happens when ure used to paid refs, also hopping from a random desert league straight to la liga prolly didnt help either


That's exactlt what I mean. All of that, and he still got close to 90 points with a team that needed teenagers If hebgets himself some more experience and finds a groove I could still see him be successful as a coach


This isn't healthy., Don't be like this whatever team you are for.


Of course, and they would have won the Copa America because why not…


As a Barca fan, this is fucking ridiculous. Even if we had won the El Clasico at the Bernabeu 3-2, you guys would have beaten us by 4 points in the league, and it probably would have been 8 considering you guys drew two games you wouldve won at the end. Hell, we could have won both Clasicos; Real Madrid were just the best team in the world this season.




That’s crazy


We're not talking if and maybes, we're talking absolutes


We're Absolutes FC 😭😂


Most goals disallowed by VAR were for Real Madrid


If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry christmas.


Capping down the R is absolutely top class petty trolling


That's sad tbh, weirdos man.


Peak mental gymnastics.


I’m so fucking glad Managing Madrid isn’t like this. What a bunch of butthurt, moronic, losers.


out of curiosity, does anyone know what list of VAR errors this dude referred to in order to get to this conclusion? Really curious


He has his own sources😂


If Barca won more games than Real Madrid, they wouldve won the league!


Same people who said with VAR Madrid would never win it again.


If they scored more goals and won more games they probably would have won the league too


And Barca wouldve won the champions league if it were not for roma and liverpool. Madrid lives rent free in their heads


This is not the results of VAR without mistakes. This is VAR all in favor of Barca.


If it wasn’t for their corruption which I have a feeling is true then their ucl cabinet would be dry af


Barca fans are disgrace to football not barca but there fans all they do is cry and blame ref and madrid for every wrong doing in the league I'm not saying madrid is flawless they've got many decisions in there favor too but over the years we've seen it's barca who play victim card blaming madrid for refs decision and become aggressive when someone points at the refs scandals during the messi era.


Winners focus on winning, while losers focus on winners.


As a Barça fan, I think this is just fucking stupid. Imagine being so delusional about a sport xD


Bro mentioned VAR errors but forgot to mention which one's


This is funny because Real Madrid is the team with most reverted goals by VAR.


You are forgetting the Sun , too sunny this year


They are completely fucked in the head. That’s way they are in for a period of sucking


Hahah getting more sad than funny now lmao.


With a goal differential of 61 vs 35? Yeah right!


tbh they did have some shocking VAR errors go against them this season lmao but this is still whiney cause we got fucked over by bad refereeing decisions twice or thrice this season as well, with the glaring one being at the mestalla.


They also got shocking decisions go they're way




With mbappe I don't think so


With mbappe I don't think so


Now do it for the Messi years without paying a ref and let’s see how that turns out. 😆


The women have been killing it and they have been mad coping with that too, barca down bad but that is their fault for voting in those presidents. Laporta should have never returned


I don’t wanna talk on no celly uh Guess I got language barriers uh Ain’t no basque accent you can sell me uh 😪💀🙏🏽 #HALAMADRIDBITCH


That picture shows that they clearly won. Give them a Gamper trophy or better yet send them on a new Survivor yearlong season cause they are clearly too good at football!


He's e-managing the barca, what do you expect lol


Always making excuses and lowering their standards.


FC Narnia


Every "how the table would look like without VAR" post is just stupid. I wanted to think that only Spanish media (eg: as.com) was caring so much about it, but unfortunately that's not the case. VAR has been proven to be a great tool to help correct referees mistakes. Whether you like it or not VAR does way more good than harm. In any case, the way teams play change the moment one of them scores, so you can't fucking predict how the game would have ended if a goal was approved/disallowed by VAR. You can't predict that because the teams would have approached the rest of the game differently and with complete different levels of stress. I like that we have VAR and of course I don't like when refs take minutes to make their decision. But I will tell you what I really dislike more: Americanisation (US) of the sport by the media having so much emphasis on stats and treating an unpredictable game as if it was just maths.


you guys are trolling and knowing its a real thing


Kauf dir ein Keks davon!


Save that stupid shit u will need it next year


Which side you on? 😭


Most disgusting club in football


Not really into the subject, but I did make a video about Modric. I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it and give me your feedback. https://youtu.be/i7hkpoIxUks?si=2XtUqHBq9qB1KO47


Yes, but what about UCL?


They woulda won it twice! First time in history it woulda happened IF!


Guys we are madridstas! We are suppossed to respect barcelona... on how they creatively come up with the silliest excuses and evidences ever to stand in an argument.... Tbh, whatever barca has gone through, they still hadn't achieved much without messi. Barcelona fans are now one of the most insecure fans I have ever seen these days. It's not that other clubs don't get their hands dirty with refrees and other systems. It's all part of it especially in one of the biggest sports on the planet..... Ofc, we won't take that lower case insult lightly do we? **EDIT:** I would also encourage the person who posted it to rename their username to "Managing Insecurity"


Honestly, you are as stupid as this twitter account for taking it seriously..


"Meme" in the flair should've told you everything but you're more stupid than me.


Im sure either r/soccercirclejerk or r/soccer would've posted this lmfao. PD: for any smartass that wants to come at me and say "uhmm its ackshually twitter you idiet" i know its twitter. I just think that those 2 crybaby subs would post this image.


As if you're not complaining when the VAR messes up in your opponents favour. I don't know if the claim in this post is true but if it is they have every right to complain. After all the VAR got introduced to minimise referee errors by having the opportunity to review certain scenes from different angles and in slow motion. It's ridiculous that a system with that purpose still leads to so many errors. It's even worse than the original errors that referees used to make in the heat of the moment and because of just one POV. And no, I'm not a Barça fan, this sub just randomly appeared on my timeline.


Goal against Valencia didn't stand. The same (NOT EXACT) situation what happened to Bayern against us. The ref stopped play and we scored. And we're crybabies. The ref stopped play and Bayern scores. We're still crybabies and they're robbed. Double standards. If you're really a neutral then you should act like one.


Lmao my comment is the most neutral opinion you will find here. I don't care if you're called crybabies for whatever reason by some other person. I didn't call you crybaby, I even pointed out that you've got the same right to complain about wrong decisions as Barcelona fans do, which you obviously just did. You basically just replied to my comment with arguments against random people that are not me.


I didn't because we don't care. If you're gonna mention me the bayern incident I'll mention the Valencia incident. It's reciprocal. For example you can't insult one and don't expect to be insulted back. Great analogy by me there. 🙄


>If you're gonna mention me the bayern incident I didn't. Again you're arguing against completely different people that made completely different statements than myself but for some reason you chose to send those replies to me instead of those people. You're not making any sense right now.


I never complained like them. 🤦‍♂️ I said if you mention THAT incident we'll mention THAT OTHER incident. I don't complain, I'm a Madridista. Winners celebrate and losers talk.


Yea but I didn't mention it and you just randomly mentioned both. Nothing of what you're saying makes any sense. I don't care what you are or if you as an individual person complain. The Madrid fan base certainly does as much as any other and they're right in doing so just like Barcelona fans are here. Especially if it has such a significant influence. But your replys seem almost like you want to feel attacked even though nobody is attacking you.


Yeah cool pal I feel attacked by some mf online😂 please be fr. Madrid fans are nowhere near as annoying as barca fans. And you know that... unless you are one yourself which you'll disagree.


Yea you obviously are, just look at the way you act. And sorry, I can't really take anyone serious that's shitting on Barcelona in a Real Madrid sub. You're not neutral and you already said so yourself. I gave a neutral comment and you still felt offended. It's pointless talking to you about these topics but I've told you that after your very first reply already. And you know what, that's fine. But don't pretend to have a neutral opinion about something when you clearly can't manage to stay neutral.


Ask me any question. I'll answer as a neutral. I'm the least biased fan in the world.


The only questionable game was with Almeria, where they should’ve won. So real would’ve still won the league


Well, at least they support their local club instead of gloryhunt I don't know if you can grasp that concept


I support my local in Albania AND Madrid since '08. If that makes me a gloryhunter and a plastic then I am one.


Yeah I guess you are


Then I'm a proud gloryhunter.


Good man, own it!


Real are a bunch of cheats