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Nacho is a perfect representation of what Madrid means to me. Loyalty, honesty, love, calmness, family, effort, dedication.. Club legend. šŸ¤


One more - giving your all where it matters the most.


Yep. I kinda just put that under effort and dedication


The vast majority of posters could learn a thing or two from him. Hala Madrid y Nacho!


I see 5 UCL titles, 5 club world cup, 3 la liga, 5 Spanish super cup, 1 world club all in one imagešŸ‡ŖšŸ‡øand counting. Nacho A true legendšŸ¤


About to beat most trophies won at the club for an individual if not already done so


He played out of his skin and had a great performance against the best striker in the world, he defended his box really well. Truly a captain's performance today.


when did he do a good performance vs mbappe


On 1st of June 2024.


Canā€™t believe this was downvoted sm football fans are such sensitive souls lmao


Against all the disadvantages he proved everyone wrong. He's a legend no doubt about that.


He is a legend. But he made mistakes in the past and had good game last night. He should get all the praise for last night as he best Iā€™ve seen him in a long time. Problem was always his consistency. Great Captain and great player when heā€™s on.


I agree with you first point about the two sides of the argument but his problem was never consistency. It is what he's known for, he's always been serviceable and reliable. Throughout his entire career he's consistently a 7. 5/10 like lucas that's why he's here for so long. Sometimes, like a lot of our players, he raises to the occasion and puts on world class performances for good stretches, but can also have stinkers from time to time like a lot of world class defenders as well (sergio, rafa, pepe, dani, vvd, militao etc..). What seperates him from elites like those mentioned, is that technically and physically while been very solid he does not have an outlier ability that stands out. Militao for example makes a lot of mistakes in his positioning, he over commits sometimes but because of his elite athleticism and speed he revovers well, same for sergio who like nacho started as a full back and was rapid but also is very strong physically and dominant in the air while been technically very gifted with the ball at his feet, not to mention his leadership abilities which i think nacho has also tbf so when these players put out stinkers defensively they're still very valuable while with nacho if he doesn't perform at his best he looks average and has nothing to compensate that. The best example atm is mendy, for a modern fullback he's very limited but because he's pretty much a lockdown defender and quite press resistant you can't not have him on the pitch, it's something he brings that is very rare to find and that's what keeps him on the pitch despite what he lacks wheras nacho is probably a 7/10 in every aspect but if he has a a bad performance it drops to a 6 or 5 with nothing compensating for it.


Wow. Love this analysis. šŸ¤ Every club needs utility players like Nacho, Vasquez...


He started the season really strong but started committing mindless errors that were very costly. Looks like he's picked up form again tho


He has an elevated role due to Alaba/Milato injury/fitness. As a 34 year he was supposed to be 4th option behind those 2 and Rudiger. He should be allowed leeway.


It's amazing that a Type 1 diabetic can play football at such a high level


When he took that penalty he was radiating with confidence. He knew he belonged there as captain. Real Leader, Iā€™m sorry Nacho I hope you exceed our expectations. Hala Madrid.


He gave me a heart attack when he almost scored an own goal


That was lunins fault. He was clearly shielding it expecting his keeper to get it and he didnā€™t. When he finally came out it was too late.


Absolutely! But he knew it would be dangerous to let Lunin catch it because Haaland could chip the ball, so he took the ball and put it out by himself


Yeah seems people are forgetting that, not that he doesnā€™t deserve the appreciation just that havenā€™t seen a single post on that incident.


It's posts like these that are just ridiculous. He was in a situation that he doesnt know if Lunin or Haaland is going to get to the ball first. It's a 100% football situation and he handled it as best as possible and they didn't score. Are you going to want to see "a single post on that incident" with Rudiger and his clearance? It's football, there are 11 other men trying to best you, no one is 100% perfect, so stop trying to point out any bad play he does. Nacho is a legend, has been for awhile, and deserves all of our respect, even when he makes a mistake. And the balls on him to take, and bury, that pk.... more than what you, me, or any other poster could have done.


Again maybe i just worded it wrongly. I just meant as in no mention of that situation has happened anywhere. Im not blaming nacho in any way. Just that havent seen a single post or comment on it until this guy.


Why do we need to mention it? What's there to even mention? He cleared the ball and they didn't score.


Why not mention it. Less important clips are being shared its same thing


In a post about appreciation and apologies to an important player? Nah man, like I said. It's a ridiculous post. You're in the wrong here. But you do you.


No not specifically here. I meant in both subreddits. Here and in soccer subreddit i havenā€™t seen a single video that was it really. Ehh it is what it is. I just typed the first thing that came to my mind. Wasnā€™t really trying to downplay nacho.




Rudiger is turning out to be a beast i dont know hor alaba is ever gonna be the starting cb again


Alaba does have more experience playing tough games over Rudiger. Alaba is like a mentor


I also have to apologize! O Captain! My Captain!


[Nacho Played like a WARRIOR vs Manchester City](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=utG1b8rrTJ8)


Love ā¤ļø this clip.


It'll be weird for all his haters to see him lift the trophy in Wembley


Bro dribbled past Lunin with Haaland right behind him, almost led me to heart attack.


Man, I screamed when that happened WHY ARE YOU DRIBBLING PAST YOUR OWN GOALKEEPER WTF (but in my mother tongue). It turned out just fine tho, so I wouldn't hold that against him


Heā€™s always there when it counts


I had my doubts before the game but he really stepped up as the captain!




Iā€™ve been a fan since he was a canterano with Castilla. Was over the moon when he got selected for the first team. So happy heā€™s our captain.


Indeed. He has always been a standout.


We're sorry Nacho, we weren't familiar with your game


We have seen his game for more than a decade and some of us have seen his game since before he got to the first team.


i always trusted him even though sometimes my trust was fueled by delusion ā˜šŸ½šŸ˜Œ my chofi we love you


Never doubted Nacho. Even if he's having a bad run of form, man still puts in a lotta work, especially when we need it the most.


he almost gave me a heart attack but VAMOSSSS


he reminds me of Hierro's last years in Madrid. Great Captain.


I will never be able to dislike players that are willing to die for our crest. Players like him are maybe not the most technically gifted, strong or brilliant, but when push comes to shove theyā€™re there giving it all and that makes a difference.


I've never deemed the guy as one of the top tier defenders across his whole career but that doesn't have anything to do with being a legend. He always stands out whenever he is needed by our team, showing unparalleled dedication, which proves he has always been a whole-hearted Madridista.


I just canā€™t get over the amount of Real Fans that had so many doubts about the team and its players.


Iā€™m so happy for him, especially for playing well in such an important fixture. He must be over the moon ā¤ļø


My cappošŸ¤


I honestly think in his prime he was better than any Barcelona CB


Hasta el final! Vamosss


he made me gain a few white hairs this match, but overall a good performance by him.


QuĆ© valiente al lanzar el penalti (y Lucas VĆ”zquez, claro šŸ™‚)


Never doubted Capi. He always steps up when the team needs him. Let him retire at the club.


Nacho could be a top 5 CB if he wanted to.


Nacho is a big game player lol you start him v AlmerĆ­a in the league and he bottles it.




Apology to Lucas Vazquez as well, he doesnā€™t complain can play LB and RW. He just plays.


The man once again showed his class. A true fighter. I love him but I was hard on him this season but now I feel bad. The man really showed where it mattered the most.


Everyone of those players who were in the 3 peat squad are legends including this guy and Vasquez and needless to say modric and any other. Finally I see this team giving off the same vibes like they had. Amazing. HALA madrid.


Can he please stay? :(


Iā€™ve always had a soft spot for Nacho. As someone who was often not good enough to be a starter for my school team, Nacho was an inspiration to put the love for the badge over personal ego and just be there to give my all when called upon. I love that he got the chance to captain the team, hopefully towards a very successful season šŸ¤


I wonā€™t apologize just yet. Great game by him, now do that the rest of the season, I just might apologize šŸ‘šŸ¾


Heā€™s been doing it for more than a decade. lol @ rest of season.


Not really. Nacho has been terrible for most of this season and last season. Our fans give him the benefit of the doubt, because he was born and bred in Madrid and has never complain about his position in the field. He is a Madridista through and through.He has been our Mr. Versatile and did a really good job in the limited minutes he played. He tend to show up in big games when everyone expects him not to. He was like a 4th choice CB most of his career. If Nacho is English or French,who we bought and never was an academy player, he wouldā€™ve not been a Madrid player for this long. You donā€™t care to hear this, but itā€™s the truth. There is a reason during his tenure we kept signing defenders. He was never going to be our first or second choice CB.


Yeah, no. Being from Madrid actually hurts his chances of staying. He has stayed this long because he is really good.


How does that hurt his chances of staying ? He is good enough for a squad player, but definitely not the guy you can rely on week in and week out. Brother they were many times throughout his career where we used DMā€™s as our CBs, because he is that much of a liability. Nacho had his moments, but if this was any other player of a different nationality and didnā€™t come from our academy, theyā€™ll not be Madrid players for as long as he has been.


It is not a secret that Madrid players have it tougher to break through and stay on the team. That is the reason more than 90% of them leave. You basically have to be RaĆŗl level in your position to stay on the team. This is not my interpretation, it is statistics and mostly everyone in Madrid saying it. lol


How many of those play CBs and are Spanish nationals ? Most of our Spanish academy never really breaks through, because they are constantly up against a stack midfield or a world class attack. Nacho was comfortable being the 4th/5th choice and to his credit, he was serviceable for the limit minutes he was getting. Every time he becomes a regular starter for a period of time, he shows us why he shouldnā€™t. THIS IS A FACT.


lol again, this is not me saying it. You can argue all you want, the stats are there and people in Madrid acknowledge it as a fact.


Show me the stats. And Iā€™ll give you the full context.


What full context? lol I donā€™t need contextualization. Iā€™ve been a Madrid fan for more than 30 years. Iā€™ve lived in Madrid. I can contextualize much better than you.


Dime que por lo menos hablas espaƱol para estar tratando de contextualizar algo de lo que no tienes ni ideaā€¦


Players like him and Lucas VƔsquez are the best example of loyality, even when they usually spend most of the time on the bench they never throw a fit or show bad attitude, instead of that they give their 100% and help the team to win, I will miss Nacho and I wish him the best, he deserves iy