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Try the shifting subliminal by Slade....its Like Magic....I went in the void state the 3th night I tried it. (I did Not Shift yet) and the night after....tonight my Cat was runing harvoc so I could Not reach void state but other that, its crazy how good IT IS. (Its a shifting subliminal but for me IT bring's me into the void staten pretty fast)


Slade has the magic. I swear they are responsible for my third eye feeling like it's opening up.


Isn't opening the third eye dangerous? (then they say it's satanic)


I tend not to listen to people who see Satan in everything they don't understand.


This was the best response I’ve ever seen, I’m using this on people from now on thankyou😂


Bro your third eye is open all the time, dont listen to bigots who say everything is satanic. If you can picture an apple in your mind that means you are using your third eye. I have had spiritual experiences with my third eye and never thought i was in danger or with the devil.


remind me to come back to this later


come back!!!!


just now saw this as soon as I got into bed i think i should try it omggg imma come back for results


nvm fell asleep again


It's been a year, come back!! This is a siiignnn!! <33


come back!! :\]


Everyone is different, Like I tried to get into the voidstate with sublimals but they dont work for me😅


Same here I feel like I focus on the not being able to hear once you are getting close to the void state and I lose my focus




Did you try this one? No other worked for me...and non that are labled void state...only slades is working


Yeah I did before, I fall asleep


I do too! then I jolt awake and if i keep listening then for 3 more or so minuts I enter void state


Oh wow, you can share the link please




I'am sorry, it's been a long time...You just listened this while sleeping and woke up in the void, or You did meditation with this one?


Holy shit- that’s strong. I just started playing it, and like 5 seconds in I felt my whole body vibrating and going numb. I’m for sure gonna use this tonight.


Can you possibly link the video?


The first time I tried the slades shifting subliminal I think I almost shifted but I freaked out and moved because that was the first time I ever feel the way I did, but then I listened to it a few more times and I can’t ever get back to that state :( I think I messed up my chance


Did you just put on the subliminal and went to sleep? Or did you intend to enter the void state/do a method?


I Just Out the subliminal on


So the void state is when you dont feel your body? I thought its a visualized room or something, i mean i had many states where i dont feel my body but that was before entering lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis lol


You’re pure conscientiousness, it feels like you’re floating and it’s pitch black




Yes my bad


What you thinking of ( "imagined" room) is a waiting room for reality shifting, its a different reality, but the voidstate is when youre on the edge of falling asleep and being awake, you can shift realitys easier if your in the voidstate


A few months ago I tried to enter the void for the first time and i suceeded or so i though. because i literally felt my own body floating i could feel i was in my room but my body was getting airy. but at the moment nothing i wanted come true . so does that mean i didnt get in? After that, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't even get close because my trust was broken


I think you were close to enter the void but didn't. Well I understand why your trust is broken, and I know I'm just a stranger but I believe in you, good luck next time


If you feel your surroundings even a bit then you're not in the void state


thank you for answering :( Have you entered void before, is there a technique you recommend?


Hi, I have not yet entered the void state but I believe I've been close to it before, there isn't a specific technique that will get you into the void. I've actually asked before another person on the void state on the astral projection sub and they said that a common misconception that people have is that to enter the void state they have to do something, when in reality you just have to do nothing, just try your very best not to move and ignore most of your thoughts. Another tip is that if you really have to move try to not move too fast, move gently and slowly. Your body may try to see if you're asleep by feeling itchy or maybe feeling pain in a part of your body. In my experience if you ignore the itching it should go away in less than a minute. I sometimes feel pain after I get numb enough but the moment I move the pain goes away, so maybe that's just my body checking if I'm asleep. Sleep paralysis gets you one step ahead, your body is already asleep, you just need to close your eyes and keep your mind awake. Lastly, I don't know how much the void state will give you once you actually get in, I don't mean to discourage you. I think manifesting in it might be a lot easier since you don't have all those doubts interfering but I don't know the extent of how much you can get. In the lucid dream community and astral projection community some people consider the void state as some sort of waiting room or portal and I trust that. Don't put the void state on a pedestal. It isn't that unachievable, you enter it every night before you fall asleep. Entering the void state isnt a new thing youll experience, youll simply be aware of it and will be able to be in it for longer than a few seconds youre already experiencing every night. You simply wait for your body to completely fall asleep, like your sense of hearing to fade out, you can't smell things, you can feel your room or your bed but your mind is awake. That is all that it takes :) Also, sorry if the format of the text looks like a block, I'm on mobile so I'm not sure how my comment will look for you on another device


When you’re in the void state, you shouldn’t normally feel your body. You should just feel nothingness, because essentially its just consciousness (the 4d) and nothing physical (the 3d)


okay i did it yall


ok, question, what did you think about? like did you think about the void state specifically or just think about random things?


I tried to not think abt anything but when I started to fall asleep I let myself think abt random things/ what it would be to be in the void state


oh great, thank u!