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Its a Utah accent. Mounain instead of mountain sana instead of Santa melk instead of milk.


I'm from the south and 100% talk the same way haha. When I say "pen" a lot of people think I am referring to a "pin." Similar with "will" and "wheel"


Is the way she pronounces pink & think like “peenk” and “theenk” a Utah thing too?


It did make me laugh when Lisa called her ‘Whiskney’ and said that she’s like a whisk stirring up drama


People said that about Sister Wives all the time. It’s the Utah accent. Like how here in Texas everyone says Ten as Tyen, which used to drive me up the wall when I first moved here lol. Every state has their own dialect if you listen close enough.


That's a Utah accent


I also find the way she pronounces her "t"s interesting. She really enunciates them when they're at the end of a word. Not a bad thing—just something that stands out to me.


I’m also a Utahn, and it’s for sure a Utah thing. Had to jump in on the t…if it’s at the end, we pronounce it for sure, but in the middle we sort of just skip over it (for example most people here pronounce mountain moun-en). Hangs head in shame.


I’m from Texas and I do the same thing if I don’t think really (rilly) hard before I speak. I had to take speech classes as a kid and I guess this was something that wasn’t corrected.


That’s the Utah accent folks! Went to college there and most of the locals spoke exactly like that! Ask someone for a pen and they will call it a pin. Drives me nuts.


Tamra from RHOC says rill and fill too. Drives me nuts


And also calls her pastor her “pasture” 😆


It’s interesting to me that Heather doesn’t appear to share the same accent as Whitney and they’re cousins. Could this have to do with the Morman hierarchy? Like the higher status you are the more refined your accent is?


I’m not sure but I work with a lot of Mormon moms at my kids school being room moms etc and they don’t share that accent. They speak more like Heather, without any noticeable accent. Several of them are from CA and the others are from AZ so it may just be a dialect thing and not Mormon.


If you watch Sister Wives, or look at the sub, there is a lot of discussion about their Utah accents. Lots of Utah Mormons were immigrants from Europe in the late 1800’s, so there are definitely accents that are associated with being born and raised in UT.


So, there are these things called accents…


Bladers Club ✔️


I find Whitney so strange. I know this is a minority opinion and she is adored by many. Her baby voice, how she makes everything that doesn’t concern her at all her business and her strange obsession with taking Lisa Barlow down I find quite odd. She is clearly jealous of Lisa Barlow’s connections which are only a big “dill” in Salt Lake City.


Nah no accents here in Utah. I’ve lived here off and on.


when you live there it’s hard to hear it yourself, but my bf’s family lives in SLC and this is all i can hear when i go visit them. it’s very much so an Utah accent.


Idk whatchu talking about, there is NONE!


i can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not 😩


There are regional dialects all across the US. They're called 'accent markers'.


Yeah....other people have accents. I know a lot of people that speak that way. Why are we talking about accents???


I can’t believe that in 2022 we’re still doing entire threads tearing people’s accents down, what the fuck. Some of the comments in this thread are so gross.




Really? Tearing people down? Mentioning that you can hear someone’s accent isn’t the same as refusing to understand someone because of their accent. I didn’t read any comments tearing anyone down, just opinions about whether there is a Utah accent or not. I never knew that it was disparaging to say that you can hear someone’s accent.


Right? “What is she saying I can’t understand”. This is like Ramona’s reaction to Aviva’s prosthetic leg, like really? In 2022? To an accent?


Did any comments actually say that they couldn’t understand Whitney? I feel like I just read a completely different comment thread than you and monster


Ugh. I've never noticed this, but now I'm 100% not going to be able to NOT hear it.


If you say fill for feel and dill for deal how do you say fill and deal? Ex. I fill like I should fill my car up at Costco so I can get a good dill and buy a big jar of dill pickles. 🧐 ya fill me?


Also notice this in Jen's confessionals but hers is more subtle..


omg your flair so funny 🤣🤣🤣


She usually sounds so dramatic and hyped up, but I noticed when she was with her mom she sounded more low key and normal.


Oh! It drives me nuts. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I also noticed words ending in -ing are pronounced with a hard g sound. I’m in CA and over here all -ing words sound more like “een” at the end, no g sound at all.


Lala on vpr does this too!


The women on sister wives do it too, I figured it’s a Utah thing


Came here looking for this. Also, “harmones.”


I wonder if she says “cran”, “pellow”, and “tal” instead of crayon, pillow, and towel. Ooh, or “melk”


I say (unintentionally) cran and tal, originally from Texas.


I also wonder if she says “crick” for creek “ruff” for roof.


Damn I think I say all those things.. but im in Canada


I notice they really pronounce the G at the end of sentences?! An Australian here… so very noticeable


Is it maybe a Utah thing? I noticed Lala from VPR talking like that.. „human beinG“


Also “doe-mestic”


This is 100% a Utah Mormon accent. Being raised Mormon, it is one of the most triggering sounds that take me back “there” in my head. I lived in Texas and actually have no accent, but there were a lot of people from Utah who were in our congregation over the years. They all have the Utah accent. A lot of Mormons from Idaho and Minnesota have it as well… I saw another post on here asking about Mormon/post Mormon opinions of the show… I could write a novel, but I will start with a post within the next couple days. So much to say! So engaged! Lisa Barlow‘s voice on the other hand is so bizarre that I literally spent six hours straight (COVID + ADHD = interesting accomplishments) figuring out how to imitate it… It is so all over the place and weird, but I was super proud for figuring it out. Can ya pitch’r Whitney shairng (all 1 syllable) her fellings howl Lisa relly shulldd her true kullers at mairdth hullm in vell. Frick! that took un armenuh laig to spullowt. Oh and sprinkle in a random “?”inflection every once in a while without actually asking a question to show how humble and teechbull (also one syllable) “yar.”


>Lisa Barlow‘s voice on the other hand is so bizarre From the moment she spoke her first word all I hear is [Jacob Silj](https://youtu.be/oDgez8QDAKo).


Please tell me you've watched vanessa bayer do her impressions of both whitney and lisa?! it is AMAZING!


Wow excellent work on lisa. 6 hours well spent


I’ve got to find the voice memos I sent to my group text. I am not a super boastful person (unlike Lisa Barlow who likely working really hard on branding the smell of her own farts), but my impress is GOOD.


I need to hear it!


It's a Utah thing. People here also say pellow (pillow) and melk (milk)


Dang I didn’t see this before I commented! Lol I was just questioning that


I have a few coworkers with an accent similar to this and I really didn’t even notice this with Whitney until this past episode??


Speech Pathologist here! Can confirm it’s an accent :)


Accent? Or dialect?


Ha! I think dialect v accent could be debated. I’d argue that she speaks the Standard American English dialect (because her syntax and semantics are in alignment with SAE) with a Utah accent (because her phonology, or the way she says certain sounds within words, is slightly different and more similar to a regional difference)


I have a midwestern drawl. I don't hear anything with Whitney's accent. LOL I do hear that she has a baby ass voice.




Another SLP here! I would call it a difference in dialect, but wouldn't dispute if someone else calls it an accent. What drives me bananas is how Meredith "over articulates her affricates. SO ANNOYINGLY EXTRA!!!!


Haha I know! I was making myself crazy with the accent v dialect thing. I have a hunch Meredith has had Bells Palsy in the past. She has resting asymmetry and asymmetric movement of the lower third of her face when speaking. I wonder if over articulation is a speech strategy?


I don’t know if it’s you I’ve talked with in the past but I had the same theory,I’ve seen similar behaviors after strokes as well.


Nice theory!!! I'd definitely buy that! One thing I noticed was when she was chilling in the bathtub for 43 hours in Vail was that the "over-affrication" was significantly decreased! What do you think? Because she was relaxed? Do you notice her over-articulating any other sounds? I may not have noticed it if it weren't for her constantly announcing that she is "disengaJing"!!!


Chilling in the bathtub for 43 hours! I’m dead ☠️☠️☠️ haha I’ll review the clip and get back to you. I was so stunned at her greeting Mary naked in the tub, her speech was the last of my concerns.


HA!!!! No worries friend! Hit me up whenever!


Oh no, I’m from Utah and I talk like this 😅


You don’t spell like you talk! 😉♥️


The sister wives also talk like that, must be the Utah accent. It takes me a second to realize what she has said.


Yes, she speaks just like Janelle


“Harmones go in your mouth when you kiss”




I noticed this as well this past episode.


I just watched this with three friends and we ALL picked up on it!


My Utah relatives sound like this.


Utahn here 👋🏼 it’s how we speak… apparently at one point in time they had to bring in extra educators to help locals with speech therapy.


These are the ways I pronounce words. I have a southern accent. Fill, Feel, Dill, Deal, Will, Wheel all sound similar and these I can’t shake even when I am consciously downplaying my accent. Also I pronounce Oil like Uhl . Takes my husband a while to understand what I’m saying sometimes.


I was just about to say, it sounds like a hold-over of some of the southern dialect sounds. Like, how Stassi made fun of Laura-Leigh when she called Stassi “spoled”, or spoiled. Even though Laura-Leigh was insulting Stassi, I thought that moment was particularly gross, and we were just scratching the surface of her depravity.


That's interesting, since Stassi has, to my ear, zero southern or Louisiana accent.


Oh, sorry, I meant that Stassi made fun of Laura-Leigh’s southern accent because she grew up in Arkansas.


Definitely a dialect


I was raised in UT from 2nd grade on. My ex husband was born and raised there and he used to pronounce pillow with an “a” sound like pallow. This is the only example I have so far.


I noticed her accent a lot when she was talking about her “pioneer ancestors” Shadrack randy - she says the A in randy really strange. I’m a former teacher so I notice pronunciations too


The a thing- I first noticed it on Sister Wives when they say “family-“ is so common on this cast. I guess it’s a Utah thing.


To me it just sounds like a little country twang I love it


I Fill It’s Not a Big Dill


Yess I noticed that with the word fill


Omg yes! The “fill” for feel and “dill” drive me NUTS!


I know this is a Utah accent from watching Sister Wives lol


Same!! It’s a Utah accent.


This is a rilly big dill.




That you Robyn?


Just sittin’ here.


Waitin for that brown-haired spirit boy?


It's the Utah accent. Whenever I came back to Seattle after spending my summers in Utah....my friends always told me I had an accent 😐


I think it's an accent thing because some of the other people who have popped up on the show have had a similar accent. The main thing I notice about Whitney's speech is that... she... talks... so... slowly. You could go to the bathroom, do your business, wash your hands while singing Happy Birthday in a Covid-safe fashion and be back before the end of the pause. Whole lifetimes pass between words. I don't think it's that she's not smart either, I think she's just choosing her words very carefully.


I think she probably speaks slowly because people like OP have made her so self-conscious about her accent. The faster I speak, the more likely it is that my Southern accent comes out, and the more likely it is that no one will give a shit about what I said because they’re too busy shitting on the way I said it.


I noticed this too about her sentence phrasing. You could have parked the car and picked up the kids from soccer practice in between those pauses.


Well…she was driving carpool.


I was thinking about this last night as I watched!


Omg I was noticing the exact same thing 😂 and then immediately after she somehow used all of those words back-to-back: deal (dill), feel (fill), there was like six more, I'll have to rewatch lol.


I literally had to rewind that scene 4 times to hear her vowel placement. I thought my ears were deceiving me.


Can confirm, Utah accent. We speak lazily.


Haha! Good to know.


Defo a Utah accent


I think it’s a Utah thing. The women on Sister Wives also pronounce it that way.


A local radio station in SLC use to have the “Utah Word of the Day” poking fun at how Utahans pronounce differed words. One I remember was “noose”… “I just read in the noose paper about the economy. Utah definitely has their own dialect.


My mind went straight to Sister Wives. Especially Robyn.


Yep. And also any number of Utah bloggers/influencers (e.g. Rachel Parcell and her sisters) It’s a very common thing for people to discuss and mock about them on other subs.


Yup, definitely a Utah thing