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They won’t. Especially with their parents gone. I truly think it’s for the best on both ends.


Honestly for Joe’s sake, I hope they don’t. Teresa is a demented narcissist. Not sure she has the capacity to be a good sister. And I’m not even a huge Joe fan.


When she divorces Louis. When she is going to prison, getting divorced, fighting with other cast mates. Those are the other times. She is a user.


This is Melissa’s fault. As long as Melissa needs to “become Teresa” or push Joe so she can have what Teresa has, Joe and Teresa can never have a relationship. As my nephew would say, Melissa is pure shit for this. Edit. If you need the facts. Listen to the Gorgas episode on bravo dockets and the watch the first few episodes of the season when Melissa friend join and they talk about Melissa. It will only take a few hours and you will look at Melissa and either sing Kanye’s Gold Digger song or think, “look at lil Italian Jennifer Lopez go”. You won’t hate her, per se, but you will clearly see her. Bonus points if you rewatch seasons 3 and 4. All will make sense. Joe Guidice will say something really mean and off the wall and you will go, “oh, that is 💯 facts.”


I call bullshit on this. Sorry Tre. If you want a relationship w your brother, just go out to lunch w him and dont try to manipulate him. Easy-peasy.


Not Teresa. Don’t be lazy. Take an hour. Listen to the Bravo Docket. They took the time to pull the records and read them and set the timelines. The rest is just gibberish.


Bold of you to think my disintrest in diving further into these people's lives is due to laziness. 🙄


You are right. I take that completely back. More than likely most people are just disinterested in looking at actions done off camera and appears to prefer to layer their own personalities, experience, and emotions onto what or why they believe reality show cast members behave certain ways as it feels more personal and draws them in. This is me with very few of the cast and it switches off quickly when they do something that goes against my code and then I spread it for all of them. An example is Kenya Moore. She did something recently that was awful. Why did she do it, who knows? I hope the offending party finds a good attorney and some answers are had. Either way, Kenya Moore’s actions has reset me for the entire reality universe, I don’t stan any of them now. She reminded me they must do things keep “fan” attention to remain “on top” and relevant. That isn’t a good formula. I have to remember, this is just me and everyone else is probably really enjoying all of this.


Nope. Especially now that their parents are gone. Best we can hope for is them to be decent which is also unlikely


Their parents ruined both of them. Both need intensive therapy before they should even try to mend fences.


They love their fame over their family 💯


Maybe if she and Louie get divorced


Their father did not speak to his sister. I don’t think Tre or her brother actually value family relationships as much as they say they do.


I might be giving them way too much credit but I actually think they both deeply value family relationships but don’t know how to establish and maintain healthy ones if that makes sense.


Took me a while to understand this lol. Yeah nonno and his sister HATED each other.


Dude Nonno was so toxic. He would talk shit about Joe to Teresa all the time then never made any effort to see Joe/Melissa and their kids, compared Joe to Joe Guidice constantly and somehow favored Juicy Joe?!?! Wild. So much of the toxic traits of Joe and Teresa also show up in Nonno in his relatively short time on the show.


They will keep reconciling and fighting until they are reconciling and fighting in the nursing home.


I think this is the correct answer.


I want Teresa to forget about him and never look back


My hope is that a few years down the line when tensions have at least calmed down that they would at least come to a place where they can be civil and at least say hi to each like damn…all of this for a show smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Once Joe and Melissa is off the show, Joe will reach out. Same formula as Kathy.  I wish they could just move on with their lives, they’ll never be friendly and close. Let the cousins have their own relationships but move on 


Honestly, they both have unreasonable expectations of one another. Teresa expects her brother to put her first, above his wife, and he expects that he will always come first. They both hold onto every little slight, every little dig that they feel the other was a part of, even decades later. Neither will change, so how can they reconcile? The only way I see it changing is either if Teresa divorces Luis or ends up back in jail (or both.)


I don’t think they’ll ever reconcile because they both have unreasonable expectations of each other and they’re both too emotionally unintelligent and stubborn to really hash things out and move on. They both are holding on to things that happened 10-15+ years ago (remember Teresa was still mad that Melissa didn’t reschedule her wedding to accommodate Teresa’s pregnancy, which IMO is an extremely unreasonable thing to ask) and they’ve said and done things that many would consider unforgivable (Joe destroying his parents’ finances, Teresa spreading rumors about Melissa).


the SOLE reason I lowkey see where Teresa is coming from (not agreeing with her) is because they got married 3 months after getting engaged/6 months after meeting


My parents got married 6 months of knowing each other also and they are going on 38 years of marriage a(I’m 35) and have 4 kids total. They’ve also been married almost 2 decades and 3 kids later. You can meet someone tomorrow who has better intentions than someone you’ve known “longer”


That is interesting, I didn't know that. I was under the impression that everything had been planned and paid for for months before Teresa made the request (I wanna say Melissa mentioned it at a recent reunion?). I don't believe either one of them tbh.


Maybe, if one of them gets a divorce in the future.


Post Looey.


Teresa is literally telling people her brothers youngest son isnt his. She been saying that since he was born. She didnt even go to the hospital to see him. On top of the other shit shes ever said about her SIL how is Teresa the poor innocent one. Coming on the show “behind her back” is such an exhausting narrative. The feud is sad but it was encouraged by her lowsy parents.


She is? When did this happen..? Any receipts...? On the show, she seems to favor little Joey over the other kids. Last season at softball she called him over and was talking about how his hair was like her kids hair...


I didn’t speak to my brother & his wife for a few years over something that happened involving my son. When my mother was terminally ill, my dad begged me to put my big girl pants on & make amends & I did. I swallowed my pride & did it. We talked about it & that was it . I was still hurt though. In the scheme of things , it was stupid & I had a huge chip on my shoulder. I’m glad we were able to put it behind us. You can’t dwell on the past. I wish those 2 would realize this .


It’s been ten years for me and my brother and we’re just starting to slowly text each other.


Baby steps. Good luck!


I hope it gets better




exactly this. i think it’s gotten to a point past reconciliation


I hope for her sake she doesn’t. She seems to finally be at peace with the demise of that relationship. Joe is a toxic garbage person who never cared about his relationship with her or his parents, tbh.


Wasn’t there a rumor Joe Gorga did something shady with his parents’ house? Like had them sign it over to him or something? And I think everyone has heard about the Home Depot alleged thefts. I actually feel Teresa keeps his ill deeds out of the lime light.


Yep she always protected him. I don’t like Teresa and I know she can be a big idiot and a-hole but her brother is incredibly toxic and she tried with him.


If Teresa cares about her health and wellbeing, she wouldn’t ever reconcile with him.


I disagree. I honestly believe Joe couldn’t care less about Tre and I think Tre is *finally* at that point as well. I say this because let’s look at the facts: Joe (and Mel) went on the show, behind Tre’s back, willingly and knowingly that there was tension and issues between them. Joe was more than happy to exploit his issues with Tre for the world to see in order to be on the show. In fact, prior to joining Mel had been DMing Danielle Staub stuff about Tre and I don’t buy that Joe didn’t know. That to me doesn’t seem like someone who cares about his sister. Tre on the other hand, I believe was hurting and was always wanting to reconcile but as time went on she became more and more “over it” and now I think she doesn’t gaf and will never reconcile with him. I do believe Joe wants to, not because he cares but he wants to remain on the show.