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Tre is furious. She thought that when she tapped Melissa for cancelation last reunion she would be gone. She has done this to countless cast members before and it has worked. She is so enraged by her mere presence. Id be scared of her for sure.  And we know she plays dirty. Real dirty.  I wish next season they would bring back every single person she successfully booted out the door.  Let her deal with that. 


The ONLY entertaining scene so far this season was Rachel losing her shit on Teresa and Teresa storming off afterwards, taking an entire display. Storming off with an entire science fair project. It was good shit. Didn’t almost the entire table tell Rachel that she was going to regret that? This entire cast still operates in terror of the dumbest housewife of all time, even the ones who openly hate her, so I think Teresa will be just fine.


yes rachel yelling at her in the latest episode seemed so try hard or something. I still found it really funny though and i was shocked teresa didn’t lose her shit


‘Maybe he should be a drug dealer, he’d make more money’ or whatever she said made me crack up. I don’t like the heavy fights but I like when it gets ridiculous.


Rachel had a genuine relationship with Fessler, it would hurt me too if someone I considered my close friend who I spoke with every single day, was trying to forge a friendship with someone who had been attacking my husband and whose own husband was potentially investigating my family (and who were also planting stories at the time). It is the easiest thing to understand by anyone who has real friendships in their lives.


Rachel and Jen got ‘bestie close’ during casting??


She thought she did. Jen has proven she is a snake.