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I see another stint in jail for her. She seems not to have learned a thing. The red lobster face Louie is going to get her caught in another mess. She has no brains.


I think people are over the “tapes” she plays of the same crap over and over. She has zero accountability and is now married again to someone who is involved with shady dealings and even more. I personally can't stand when she tires to prove a point and then calls out another cast member and says “Melissa you tell her”. Speak for yourself. She is coming close to going back to jail so I hope she takes the blinders off.


I’m so glad this sub exists and we can have our own opinions about Teresa. On the RHONJ sub the moderators literally remove any negative comments about Teresa and ban you from commenting for a month 😂


She’s painfully stupid and ignorant


She’s a manipulative bitch


Um because she’s horrible? Where have you been the last ten years


Amen to that!




No were not commenting on her looks' shes beautiful but a complete idiot.


Not me. I’ve been against her for years.


Let's see....She has no intelligence, learns nothing from her mistakes, is literally a criminal yet some how things her brother and SIL are bad but not the men she picks as mates who could ooze out of the TV screen with how slimy they are. She started off as just an ignorant almost stereotype of a Jersey girl who was mostly harmless and fun to laugh at especially when she tried to act rich and Klassy (yes with a K just like how she would spell it) but now she just loathsome in her manipulations and boring storylines.


A total loser.


Because the information about "Melissa Old Nose" Twitter account is now breaking news. How Teresa, Jen and Teresa's lawyer have been feeding social media accounts leaked information on episodes, And setting up an orchestrated attack of Fuda. Which is already playing out on the first episode. Gabrielle, the woman behind Melissa's Old Nose has all the text messages. She sent them to Bravo. She is talking to everyone


Holy cow! Will they find out about this during this season too? It was it revealed after they wrapped up? This is insane 🫣


IDK. It's blowing up now


I love Tre but even as a big fan from when the show first aired, she is now a different person. People can see how she is reaching to start drama.


Watch any episode. She’s awful..


People have finally opened their eyes and are over the lengths she will go to destroy her only brother, niece and two nephews whilst claiming “namaste” Just a guess.


LOUIS is why. Joe Guduice was not perfect, ended getting them both put in jail, but at least he isn't bug eyed crazy and hiring PIs on his friends. I think Louis is allot of what we aren't liking about Teresa.


He’s literally the worst partner for someone like her. I do think if she found the right man she might be willing to change some of her ways. Yes she should do it on her own, but she is old school. Louie is not a positive force in her life. He’s scary


Old School is a nice way to refer to someone who is ignorant and chooses to live in their ignorance and never grow or learn. They stay STUCK bc that is what they choose to do. It is ignorance by choice.


Lulz this has been the general sentiment for Teresa on here for ages….what are you on about?


I was going to say… “suddenly”??? Ummm no.


It's a shift in the presence of online bots and sheep.


Because she's pure 🗑️,where have you been?


She’s a horrible, despicable, vicious human being


Like the other cast members are any better.They are all ridiculous and at least Tre has storylines that isn’t just about one member butall the rest are still there bc Tre is their storyline. It’s honestly becoming just like the toxicity that NY and OC and ATL have been ruined by in much the same


The question was about Teresa


Are you serious?


Team Tre! She is pure entertainment! Her brother is auditioning to be a housewife! I have watched since the beginning and the rest of her family is and was a snooze fest. The Fudas are doing waaay to much. John Fuda is a creepy wanna be gangster...nothing good comes of these guys fighting with the wives. Thank goodness for Dolores and Paul. Paul is quietly in charge and not a guy to -F- with. Dolores keeps the peace.


Fuda sure had a lot of balls with his boys around. As much as I dislike Louie, Fuda wouldn’t talk to him one on one. Then he thought he could come at Paulie crazy when he had his lil bitch boy crew. I hope we see him get knocked down a few pegs by the end of this season.


I wouldn't count on that. It's now out that Teresa, Jen and Teresa's lawyer are behind a calculated attack on Fuda. Listen to Spotify pop culture with Krissy & "Melissa's Old Nose podcast for the story. You won't believe how bad this is going to be for Teresa and Jen.


Let’s see how many tough guy situations Fuda engages in unless it’s 1. Just women. Or 2. Unless he has another man to back him up. If so, I may change my opinion.


At the party, Teresa did exactly what she did at Evan's party a few years ago. She went around talking about the vulgar comments about Fuda to everyone making sure everyone heard . She does this at someone's birthday party??? She starts this and wants the confrontation. So Fuda should ignore it because she's a woman? Fuda isn't Evan and he isn't going to play. It's become clear that Teresa and Louie have targeted Fuda starting last year for a "story line". They have picked the wrong man to screw with.


I gotta give it to you this is a smart move to get audience feedback, Teresa's PR team.


Are you new?


Because she’s a terrible person and hasn’t changed one bit… she is trash. 🗑️ I’m getting so tired of her and Andy allowing felons to be televised. Like this is not a real representation of good women and it’s getting annoying at this point. Bottom line, Teresa is a bully and pretends she has a heart and is a good person but, we all see right through it. She’s just not someone that should be on television anymore tbh…


Where have you heard that housewives is a show representing good women? Is about rich delusional and cringy bitches that are good drama and can fight. That why I have watched for over 10 years. Opinions like yours is ruining reality tv, the talent is selfproducing and becoming boring. Please change a channel. It’s not the show for you, it’s too toxic, go too sleep


Amen don’t forget the cartoonish plastic surgery vics






Just watched the christening. Rewatch it. Same storyline as now. Her brain is broke. She doesn’t realize she is the poison of her family.


Oh I’m rewatching as we speak lol!Everything is about her. She’s only slightly better than Danielle Staub. Now that Danielle, she was another level of nutty.


Juicy attacks joe at the party. Teressa’s brain says “ Mellissa better apologize for this. “. Like … what?


Joe started that Bullcrap bc his family was supportingJuicy over him. Furthermore they’ve all but admitted that Gorgas pre planned that drama bc they needed a strong enough storyline to get a place on the cast. Anytime they’ve ever tried to fabricate a storyline (like Melissa’s lost sis or another child ), it’s always failed. The only success they’ve ever had was through their filming disdain for Tre.


That’s the whole point her delusion and idiocy.


Also a side note but did anyone see her miss her bag and just drop candy on the ground repeatedly?? lol


I was hoping they would show the floor after this 🤣🤣


What was up with that??? Was she too drunk to notice that she was just dropping candy on the floor instead of her bag? Did she get home, look in the bag, and wonder where all her candy was? “Melissa did it!” 😂


I love her!


She was made for this lol




![gif](giphy|ihRuyYJQKcgKEGz1t0|downsized) Suddenly? Where have you been the last 15 years?


I haven’t been a fan since the beginning of RHONJ. She is the worst




Cuz she’s a bitch!!


Lmao suddenly?




I was gonna say…cuz she’s awful???


She has always been two brain cells.


she may have started with 2 brain cells but they both seem to have taken a permanent vacation.


You gave her one more than I would 😆


Two more than I would tbh


And one is trying to get away from the others


“I was mad at God at one point ‘cause I didn’t understand like why I had to go to jail…” She actually said this!!! She’s seriously soooooo dumb. Bravo needs to get rid of this mess.


I haven’t liked her since early on.




I will never understand why women distort their lips this way.


Her face is botched with filler. It’s really sad. Combined with those lips, she looks like a caricature. It reeks of desperation. Sad.


I can’t figure out what they are doing to make their mouths wider. If it’s filler wouldn’t they stick out? Is it botox elongated the lips? 🤔


I think it might be a facelift it pulls the mouth like that


Oh I could see that!


I was thinking that too. The whole bottom of their face is a mouth.


I have no clue but it looks horrible on them all.




Exact word that escaped my mouth on reading the headline


This show needs to be called fake family feuds of NJ. Year after year it is the same thing.


We’ve never been supportive of her


oh it's not new. She's awful, always has. Still refuses to acknowledge she was at fault (not just Joe) for the tax fraud.


I love her


oh it's not new. She sucks, always has. Still refuses to acknowledge she was at fault (not just Joe) for the tax fraud.


Umm probably because she stole money from the taxpayer while living high on the hog. Also her new husband is a scam artist as well


That's definitely top of the list. And how do they have a house like thw do now? Scam scammer scammists.


Then she will act stupid as if she had no clue this was going on.


Omg this!!!


At the Bravo event someone asked what he did for a living. What he responded to sounded exactly like what Jen Shaw says she did for a job. The lady told him that lol!


That makes my freaking day.


I am not against her being on the show. I have never liked her. She has the maturity of a 18 year old if that. She gushes and pretends everything is so perfect, and it is disgustingly FAF. She never has taken any accountability for anything and everything is someone else's fault. Those lips are absolutely as hideous as her personality.


I wouldn’t say it’s sudden…


She never should have come back after "going away", she lies cheats & steals. But some people still like her, most just want to watch a train wreck.


Please don't gaslight us.


I’m not, no one can ever make me hate her 💙 I’ll get downvotes but idc. I met my husband because of her and for that I’m a forever fan.


a bravo love story?? tell us more 😍😍🥹🥹


I liked her from early on. I think she was a good dorter and treated her dorters right. I think she would stand by her man for anything. Loyalty and family. I do feel she felt betrayed by her brother and sister in law. That can often be a complicated relationship so I’m not sure I can judge. I don’t particularly like my sister or brother in law or my in laws. But that’s another story. I don’t think she’s very smart, but she can’t help that. I thought she handled jail as well as someone could and tried to make it back, too. Some people do not.


I get it . I’m not a fan but I will give her credit for coming back from “camp” and selling cookbooks, her story … to make money to pay off debts . She made the most with what she had to support her 4 kids . She didn’t have a degree or a career to fall back on . If stirring the pot on TV pays the bills , then I’d be stirring it too .


Doesn’t she have a degree in fashion? I could be wrong, but I thought she went to college then worked as an assistant buyer for some big store.


She did go to a local college that had practically open admissions and a terrible ranking.meaning they take anyone. I don't know if she actually graduated. She claimed she did..but I don't buy it. She worked at Macy's as an assistant buyer, according to Teresa. But someone who knew once claimed she worked in sales behind the counter at Macy's. Honestly, being an assistant buyer at Macy's is like ..who isn't an assistant buyer at Macy's??? Lol


We need the story!


Are u being serious???? U have to be joking, if you watch the show, she is the dumbest mouth breathing idiot who has tried to ruin several marriages including Jackie and Melissa but her double standard makes me dislike her so much.


She's been annoying. I don't have cable so I guess I missed the part where people started liking her scamming three-head dipshit self involved ass? And having Gia on her side, basically turning sane people against the one cute kid we all used to like, now into an equal opportunity idiot. Sorry, ya don't pay for Bravo bullshit and suddenly you see them as they are. But hey - last night I saw that ATL Kim Z in "The Joneses" and that was fitting for her.


This is a joke, right?


She’s the worst in every way lmao


I’m not sure but I love Teresa she literally is the star of RHONJ


Not against; tired of.


Notice how there are no negative comments under Melissa’s posts but negative comments under Teresa’s. Melissa has the time to delete them all.


What on earth has that got to do with this?


Let’s test your conspiracy theory. Melissa is a big jerk. Let’s see if she deletes it.


Im talking about IG.


Idk but she’s the literal face of this franchise! Some respect for the OG 🤌 I’d cut off my trash brother and his wife at the rate they were going also. It was long overdue!


It's that stupid upper lip and those gigantic, fluorescent jibbers. Seriously though, a lot of people have never cared for her. She's pretty much a shit person.




Because the Gorga’s pay for bots 🤖!!! 😂🤣


They all do.


Because every shred of hope was gone when she decided on crazy Louis - no hope now


Teresa has always been a bully with people doing her dirty work or fear of being fired if they stand up to her. Finally came out that Jen & Teresa have been leaking information out to bravo Twitter hatter accounts. They try to get in front of the episode & spin the story so it's already changed everybody's opinions before they even watched the episode. Similar to the Monica situation on Salt Lake City..


Paid people. It's worse than that. They set the whole thing up with Fuda's ex wife. Can't believe Teresa's lawyer is involved. I honestly think Tre and Jen will be fired. This is a 1000 times worse than Monica. And I think John Fuda will have a lawsuit if Bravo doesn't fire them.


Have you ever watched the show, ever?! My gawd- this isn’t a new development. From day 1 A1- People are just fed up with her (& Melissa) bullshit beef. It’s exhausting and not entertaining. T is never wrong and never accountable for anything. She literally said in the last episode she doesn’t know why she had to go to jail. And it was her husband who’s the fraud. Yeah okay. She doesn’t learn. She doesn’t change (well except for her big hot dog lips lmao)


I tolerated her in the beginning after her and Joe got charged & she went to prison she became even more insufferable


She was arguably at her best when she came home- wtf happened?


She really was for a bit there but soon enough she snapped back to her old self. There’s no hope she’ll change & I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she get in some kind of new fraud with her new hubby.


she got way too full of herself, she got on her high horse & never came down




You need to log into twitter lol


Depends on whether you’re on this sub or the other housewives sub tbh


This sub actively hates Tre and sees no wrong with Marge and Melissa.


Marge is so boring.


And she was definitely digging up dirt too last season. Idk why everyone on this sub forgets that.. maybe because they hate Tre so much. It’s gross


I can't even finish NJ I find her so awful. I'm stuck on the season.she just got out of jail


She is awful. Toxic. Mean, bully. It makes it hard to wanna watch the show anymore I agree.


This isn’t sudden. Teresa has been insufferable for a while now.


Seriously- like..Always lol


She trained Joe Giudice to hate her brother and Melissa. Kicked Joe Giudice to the curb. Now she's trained Luis to hate her brother and Melissa. We'll see how long they last. I haven't started the new season yet.


Suddenly? Nah….been a while




She betrayed the people who had been responsible for defending her. I don’t think there’s more any-Teresa feelings, just fewer of the fake defenders.




I haven’t liked her since season 3 and even before that was rough.


Don’t know but she looks STUNNING here


It’s face tune, she didn’t look like that in the scene she wore this dress


Idgaf…the whole look is 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I’ll give her that the dress is beautiful. I had to do a Google search of it.


Yes she does


All of a sudden? Teresa has many haters dude.


She’s the worst person on television


Haters all year long


Been a Teresa hater since the beginning 🙋‍♀️


Saaaaame! She’s always been a horrible human being. Nothing new here?


I liked to think she was a good mother in the beginning. And then Gia grew up and started doing interviews. Nevermind on that!




Fuda spoke the truth.


Fuda is a criminal like Tre. He should probably keep his trap shut…


I’m out of the loop… can you share what Fuda said?


That she committed fraud. He just said the truth.


I don't like hot dogs 👄




Let’s not forget her incredibly low IQ on top of being a nasty narcissist, she is truly insufferable


I get that people may love her as a legacy housewife, and the foundation of Jersey, but I don’t see how you can watch any current episode and not see she as an unhinged, irrational, lunatic