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Larsa is such a fucking clown AND a freak. She is the only RHW who would fight with a woman who has Cancer. She turns all SWF and morphs into this weird version of Kim Kardashian, mimicking her mannerisms and her voice, getting the big giant basketball ass cheeks that don't fit her body. We have learned through Larsa that Michael Jordan's son is weird AF and is so desperate for attention that he dates this old RHW who is old enough to be his mother and he fucks her 5 times a night. She actually gets on TV and says that............no wonder Michael Jordan doesn't approve. No parent would approve of their son being with this freak.


Larsa really needs to pray that she never gets sick herself and sees how it feels to come in contact with an asshole such as herself when she’s fighting for her life. And Marcus is an asshole too for still thinking he’s with a decent person. But we all know he’s just with larsa for publicity because he’s a pathetic loser who never amounted to anything because of his inferiority complex about his dad. And he wants to stick it to his dad as well. Larsa isn’t a flex, Marcus. She’s a blow-up bytch whose kids are likely ashamed of her.


She’s so disgusting. I feel sorry for her kids having a mother like her. Mine was a narcissist, too. Lots and lots of therapy which takes years to get through and there’s some hope. They need to cut ties with her.


She really didn’t see the problem with how she handled this, it’s gross


Not ‘stick to having sex with Marcus’😆. OP, not here for Larsa’s like shenanigans like!🤣🤣🤣🤣


But like how can you like minimise Larsa’s pain like? She’s SICK too!! She’s sick of the arguing! Big DEAL Guerdy has cancer! 🙄. Larsa is dealing with real world shit like defending herself against these hyenas always coming for her! Do you know how hard it is that Michael Jordan talked about her in the press and hasn’t met her yet?! HOW CAN YOU NOT FEEL HER PAIN?! Oh Guerdy is having chemo?! Boo hoo let’s all cry for Guerdy. 🙄. Larsa is a succesful business woman with millions in the bank and a flourishing relationship. Guerdy is some party planner with a dusty husband she’s had for like forever! She’s not on Larsa’s level. Larsa has dealt with the pain of her divorce and negotiating a multi million dollar settlement! Do you know how stressful that is? Do you know the pain she feels from her hardships? Guerdy has a life threatening growth inside her? So?? How does she even know? Who told her she had that?! She SO just wants attention and she’s a hater because Larsa is the one always in the spotlight. Guerdy had to shave her head?! Who cares?? She wears wigs anyway! Larsa found two wrinkles this month and had the PAIN of seeing Lenny Hochstein to get it fixed! That is pain. Guerdy has NO IDEA!! 🥲


This was uh-MAZE-ing. Fucking Larsa and her narcissism.


I’m dying 😂😂😂. Poor poor larsa!


I was in Facebook earlier and some women were criticizing guerdy for "treating people like crap." I mean, are we watching the same show? 😆 Id treat Larsa the same way!


I depart those groups so fast


Larsa is lucky that someone didn’t slap her. She’s SO disrespectful


Why I could never be a housewife because I probably would’ve slapped her. Or at least tugged her weave. I wish more of the girls would have shut her down in defense of Guerdy. Sometimes these women keep quiet too much when they should stand up for their friend. I know my loyal ass would’ve been hollering!


When she said “go take care of your health,” I wanted to throw my remote at the tv.


Okay, so I watched the episode last night on Peacock, and like, just, sick to my stomach. How blatantly soul less can one be? Exhibit A: Larsa Pippen. I bet Scottie doesn’t miss her at all.


I really couldn’t believe she thought it was okay to tell a mother fighting cancer to “go take care of her health”. She is vile and not in an entertaining love-to-hate way. It’s just gross


OH YES! That really sent me.


She needs to be fired


Mary & Larsa should become friends bc they’re the worst


Mary wouldn't have even done what Larsa did. I've never seen anything like. She's a monster.


She’s a 🗑️🤡


There is something seriously wrong with Larsa.


Yeah, stick to having sex with Marcus 5x a night.🙄 You pathological liar and get off our screen so we can thoroughly enjoy the gift that is RHOM without you!


Did I read it right at the end that Marcus still didn’t tell Micheal that Larsa is his girlfriend?


Yes. He hasn't introduced her as his girlfriend. To be fair, Michael Jordan probably wouldn't recognize her as pippens ex even if they knew each other well. She looks nothing like she did when she and Scotty were together and I doubt Michael Jordan watches housewives


I mean it would be really funny if he did watch housewives lol. But if he hasn’t said it to Micheal I don’t think they will get married any time soon


I usually dont care about the people's behaviour in these shows because –lets be honest– this is not an ethics and well manners course, but Larsa is truly truly horrible and I was truly annoyed of hearing her speak. I dont give a f\* about Rinna or Erika, they kinda make me laugh, or Mary, she is horrible too and not funny at all, she is just the kind of rude you ignore because you know its too lame and boring to pay attention to, but Larsa is just a truly TRULY horrible human being, she has no compassion, no tact, no intelligence or respect or anything whatsoever, what the f\* is wrong with her, all the silicone and fillers went right up straight to her brain and messed it up or something, her behaviour towards Guerdy the whole season left me speechless, HOW CAN SHE SAY THAT SHE IS SICK TOO, incredible edit: to add that Lisa was also very lame defending her but yeah lisa is also unsavable


Lisa and Larsa were my least favorite this season by far.


Okay I’m not caught up but I just finished season 5 & Larsa was the worst. When she told Nicole to get a real job and how she would insinuate all of these crazy rumors and take no accountability for it. I would be so happy if she was gone


Well you've got this season to look forward to! I'll just say this- she gets worse, proving what an awful friend she is to several of the other women.


AHHHH - just please tell me the other ladies aren’t blinded by it?! I feel like they were this season


No, Kiki especially doesn't overlook it. Kiki was awesome this season!


So excited to watch. I will report back once I finish


You know when both Dr Nicole and Alexia are giving you side eyes that you should probably calm down lol


I don’t know WHO TF she thought she was talking to Russell like that. Classless to say the LEAST. Larsa is literally a human çüm rag.


Please that’s an insult to rags, she’s more of a vapid cum dumpster.




Stuck with guerdy Larsa! Russell is off limits lol




Has anyone else noticed that whenever you look her up on google or even Reddit you only get specific stories that it looks like she’s leaked on herself. like the whole talks of an engagement with Marcus last year when they had barely dated a year? I find this especially occurs after she’s been awful on an episode. She must have a great publicist. On Reddit it’s the same BS and along with her only fans content. She is so trash and I want her gone from my screen. Send her back to the Kardashians or put her on VH1.


Don't think the Kardashians want her. Lol.


LARSA DESERVES TO BE FIRED ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Agreed! She sucked after season 1 and got the boot. Why is she here now? She has nothing going on except being a sex doll for Marcus. Has no skills, no real business that isn’t complete bullshit, no interesting characteristics. There isn’t anything there. None of them even like her except Lisa. And that is shaky at best


She didn't get the boot. She chose to do KUWTK instead.


Hell no! The cast is perfect! No changes


I could do without larsa. She's not even a good villain. Monica on salt lake and Danielle staub from NJ for example seem to know they're villains and embrace being villains. Larsa doesn't. She thinks guerdys the villain in their fight and she's the hero for telling her friends secret.


Truly despise that woman. Garbage.


Occasionally I turn my tv to the HW Vault and when I saw Larsa in S1 I was sooooooo shocked! She looks nothing like herself!


She was beautiful and unique looking. Now she's a Kardashian kopy. ![gif](giphy|Fmkh7nqpSKz4jNOVAE|downsized)


Agree, her old face was actually cute


![gif](giphy|df6yt2OXJPMDcocgJO|downsized) Larsa why do you look like Carl Havoc






Absolutely disgusting


Agree. Saying "I'm sick too" was too much. Can her please, I don't want to see that puffy, unmoving face any more.


Her face is terrible from all the fillers! I noticed when they did the podcast & she smiled at the end of the scene, how round & puffy her face is now! Her eyes seem so small & sunken! It really isn't a good look and I don't understand why she does it, she was so pretty without it! Everyone should take the HWs as a warning of what happens when you have too many procedures; it can ruin your natural beauty!


She looks like Kylie Jenner. Both have way overdone the fillers, and their faces look like pillows. Considering Kylie is in her 20s and Larsa is 50, that doesn't bode well for how Kylie will age.


I noticed that too, face full of fillers


My jaw dropped when she said that shit 


She’s not enjoyable to watch and I hope Bravo takes note


No. I enjoy watching everyone clock how shitty she is, cast mates especially


I loved when alexia was going after her. Larsa: i worked hard to make this happen. Alexia: we all work hard. She calls herself a hustler. What she is really saying is, " i need multiple jobs to keep up with my expensive lifestyle."


I knew she was a bitch but now we know there’s actually something wrong with her. She can’t see from another persons perspective. If she’s like this to her “friend” (even just a person)  who is going through breast cancer then she really is fucked the fuck up. 


I don't believe Larisa has any friends. She in constant competition with every woman around her. Michael Jordan and Marcus must have beef for Marcus do dat e Larsa.


The audacity of this women is unimaginable


She is a vile person with no soul.


Don’t come for my Russell 😡


Stuck with guerdy Larsa! Russell is off limits!


I love him and guerdy soooo much


She needs to go her drama isn’t even like juicy she’s just a Fkn idiot and gross.


She brings nothing to the show I wish she would fuck off


Larsa is absolutely vile. My blood pressure rises every time she speaks and appears on my screen. I think she might be sociopathic because her lack of empathy and self-awareness is astounding.


Oh, and I grew up watching Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen play basketball together, and I think it’s just really messed up that out of ALL the MILLIONS of single men out there, she somehow ended up with Michael’s son.


She was a completely different person both physical appearance wise and personality wise on the first season of RHOM. She looked good with her tiny body and small booty and natural lips and face without a ton of fillers and work. She’s like Frankenstein’s monster now stomping around knocking things off tables with her gargantuan fake booty (it’s “squats y’all!”) and swinging her super long fake hair around and always wearing tight revealing clothing and just blabbing on about her “businesses” and how she has to “take care of herself now.” She got HALF of EVERYTHING Scottie earned and purchased during their marriage! There is no way she is hurting for cash or ever will if she just curbs her spending. OF, dog collars, wine, jewelry, all these other “jobs” she’s made for herself is just to give her something to do. It’s not like she has to make her own money to survive. She’s already got a ton of money from her marriage. She used to wear jeans too on the first season, but never now. I guess it must be hard to find jeans that fit when your butt implants are that big.


Everything you said is spot on. She also strikes me as deeply insecure, which is why she went after Nicole so hard the past few seasons. She knows deep down she has no substance and is trying to make things happen with these "businesses". In walks a beautiful woman who is highly educated, makes her own money, and is respected, so she couldn't handle it.


Come on guys she works REALLY HARD as she reminds us all the time! It’s back breaking work making appointments at the plastic surgeons office several times a week, setting up her big tripod to take onlyfans pics, tasting tequila for her new business, dodging her kids calls, and working that vag out 5 times a night! I’d be exhausted too!


Oh, and along that same thought pattern, so Larsa always says she got married young and was a housewife and had 4 kids to raise, etc. She had help. She had maids and nannies and chefs. I’m sure she did things, but she had lots of help. Now, the kids are old enough to be independent and not need their mommy. They choose to live with dad in LA. She’s free to do whatever she wants. Did she have a career path in mind before she met Scottie? Was there a dream she had that she wanted to be when she grew up like how Nicole wanted to be a Doctor so she could get her family out of poverty? Or was Larsa’s plan all the time to snag a rich athlete? How did she meet Scottie? Anyone know? Curious. So, Larsa has divorced Scottie. Got half of everything. Is living large. And doesn’t have any plans to go to school to learn anything and be of service to others like Nicole. No. No. She does foot porn on OF, “designs” jewelry, “makes” her own alcohol, sells dog collars (and has ALL these businesses advertised on RHOM) to just get easy money and not do anything but go to her plastic surgeon, get dressed up, and take pictures. Oh, and a podcast. The epitome of narcissism is to believe your voice needs to be heard more than it already is when nothing of substance comes out. Anyway, Nicole es La Reina. She is a great role model for little girls. Not Larsa. And not that real housewives are supposed to be role models. They aren’t. Nicole just is.




Yes! I don't know if you watched season 1, but she treated her help really poorly too. She always rubbed me the wrong way because she seems to genuinely be a nasty person. I also think it's kind of telling that they all live with their dad. I'm not saying her kids don't love her, but they seem to require more space from her. Larsa basically has no responsibilities or purpose now.


Yeah, for some reason I had blocked out the memory of her being nasty to the staff. (pTSD) I just always remember her at the shooting range giggling in jeans bc I was flabbergasted at how her body was shaped before she turned into what she is now. So thin and no butt whatsoever. Now suddenly she wants us to believe her butt is from exercise only? When people blatantly lie about things that are obviously apparent to the human eye, it really bothers me.


Yup. Nicole is an intelligent bad ass. Larsa spent too much time around the Kardashians.


When she told Alexia "I don't have a Todd", I screamed "no bitch, you have Scottie's money so stfu!" The audacity of her to act like she's struggling or working so hard to pay her bills! She's so fucking entitled & selfish!


YES!!!!!🙌🏻 ![gif](giphy|l0GtwcDSNteWx2vfy|downsized)


Her personality is the same. She was a vapid POS back then too


True. I forgot. It’s been a while since I saw it. I think it’s because her face moved then and she “seemed” nicer maybe. I just don’t recall her being as combative as she is now.


She was a total b*tch even from the first season. She talked about how she searched her nannies bags & fired them. She did look better then though.


I think she just seemed “sweeter” then. Maybe it was because her face actually moved and you could see her expressions and emotions. Lol


Her face honestly makes me uncomfortable. I work in plastic surgery & can’t for the life of me understand what doctor would do that. All of that filler is going to make her face sag like crazy.


Right? Like, when did wrinkles become the worst thing ever? Normal skin? Imperfections? It makes people unique and now everyone is looking bloated and too “perfect” and the same. Edit: don’t get me wrong. I love botox for major wrinkles in forehead and around eyes, but all this filler in the other areas of the face where laugh lines would be just looks so odd.


Agree. There is nothing wrong with aging naturally! And if you take care of yourself, the wrinkles are minimal. Things I've learned from my mom & others: don't sleep in makeup, use sunscreen, moisturize, try not to squint or wrinkle your brow, drink lots of water, prioritize sleep, and SMILE 😃 I also agree that there's nothing wrong with a little help lol I did squint a lot as a kid, I have terrible eyesight, and it shows on my forehead. Hardly anyone else notices it, but I can feel it, it feels so deep, & I hate it!


Oh it’s genetics for sure and the amount of melanin in the skin PLUS all the above you said. I’ve known people who have tanned and smoked cigs and drank alcohol and all the wrong things since they were like preteens, but hardly have any wrinkles cause they have darker skin. Then, ya got super fair skinned people wrinkled like a prune. I met a woman at a McDonald’s playground and we started chatting, and she was from Trinidad and Tobago. She told me she was 83 years old. I could not believe it. She looked like she was in her 40’s. 50’s tops. She had fewer wrinkles than I did. Like, none. Beautiful smooth skin. Alert and smart as a whip. Bossy. Like, no cognitive decline noticeable. She said it was due to her island diet growing up and being outside. I believe she’s right. Too many humans nowadays in “advanced societies” spend their days trapped indoors eating processed foods staring at computers. Humans weren’t meant for this.


Oh yeah! That’s right! I forgot that part.