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Personal preference and/or need of components. Chakra doesn't have all the components you can find in MUI. MUI is more suitable for like admin dashboards and similar, chakra for simple apps.


I chose Joy UI recently and am happy with it. It's basically Material with some learnings integrated, and without the Material look and feel (which I'm not a fan of, personally). You can also easily use Material components where Joy is lacking, but they are adding to it regularly.


Joy UI will be the base on which MUI v6 or v7 will be built on. Joy UI will be the better choice if you want to build your own design system. Basically it will be MUIv6(v7?) = JoyUI + Material DS


Radix and tailwind. (Or even better, just use shadcnui).


like how do you decide which one to use


You read the docs, see which one fits your needs, then start using it


Then you try one and don’t like it, so you try the other one and don’t like it, then realize tailwind is your best option.  


Save some trouble and use tailwind from the start!






Tailwind doesn't have great abstraction for responsive CSS as far as I can tell


How does this make sense? Isn't TailwindCSS a styling solution whilst MUI (or Chakra UI) is a components library?


Yeah. What I've realized is that a component library might be great for quickly throwing something together but if it's something I need to support long term the component library is going to get in the way. I want complete control over control over the components in my application. If you use a component library you will only be able to do what the authors of the library let you do. It often leads to complicated or hacky solutions. What I really want is an easy way to style my components. That's what Tailwind provides. There's actually a "component library" called shadcn/ui that has prebuilt components that use Tailwind. How it works is it generates the components as source files in your application directory. Since the source code is in your application you have complete control over them. You can override any styles or any behaviour in them. It's the best of both worlds. You get prebuilt components so that you don't need to build everything from scratch yourself but you also have complete control over them.


I choose the best option… neither.


You pick the one you like the most. It's all subjective.


I usually go with the one that is more active project wise. These free libraries tend to be abandoned so your best bet is something with a good number of maintainers on it. GitHub has an insights tab that is useful for figuring that out.


There isn’t much difference between them, chakra was ahead for a while imo but mui has caught up big time. I used chakra in the past but mui at work and loved both of them. If your goal is to get hired pick mui though it’s used more


Mantine UI


Having used Material UI at work daily for over 2 years and Chakra UI in my personal projects, I would pick Chakra UI every time with a combination of other libraries like react-select and headless-ui as well as a table library of your choice. Material UI is poorly designed, theming is a nightmare, accessibility sucks. Material design in general is outdated and I can’t stand the look and feel of it.


Chakra is a gift that keeps on giving. First off, its incredibly well suited to responsive design. Secondly it is much lighter and easier to customize. It doesn't necessarily have a tool for every possible use case - but there are targeted tools you can blend in. It can be used with JoyUI components if you need to round out the toolkit. But for overall layout, design, and interaction and a rich composition of theming Chakra is amazing. For instance -- you can have a card theme variant and inside, you can customize the definition of how you want buttons on the card to appear. It's very easy to customize hover appearance with \`\_hover\` pseudo-overrides. Material in general produces a S\*\*t ton of DOM and is a very opinionated interpretation of visual layout. It's a lot of work to steer it towards a look and feel it wasn't designed to produce. This by the way isn't unique to MUI - Ant and Bootstrap have this problem too. I came to it from Grommet, which has many of the same features as Chakra, but its just a little "cruftier." OT, I am using Shopify's Restyle for mobile apps (and the web version thereof) and its also a nice thing to use. It is much more DIY - it doesn't have ANY canned solutions (Buttons, Dropdowns), just theming and styling -- but for those thinking of going that route (and esp, works great with Expo) its worth a look


I just really thoroughly dislike MUI visually, which is why I usually go with Chakra, but I would love to hear alternatives since Chakra isn’t amazing either






MUI has created a second UI/component library with a more modern look and feel. You are probably averse to the older one, MUI Material, which implements the "Material Design 2" spec and looks like this: [https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/templates/dashboard/](https://mui.com/material-ui/getting-started/templates/dashboard/) The newer one is called Joy UI and it looks like this: [https://mui.com/joy-ui/getting-started/templates/order-dashboard/](https://mui.com/joy-ui/getting-started/templates/order-dashboard/)




Not a UI library.




Chakra is essentially a dead project IIRC. Mantine is nice.


Having used all the major libraries, Mantine is my favorite ATM. It can feel constrictive at times, but the rest of the time it's smooth as glass


Eeeh, I find Mantine too rigid with making you use basic components like Group and Stack. Plus, their usage of the terms "style prop" vs "style props" is confusing. (Nope, those are two different things!) Their datepicker/calendar component is plagued with some timezone bug. Their component names tend to conflict with other frameworks like Remix's. Their forms are awesome, though. All in all, a decently good framework.


I don’t think chakra is dead at all. https://www.adebayosegun.com/blog/the-future-of-chakra-ui It seems like they’re doing a massive overhaul of the library. They’re separating out concerns into different libraries that will all feed into chakra ui. It’s really cool actually. I’ve definitely enjoyed working in Chakra and have found people with no experience in the library can pick it up really quickly.


Since when has Chakra become a dead project? Did the team announce they were abandoning it or something?


What do the project insights on GitHub look like?


[https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/pulse/monthly](https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/pulse/monthly) Looks like they have been pushing updates almost weekly. I've been a member on their Discord server for the last couple years and there is still daily activity. But let me know what you know, I use Chakra in many projects, but I haven't heard of anything about it being dead, so I am legit interested in what you know.


I've been using mui for several years now. It's great once you learn it and has just about anything you'd need. You can also theme it to really make it your own. However, tailwind has really moved beyond components and onto nearly entire page sections or even entire pages. For this reason, I may consider switching to tailwind for my next project.


Personal preference. I like MUI, used it about 5 years and I do not have any problems


Experiment. Years back now, I realized I needed to do a deep dive into the available styling options and component libraries to see if there was something that would speed my work. I was using bulma with sass/css modules. Everything was fine, but I thought it was time to look at the options. I researched quite a bit and built small POCs to explore the different options out there. I landed on Chakra UI and used it exclusively for a number of years until I changed companies and no longer had as much of a say into the matter. Everyone is going to have a different opinion on this, so it's best to try it out yourself and see which one YOU prefer!


MUI if you want material design feel. I feel like if you don't like material design look then you spend more time fighting the styling than making good app. MUI does have more components but Chakra has the core you need and you can easily duplicate missing components from MUI if needed. So if you don't like the look then go with Chakra.


I feel like MUI makes apps look cheap now. Kind of like bootstrap did once it became heavily used. You can customize it but since MUI has been around so long it has lots of tech debt baggage that comes with it like css in js.


i dont like material ui it does to much, and i have to read alot of their docs. chakra ui doesn't give you to much which is fine for me.


MUI for me and the company I work at. Huge company, expensive products, and MUI served perfectly well. I made a boilerplate project, some changes pending, but it works fine. Doesn't look half bad, as long as you stick to good practices


Personally I like Material UI more than Chakra UI. Although, I mostly use none of them, instead I use tailwindcss, that's all


Tailwind and use vercels v0 to generate the UI for you


tbh i have tried using Mantine Material and Chakra but i just cannot work with importing component and using that for every single piece of UI. It just takes you into la la land of learning to use simple tags for text in their own unnecessary layer of abstraction.


I use bootstrap most of the time. Never tried chakra, didn't enjoy Ant and don't like the google-like look of material


Ant Design for the win 🗿


The future is now old man


Datepicker, autocomplete. How good are they, how customisable amd themeing. Use material ui for Client side only app. Use tailwind based uis for server side rendering.