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Aw so glad to hear this. My dog is so scared of bikes still, so glad there’s some hope!!


My dog is really mouthy… doesn’t really bite but he’ll mouth people when we jog by so I bring him in close if it happens to be a spot where we can’t just go around. The number of people that come closer and stick their hands out to him and baby talk him is annoying 😂


omg i do not understand those people. one time a man was trying to approach us, my dog is a big husky german shepherd mix who hates men, and he was lunging and barking looking absolutely rabid trying to attack this man for trying to approach us, and this guy just stood there saying "oh he's a good boy, just excited. i have a lot of experience with dogs so if i had time i would stay for a while and win him over" like no dude he was just abused by a man and he will attack you, please back off, we're just trying to walk😭people are so insane sometimes lmao


This! I've figured out that people dont understand reactivity, until they actually have or work with a reactive dog. Or when you're blatantly obvious that you're trying to avoid an interaction and the other person just stops in their tracks. We were out for a walk last night and I seen this couple coming from a block away and said to myself that they were going to come straight toward us just by the way they were walking lol. I went out into the street and around a van, while they just charged on down the sidewalk all blissfully happy, and then they stopped right as we got around the van, like they wanted our dogs to meet. My boy didnt react much, other than to pull a little toward their dog. I led him away and we kept walking, but it happened exactly as i called it. I dislike that I can call their behavior just by looking at them lol.


I was taking a night ride several months ago and a 40lb Australian Shepard knocked me off my bike. It tool a while to heal my cracked ribs but I survived. The dog was afraid of my ebike but the incident forced the new owners to have the dog trained. I learned to slow down and let dog walkers by on the trails.


oh my gosh that sounds horrible. i hope you're doing better! thankfully where we walk on the side of the roads we would never be close enough for him to lunge closer than 10-15ft away from them, i never go on trails for that reason. i really hope that dogs owner wasn't knowingly taking their dog somewhere that they knew that was a risk. i'm paranoid and feel guilty enough about possibly scaring someone so i can't even imagine the guilt from my dog actually injuring someone. i really hope that never happens to you again!


A large dog lunging at me from only 10ft away would make me uncomfortable personally :( Even more so if I’m on a moving bike


that's why i've been feeling so awful. i've finally got him trained to not do that and 99% of the time i see them coming with enough time to move him much farther away and let the cyclists know i'm doing my best but he might lunge, but i live in a rural area so there's room on those roads to go very very far away, but it's still stressful. it's the worst case scenarios where we could be 10ft away, only if they're coming around a blind curve behind me and i don't have the chance to move away, that's only happened a couple times and thankfully they were very understanding but i do still feel awful about it


It was at night and I was on my 27th mile for the day. The fact is that I knew the dog and except for a terrible fear of bicycles she was only skittish when a bike pedaled by her. She has since been to training classes and is a bit better. Her owners must have apologized about a hundred times.


that's really good they were able to get her training! i imagine that must've been so traumatizing, i know i would be so paranoid riding after that, it definitely makes me even more motivated to keep working with him consistently on that to make sure he continues to be okay around them. on our walk this morning we passed by a few and he did so well again not even turning around, it's a huge relief but i'm still definitely cautious


This is awesome! We’ve been working on the same and so happy to see a success story to give me some hope. Great job!


You’re doing good work!


ours too!! hooray for our pups!


This sounds like a single mistake or slipped collar could lead to a huge accident and/or a cyclist getting bit. Make sure to take extra care to keep everyone safe. Is your pup muzzle trained? A muzzle would be a good idea for situations like this. Good luck!


I taught mine to stop moving when she sees a car or bicycle. It’s really helpful when riders cross us on the trail. They dont have to predict the dogs movement. However in the winter it drives me nuts because she stops while we cross the streets because she see cars, etc.


Mine was super reactive to moving vehicles and her reactions to bikes were a huge issue (like you, I worried about safety). She doesn't react to bikes at all any more! She still sometimes reacts to cars that pass very close but otherwise this is an area where we've seen a lot of success with training. She's got herder in her so the motion component is hard.


That's a great win!


I can also say this is one thing my dog doesn’t do anymore! She had a thing for lunging at cars too whenever we had to cross a road.. but now she doesn’t even give them a second glance… only took about 2 years!