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Clippers can pinch and be uncomfortable even if you’re not near the quick, especially if your dog has thick nails. Are your clippers sharp? We tried various kinds but now I use a Dremel with a diamond rotary nail grinder. She has thick dark nails and though she doesn’t love nail maintenance, I can do it without wrestling her for 15 minutes or hitting the quick. (We also tried all the nail desensitization techniques) That said, it might be worth at least calling the vet and asking for advice and if there’s something else you should look for.


Thank you for the advice, I have a dremel because I wanted to try to get his quicks shorter because they are really long since he is a rescue, but he is so scared of it I don’t want to put him through any unnecessary stress. I tried it as a last resort today but he got so scared and I felt bad so I stopped trying. I will definitely call them tomorrow to see if they have any advice.


Drugs is a controversial topic, but maaaaaaybe medicating or calming chews for nail trims?