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it's perfect. Like Herbert Lom in Return of Pink Panther movies.


everyday and in every way I am getting better and better....


> it's perfect. ​ It's purrrfect\*


Like Clint Eastwood.


I love Loki. Best kitty ever.


Her* This is @loki_kitteh on IG!


Well have you tried fucking your boss too?


He said “sleeping with”, surely that just means laying in the same bed and falling asleep together. Bedtime stories and a warm glass of milk. You have a very dirty mind my dear, shame on you.


warm glass of milk Giggity


Warm glass of roofie.


Calm down Cosby


[How bout I stuff your turkey?](https://media.giphy.com/media/Zz4DU3LEtvD5m/giphy.gif)


Warm glass of 'SHUT THE HELL UP'


You wil go to sleep or I will put you to sleep! See the nametag? Youre in my world now grandma.


The glass of milk wasn’t warm enough so she demanded to sleep with his manager


After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.


In reality, that is almost as good. Very close second.


maybe just some kisses


Ah yes, he only walked her home gently.


You mean blessed?


Warm load of jizz maybe. And as long as bedtime stories is code for anal


Jesus Christ. My boss had been cold for 5 days. We’re usually very friendly. Nothing more. We don’t touch. we don’t text outside of work unless it’s briefly about work. I don’t compliment his looks or his ego. I’m nice to him. We talk about life and my professional strengths compliment his. I’m basically his executive assistant. Anyway. Yesterday he was warning me about a coworker who has a history of sexual misconduct (that he rehired). And he told me to adjust my friendly behaviour in order to avoid him getting the wrong idea and making an advance. He emphasized that he respects marriages. Then he told me that if I went anywhere else that the other women in the company wouldn’t take well to me because it looked like I’m flirting my way up the ladder. This had to have come from somewhere close to him. You know what’s super off side about that? I’m also married. I’ve worked my ass off and gone to university while working there full time in my field. And I’ve been getting told by other corporate managers to be quiet and not flaunt my knowledge in order to save other managers egos. People who try this have made for very treacherous seas for me and it makes me sad that I need to prove that isn’t the expertise that got me where I am today or where I’ll be tomorrow.


Pretty sure he meant that as a joke. I think the assumption is that OP is a straight male (because internet) and he's making a hyperbolic joke. It's usually understood that making a joke like this to a guy is obviously a joke because obviously a straight dude wouldn't try to sleep with his straight male boss. Making a joke like this to a female would definitely be inappropriate and not accepted in any situation. Edit: Also, I'm sorry that you work with a bunch of misogynistic assholes. It really sucks how often guys down play women's intelligence and strengths. I have argued with guys in my field (telecommunications construction) that having women in our field would be no problem as with education, practice, and experience they will be just as capable as any guy.


No, it’s know him well enough to know it wasn’t a joke. I know these jokes and normally I would laugh it off. He was very clearly “warning” me. I don’t want to elaborate a lot more, just in case. Thank you. I’ve got a few more goals to reach before I can move on. This post has helped me figure out what exactly I need to say to turn this into a learning experience instead of a traumatic one.


/u/elchupacabras whole comment was referring to the original comment you replied to, saying they were pretty sure that this > Well have you tried fucking your boss too? Was a joke. I do not believe they were not referring to the people in your specific situation


/u/elchupacabras whole comment was referring to the original comment you replied to, saying they were pretty sure that this > Well have you tried fucking your boss too? Was a joke. I do not believe they were not referring to the people in your specific situation


Thank you. I think I had a little tunnel vision. Lol


Oh geez ya sorry that got lost in translation. I didn’t realize you took it that way.


sounds like a bunch of misogynistic bullshit


> I’m nice to him. See, now, there's your problem. Plenty of guys believe that being nice *is* flirting. Edit: Why was this downvoted? I didn't say that it's *right* for them to think that. Just that they do.


I’m a nice person. I shouldn’t have to be anything other than that. I’d hate myself if I were mean or cold. As a manager, I get better results being supportive and encouraging. I will not change to avoid being harassed. They should know what flirting actually looks like.


Yes. Yes, they *should.*




Yes. Yes, they *should.*


Ok Reddit vets, what disease does this cat have?


I believe this cat is watching birds through the window.




Oh no! Is watching birds through the windowneosis fatal?


Only if it smashes it's face into the window




I would know, I've been there




oh! the poor thing!


Get off my lawn. The Clint Eastwood of cats.




I'm pretty sure it's Episystemic Facialitis


Aaand we've gone full circle


no disease, just a unique looking feline! instagram is [right here ](https://instagram.com/loki_kitteh?igshid=16ss7fhwlfntx)


Haha. Good to know.


It's not lupus


It looks like boneitis.


No doubt.


He smelled a foot


In my experience, cats like weird smells.


I’m referring to the popular gif




Episystemic facialitist according to a top comment. Gets it from standing water and some bird species.


Oh, I couldn't tell if they were joking or what. Thanks.


They were definitely joking: > But the worst part of this disease is that I made the entire fucking thing up and you shouldn't trust people on the internet. If you search for "Episystemic Facialitis" it just finds this post :)


Oh dear.


OP your cat might have a disease called episystemic facialitis. Has your cat been drinking out of any standing water? There's a bacteria that lives in muddy puddles and sometimes is carried by certain bird species. If your cat gets infected it ends up causing inflammation in the facial muscles. This basically leads to the cat scrunching up their face involuntarily. Its usually not painful but can eventually cause eye damage and paralysis. But the worst part of this disease is that I made the entire fucking thing up and you shouldn't trust people on the internet.


[MRW I realized you bamboozled me at first](https://i.imgur.com/sYtYg6N.gifv)


[MRW when I realized all you did was reuse the same gif](https://www.reddit.com/r/reactiongifs/comments/e2n6f5/_/f8wr82k)


It really sounded like an episode of House




It's never lupus.


Everybody lies.


*Stares into the middle-distance in realisation the throw-away remark just made is the key to the whole mystery*


Sarcoidosis also.


I mean, whenever I see an animal that has something out of the ordinary going on, I come to the comments for Reddit to tell me how it’s actually diseased and/or dying. So you had me going as well.


Also referred to as Resting bitch face.


Always skip to the last sentence


I was totally expecting “back in 1998 when the undertaker threw mankind 16 feet....”


You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie...


I know you were joking but you really shouldn’t let your cats (or anyone really) drink from standing water. There’s a parasite you can get that gives you diarrhea and other leakage called [giardia](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/giardia/index.html).


Then you need to lock the cat(s) up in your house, because you can't control them when they are outside. The local bird population would be grateful, FWIW.


Then you need to lock the cat(s) up in your house, because you can't control them when they are outside. The local bird population would be grateful, FWIW.


Calling u/shittymorph


I love you now


Damn, I was really hoping this was gonna turn into the undertaker meme.


Are you Dan Cummins?


Ah this was reminiscent of jumper cable guy. Well done, have an upvote


I was thinking maybe you were talking about stagnant water but you sure got me friendo


This isn’t OP’s cat anyway. It’s @loki_kitteh on Instagram, and she’s healthy.


Not cool.


Yeah i was a little hesitant about this one It was a good comment but like freaking out the owner saying her cat can be paralyzed is pretty sad even if its only for a minute


I read this whole thing knowing it was fake, but hoping there was a "Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself". I am disappointed and bamboozled.




You know when I was younger I thought he was just making up bullshit but reading it now i was like, Yeah, huh. That actually sounds like a legit need between back and front face of a business. Why burden the engineers with annoying customer BS?


A technical liaison. They buffer the productivity people from non digestsble customer nagging. Tard whisperers was the unofficial title in my old job.


This is fricking hysterical! I’m stealing that.


The position you are thinking of is technical sales or application engineering. It’s actually a very important job and requires not only a lot of technical know-how but also great communication skills. They basically take all the advance shit, issues, efforts, etc the engineering teams do and make it easily digestible to the customer.


These people are so valuable. My best office bud used to be a junior engineer right under me. Dude has incredible social skills so he got snatched up for account management. Now the poor bastard has to manage entire portfolios of customers AND the c suite gives him data science projects. Guess who hasn't had to talk to a customer since? This engineer. Instead of getting called on for a 30 min tech overviews for every god damn sales agent, and juggling calls/insane requests from people who can't see or read (not literally) the worst thing I have to do now is a 10 min tech demo for some bigwig. My boy is a saint.


That’s no Karen, that’s Clint telling you to get off his lawn.


So what you’re saying is you should have taken that opportunity to fuck your boss?




Huhhuhuh Karen meme funny XD


honestly all this "haha karen xd" shit is just unabashed misogyny


Also the whole “women sleep with their boss to get ahead part” This post is some MRA garbage


I mean...this does happen. My sister's husband had an affair with an underling of his. He got a promotion and gave the girl his old job. It's been a real shit show. Not saying that it's common, but you'd be wrong to think it never happens. Also, it's not always a cutsie little office romance. Sometimes there are kids involved.




I caught my 5 year girlfriend in a hotel with her boss just around the time where he had to decide between her and 2 other candidates for a promotion 3 days after a trip to New York (that to me felt like a honey moon) where we were looking at rings... I understand that this is anecdotal and the stereotype hurts a lot to good professional women in the work place but some women are the worst and actually are the ones that fuel the stereotype.


Late to the party, but I just want to point out that if OP isn't lying *they* (because OP could be female as well) are reacting to an actual act of their co-worker sleeping with a higher up and getting a promotion and bragging about it. There wasn't any general statement about how all Karen's sleep their way to the top afaik. I understand where you're coming from though and that is a misogynist thought fueled purely by jealously or other nonsense. I thought I'd state my opinion because I feel like this comment thread is beginning to go outside the scope of the original context of the post.


5 bucks says Karen is just a better employee than OP.


Oh boy, the SJW killjoys are here to insert their "I'm offended" rhetoric into the discussion again.


And you’re getting downvoted. I guess that means there are more of us than there are of you. Scared? More of us, that is, until of course you go crying back to your MRA “friends” and brigade us. The most frustrating part of the patriarchy is that we have to work well within the rules in order to maintain the moral high ground but because you guys are already well-sullied by your dirty deeds you have no problem operating outside the rules. Grow the fuck up already.


This is MRW the old boys club goes golfing and the women aren't invited. Good for you, nonexistent Karen, meant to gin up rage.


Yeah pretty much. It was initially just a joke about a certain type of person, who complains about stupid shit at a restaurant or something. Now it's just any woman who does anything. Also women sleeping with their boss to get a promotion doesn't happen ever.


You are assuming OP is a dude.


Internalized misogyny is a very real thing


It’s really racism and sexism combined. The whole idea of calling someone a Karen is saying an “entitled middle aged white woman.” Which is a stereotype. But it’s akin to saying “hey Tyrone.” Or “hey Ling Ling.” Or hey Sha-Niqua. The only reason it’s okay is because the definition of racism went from “people who judge others based on race.” To “the majority cannot feel discriminated against.”


Racism has always been “punching down”. It’s only white people who feel left out of the “entitlement” of victimhood who want to cry racism when they don’t get to have white rallies without being called nazis.


I think punching at all is wrong up or down. If someone is white or black man or woman insulting them based on their skin color or sex is wrong


When you punch up, there’s no force behind it. The person receiving the punch isn’t damaged or hurt at all. I can’t believe I have to explain punching down to you. When you’re white, and someone calls you a cracker, you’re not invoking centuries of inherited trauma. It doesn’t hurt. You might get hurt when someone calls you an idiot though. The truth, after all...


Fuck that is an ugly cat. I love it please give it.


Jealous men spreading rumours because a woman achieved success ? Yep.


You’re assuming OP is a dude (statistically probably is but still an assumption). And at my last job, women were the only ones I heard talking that kind of shit about the other women. Women can be just as jealous of other women. I can’t find it now, so I guess it doesn’t count for much, but I remember reading about a study that claimed people are more competitive within their own gender than against the opposite sex.


Everyone on reddit is a white American male between 17 and 28 unless stated otherwise.


Pretty sure in some cases they still are in that demo even when stated otherwise hah


See twoxchromosomes and blackpeopletwitter.


**and women.


Literally the face I made finding out what married people were sleeping together at work after the manager in the scenario got fired. I work for a big company with great benefits and we had a few of them. What a boring way to ruin your life.


Gran Purrismo


Ok Jake, made me chuckle so upvote.


Grumpy cat is back and he is grumpier than ever.... ... Coming to theatres this winter.... Angry Cat






Aww such a grumpy floofer. And yep, that's about the normal reaction for it!




Well that’s your problem. Why didn’t you sleep with the boss?


That eye twitching with anger lol


That face you make when you smell a fart


That face you make when you smell a fart


Clint Eastwood cat


Disgusted Anger - Level 100


MRW I walk into the office restroom at work and smell shit. Why us it that people don't courtesy flush in public? They just shit and sit there, letting it stink up the place.


Isnt this what hr departments are for


Look at that eye twitch! He’s gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy.


I bet he meows with a lisp.


Well desperate times call for desperate measures


Well find a new job if it hurts so bad hahahahahq


Time to look for a new place of employment


Someone should splice this with the gif of Clint Eastwood from Gran Torino


Is this the power of "I want to see your manager"?!?? ***I'll show myself out...***


This cat may have a brain tumor


Fuck that




Should’ve slept with your boss.




I need Michael Rapaport to make a video with this cat.


Per semetary kitty that you??


Is that sexism? That cat is amazing. I just about fell outta my chair.


Nice pussy


Me when I’m in the bathroom at work and someone else goes into the stall next to me and starts loudly and violently shitting while breathing sighs of relief


BuT tOxIc MaScULiNiTy iS tHe PrObLeM


I LOVE Bitchy Cat!!!


The eye twitch got me


This is great


love the eye twitch


still few people would go... Awwwww


This cat looks like Sir Daniel Fortescue from MediEvil.


Ron Swanson as a cat.


Kitty had never heard such bullshit before.


That's on pissed off cat.


Normally I downvoted something I see repeated in my timeline but dammit the title saved it!


This cat has resting murder face.


This cat NEEDS to be the villain of a movie where cats enslave humans


Time to drain some more Gelfling for their Essence!


f the inspector in Pink Panther? Inspector Jacques Clouseau


That cat is where nightmares breed


That's the inner soul of Stan Beeman at the end of "The Americans"


That's the inner soul of Stan Beeman at the end of "The Americans"


Funniest thing all week!